Texas Executed An Innocent Father

Any surprise in that backward inbred white trash run state

It’s official, the State of Texas executed an innocent man – an innocent father – after prosecutors deliberately concealed evidence in his children’s arson deaths. Now the state bar of Texas has filed a formal misconduct accusation against the prosecutor in this case.

The bar had already filed a petition in Navarro County, near Dallas, earlier this month that alleged that prosecutor John Jackson deliberately withheld evidence which indicated that Cameron Todd Willingham was innocent. Because of this, Willingham was executed in 2004 for supposedly murdering his three young daughters. His daughters died in a house fire back in 1991, but the evidence Jackson suppressed showed that Willingham had nothing to do with the fire that took his daughters from him.

Texas Executed An Innocent Father After Prosecutor Hid Evidence In Kids Arson Deaths
It happens more than we are told. There are many innocent citizens in our prisons and jails, and some are on death row. Check "The Innocence Project" and other groups working to free innocent citizens. In America, your freedom is your luck. The prosecutor should get the death penalty also. That just might put a stop to low-life lawyers sending innocent citizens to prison. If we prosecuted and sentenced D.A.'s every time an innocent person was sent to prison, we'd soon cure the problem. The major cause of innocent citizens in our prisons is circumstantial evidence cases. There should never be a circumstantial case allowed in our courts. Either there is hard rock solid undeniable undisputable evidence of guilt, or there's no case and no trial. Until that happens, there will be no justice in America. And, until that day comes, we need to sentence D.A.'s to death row each time it's discovered that an innocent citizen has been sent to prison.
Eyewitness testimony is the least reliable. The Michael Brown scam showed that recently. Forensic evidence, though circumstantial, can be irrefutable, in many cases. The TV show Forensic Files shows dozens of these cases.Video evidence is also irrefutable. Anything less than irrefutable should not be a death penalty case at all.
FYI - Lab tests are unreliable. Check the recent FBI report on the number of citizens sent to prison on false lab analysis. Tainted lab tests have sent a lot of citizens to prison.
Obviously, you haven't been watching Forensic Files. Watch a few episodes of it tonight. You'll see what I'm talking about. In many cases, it has much more to do with than just a lb test or two. A very wide variety of forensic evidence is out there. Even certain unusual types of weed seeds have been critical in some cases. Tire tracks, sneaker tracks, glass inside vs glass outside. The numbers of these are staggering.

I am a very skeptical critic. The shows I've seen on Forensic Files, leave me NO DOUBT of the guilt of many killers I've seen.
Thousands of cases compromised due to faulty forensic analysis Forensic Science in North Carolina
FBI admits flaws in hair analysis over decades - The Washington Post
Should 40 000 cases be tossed over drug-lab issues Top state court to decide
Technician boss in SFPD lab scandal flunked DNA skills exam - SFGate

SFPD Crime Lab Might Have Put Hundreds Of Cases In Jeopardy Over Faulty DNA Evidence SFist
Any surprise in that backward inbred white trash run state

It’s official, the State of Texas executed an innocent man – an innocent father – after prosecutors deliberately concealed evidence in his children’s arson deaths. Now the state bar of Texas has filed a formal misconduct accusation against the prosecutor in this case.

The bar had already filed a petition in Navarro County, near Dallas, earlier this month that alleged that prosecutor John Jackson deliberately withheld evidence which indicated that Cameron Todd Willingham was innocent. Because of this, Willingham was executed in 2004 for supposedly murdering his three young daughters. His daughters died in a house fire back in 1991, but the evidence Jackson suppressed showed that Willingham had nothing to do with the fire that took his daughters from him.

