Texas 4-year-old dead after shooting himself with father’s gun

"Why" what?
If you mean why should the person be held liable, they failed to secure a firearm that was used in the commission of a crime.
That was used in the comission of a crime - by whom?

What exactly is your point here?

Do you have one or are you trying to nitpik this to death?

I think that's the point here. Some people do not know how to engage in honest, straight forward debate.
We do not make owning a car illegal, but we do have many laws in place regarding driving a car and owning a car

On public property.
Not to buy one, own one, keep it in n your properrty, or opwerate it on private property.
We dionl;t require a license to do these things with cars - why, then, with guns?

Absolutely false. NO state requires a driver's license to buy a car, own a car, or keep the car on your private property.

You need keep your can in no specific condition whatsoever to buy it, own it, or keep in your garage/narb/whatever, or to use it on private property.

Not for purchase, ownership, posession or use on provate property

There are all kinds of restrictions about owning a car.
Indeed, all of which have been considered in detail.
Given the above, you do believe you still have a point here?
if so, what?
I believe you are purposely ignoring the point of my post; or perhaps you are too literal minded to be able to understand what I am saying. The comparisons are not to be taken as absolute parallels but as examples of restrictions put on risky behavior.
-What "risky behavior" is necessarily related to simple ownership/posession of a firearm?
-How does simple oenweship/posession necessarily harm anyone?
-How does simple ownership/posession necessarily place anyone in a condition of clear, present anf immediate danger?

Whatever laws may apply to public or private use of a vehicle, that's not the point.
You say, now that your examples were butchered...

On public property.
Not to buy one, own one, keep it in n your properrty, or opwerate it on private property.
We dionl;t require a license to do these things with cars - why, then, with guns?

Absolutely false. NO state requires a driver's license to buy a car, own a car, or keep the car on your private property.

You need keep your can in no specific condition whatsoever to buy it, own it, or keep in your garage/narb/whatever, or to use it on private property.

Not for purchase, ownership, posession or use on provate property

Indeed, all of which have been considered in detail.
Given the above, you do believe you still have a point here?
if so, what?
I believe you are purposely ignoring the point of my post; or perhaps you are too literal minded to be able to understand what I am saying. The comparisons are not to be taken as absolute parallels but as examples of restrictions put on risky behavior.
-What "risky behavior" is necessarily related to simple ownership/posession of a firearm?
-How does simple oenweship/posession necessarily harm anyone?
-How does simple ownership/posession necessarily place anyone in a condition of clear, present anf immediate danger?

Whatever laws may apply to public or private use of a vehicle, that's not the point.
You say, now that your examples were butchered...

"How does simple ownership/posession necessarily place anyone in a condition of clear, present anf immediate danger?" This thread is about a little 4 year old boy who is dead because of 'simple ownership/possession' of a gun.

You are not even making any sense. Another one with whom it is impossible to discuss anything. Sayōnara.
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I believe you are purposely ignoring the point of my post; or perhaps you are too literal minded to be able to understand what I am saying. The comparisons are not to be taken as absolute parallels but as examples of restrictions put on risky behavior.
-What "risky behavior" is necessarily related to simple ownership/posession of a firearm?
-How does simple oenweship/posession necessarily harm anyone?
-How does simple ownership/posession necessarily place anyone in a condition of clear, present anf immediate danger?

Whatever laws may apply to public or private use of a vehicle, that's not the point.
You say, now that your examples were butchered...
"How does simple ownership/posession necessarily place anyone in a condition of clear, present anf immediate danger?" This thread is about a little 4 year old boy who is dead because of 'simple ownership/possession' of a gun.
Did you have an -actual- response to the questions I asked, or not?
Texas 4-year-old dead after shooting himself with father?s gun | The Raw Story

“This is not a case of a responsible homeowner having a weapon for protection,”
“He kept saying, ‘I messed up. I messed up,’” Harris explained. “He’s in mourning. He’s in pain and feels a lot of self guilt… Despite the choices he made and the lifestyle he was leading, it doesn’t take away the love a father has for a son.”
These horror stories don't seem to result in the nutters looking at their own choices and making responsible choices.

The father should be charged. He knew what he was doing, he knew the possible consequences of his choice and he did it anyway. He should be held responsible.

Really, I think if the gun nuts were always held responsible for their insane choices, we just might be looking at a different situation.

Oh My God, we should ban cars.

Judy Neiman relives moment she killed her own daughter by backing up on her - and calls for compulsory reversing cameras | Mail Online
Whats the point of this thread, pray tell?

Only far left assholes think you can legislate out stupidity in people.

