Terry McAuliffe mocks Jade Helm conspiracy theorists

Read up on Alinsky folks

the Democrat/progressive/commie party has it down to a tee.

Time to ignore them and question everything this government does.

ESPECIALLY under this man Obama.
Whatever would you do without the ghost of this Alinsky guy?
Stupidest war ever, based on BS. Great job, Pubbies!
If you are about 15 years old and educated by pop-culture blogs and dumb assed democrats you might think that the Iraq War was the "stupidest yada yada". You can excuse foreign born anti-Americans and ignorant pop-culture Americans from the argument but Bill Clinton's splendid little war in Bosnia was probably the stupedist war in American history. The most criminal enterprise disguised as a military mission was Harry Truman's executive order that sent Troops to Korea and virtually abandoned them to a marginal incompetent senior citizen former WW1 officer like General MacArthur. For the short term memory liberals it's ....Bush -Congressional authorization ...Clinton -zero and Truman zero.
Masters in History, dumbass dupe. You? The Iraq War wrecked our victory in Afghan AND the ME, had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Etc etc etc...
The Military has plenty of Bases large enough to practice maneuvers inside the gates. They don't need to go, nor should they ever go, outside their boundaries. I've seen them do live fire exercises on 29 Palms in California.

Oh but they're practicing for overseas? What overseas area looks like Texas and the Southwest US? Note Texas is marked as "Hostile".

US Army Jade Helm 15 Illustration:

View attachment 40935

Well, DUH!!!

That's the entire purpose of Wargames, dude!


And the military made sure that that map was available to everybody. That should be a CLUE for you.....

....now, let's see if you get the CLUE.....
Read up on Alinsky folks

the Democrat/progressive/commie party has it down to a tee.

Time to ignore them and question everything this government does.

ESPECIALLY under this man Obama.
Whatever would you do without the ghost of this Alinsky guy?

"OMG OMG frikken frikken okra-pot-trailer-court-cookies Alinksy-Schnikken, haz it down two a tea (*burp* *fart* *pick nose*) ESPCEIALLY under this mayn GAWD!"
That there are conservatives subscribing to this thread in an effort to actually defend the delusional paranoia and stupidity of Abbott and others on the right with an unwarranted fear of a routine military exercise is both sad and telling.
i wonder how all the people who claimed GWB would install martial law and not step down from the presidency feel....
Rather than this failed and ridiculous attempt to deflect, address instead the thread topic, which is the propensity of many on the right to buy into the ignorance and stupidity that a routine military exercise is a 'prelude' to 'marital law.'
i wonder how all the people who claimed GWB would install martial law and not step down from the presidency feel....

How many of them were running for President? What? None you say? It was only crazies on message boards like this?
whatever, everybody in the country mock him and people who acts likes him.

so he really should grow up and act like an adult, and should be worried his city is mocked for being MURDER capital of the United States or just continue being a horses ass.

which is all of the Democrat party. nasty and petty...

but it was sweet they mocked themselves into the Minority in Congress after only six years of that other horses ass, Obama. so hey, you go. President elections coming soon...

little ole Kos kid is on a roll. stupid
On a roll? Oh yeah, let's ROLL, Staph!
The Left proves once again to be bereft of values. We all know if an R were in the WH, they would be screaming about Jade. Then they predictably resort to the Alinsky tactic of ridicule. They are so easily duped by the power elite.

Here are some thoughtful comments thoughtful people should consider....

When The Elites Wage War On America, This Is How They Will Do It
Of course, if you also consider the reality that special operations forces ALWAYS train like they fight and train in environments similar to where they will fight, the entire notion of Jade Helm as a preparation for foreign theaters sounds absurd. If special operations forces are going to fight in Iraq, Iran or Syria, they go to training grounds in places like Kuwait. If they are training in places like Fort Lauderdale, Florida (including “infiltration training”), then there is no way around the fact that they are practicing to fight somewhere exactly like Fort Lauderdale with a similar culture and population.

I would further note that Jade Helm exercises are also joint exercises with domestic agencies like the FBI and the DEA. Again, why include domestic law enforcement agencies in a military exercise merely meant to prepare troops for foreign operations? I often hear the argument that the military would never go along with such a program, but people who take this rather presumptive position do not understand crisis psychology. In the event of a national catastrophe many military personnel and government employees may determine that they will do what is “best for them and their families”. And if following orders guarantees the security of their families (food security, shelter, etc), then they may very well follow any order, no matter how dubious. Also, a large scale crisis could be used as a rationale for martial law; otherwise well meaning military men and women could be convinced that the loss of constitutional freedoms might be for the “greater good of the greater number”. I believe some military will indeed resist such efforts, but of course, Jade Helm may also be a method for vetting such uncooperative people before any live operation occurs.

So if Jade is actually a crisis-planning system for the military and the military is training for domestic operations, what is the crisis it is training to react to? It’s hard to say. I believe it will come down to an economic disaster, but our economic and social structures are so weak that almost any major event could trigger collapse. Terror attacks, cyberattacks, pandemic, a stiff wind, you name it. The point is the government expects a crisis to occur. And with the advent of this crisis, the ultimate war on the American people will begin.
When the Power Elite Wage War on Americans LewRockwell.com
Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat.........................................................
The Left proves once again to be bereft of values. We all know if an R were in the WH, they would be screaming about Jade.

None of the people screaming would be candidates for President.

To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?” ~ Rachel Maddow
No Steph, you don't have a right not to be mocked when you say things deserving of mocking. Thinking the Federal government is going to invade and take over Texas is worthy of a great deal of mocking...especially when a Presidential candidate is entertaining the notion.
None of the people screaming would be candidates for President.

To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?” ~ Rachel Maddow

Okay ... Seriously?
I had to laugh that someone would include a quote from Rachel Maddow that assumes she is an authority on "normal people".

None of the people screaming would be candidates for President.

To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?” ~ Rachel Maddow

Okay ... Seriously?
I had to laugh that someone would include a quote from Rachel Maddow that assumes she is an authority on "normal people".


Do you disagree with what she said? Do you think a GOP candidate for President should be pandering to the base that believes the Feds are taking over Texas? Do YOU believe it?
None of the people screaming would be candidates for President.

To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?” ~ Rachel Maddow

Okay ... Seriously?
I had to laugh that someone would include a quote from Rachel Maddow that assumes she is an authority on "normal people".


Why not? What is the world would make Rachel Maddow "abnormal"? She puts out some of the best researched arguments over issues that you can find out there. You may disagree with her conclusions and decide that that's not your cup of TEA, but her method itself is solid and very normal.

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