Texas Executed An Innocent Father After Prosecutor Hid Evidence In Kids Arson Deaths
It happens more than we are told. There are many innocent citizens in our prisons and jails, and some are on death row. Check "The Innocence Project" and other groups working to free innocent citizens. In America, your freedom is your luck. The prosecutor should get the death penalty also. That just might put a stop to low-life lawyers sending innocent citizens to prison. If we prosecuted and sentenced D.A.'s every time an innocent person was sent to prison, we'd soon cure the problem. The major cause of innocent citizens in our prisons is circumstantial evidence cases. There should never be a circumstantial case allowed in our courts. Either there is hard rock solid undeniable undisputable evidence of guilt, or there's no case and no trial. Until that happens, there will be no justice in America. And, until that day comes, we need to sentence D.A.'s to death row each time it's discovered that an innocent citizen has been sent to prison.
Eyewitness testimony is the least reliable. The Michael Brown scam showed that recently. Forensic evidence, though circumstantial, can be irrefutable, in many cases. The TV show Forensic Files shows dozens of these cases.Video evidence is also irrefutable. Anything less than irrefutable should not be a death penalty case at all.
FYI - Lab tests are unreliable. Check the recent FBI report on the number of citizens sent to prison on false lab analysis. Tainted lab tests have sent a lot of citizens to prison.
Obviously, you haven't been watching Forensic Files. Watch a few episodes of it tonight. You'll see what I'm talking about. In many cases, it has much more to do with than just a lb test or two. A very wide variety of forensic evidence is out there. Even certain unusual types of weed seeds have been critical in some cases. Tire tracks, sneaker tracks, glass inside vs glass outside. The numbers of these are staggering.

I am a very skeptical critic. The shows I've seen on Forensic Files, leave me NO DOUBT of the guilt of many killers I've seen.
I've watched the show many times. I also watch The ID channel as well. But, I also read the many stories made public of tainted lab tests, and the most recent FBI report on the faulty lab work done on hair samples that resulted in many innocent citizens going to prison. Lab tests are not 100% accurate. Mistakes are made, and lab techs are careless in some cases. All of this can easily be researched online. In addition, a lab in Texas several years ago, made many mistakes on DNA results that were used in trials. Many cases have been documented of false lab reports. And, even it happens just once, once is one time too many. Taking a person's freedom away is a cruel and inhumane act, by any standard.
This was answered in Post # 14. It is ridiculous to think that in a case with a dozen different pieces of forensic evidence, ALL of them would be faulty. Sorry. That doesn't fly.
The prosecutors should be charged with murder then. Anything else would be treasonously un-American:

"That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved; never, that I know of, controverted."
-- Benjamin Franklin; from letter to Benjamin Vaughn (March 14th, 1785)
Innocent people being executed should be an insurmountable bar to execution.

In the prosecutor's case, the DA's office is probably building a second degree murder or willful homicide case against Jackson. If it is built right, Jackson will ieave prison someday in a pine box.
If executions were barred (as they are already in some states) what is to be said for all the people that get killed because that execution did not occur ?

If Timothy McVeigh and John Allen Muhammad had not been executed, can we say everyone would have been safe from being killed by them ? We have a balance scale. On one side, all the people killed by killers who didn't get executed. On the other side, those executed wrongly. Does anyone in this thread have the complete numbers on that ?
This is about rightness, not about your numbers.
I agree. So which is less "right" ? Risking innocent convicted convicts people being executed, or risking innocent people being killed by convicted killers who did not get executed. If we say one is more a risk than the other, because it has happened more often, then we're back to numbers again.
It doesn't matter. The taking of an innocent life, regardless of how it's done, or who does it, is WRONG, very wrong. The number is unimportant, the point is that we should never, under any circumstance, take an innocent life.
The prosecutors should be charged with murder then. Anything else would be treasonously un-American:

"That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved; never, that I know of, controverted."
-- Benjamin Franklin; from letter to Benjamin Vaughn (March 14th, 1785)
That is a dumb quotation which fails to consider the 2nd side of the balance scale. Those 100 guilty persons, if not executed, could then kill tens or thousands of innocent people. Maybe more than that. The 9-11 highjackers killed 3,000.
Hack article. Dude was guilty.

