Texas AG: To stop school shootings use Israeli model

The money is available right now.

"Let’s say we want the bare minimum, just enough to pass the safety requirement for gun ownership. In Maryland, there’s a company that will charge you $100 for that training. The cost, then, would be about $71.8 million for all of our teachers.

.....more robust training means that the cost for our 718,000 teachers spikes to $718 million. There would almost certainly be some efficiencies of scale that would come into play here — systems would be developed to train teachers quickly and at less cost — but the figure would still likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars."


That's it????????

Here's a place to start:
"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Here's another 'donation'...
"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You | LifeNews.com

What the heck are we waiting for???????
What they should do is use a firing squad to execute guilty school shooters. Televise it. The Left will shit itself and yelling that the answer is more gun control laws starting with limiting guns for lawful gun owners. That's the Left's answer as a deterrent.
You don't pay a nickel for our kid's educations, old man. They attend private schools

Good for you. I see very few private schools with proper security either. Maybe yours does. Good for you.

The point is (and you're too stupid to see) is parents will pay for their children to be safe.

Then the money should be spent on prisons, gallows, and more prosecutors. Along with actual security measures, like Israel has. Just dont ask those of us without kids to pay for the safety of public school kids. It's not our problem.

"Just dont ask those of us without kids to pay for the safety of public school kids. It's not our problem."

Well, then, how about those of us who homeschool.....do we get our school taxes refunded???

Where do I pick up that check?
You don't pay a nickel for our kid's educations, old man. They attend private schools

Good for you. I see very few private schools with proper security either. Maybe yours does. Good for you.

The point is (and you're too stupid to see) is parents will pay for their children to be safe.

Then the money should be spent on prisons, gallows, and more prosecutors. Along with actual security measures, like Israel has. Just dont ask those of us without kids to pay for the safety of public school kids. It's not our problem.

"Just dont ask those of us without kids to pay for the safety of public school kids. It's not our problem."

Well, then, how about those of us who homeschool.....do we get our school taxes refunded???

Where do I pick up that check?

Indeed, we pay private school tuition and still pay taxes.
Well, then, how about those of us who homeschool.....do we get our school taxes refunded???

Actually. I feel the tax payers with kids should pay an extra fee for the 13 years their kids are in school to pay for it. Reduce the burden on those who don't utilize the system.

I would do away with public schools completely and make education a totally private business.
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I guess you are unaware the Texas school had armed personnel.

Sooner or later, you morons will figure out the problem is TOO MANY GUNS AND TOO EASY ACCESS TO GUNS.

Oh, wait. No you won't. Ever.

You're right about that; guns are not going anywhere. Neither is access to guns. Because for every law that stops Peter, Paul will have a gun that his punk kid can get to in 8.2 seconds if he wants it. For every Peter that teaches his kids that guns are lethal and they are to be respected; Paul lets his 5 y/o daughter play with it like a video game. For every Peter that respects the law and works to stay within the strict confines of the mandate; Paul rigs his weaponry to be more lethal. It's not meant as an indictment of your post or the "morons" you're talking to. It is what it is.

So why bring it up?

Lets focus on solutions to school shootings...

There is nothing wrong with the following points in the link...is there?

►Districts should post trained and capable armed guards outside as well as inside schools.

►They should also consider reducing the number of entrances to the building, so these guards can monitor traffic.

►Where feasible, schools could install metal detectors to ensure that nobody can sneak a weapon onto campus.

►Classroom doors must be made more secure against an attack. Classrooms should be equipped with the means to barricade these doors.

Will it stop every needless death? No. Fewer deaths is a better result than more deaths however hollow it is.

I pointed it out on another thread but one thing I heard of recently was that a teacher in a middle school started doing this every Friday: She takes the last 5 minutes of class or whatever and tells the students to write on a note which kid they want to sit next to next week. When Monday rolls around, she may or may not move the kids based on that. But what she is actually doing is seeing which kids are not being listed; who are the outcasts.

