Terrorist Murder In Jerusalem Synagogue

Want peace? End the occupation by finding a way to send the Palestinians back to their native homelands.
Just who is teaching hate here?

it is a non-lethal spray to disperse rioters and crowds. Nothing a good shower won't wash off.

How do you shower the houses and streets?
Where are the crowds?

Safer than tear gas and is being used by other countries and police forces now. Maybe palestinians should not incite crowds to the point where "skunk" even needs to be used.
At least they will remember it for awhile till the smell fades or washes away.
Get real Krusty, the biggest terrorist attack on worshipers was committed by Dr. Baruch Goldstein by murdering 29 Palestinians and wounding 125...

Now its been reported that his grave is a shrine...Israel is the cause of retribution and hate, and despair...
No, Palestinian parents and Hamas teaching kids hatred and that killing Israelis is good, is the cause of retribution, hate and despair.

Your not trying to tell us that Israelis don't teach their children to hate are you? BTW, who taught you to hate.
No, they don't. I have never heard of Israeli parent encouraging their kids to kill innocent Palestinians.

What makes you think I was taught to hate?
Stop being SO STUPID Toastie.........I hear it all the time......This Comment even for you at your most passionate........is ridiculous..steve

You hear WHAT all the time ?
Toastie,Jewish parents in Israel and Australia teaching their children to(as you put it)Hate Palestinians in this case........I have many Jewish friends(and Palestinian)and often the Aussie kid go over to Israel during their summer vacation and go to these schools where doctrination takes place...they come back very different children....often much to their parents disappointment...........so for you to say you have NEVER heard a parent or others indoctrinate children/young adults is just not true.In Ireland it was much the same between Catholics and Prodastants sic.....but they eventually resolved to peace,mainly led by women I may add.

I hope the Pali and Isi communities can work to do the same as you know....but I feel the ingrained bitterness on both sides is a major problem........when you have a people with ingrained(Ignorant to my mind) faith(no matter how insane it is,from my point of view) it is almost impossible to change peoples minds who are entrenched in the the 4th Century and before........the trouble is they can only espouse this type of thing, because they are living a standard of living created by modern thinking members of their respective communities. steve

the same can be said of certain Palestinians too of course.......it,like life is a two-way street.
You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

~ Rodgers and Hammerstein

You ve Got to Be Carefully Taught - Rodgers and Hammerstein Lyrics and Chords
toastman, et al,

There is a problem, more practical then hate.

Hate has EVERYTHING to do with it. There is no one more hateful than Muslim Radicals.

Thank goodness these two 'Palestinians' are now rotting in hell with the rest of the Islamic scum Israel has killed :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
It would be a waste of taxpayers money if they were in an Israeli jail.

Because so many Palestinians openly support the various Palestinian terrorist, Jihadist and Fedayeen (etc, etc, etc) that it is extremely had to distinguish between the non-radicalized and the hostile Arab Palestinian. Security systems and controls could be relaxed if there was some practical way to make a distinction between the Palestinian that merely objects to "occupation" and those that provide material support to the hostile elements that pose a real threat to regional security.

Unfortunately, that is impossible at this time.

Most Respectfully,
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.
No, Palestinian parents and Hamas teaching kids hatred and that killing Israelis is good, is the cause of retribution, hate and despair.
The parents don't have to teach their children about hate and despair.

All the Palestinian children have to do is step outside of their home and see the death and destruction the Israeli IDF has inflicted on the their own families and neighborhood. ..... :cool:

While ignoring the terrorist attacks on Israeli children, or the commands in the Koran to kill the Jews. It seems that Mohamed passed on his mental illness to all his followers when he raped all those girls and impregnated them. Read a good story about your mo and his laws for muslims, that did not apply to him.
toastman, et al,

There is a problem, more practical then hate.

Hate has EVERYTHING to do with it. There is no one more hateful than Muslim Radicals.

Thank goodness these two 'Palestinians' are now rotting in hell with the rest of the Islamic scum Israel has killed :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
It would be a waste of taxpayers money if they were in an Israeli jail.

Because so many Palestinians openly support the various Palestinian terrorist, Jihadist and Fedayeen (etc, etc, etc) that it is extremely had to distinguish between the non-radicalized and the hostile Arab Palestinian. Security systems and controls could be relaxed if there was some practical way to make a distinction between the Palestinian that merely objects to "occupation" and those that provide material support to the hostile elements that pose a real threat to regional security.

Unfortunately, that is impossible at this time.

Most Respectfully,
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.

