Texas College Stabbing.Will Obama Go There?And Who Will Be His Props?

Liberals are known not to have any sense of humor. have u ever seen Obama/Reid/Pelosi ever say anything candidly funny? {unlike Gov. Christie} Biden doesn't even have to have a sense of humor, all he has to do is talk, especially before an audience. Got to love his remark about watching Roosevelt on TV back in the 30's.

(My bold)

See Timeline

- 1939, 2nd entry. I don't know that VP Biden counts as a liberal - but apparently he remembers what he saw.

& you're welcome.
In reality this works in the Dems and the anti-2nd amendment advocates!

The argument (which has merit) is that imagine if this psycho had a gun. There would have been a dozen or so fatalities. Since he had only a knife, many people were injured, some critically, but no one has died to date. Not to mention this psycho was subdued by civilian heros.

HOWEVER, this doesn't strengthen the need for armed guards at school. Now this was a community college. These were adults. If this psycho went into a same grammer school. He would have been able to kill a ton of kids and more than likely there wouldn't be many to subdue him.
HOWEVER, this doesn't strengthen the need for armed guards at school. Now this was a community college. These were adults. If this psycho went into a same grammer school. He would have been able to kill a ton of kids and more than likely there wouldn't be many to subdue him.

I thought it was really great those young men all ran after the crazy guy and tackled him for police to carry off. Brave men.
Libs don't have a sense of humor, they are just angry that all the intelligent people who made a living have nice bank accounts and they don't want to work and feel as if they are entitled to their wealth, yet don't want to work hard for it! JUST GIVE ME THE MONEY!!! (that's the attitude)
Libs don't have a sense of humor, they are just angry that all the intelligent people who made a living have nice bank accounts and they don't want to work and feel as if they are entitled to their wealth, yet don't want to work hard for it! JUST GIVE ME THE MONEY!!! (that's the attitude)

Exactly! You nailed it! And we are also very jealous of how smart you nutters seem when you write things in message forums! You are always so proficient at English. We wish we could post with as much clarity as you guys!
God I wish I would of had the opportunity to ask Joe Biden a question as a reporter, w/camera. Mr. Biden! what was it like meeting Abraham Lincoln when you were six years old? {you know Joe would of answered it as if he did meet Lincoln, having nothing but great things to say about him}.
So? It just shows how many people could be killed by a knife. If that person had stabbed those 14 people in the right place, they may not be alive. And, do you believe those 14 people may suffer the rest of their lives over this attack? That could be just as bad as being killed. Those people could lose their minds over it and end up killing others later. Who knows??

So your argument is it would be better if those 14 people had died because of what might happen? I know you don't believe that.

One thing's for certain: if this idiot had used a gun instead of a knife, people would be dead now.

I didn't mean it that way! You said knives don't kill people, and made it sound like just because everyone survived (although a couple were critical) then it wasn't such a big deal. Knives can and do kill people...even tho these people didn't die from it, it's still very traumatic and it COULD have ended up much worse.
It is a very big deal.

If a nutjob wants to go out and kill people and his options are either a gun or a knife (and at this point one is just as easy as the other to obtain), at least with a knife people have a far better chance for survival.

Not so much with a gun.
after they ban kitchen/exacto knives, the whacko's will invade classrooms playing Yoko Ono music full blast on their Boom Boxes.
0 deaths.

I'd say trying to equate that to 26 dead six and seven year olds and some teachers is about as fucking stupid and heartless as it gets.
Uh yeah, two are in extremely criitical condition, after having their Jugular's ripped wide open, and losing massive amounts of blood.

How stupid can you possibly be to try and minimize this attack?
oh, I forgot about "Chuckie" and "Edward SizzorHands" they got to be in the crowd! lol



No they don't.

Everyone survived this attack.
^^^This, most definitely qualifies as one of the dumbest statements EVER posted on this, or any board.....And it comes from, big surprise, an idiotic San Francisco liberal.:cuckoo:

Knives don't kill people?

Yeah, go tell that to the families whose loved ones were slaughtered with knives by the Manson clan, DUMBASS!
oh, I have another candidate for the props, that bitch who killed a cop, then got a job as a teacher..have her stand behind "The One" brazing her Mag and a Kitchen Knife.
Will Obama go there and read a teleprompter speech regarding controlling the purchase of kitchen knives?
If 68% of the murders, which are now committed with firearms were committed with knives instead of 13%, I would think he would have something to say about it.
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