Using such data points from the kids themselves can enable administrators to see the broader picture of whether the kids who are not favored are having larger issues such as a recent drop in attendance, grades, involvement. They can be observed for body language, clothing choices, etc... Parent/Teacher conferences can be held to just "check in" on her or him...
Israel has 6 million people, the US 320 million.

Republicans just gave $1.5 trillion dollars to the wealthy, how much you want to bet they will think they've done a great service to American taxpayers if they pass one tenth of one percent of that amount for school security. Just enough so it LOOKS like they're doing something.

And yes by all means let's have a police state, it is the one really big wet dream of conservatives.
Well, then, how about those of us who homeschool.....do we get our school taxes refunded???

Actually. I feel the tax payers with kids should pay an extra fee for the 13 years their kids are in school to pay for it. Reduce the burden on those who don't utilize the system.

I would do away with public schools completely and make education a totally private business.

But you ignored my query....how about those of us who homeschool.....do we get our school taxes refunded???
Well, then, how about those of us who homeschool.....do we get our school taxes refunded???

Actually. I feel the tax payers with kids should pay an extra fee for the 13 years their kids are in school to pay for it. Reduce the burden on those who don't utilize the system.

I would do away with public schools completely and make education a totally private business.

Again ours attend private schools and we still pay public school taxes.

I do agree public schools are a mess.
So who is going to pay for all those things? Texas has cut school funding drasticly over the last several years. They can't even afford books for all their students.
Where are you getting your information?

School funding is done on a local basis by taxes. Somebody is lying to you.

Educational outcome is primarily a result of parent involvement, not school funding.
Well, then, how about those of us who homeschool.....do we get our school taxes refunded???

Actually. I feel the tax payers with kids should pay an extra fee for the 13 years their kids are in school to pay for it. Reduce the burden on those who don't utilize the system.

I would do away with public schools completely and make education a totally private business.

But you ignored my query....how about those of us who homeschool.....do we get our school taxes refunded???
Why would you? Do you get a refund from the taxes that pay for roads if you don't drive on them? Do you get a refund from the taxes that pay for firemen if you never have a fire?
But you ignored my query....how about those of us who homeschool.....do we get our school taxes refunded???

I should have been clearer. That fee would be on families with kids who would be attended a public school. So you'd get a choice when they're born- pay the fees or educate them through some other method (private school or homeschooling)
Why would you? Do you get a refund from the taxes that pay for roads if you don't drive on them? Do you get a refund from the taxes that pay for firemen if you never have a fire?

I would prefer a system where more of those things (Fire, Police, EMS, Schools. Libraries. Parks & Rec, etc...) were subscription based services. Obviously that doesn't work for everything, but it would fit many things
So...you're all in agreement that we should or should not use the Israeli model?
So who is going to pay for all those things? Texas has cut school funding drasticly over the last several years. They can't even afford books for all their students.

While the Israelie model ain’t the way to go, Texas and the rest of the country can fund real school security just fine by simply turning off the lights in their huge 3 million dollar sports complex’s. It’s all about priorities. Professional polititions need these mass killings and the high body counts that come with them to Saturday in power and keep getting your money so they can buy all their cool stuff. Look here, Kary ISD has a 70 million dollar stadium. Glad to see Texans have their priorities right. As long as money is spent on bull shit and not security every politition who speaks on this issue is a filthy liar and piece of shit liar.

Sneak peek inside Katy's $70 million high school football stadium

Sneak peek inside Katy's $70 million high school football stadium

Katy's Legacy Stadium, which opens Aug. 31 when Katy Taylor plays Foster in the first regular season high school football game of the year, ended up costing about $70.3 million. The stadium itself cost $58 million, but then there was another $12.3 million spent on the new fieldhouse attached to the stadium, the parking lot, exterior lighting, surrounding roadwork, drainage and utilities.

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