Texas bible thumper is GOP choice to chair the Science Committee

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I most certainly have. Tell me what an ILLEGAL Syrian refugee is.....your words have meanings, you know.
Under obama thousands of Syrian refugees are coming over our border. So if their not coming over, you are for building the border wall right? If Mexico pays for it?
Ok..I live near the border. How do we know the ILLEGAL sneaking across are Syrian refugees? Drumpf is claiming they are Mexicans....you disagree with your Messiah?
If they aren't coming over you are for building the walk if Mexico pays for it? I mean it won't stop what you say isn't happening.
There will be no wall...and we already have a fence here in California, and border checkpoints....My neighbors on one side are both ICE agents.
So you don't want a wall built? Even if Mexico pays for it? I mean if it doesn't stop what you think doesn't happen. Also if no Syrian refugees haven't came over, you won't mind a big deportation? Right? You will support it? Since you say there not coming over.
We already have a fence here. Did you not read my post?
"Since you say there not coming over"... I never said that...why do you lie so much? Doesn't that Commandment about bearing false witness mean anything to you?
So men aren't in schools? Who teaches them? So your cool with a boy with a dick showering with girls?
Show me grown men...heck, show me grown women showering with girls in school.
So you are for boys showering with girls?
No...are you saying transexuals don't exist?
In their own minds, it's a mental illness.
You are a psychiatrist?
The suicide rate is high for the ones that gets the surgery. Read a book for once.
Under obama thousands of Syrian refugees are coming over our border. So if their not coming over, you are for building the border wall right? If Mexico pays for it?
Ok..I live near the border. How do we know the ILLEGAL sneaking across are Syrian refugees? Drumpf is claiming they are Mexicans....you disagree with your Messiah?
If they aren't coming over you are for building the walk if Mexico pays for it? I mean it won't stop what you say isn't happening.
There will be no wall...and we already have a fence here in California, and border checkpoints....My neighbors on one side are both ICE agents.
So you don't want a wall built? Even if Mexico pays for it? I mean if it doesn't stop what you think doesn't happen. Also if no Syrian refugees haven't came over, you won't mind a big deportation? Right? You will support it? Since you say there not coming over.
We already have a fence here. Did you not read my post?
Okay then you won't mind deporting all those you say doesn't exist?
I support our President and Commander in Chief...while I don't agree with him unconditionally. Don't you?
So you agree with all the illegal Syrian refugees coming across our boders?
"Illegal" Syrian refugees? So they are sneaking across the border? How do you know they are Syrians if they are illegally sneaking across? How do you know they are refugees if they are illegally sneaking across?
My God you are dumber than Obama. Haven't you been paying attention?
I most certainly have. Tell me what an ILLEGAL Syrian refugee is.....your words have meanings, you know.
Under obama thousands of Syrian refugees are coming over our border. So if their not coming over, you are for building the border wall right? If Mexico pays for it?
You are stating that thousands of Syrian refuges are crossing the Rio Grande? But no links to the source of your information, eh. Hmmmmmmmmmmm............................................
Well what liberals came up with the global warming scam. About time we get common sense back in science.

Creationism is just as bad as global warming "science." It merely wears a different set of clothes.
Why do you think humans can't affect the climate? Ever hear of the Dust Bowl. Then, it was a combination of drought and poor farming practices.

Dust storms in the 1930s Dust Bowl

The dust bowl affected the entire northern hemisphere for years.

The entire great plains looked like this:

Ignorant farmers turned it into this:



Fortunately, government stepped in and FORCED farmers to change their ways. People help cause it, and people helped fix it.

Today, with so many more people and a much larger footprint, the impact can only be greater. Does that really have to be explained?
Socialism created the depression
Start your own thread, or post something that has to do with the OP
So you agree with all the illegal Syrian refugees coming across our boders?
"Illegal" Syrian refugees? So they are sneaking across the border? How do you know they are Syrians if they are illegally sneaking across? How do you know they are refugees if they are illegally sneaking across?
My God you are dumber than Obama. Haven't you been paying attention?
I most certainly have. Tell me what an ILLEGAL Syrian refugee is.....your words have meanings, you know.
Under obama thousands of Syrian refugees are coming over our border. So if their not coming over, you are for building the border wall right? If Mexico pays for it?
You are stating that thousands of Syrian refuges are crossing the Rio Grande? But no links to the source of your information, eh. Hmmmmmmmmmmm............................................
So then Trump isn't really racist because he wants th deport them? Since there are none, right?
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And things that relate to the common defense.

No. The USE of that technology, but not the development of it. That is for private industry to fund and make back their investment through sale of the technology/product.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. Some military technology can't be sold on the open market and the customer base is too limited to make it profitable for private enterprise. That would leave no incentive for private companies to invest in the R&D.
And things that relate to the common defense.

No. The USE of that technology, but not the development of it. That is for private industry to fund and make back their investment through sale of the technology/product.
Sorry, old ass, you simply don't get to make those decisions. Fortunately for this nation.