The only thing that we should be discussing is the OP's opening statement "inbred white trash." USMB admins should enforce the rules on liberals OP's as they do on conservative OP's. We all know that none of us could start a thread with the phrase "savage thug ghetto niggas"

Report the thread.

This thread does not violate any of the rules of this board.
Innocent people being executed should be an insurmountable bar to execution.

In the prosecutor's case, the DA's office is probably building a second degree murder or willful homicide case against Jackson. If it is built right, Jackson will ieave prison someday in a pine box.
If executions were barred (as they are already in some states) what is to be said for all the people that get killed because that execution did not occur ?

If Timothy McVeigh and John Allen Muhammad had not been executed, can we say everyone would have been safe from being killed by them ? We have a balance scale. On one side, all the people killed by killers who didn't get executed. On the other side, those executed wrongly. Does anyone in this thread have the complete numbers on that ?
Yes. You can get the number easily from "The Innocence Project" and several more organizations that work hard to free innocent citizens. The information is readily available online. Also, exactly how can convicts hurt anyone when they are in prison for life without the possibility of parole? Who are they going to kill if they are serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole?
It's quite obvious you are not ready for this debate. THOUSANDS of people have been killed by incarcerated inmates. They are 1) other inmates in the prison and 2) people outside killed by hits ordered by the convicted (non-executed) inmate.

Al Capone has been said to have ordered hundreds of these in just a few years of his incarceration, and he's only one guy. This is why gang leaders' mail is always (we hope) opened, and carefully screened, however gang leaders communicate using ever-changing codes, which prison officials have had difficulty keeping control over. Result has been killings ordered by the incarcerated gangsters. I'm surprised you didn't know this. It is quite commonly known.
FYI -- Just a little info to think about here. It takes years to go through the appeals process before an inmate is executed. So, even if we do exercise the death penalty, what's keeping the death row inmate from killing during their long wait? Your answer?
It doesn't matter. The taking of an innocent life, regardless of how it's done, or who does it, is WRONG, very wrong. The number is unimportant, the point is that we should never, under any circumstance, take an innocent life.
No shit. I'm not saying we should. That is another subject. I'm talking about the killers whose guilt is positive. If a guy walks into a police station and shoots and kills a cop sitting at a front desk, in front of 7 other cops, and 3 different camera recorders, you're not going to give him the death penalty ? So he can kill 5 more people inside the prison, and 105 more outside of it ?
FYI -- Just a little info to think about here. It takes years to go through the appeals process before an inmate is executed. So, even if we do exercise the death penalty, what's keeping the death row inmate from killing during their long wait? Your answer?
LOL. Same answer I've been answering for 30 years now. There shouldn't BE years of appeals. There is no reason for that in the proof-positive cases. I'd give one appeal, one year, that's it.
It doesn't matter. The taking of an innocent life, regardless of how it's done, or who does it, is WRONG, very wrong. The number is unimportant, the point is that we should never, under any circumstance, take an innocent life.
No shit. I'm not saying we should. That is another subject. I'm talking about the killers whose guilt is positive. If a guy walks into a police station and shoots and kills a cop sitting at a front desk, in front of 7 other cops, and 3 different camera recorders, you're not going to give him the death penalty ? So he can kill 5 more people inside the prison, and 105 more outside of it ?
That would depend on the circumstances, motive, and mental state of the shooter. It would be much better to give the person life without the possibility of parole.
FYI -- Just a little info to think about here. It takes years to go through the appeals process before an inmate is executed. So, even if we do exercise the death penalty, what's keeping the death row inmate from killing during their long wait? Your answer?
LOL. Same answer I've been answering for 30 years now. There shouldn't BE years of appeals. There is no reason for that in the proof-positive cases. I'd give one appeal, one year, that's it.
You do realize that many on death row are there due to circumstantial evidence?
It happens more than we are told. There are many innocent citizens in our prisons and jails, and some are on death row. Check "The Innocence Project" and other groups working to free innocent citizens. In America, your freedom is your luck. The prosecutor should get the death penalty also. That just might put a stop to low-life lawyers sending innocent citizens to prison. If we prosecuted and sentenced D.A.'s every time an innocent person was sent to prison, we'd soon cure the problem. The major cause of innocent citizens in our prisons is circumstantial evidence cases. There should never be a circumstantial case allowed in our courts. Either there is hard rock solid undeniable undisputable evidence of guilt, or there's no case and no trial. Until that happens, there will be no justice in America. And, until that day comes, we need to sentence D.A.'s to death row each time it's discovered that an innocent citizen has been sent to prison.
Eyewitness testimony is the least reliable. The Michael Brown scam showed that recently. Forensic evidence, though circumstantial, can be irrefutable, in many cases. The TV show Forensic Files shows dozens of these cases.Video evidence is also irrefutable. Anything less than irrefutable should not be a death penalty case at all.
FYI - Lab tests are unreliable. Check the recent FBI report on the number of citizens sent to prison on false lab analysis. Tainted lab tests have sent a lot of citizens to prison.
Obviously, you haven't been watching Forensic Files. Watch a few episodes of it tonight. You'll see what I'm talking about. In many cases, it has much more to do with than just a lb test or two. A very wide variety of forensic evidence is out there. Even certain unusual types of weed seeds have been critical in some cases. Tire tracks, sneaker tracks, glass inside vs glass outside. The numbers of these are staggering.

