Texas College Stabbing.Will Obama Go There?And Who Will Be His Props?


You got to admit, the timing of this latest mass stabbing incident was not good for those against the second amendment.
So what happens next week? Will Obama go there and read a teleprompter speech regarding controlling the purchase of kitchen knives?
Who will be his props? Jason? Freddie? The Dude From Psycho? Chef Ramsey? Leather Face? You can just picture all of these infamous horror movie legends standing behind the President all holding their 14 to 20 inch Kitchen knives while "The One" makes his Anti-Knife speech to the nation.

That conjures up quite an image.

The left doesn't care about knives. They don't even acknowledge that knives are used far more than guns in murders. Knives don't help people protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And even they know it's people who hurt or kill other people, not objects.

These stabbings don't fit into any current agenda, so unless Obama feels pressured to go there and say something, I doubt he will. Luckily, no one was killed, so if it's mentioned at all by the left, it will be something to the effect that knives are less dangerous than guns. Never mind that knives are the preferred weapons by most killers and that women are less likely to try to fight back or run from an assailant holding a knife as opposed to a gun.
another scenario: a 23 year old psycho walks into a full college classroom with a Boom-Box at the full blown decibel level playing any song by MC Hammer. you think that might take out a few kids?
and what are those cocktails called that explode on impact? I know what it is, just cant spell it. when they ban guns, those flammable drinks will be the next weapon they use in classrooms.

Molotov - but the cocktail part was ironic. & they don't explode on impact, the glass shatters, the liquid splatters, & the flaming rag ignites the vapors. (There were improvements, a chemical trigger that ignites upon exposure to oxygen. But for an improvised weapon, Molotovs are pretty good as is.)
when u think about it, deadly weapons are pretty much everywhere, your home, Home Depot, and the Sports Authority (the South Chicago Sports Authority must do great Business, may not be able to keep baseball bats in stock)
oh, I forgot about "Chuckie" and "Edward SizzorHands" they got to be in the crowd! lol



No they don't.

Everyone survived this attack.

So? It just shows how many people could be killed by a knife. If that person had stabbed those 14 people in the right place, they may not be alive. And, do you believe those 14 people may suffer the rest of their lives over this attack? That could be just as bad as being killed. Those people could lose their minds over it and end up killing others later. Who knows??
0 deaths.

I'd say trying to equate that to 26 dead six and seven year olds and some teachers is about as fucking stupid and heartless as it gets.

I'd say that trying to equate a mass shooting to restricting the rights of anyone is even more fucking stupid than and heartless, but you seem to have no problem with it.
like I mentioned, just go to the tool section of Lowes/Home Depot, plenty of tools there that can be used to kill someone. Can u imagine if two "Hoodies" walked into Home Depot asking where the "Nail Guns" are?


No they don't.

Everyone survived this attack.

So? It just shows how many people could be killed by a knife. If that person had stabbed those 14 people in the right place, they may not be alive. And, do you believe those 14 people may suffer the rest of their lives over this attack? That could be just as bad as being killed. Those people could lose their minds over it and end up killing others later. Who knows??

So your argument is it would be better if those 14 people had died because of what might happen? I know you don't believe that.

One thing's for certain: if this idiot had used a gun instead of a knife, people would be dead now.
No they don't.

Everyone survived this attack.

So? It just shows how many people could be killed by a knife. If that person had stabbed those 14 people in the right place, they may not be alive. And, do you believe those 14 people may suffer the rest of their lives over this attack? That could be just as bad as being killed. Those people could lose their minds over it and end up killing others later. Who knows??

So your argument is it would be better if those 14 people had died because of what might happen? I know you don't believe that.

One thing's for certain: if this idiot had used a gun instead of a knife, people would be dead now.

I didn't mean it that way! You said knives don't kill people, and made it sound like just because everyone survived (although a couple were critical) then it wasn't such a big deal. Knives can and do kill people...even tho these people didn't die from it, it's still very traumatic and it COULD have ended up much worse.
a knife can kill a person easily depending on where he/she is stabbed. even the slightest jab from an exacto knife can kill, especially if the victim was stabbed in the right spot(like around the stomache).
Liberals are known not to have any sense of humor. have u ever seen Obama/Reid/Pelosi ever say anything candidly funny? {unlike Gov. Christie} Biden doesn't even have to have a sense of humor, all he has to do is talk, especially before an audience. Got to love his remark about watching Roosevelt on TV back in the 30's.
Oh...I know. It is a fact that nutters are much funnier than liberals! I mean...just watch "The Five" for a few minutes! Comedy gold.

The list of conservative comedians simply dwarfs that of liberals! Every truly funny comedian is conservative. We all know this.

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