Only if you let it, take full control and instigate tough legal measures and the violence will stop. Utilise the current Geneva conventions and start imposing fines on the inhabitants and see what happens. When they are faced with having no money and food they will soon stop acting like psychopaths, and turn on their leaders demanding they do something to feed their families.
Just who is teaching hate here?

it is a non-lethal spray to disperse rioters and crowds. Nothing a good shower won't wash off.

How do you shower the houses and streets?
Where are the crowds?

Safer than tear gas and is being used by other countries and police forces now. Maybe palestinians should not incite crowds to the point where "skunk" even needs to be used.
At least they will remember it for awhile till the smell fades or washes away.

Where are the crowds?
I feel sorry for the two Palestinian men who were assassinated in the synagogue by the rabid juden mob.

They were not allowed a trial to prove their innocence. ..... :cool:

While on the other hand, Sunni keeps going out of his way to expose mentally of a devout Moooooslem. I for one want Sunni to continue with this, just to show everybody how depraved a true Muslim can be. :clap2:
et al,

This is a fallacious question.

Do you think that non-Jews under Israeli Jew occupation and oppression are terrorists when they oppose the occupation and oppression terrorists? Were the Irish freedom fighters terrorists? Were the ANC terrorists? Give me a yes or no answer?

Don't get sucked into this.

Most Respectfully,

Yup. Any barbarism and savagery is justifiable under the false premise of "occupation" and "resistance". It's always the same series of explanations for these acts, regardless of where in the world you look.
I feel sorry for the two Palestinian men who were assassinated in the synagogue by the rabid juden mob.

They were not allowed a trial to prove their innocence. ..... :cool:

While on the other hand, Sunni keeps going out of his way to expose mentally of a devout Moooooslem. I for one want Sunni to continue with this, just to show everybody how depraved a true Muslim can be. :clap2:
I said the same thing.. He' a prime example of the hatred that Islam gives to the world
Just who is teaching hate here?

I'd say skunk is like perfume compared to the way some of them smell. Now there's a war crime if there ever was one.

"They got sprayed by skunk! The horror! The horror!" Ha ha ha.

And yet, Palestinians themselves conduct public executions and dragging dead bodies of those who opposed them on a motorcycle to intimate their own population. How does that compare to "skunk" you stinky Jew hater?
toastman, et al,

There is a problem, more practical then hate.

Hate has EVERYTHING to do with it. There is no one more hateful than Muslim Radicals.

Thank goodness these two 'Palestinians' are now rotting in hell with the rest of the Islamic scum Israel has killed :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
It would be a waste of taxpayers money if they were in an Israeli jail.

Because so many Palestinians openly support the various Palestinian terrorist, Jihadist and Fedayeen (etc, etc, etc) that it is extremely had to distinguish between the non-radicalized and the hostile Arab Palestinian. Security systems and controls could be relaxed if there was some practical way to make a distinction between the Palestinian that merely objects to "occupation" and those that provide material support to the hostile elements that pose a real threat to regional security.

Unfortunately, that is impossible at this time.

Most Respectfully,
Occupations always have a problem with security. It comes with the territory.

Yes, the Palestinian occupation of Israel's land must end if there is ever to be a lasting peace.
I feel sorry for the two Palestinian men who were assassinated in the synagogue by the rabid juden mob.

They were not allowed a trial to prove their innocence. ..... :cool:

While on the other hand, Sunni keeps going out of his way to expose mentally of a devout Moooooslem. I for one want Sunni to continue with this, just to show everybody how depraved a true Muslim can be. :clap2:
I said the same thing.. He' a prime example of the hatred that Islam gives to the world

Well at least he's not trying to hide it, like some of the anti Semites here. You have to give him credit for being honest.
'The Muslims Don't Understand - We Don't Want Al-Aqsa'
Ramat Gan Chief Rabbi explains Al-Aqsa Mosque is outside the Temple boundaries, but Islam's focus on force prevents coexistence.

By Yishai Karov, Ari Yashar
First Publish: 11/20/2014, 5:30 PM


Al Aqsa Mosque (bottom-left) is outside the Temple Mount according to Jewish tradition
Nati Shohat/Flash 90
Ramat Gan Chief Rabbi and prominent religious-Zionist scholar Rabbi Ya'akov Ariel spoke to Arutz Sheva about the tensions over the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism which has been at the center of attempts by Palestinian Authority and Islamist leaders to incite a religious war.