Tens of million fo Americans are responsible gun owners and educate ther children about proper safety with firearms. Some, like this father, were fucking stupid and never taught their children gun saftey. And funny as hell.....far left assholes are always talking education this, and education that......as if it didnt apply to guns. As if the education was akin to teaching a kid to disarm an IED.:banana:

Like Quantum points out......shit happens in life. Only the far left assholes in the country think there should be a solution to all problems.
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Indeed.....all progressives have the tragic view of the world......an inability to connect the dots of life's necessary tradeoffs. And God knows, they have lots and lots of idea's to suppossedly make things better and when the "results" are looked at, they dont give a flying fuck then!!!:eusa_dance:

In Britain, they ban ALL guns in the 90's and over the next ten years, crimes committed with guns goes up 40%:eek::eek:. Oh.....but wait.......there are a few less gun deaths.

To show the level of fuckedupedness amongst the far left, check out this site highlighting suicide by guns in developed nations......highlighting the much higher rate in the US. The limpwristed emotional response by the far left with the tragic view of life says, "SHIT.....we gotta ban guns.......they are causing suicides!!!"


The conservative mind says, "Lets look at stats for just "suicides?" ( knowing there are 1,000 ways to die )

What do we see?

Great Britain, with a total gun ban and the US have nearly identical suicide rates >>>>

WHO | Suicide prevention (SUPRE)

Faulty thinking is gay.
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Texas 4-year-old dead after shooting himself with father?s gun | The Raw Story

“This is not a case of a responsible homeowner having a weapon for protection,”

“He kept saying, ‘I messed up. I messed up,’” Harris explained. “He’s in mourning. He’s in pain and feels a lot of self guilt… Despite the choices he made and the lifestyle he was leading, it doesn’t take away the love a father has for a son.”

These horror stories don't seem to result in the nutters looking at their own choices and making responsible choices.

The father should be charged. He knew what he was doing, he knew the possible consequences of his choice and he did it anyway. He should be held responsible.

Really, I think if the gun nuts were always held responsible for their insane choices, we just might be looking at a different situation.

Dude there's over One hundred million gun owners in America


Every 22.2 seconds - One violent crime occurs

Every 30.9 minutes - One murder occurs

Every 5.7 minutes - One forcible rape occurs

Every 1.2 minutes - One robbery occurs

Every 36.6 seconds - One aggravated assault occurs

Every 3.2 seconds - One property crime occurs

Every 14.4 seconds - One burglary occurs

Every 4.8 seconds - One larceny-theft occurs

Every 26.4 seconds - One motor vehicle theft occurs
Texas 4-year-old dead after shooting himself with father?s gun | The Raw Story

“This is not a case of a responsible homeowner having a weapon for protection,”

“He kept saying, ‘I messed up. I messed up,’” Harris explained. “He’s in mourning. He’s in pain and feels a lot of self guilt… Despite the choices he made and the lifestyle he was leading, it doesn’t take away the love a father has for a son.”

These horror stories don't seem to result in the nutters looking at their own choices and making responsible choices.

The father should be charged. He knew what he was doing, he knew the possible consequences of his choice and he did it anyway. He should be held responsible.

Really, I think if the gun nuts were always held responsible for their insane choices, we just might be looking at a different situation.

Dude there's over One hundred million gun owners in America


Every 22.2 seconds - One violent crime occurs

Every 30.9 minutes - One murder occurs

Every 5.7 minutes - One forcible rape occurs

Every 1.2 minutes - One robbery occurs

Every 36.6 seconds - One aggravated assault occurs

Every 3.2 seconds - One property crime occurs

Every 14.4 seconds - One burglary occurs

Every 4.8 seconds - One larceny-theft occurs

Every 26.4 seconds - One motor vehicle theft occurs

Quantum bro.....just picked up a Marlin 336 / 30-30 lever action today. Sweet rifle......my first LR. Haavent been able to get ahold of a Mossberg 930 SPX tactical for months so I changed course. Cant wait to hit the range with it..........always was a fan of Chuck Connors as a kid.:rock:

Cool vid of a 90 year old guy taking some shots.............

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w86lGK5XMM]Marlin 336 Jesus Christ it does have kick! - YouTube[/ame]
What are you looking for?


Have a boatload of shotgun ammo at hme but never bought any rifle ammo. Cant belive it has gone from like $15 a box two years ago to like $30 a box.:eek:

You tried walmart? They have plenty of that around here.

Nothing here in New York man.......when it comes into the stores, it is gone by 10:30am. My brother can get ammo for his 10-22 Ruger since December around here. ALL of the web ammo outlets say OUT OF STOCK
California is considering instituting background checks for buying ammo, that makes it scarcer here than it is in New York.
Quantum.......by the way......I cant get dick for ammo around here. The websites are ALL sold out too. Very very disconcerting!!!

That's because everyone knows what's on the horizon and they (we) are getting ready.

Oh? What's on the horizon? Duck Hunting Season?

All these threads on 'gun control', restricting the types of weapons people can own, banning magazines over a certain capacity, etc., etc., and you have to ask that stupid question? :cuckoo:

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