Texas Democrat caught on tape calling 2 black prosecutors the n-word

Honestly, the only people I have personally ever heard use the N-word in my life were Democrats.
I have heard people of every political leaning use it. Every religious devotion use it. And every race, and ethnicity use it. Whether people approve of it, or not. Whether they like it, or not; the fact of the matter is that it is common vernacular for describing negros. Given it's prevalence, and commonality of use; the only thing surprising, is the faux outrage people engage in when they hear someone else use the term.
Given it's prevalence, and commonality of use; the only thing surprising, is the faux outrage people engage in when they hear someone else use the term.
Honestly, the only people I have personally ever heard use the N-word in my life were Democrats.
I have heard people of every political leaning use it. Every religious devotion use it. And every race, and ethnicity use it. Whether people approve of it, or not. Whether they like it, or not; the fact of the matter is that it is common vernacular for describing negros.
40 years ago my mother in law that could barely speak English used it. LOL!
So you want affirmative action for prison now?
That stupid shit they pick up black men and other minority males for and put them away wouldn't even stand up in court if people were doing their jobs.

Thank the liberal politicians who write the laws in states like California where Jerry Brown was ordered by courts to let more people out of jail.
LISTEN: Texas Democrat Uses 'N-WORD' In Tirade About Black Prosecutors

Brownsville City Commissioner Cesar De Leon is in hot water after a recording of him calling two African-American prosecutors “f***ing n******” surfaced on social media on Tuesday.

De Leon, a Democrat, apologized for the racist remarks on Wednesday but defended what he said was a “private conversation.”

“I want to begin by apologizing,” De Leon told The Brownsville Herald. “I want to apologize to the citizens of Brownsville or whoever had to listen to those tapes because there is a lot of profane language and that was a private conversation. It was never meant to be public, but it’s very important that people understand that I’m very apologetic.”

Transcript of the recording provided via The Brownsville Herald:

There are a couple of [F-word and N-word] that Luis Saenz is getting, and I don’t know where he is getting them from. They are coming down to my [F-word] city and now they are trying to [F-word] put everybody in jail because they think we are a bunch of Mexicans that hit our wives, which couldn’t be further from the [F-word] truth, but that is how they see us.

They are [F-word] … and I would say this, that I would never dare use that word, but you know what, yes, there are a couple of [N-word] in there that think that all of us are [F-word] taco eaters....

The true face of liberals.

Countdown to him switching parties and/or being hired by FOX news: 10,9,8,....
I would be surprised if some members of USMessageBoard did not use the word [censored] in their private conversations.
I never use the word liberal in polite company. Momma taught Me manners.
LISTEN: Texas Democrat Uses 'N-WORD' In Tirade About Black Prosecutors

Brownsville City Commissioner Cesar De Leon is in hot water after a recording of him calling two African-American prosecutors “f***ing n******” surfaced on social media on Tuesday.

De Leon, a Democrat, apologized for the racist remarks on Wednesday but defended what he said was a “private conversation.”

“I want to begin by apologizing,” De Leon told The Brownsville Herald. “I want to apologize to the citizens of Brownsville or whoever had to listen to those tapes because there is a lot of profane language and that was a private conversation. It was never meant to be public, but it’s very important that people understand that I’m very apologetic.”

Transcript of the recording provided via The Brownsville Herald:

There are a couple of [F-word and N-word] that Luis Saenz is getting, and I don’t know where he is getting them from. They are coming down to my [F-word] city and now they are trying to [F-word] put everybody in jail because they think we are a bunch of Mexicans that hit our wives, which couldn’t be further from the [F-word] truth, but that is how they see us.

They are [F-word] … and I would say this, that I would never dare use that word, but you know what, yes, there are a couple of [N-word] in there that think that all of us are [F-word] taco eaters....

The true face of liberals.

Na, not outraged at all. Dude was annoyed and talking shit.

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