I am a very skeptical critic. The shows I've seen on Forensic Files, leave me NO DOUBT of the guilt of many killers I've seen.
I've watched the show many times. I also watch The ID channel as well. But, I also read the many stories made public of tainted lab tests, and the most recent FBI report on the faulty lab work done on hair samples that resulted in many innocent citizens going to prison. Lab tests are not 100% accurate. Mistakes are made, and lab techs are careless in some cases. All of this can easily be researched online. In addition, a lab in Texas several years ago, made many mistakes on DNA results that were used in trials. Many cases have been documented of false lab reports. And, even it happens just once, once is one time too many. Taking a person's freedom away is a cruel and inhumane act, by any standard.
This was answered in Post # 14. It is ridiculous to think that in a case with a dozen different pieces of forensic evidence, ALL of them would be faulty. Sorry. That doesn't fly.
Well, read the many LINKS that I have given you. It happens all the time, in many cases. I posted the links for you. And, if necessary, I can post more if you're too lazy to do your own research.
The prosecutors should be charged with murder then. Anything else would be treasonously un-American:

"That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved; never, that I know of, controverted."
-- Benjamin Franklin; from letter to Benjamin Vaughn (March 14th, 1785)
That is a dumb quotation which fails to consider the 2nd side of the balance scale. Those 100 guilty persons, if not executed, could then kill tens or thousands of innocent people. Maybe more than that. The 9-11 highjackers killed 3,000.
So, your reasoning is that it's fine to execute innocent citizens as collateral damage as long as we execute the guilty along with them?
FYI -- Just a little info to think about here. It takes years to go through the appeals process before an inmate is executed. So, even if we do exercise the death penalty, what's keeping the death row inmate from killing during their long wait? Your answer?
LOL. Same answer I've been answering for 30 years now. There shouldn't BE years of appeals. There is no reason for that in the proof-positive cases. I'd give one appeal, one year, that's it.
Blood and circus Cover Story Colorado Springs Independent

Massachusetts lab tech arrested for alleged improper handling of drug tests - CBS News

Troubled St. Paul crime lab problems even worse than first thought probe reveals Minnesota Public Radio News

Henry Wade s Tough Justice How Dallas County Prosecutors Led the Nation in ... - Edward Gray - Google Books
Hack article. Dude was guilty.

The only thing that we should be discussing is the OP's opening statement "inbred white trash." USMB admins should enforce the rules on liberals OP's as they do on conservative OP's. We all know that none of us could start a thread with the phrase "savage thug ghetto niggas"

Report the thread.

This thread does not violate any of the rules of this board.

For shits and giggles, I'm going to start every thread with "savage thug ghetto niggas" no matter what the topic concerns.

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