Texas bible thumper is GOP choice to chair the Science Committee

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You support obama?
I support our President and Commander in Chief...while I don't agree with him unconditionally. Don't you?
So you agree with all the illegal Syrian refugees coming across our boders?
"Illegal" Syrian refugees? So they are sneaking across the border? How do you know they are Syrians if they are illegally sneaking across? How do you know they are refugees if they are illegally sneaking across?
My God you are dumber than Obama. Haven't you been paying attention?
I most certainly have. Tell me what an ILLEGAL Syrian refugee is.....your words have meanings, you know.
Under obama thousands of Syrian refugees are coming over our border. So if their not coming over, you are for building the border wall right? If Mexico pays for it?
That is the Muslim religion that teaches hate. Which if we aren't smart we will be living by. Forget the queers they will be put to death. Under Clintons rule

Well you certainly are in no danger of being smart, so that boat has sailed already.
The millennials are reading the material by the far right nut jobs and the hate of the Alt Right.

They don't like HRC but are coming to the conclusion that Trump may be the devil incarnate.
Trump hasn't called one quarter of Americans deplorable. That in itself says she won't represent all Americans. Which Trump says he will represent all Americans. You lose.
You don't find racists, misogynists, anti-semites, homophobes, and ageists deplorable?
Liberals has been using that language for decades. Only to prove you are all of what you claim is to be.
You DO realize that doesn't make sense, right?
Also I find that people supporting a grown man using a girls locker room deplorable.
Where has that happened?
Obama told schools to let boys to use girls locker rooms or their funding would be stopped. Don't you pay attention?
You need to make up your mind..."boys" now? You claimed grown men" .
So men aren't in schools? Who teaches them? So your cool with a boy with a dick showering with girls?
Show me grown men...heck, show me grown women showering with girls in school.
So you are for boys showering with girls?
Well you certainly are in no danger of being smart, so that boat has sailed already.
The millennials are reading the material by the far right nut jobs and the hate of the Alt Right.

They don't like HRC but are coming to the conclusion that Trump may be the devil incarnate.
Trump hasn't called one quarter of Americans deplorable. That in itself says she won't represent all Americans. Which Trump says he will represent all Americans. You lose.
You don't find racists, misogynists, anti-semites, homophobes, and ageists deplorable?
Liberals has been using that language for decades. Only to prove you are all of what you claim is to be.
You DO realize that doesn't make sense, right?
Are you for school choice for minorities?
I support our President and Commander in Chief...while I don't agree with him unconditionally. Don't you?
So you agree with all the illegal Syrian refugees coming across our boders?
"Illegal" Syrian refugees? So they are sneaking across the border? How do you know they are Syrians if they are illegally sneaking across? How do you know they are refugees if they are illegally sneaking across?
My God you are dumber than Obama. Haven't you been paying attention?
I most certainly have. Tell me what an ILLEGAL Syrian refugee is.....your words have meanings, you know.
Under obama thousands of Syrian refugees are coming over our border. So if their not coming over, you are for building the border wall right? If Mexico pays for it?
Ok..I live near the border. How do we know the ILLEGAL sneaking across are Syrian refugees? Drumpf is claiming they are Mexicans....you disagree with your Messiah?
No, we used to have prayer in school. That's when students got educated.
Prove that prayer in school equates to being educated? What is this magic prayer that imparts education?...Recite it for us.
God said if you turn against me, I will turn against you. Sodom and the Roman empire figured out the hard way. So is the United States unfortunately.
The Roman Empire was one of the longest lasting on record. And Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on either the Greeks or the Romans in the way of sexual preferances. And both those civilizations are known as the founders of our modern civilization.
What happened to the Roman empire?
They went Christian....and collapsed.
They became sexual deviants like yourself.
Theists are at liberty to believe whatever myths they so desire – about snakes or apples or ribs – and no one seeks to deny them their right to believe however they see fit.

When holding public office, however, it’s incumbent upon theists to act in the public interest, in accordance with facts and objective, documented evidence, not their subjective beliefs and religious dogma.
Well what liberals came up with the global warming scam. About time we get common sense back in science.

Creationism is just as bad as global warming "science." It merely wears a different set of clothes.
Why do you think humans can't affect the climate? Ever hear of the Dust Bowl. Then, it was a combination of drought and poor farming practices.

Dust storms in the 1930s Dust Bowl

The dust bowl affected the entire northern hemisphere for years.

The entire great plains looked like this:

Ignorant farmers turned it into this:



Fortunately, government stepped in and FORCED farmers to change their ways. People help cause it, and people helped fix it.

Today, with so many more people and a much larger footprint, the impact can only be greater. Does that really have to be explained?
Socialism created the depression
The millennials are reading the material by the far right nut jobs and the hate of the Alt Right.

They don't like HRC but are coming to the conclusion that Trump may be the devil incarnate.
Trump hasn't called one quarter of Americans deplorable. That in itself says she won't represent all Americans. Which Trump says he will represent all Americans. You lose.
You don't find racists, misogynists, anti-semites, homophobes, and ageists deplorable?
Liberals has been using that language for decades. Only to prove you are all of what you claim is to be.
You DO realize that doesn't make sense, right?
Are you for school choice for minorities?
I'm completely For School Choice.

Schools should have the total right to choose who they will accept and keep.
Well what liberals came up with the global warming scam. About time we get common sense back in science.

Creationism is just as bad as global warming "science." It merely wears a different set of clothes.
Why do you think humans can't affect the climate? Ever hear of the Dust Bowl. Then, it was a combination of drought and poor farming practices.

Dust storms in the 1930s Dust Bowl

The dust bowl affected the entire northern hemisphere for years.