Actually he's right in most circumstances.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8


To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

Promoting does not mean providing.
Show me grown men...heck, show me grown women showering with girls in school.
So you are for boys showering with girls?
No...are you saying transexuals don't exist?
In their own minds, it's a mental illness.
You are a psychiatrist?
The suicide rate is high for the ones that gets the surgery. Read a book for once.
And the suicide rate is higher for our returning troops....I ask again, are you a psychiatrist?
Ok..I live near the border. How do we know the ILLEGAL sneaking across are Syrian refugees? Drumpf is claiming they are Mexicans....you disagree with your Messiah?
If they aren't coming over you are for building the walk if Mexico pays for it? I mean it won't stop what you say isn't happening.
There will be no wall...and we already have a fence here in California, and border checkpoints....My neighbors on one side are both ICE agents.
So you don't want a wall built? Even if Mexico pays for it? I mean if it doesn't stop what you think doesn't happen. Also if no Syrian refugees haven't came over, you won't mind a big deportation? Right? You will support it? Since you say there not coming over.
We already have a fence here. Did you not read my post?
Okay then you won't mind deporting all those you say doesn't exist?
1000s of Syrian refugees ILLEGALLY entering our country...prove it.
If they aren't coming over you are for building the walk if Mexico pays for it? I mean it won't stop what you say isn't happening.
There will be no wall...and we already have a fence here in California, and border checkpoints....My neighbors on one side are both ICE agents.
So you don't want a wall built? Even if Mexico pays for it? I mean if it doesn't stop what you think doesn't happen. Also if no Syrian refugees haven't came over, you won't mind a big deportation? Right? You will support it? Since you say there not coming over.
We already have a fence here. Did you not read my post?
Okay then you won't mind deporting all those you say doesn't exist?
1000s of Syrian refugees ILLEGALLY entering our country...prove it.
Are you willing to deport everyone of them if I'm correct?
So you are for boys showering with girls?
No...are you saying transexuals don't exist?
In their own minds, it's a mental illness.
You are a psychiatrist?
The suicide rate is high for the ones that gets the surgery. Read a book for once.
And the suicide rate is higher for our returning troops....I ask again, are you a psychiatrist?
Suicide rate for troops 18%, which is still to high, but the suicide rate for transgendered is 41%. They need help, not support to mutilate themselves. You are the hater.
No...are you saying transexuals don't exist?
In their own minds, it's a mental illness.
You are a psychiatrist?
The suicide rate is high for the ones that gets the surgery. Read a book for once.
And the suicide rate is higher for our returning troops....I ask again, are you a psychiatrist?
Suicide rate for troops 18%, which is still to high, but the suicide rate for transgendered is 41%. They need help, not support to mutilate themselves. You are the hater.
You have no idea, you are making up numbers.
In their own minds, it's a mental illness.
You are a psychiatrist?
The suicide rate is high for the ones that gets the surgery. Read a book for once.
And the suicide rate is higher for our returning troops....I ask again, are you a psychiatrist?
Suicide rate for troops 18%, which is still to high, but the suicide rate for transgendered is 41%. They need help, not support to mutilate themselves. You are the hater.
You have no idea, you are making up numbers.
Google it
You are a psychiatrist?
The suicide rate is high for the ones that gets the surgery. Read a book for once.
And the suicide rate is higher for our returning troops....I ask again, are you a psychiatrist?
Suicide rate for troops 18%, which is still to high, but the suicide rate for transgendered is 41%. They need help, not support to mutilate themselves. You are the hater.
You have no idea, you are making up numbers.
Google it
You simply pulling numbers out of the air.
No...are you saying transexuals don't exist?
In their own minds, it's a mental illness.
You are a psychiatrist?
The suicide rate is high for the ones that gets the surgery. Read a book for once.
And the suicide rate is higher for our returning troops....I ask again, are you a psychiatrist?
Suicide rate for troops 18%, which is still to high, but the suicide rate for transgendered is 41%. They need help, not support to mutilate themselves. You are the hater.
Where are you getting those figures?
In their own minds, it's a mental illness.
You are a psychiatrist?
The suicide rate is high for the ones that gets the surgery. Read a book for once.
And the suicide rate is higher for our returning troops....I ask again, are you a psychiatrist?
Suicide rate for troops 18%, which is still to high, but the suicide rate for transgendered is 41%. They need help, not support to mutilate themselves. You are the hater.
Where are you getting those figures?
Google it.
In their own minds, it's a mental illness.
You are a psychiatrist?
The suicide rate is high for the ones that gets the surgery. Read a book for once.
And the suicide rate is higher for our returning troops....I ask again, are you a psychiatrist?
Suicide rate for troops 18%, which is still to high, but the suicide rate for transgendered is 41%. They need help, not support to mutilate themselves. You are the hater.
Where are you getting those figures?
He is making them up. He's trolling.
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