Despite being Judaism's holiest site Jews are prevented from praying on the Mount and Jewish visits are severely restricted, due to threats of violence from Muslim leaders.

Islamists and PA officials, including Mahmoud Abbas, regularly accuse Jewish visitors to the Mount of attempting to "storm the Al Aqsa Mosque." Al Aqsa mosque - not to be confused with the golden-domed Dome of the Rock shrine - is the largest of several mosques at the site, where the ancient Jewish Temples once stood.

But In fact, Rabbi Ariel pointed out, no religious Jews have ever attempted or asked to pray inside the mosque - and they have absolutely no desire to do so.

Referring to the binding of Yitzhak (Isaac) as related in the Torah - which took place at the site - Rabbi Ariel noted the Jewish patriarch "came down from the altar as a pure sacrifice whose entire goal was to serve G-d."

"To differentiate, it is known that the Muslims adopted the idea of the binding and celebrate the sacrifice holiday (Eid al-Adha) of the 'binding of Ishmael,' and the messages of Ishmael are the complete opposite (of the binding of Yitzhak)," noted the rabbi, referring to the Islamic festival which co-opts the Biblical story but substitutes Yitzhak for his older half-brother and ancestor of the Arab nation Ishmael.

Ishmael "came down from the altar not as one who was (sacrificially) slaughtered, but as a slaughterer. That's the difference. He wanted to submit the whole world under him by force," Rabbi Ariel said of Islam's focus.

It is that fundamental theological difference which prevents many Muslims from understanding that Jewish demands for equal prayer rights on the Temple Mount - which is Judaism's holiest site - are not an attempt to prevent Muslims from praying there as well.

"They say we want Al-Aqsa (Mosque). Who wants Al-Aqsa? It's outside of the Temple Mount. It's very possible that it will remain even when the Temple is rebuilt!" said Rabbi Ariel, noting that the mosque itself stands outside of the sanctified areas of the Temple Mount according to Jewish tradition - though it is part of the wider complex.

"But because of their forcefulness they are convinced we too want to come to Al-Aqsa by force."

The rabbi's appraisal is backed by, among others, the writings of former Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Shlomo Goren zt''l, who also noted that Al-Aqsa was built outside the boundaries of the Temple.
The demand by Israelis for Legitimacy in Arab E. Jerusalem by the World and UN needs to be in order...Israel according to International Law occupies E. Jerusalem by force...

Even if god came down from the Heavens and told the Israelis to move on, they would defy...It will only be solved with force and the time will come from all political indicators.

First, there has been no official borders defined by negotiation with the palestinians. Second, won half of Jerusalem in a defensive war after being attacked by foreign arab forces. Third, Jerusalem was opened up to all faiths after Israel managed to take the western wall, the most holy site for Jews.
Al-Aqsa is the muslims place of worship on the mount, but the mount itself should belong to all faiths, all those seeking a closer connection to god.
Omar cleaned and created the site for pilgrimage to all, much as Mecca was once a site of pilgrimage open to all faiths. God (or what ever people perceive as a higher power) should not the be the domain of just one faith but inviting to anyone seek a spiritual connection and inner peace.

Palestinians in their hate and violence have lost all credible right to claim the mount as exclusively theirs, or the city of Jerusalem. They have defiled al-Aqsa and their professed faith while practicing hate. They have brought shame to Islam and to other muslims by their actions.
No-one on Planet Earth believes this bullshit for the 67 Pre-Emptive invasion by Israe4. Even PM Begin admitted this motive in his memoirs...

I was referring to '48 when Jerusalem was split in half. Jerusalem became one city open to all faith after '67.

and with the situation now, do you think an Imam should be attacked because he calls for moderation and denounces the killings of the rabbis? Should any Imam or cleric that speaks of tolerance and non-violence be attacked?
There are riots in Jordan that have led to violence because the rabble support the killing of the rabbis ho were at prayer. These were not men protesting or known for advocating the rebuilding or the temple, or even for access to pray on the mount. They were just quiet men of god at morning prayer.
Just who is teaching hate here?

it is a non-lethal spray to disperse rioters and crowds. Nothing a good shower won't wash off.

How do you shower the houses and streets?
Where are the crowds?

Safer than tear gas and is being used by other countries and police forces now. Maybe palestinians should not incite crowds to the point where "skunk" even needs to be used.
At least they will remember it for awhile till the smell fades or washes away.

Where are the crowds?

Keep looking and listening and you see the rioters, stone throwers and terrorists getting sprayed, would you rather they be sprayed with napalm or .45 calibre machine gun bullets ?

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