The entire great plains looked like this:

Ignorant farmers turned it into this:



Fortunately, government stepped in and FORCED farmers to change their ways. People help cause it, and people helped fix it.

Today, with so many more people and a much larger footprint, the impact can only be greater. Does that really have to be explained?
Socialism created the depression
:rofl: :rofl:
So you agree with all the illegal Syrian refugees coming across our boders?
"Illegal" Syrian refugees? So they are sneaking across the border? How do you know they are Syrians if they are illegally sneaking across? How do you know they are refugees if they are illegally sneaking across?
My God you are dumber than Obama. Haven't you been paying attention?
I most certainly have. Tell me what an ILLEGAL Syrian refugee is.....your words have meanings, you know.
Under obama thousands of Syrian refugees are coming over our border. So if their not coming over, you are for building the border wall right? If Mexico pays for it?
Ok..I live near the border. How do we know the ILLEGAL sneaking across are Syrian refugees? Drumpf is claiming they are Mexicans....you disagree with your Messiah?
If they aren't coming over you are for building the walk if Mexico pays for it? I mean it won't stop what you say isn't happening.
Where has that happened?
Obama told schools to let boys to use girls locker rooms or their funding would be stopped. Don't you pay attention?
You need to make up your mind..."boys" now? You claimed grown men" .
So men aren't in schools? Who teaches them? So your cool with a boy with a dick showering with girls?
Show me grown men...heck, show me grown women showering with girls in school.
So you are for boys showering with girls?
No...are you saying transexuals don't exist?
"Illegal" Syrian refugees? So they are sneaking across the border? How do you know they are Syrians if they are illegally sneaking across? How do you know they are refugees if they are illegally sneaking across?
My God you are dumber than Obama. Haven't you been paying attention?
I most certainly have. Tell me what an ILLEGAL Syrian refugee is.....your words have meanings, you know.
Under obama thousands of Syrian refugees are coming over our border. So if their not coming over, you are for building the border wall right? If Mexico pays for it?
Ok..I live near the border. How do we know the ILLEGAL sneaking across are Syrian refugees? Drumpf is claiming they are Mexicans....you disagree with your Messiah?
If they aren't coming over you are for building the walk if Mexico pays for it? I mean it won't stop what you say isn't happening.
There will be no wall...and we already have a fence here in California, and border checkpoints....My neighbors on one side are both ICE agents.
Trump hasn't called one quarter of Americans deplorable. That in itself says she won't represent all Americans. Which Trump says he will represent all Americans. You lose.
You don't find racists, misogynists, anti-semites, homophobes, and ageists deplorable?
Liberals has been using that language for decades. Only to prove you are all of what you claim is to be.
You DO realize that doesn't make sense, right?
Are you for school choice for minorities?
I'm completely For School Choice.

Schools should have the total right to choose who they will accept and keep.
No I'm talking about vouchers, that will let parents take their kids out of failing schools and put them in good schools. Before you answer Obama tried to close a charter school in Washington only to get beat down to reopen it.
Obama told schools to let boys to use girls locker rooms or their funding would be stopped. Don't you pay attention?
You need to make up your mind..."boys" now? You claimed grown men" .
So men aren't in schools? Who teaches them? So your cool with a boy with a dick showering with girls?
Show me grown men...heck, show me grown women showering with girls in school.
So you are for boys showering with girls?
No...are you saying transexuals don't exist?
In their own minds, it's a mental illness.
Prove that prayer in school equates to being educated? What is this magic prayer that imparts education?...Recite it for us.
God said if you turn against me, I will turn against you. Sodom and the Roman empire figured out the hard way. So is the United States unfortunately.
The Roman Empire was one of the longest lasting on record. And Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on either the Greeks or the Romans in the way of sexual preferances. And both those civilizations are known as the founders of our modern civilization.
What happened to the Roman empire?
They went Christian....and collapsed.
They became sexual deviants like yourself.
Nope...that was when they were quite successful. Didn't your organized school prayer educate you? The Roman Empire didn't collapse until they went Christian.
You need to make up your mind..."boys" now? You claimed grown men" .
So men aren't in schools? Who teaches them? So your cool with a boy with a dick showering with girls?
Show me grown men...heck, show me grown women showering with girls in school.
So you are for boys showering with girls?
No...are you saying transexuals don't exist?
In their own minds, it's a mental illness.
You are a psychiatrist?
You don't find racists, misogynists, anti-semites, homophobes, and ageists deplorable?
Liberals has been using that language for decades. Only to prove you are all of what you claim is to be.
You DO realize that doesn't make sense, right?
Are you for school choice for minorities?
I'm completely For School Choice.

Schools should have the total right to choose who they will accept and keep.
No I'm talking about vouchers, that will let parents take their kids out of failing schools and put them in good schools. Before you answer Obama tried to close a charter school in Washington only to get beat down to reopen it.
Why are you against School Choice?
My God you are dumber than Obama. Haven't you been paying attention?
I most certainly have. Tell me what an ILLEGAL Syrian refugee is.....your words have meanings, you know.
Under obama thousands of Syrian refugees are coming over our border. So if their not coming over, you are for building the border wall right? If Mexico pays for it?
Ok..I live near the border. How do we know the ILLEGAL sneaking across are Syrian refugees? Drumpf is claiming they are Mexicans....you disagree with your Messiah?
If they aren't coming over you are for building the walk if Mexico pays for it? I mean it won't stop what you say isn't happening.
There will be no wall...and we already have a fence here in California, and border checkpoints....My neighbors on one side are both ICE agents.
So you don't want a wall built? Even if Mexico pays for it? I mean if it doesn't stop what you think doesn't happen. Also if no Syrian refugees haven't came over, you won't mind a big deportation? Right? You will support it? Since you say there not coming over.
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