Texas Cuts Biden Out Of Immigration With Chain Link Fence

Just to be clear or add edification to the OP, I heard about this program in NPR and it is a little more nuanced than what the OP article link says. What they are doing is posting no trespassing signs on the lands of private property with the owners consent and then using state and local laws and state and local law enforcement to enforce the trespassing ordinance as a means of arresting illegals who enter the lands. Pro-Immigration people are really hating this and are trying to find ways to stop Texas from "undermining" the federal policies. Quite frankly, I do not see how legally a court could justify ordering a state or local government no to enforce trespassing laws on private property and survive any sort of appeals process. What was not clear in the piece I heard is what happens to them after they get arrested in terms of getting them out of the country. Surely ICE has to be involved in some way.
Just to be clear or add edification to the OP, I heard about this program in NPR and it is a little more nuanced than what the OP article link says. What they are doing is posting no trespassing signs on the lands of private property with the owners consent and then using state and local laws and state and local law enforcement to enforce the trespassing ordinance as a means of arresting illegals who enter the lands. Pro-Immigration people are really hating this and are trying to find ways to stop Texas from "undermining" the federal policies. Quite frankly, I do not see how legally a court could justify ordering a state or local government no to enforce trespassing laws on private property and survive any sort of appeals process. What was not clear in the piece I heard is what happens to them after they get arrested in terms of getting them out of the country. Surely ICE has to be involved in some way.
Texas can take the land and build a fence on it. Governments have a right called "Eminent Domain" which means they can take private land for public use if they pay the owner a fair price. The article said the Texas cops cannot deport anybody. They can jail them for a year and that's all.
Abbot is a Bushbot trying to save his ass.

Just to be clear or add edification to the OP, I heard about this program in NPR and it is a little more nuanced than what the OP article link says. What they are doing is posting no trespassing signs on the lands of private property with the owners consent and then using state and local laws and state and local law enforcement to enforce the trespassing ordinance as a means of arresting illegals who enter the lands. Pro-Immigration people are really hating this and are trying to find ways to stop Texas from "undermining" the federal policies. Quite frankly, I do not see how legally a court could justify ordering a state or local government no to enforce trespassing laws on private property and survive any sort of appeals process. What was not clear in the piece I heard is what happens to them after they get arrested in terms of getting them out of the country. Surely ICE has to be involved in some way.

When the courts are run by hard left liberals judges, they can do ANYTHING. They do not care about the law. I'm not kidding.
Texas can take the land and build a fence on it. Governments have a right called "Eminent Domain" which means they can take private land for public use if they pay the owner a fair price. The article said the Texas cops cannot deport anybody. They can jail them for a year and that's all.

If Texas takes the land then they lose the shield of enforcing private property laws which is what they are doing. This is the same tactic my city took with homeless people. After a new shelter opened in one commercial area and businesses were being overwhelmed with homeless people when they got turned out every day, they got private property owners of these businesses to agree to post their land and allow the police to patrol their property under written agreement that they had the authority to arrest anybody who the police deemed trespassers. It was the only way they could wrestle the authority to go after people who were panhandling or squatting on private land without a complaint first being made, particularly in parking lots.
Texas Just Cut President Biden And His Feds Out - The Lone Star State Unveils Chain Link Fence And Arrests

I predict Arizona will do the same.

I love this. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has offered Texas his National Guard to help with border control. The governor of S. Dakota has offered her help, too.
Proof, right-wingers are just parrots about natural rights in abortion threads. Hypocrisy is all right-wingers know and understand. Whenever shall the Republican led right-wing be Legal to Constitutional Law instead of just plain hypocrites upon the less fortunate?

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,
If Texas takes the land then they lose the shield of enforcing private property laws which is what they are doing. This is the same tactic my city took with homeless people. After a new shelter opened in one commercial area and businesses were being overwhelmed with homeless people when they got turned out every day, they got private property owners of these businesses to agree to post their land and allow the police to patrol their property under written agreement that they had the authority to arrest anybody who the police deemed trespassers. It was the only way they could wrestle the authority to go after people who were panhandling or squatting on private land without a complaint first being made, particularly in parking lots.
Give me a break. The landowners at the border will never resist the fence since Texas is protecting them with it. They want the fence and the cops.
Give me a break. The landowners at the border will never resist the fence since Texas is protecting them with it. They want the fence and the cops.

I never said the land owners felt otherwise since this is a voluntary program. Only the immigration advocates are upset by this. Perhaps I could give you some reading comprehension tips instead.
Just to be clear or add edification to the OP, I heard about this program in NPR and it is a little more nuanced than what the OP article link says. What they are doing is posting no trespassing signs on the lands of private property with the owners consent and then using state and local laws and state and local law enforcement to enforce the trespassing ordinance as a means of arresting illegals who enter the lands. Pro-Immigration people are really hating this and are trying to find ways to stop Texas from "undermining" the federal policies. Quite frankly, I do not see how legally a court could justify ordering a state or local government no to enforce trespassing laws on private property and survive any sort of appeals process. What was not clear in the piece I heard is what happens to them after they get arrested in terms of getting them out of the country. Surely ICE has to be involved in some way.
And so, it is a waste of state funds to run it through the court, when ICE ends up handling it anyway. What a joke, and typical of RepubliQan solutions to anything... useless and counter-productive.
Texas can take the land and build a fence on it. Governments have a right called "Eminent Domain" which means they can take private land for public use if they pay the owner a fair price. The article said the Texas cops cannot deport anybody. They can jail them for a year and that's all.
Well, those Texas RepubliQans sure are smart! Spend money jailing people the Feds would otherwise take care of, plus that means keeping them in the country, while RepubliQans claim they want them out of the USA... yeah, that's brilliant, another piece of fancy-dancing by the white right.
Well, those Texas RepubliQans sure are smart! Spend money jailing people the Feds would otherwise take care of, plus that means keeping them in the country, while RepubliQans claim they want them out of the USA... yeah, that's brilliant, another piece of fancy-dancing by the white right.
What language is that????????????????
And so, it is a waste of state funds to run it through the court, when ICE ends up handling it anyway. What a joke, and typical of RepubliQan solutions to anything... useless and counter-productive.

Well at least they plan to arrest them and not catch and release as is the current Biden policy.
Give me a break. The landowners at the border will never resist the fence since Texas is protecting them with it. They want the fence and the cops.
A waste of money on more right-wing socialism on a nation-State basis. Upgrading Ellis Island and putting a world-class research hospital campus on it would better promote and provide for the general welfare.
I never said the land owners felt otherwise since this is a voluntary program. Only the immigration advocates are upset by this. Perhaps I could give you some reading comprehension tips instead.
Besides, it is not just the Poor who "love free stuff".

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