Texas actress charged with sending ricin letters to Obama, Bloomberg

Not shocked. Crazy people all over America. Some are gun nuts.
We were warned years ago about the growing threat of rightwing domestic terrorism,

by Janet Napolitano, remember?

And the rightwing threw a fit, screamed bloody murder, and had a mass fainting spell.

I even think quite a few of them wanted an apology.
I don't care who did it. When you try to kill the President, you need to be punished. Screw political beliefs. It should be disturbing for both sides. But the wife of all people. I swear, some people can be downright vengeful.
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"....The letters read, in part, "You will have to kill me and my family before you get my guns. Anyone wants to come to my house will get shot in the face,"...."

Texas actress charged with sending ricin letters to Obama, Bloomberg | Reuters

Gee. What a surprise! :rolleyes:

The woman sent the letters because she was in the middle of a divorce and this was the best idea she could come up with to get her husband in trouble and win. One crazy bitch. I've been there. Got the bloody T-shirt.

It was a frame job.

So the "gun nuts" angle is manufactured.
We were warned years ago about the growing threat of rightwing domestic terrorism,

by Janet Napolitano, remember?

And the rightwing threw a fit, screamed bloody murder, and had a mass fainting spell.

I even think quite a few of them wanted an apology.

Let's hope Holder doesn't use any of Janet's "solutions".
My understanding is this woman was trying to set up her husband, hoping he would be jailed for life.

Gun ownership was a red herring to confer guilt on the husband.
We were warned years ago about the growing threat of rightwing domestic terrorism,

by Janet Napolitano, remember?

And the rightwing threw a fit, screamed bloody murder, and had a mass fainting spell.

I even think quite a few of them wanted an apology.

Now you've gone overboard. You'd rather believe that the entire pro-gun, pro-life, anti-government crowd are "rightwing domestic terrorists". I can't believe you fell for that...

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She had a minor role in The Walking Dead. I guess the zombie virus got her.
My understanding is this woman was trying to set up her husband, hoping he would be jailed for life.

Gun ownership was a red herring to confer guilt on the husband.

Neither of them own any guns. That's one of the facts that clued the authorities in that it was a set up.

But you see how hungry liberals are to believe it.
It seems to be a set up, with the gun buzz words put in for effect. The parties are Hollywood leftists.

From what I read, she did it in attempt to frame her soon to be ex-husband....

So the gun issue was a ruse, and of course this bed wetter missed that significant fact. If anything the intent was to tar gun rights supporters, not promote their agenda.

Nice try Old Guy you sniveling bed wetter, EPIC FAIL.
The wife should be punished for perpetrating a hoax. The media are like a bunch of piranhas, going into a feeding frenzy on anything that resembles a right wing gun nut sending ricin to the president.
We were warned years ago about the growing threat of rightwing domestic terrorism,

by Janet Napolitano, remember?

And the rightwing threw a fit, screamed bloody murder, and had a mass fainting spell.

I even think quite a few of them wanted an apology.

Funny, the article said nothing about her political affiliation, you must be a freaking mind reader or something. Personally, I'll opt for the "or something".
LOL The responses from the right are SOOOO predictable. LOL
My understanding is this woman was trying to set up her husband, hoping he would be jailed for life.

Gun ownership was a red herring to confer guilt on the husband.

Neither of them own any guns. That's one of the facts that clued the authorities in that it was a set up.

But you see how hungry liberals are to believe it.

Absolutely. Researching a thread topic before posting is extremely important.

If this topic had been examined instead of blindly latched onto...it wouldn't have blown up in the OP's face...

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