Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room

FYI: I am a "she"...and live in the great north east...and yes, here we have a right to defend ourselves IF ATTACKED, but not to kill unarmed folk for throwing popcorn, texting at a movie, playing loud music in their car, knocking on our door or objecting to being followed while walking home in the dark.. U do any of that...u stand trial.

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I must be confused, I am pretty sure everyone you are alluding to was charged.

Not really...the dude that shot that teenage girl who was knocking on his door for help after an accident was not charged...neither was Zimmerman prior to the national hue and cry...nor has boyfriend killer Dad been charged...in all instances; the victim was an unarmed minor killed by an armed adult. And u don't think think there's something wrong w this trend?

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All gun nuts should be rounded up and sent to Siberia, with their weapons. Then, they can spend the rest of their miserable lives blowing each other away. Yep.

Depends on how you define a gun nut.

I have lot's of guns.

The human diet use to be plant based. Almost everything we ate was plants. At a certain point (debateable) humans started eating meat.

I can admit this, but I have lot's of guns because I want to provide food for my family when my garden is not producing.

Of course America has to deal with the difference of me vs these idiots
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmrggqzwhFc]100 Round Glock Mag Fully Automatic - Fire Power Solutions, Inc. - YouTube[/ame]

Those damned fish had it coming!!!!!
The father should go to prison for life. He murdered someone for no reason. You gun nuts should all burn in hell for your agressive position about every nut case in the USA being able to own a gun and blow people away willy nilly.:mad:

[MENTION=42498]Esmeralda[/MENTION], I agree you're an idiot, so you don't have to sign your private messages that way. I also apologize for treating you like a mature individual who SHOULD understand the rules of civil conversation. In the future, I'll be sure and treat you as the unthinking trash talking buffoon you so obviously are...and by that , I'm telling you that you're not writing anything worth reading, so you're on ignore.
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The father should go to prison for life. He murdered someone for no reason. You gun nuts should all burn in hell for your agressive position about every nut case in the USA being able to own a gun and blow people away willy nilly.:mad:

[MENTION=42498]Esmeralda[/MENTION], I agree you're an idiot, so you don't have to sign your private messages that way. I also apologize for treating you like a mature individual who SHOULD understand the rules of civil conversation. In the future, I'll be sure and treat you as the unthinking trash talking buffoon you so obviously are...and by that , I'm telling you that you're not writing anything worth reading, so you're on ignore.[/QUOTE]

:lmao: Your post would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. :boohoo:
Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room: Cops

Apparently no charges are being filed but instead the case will be taken to a grand jury to determine if charges should be filed. What say you all?

I will give my take when I get back home later tonight.

The father should go to prison for life. He murdered someone for no reason. You gun nuts should all burn in hell for your agressive position about every nut case in the USA being able to own a gun and blow people away willy nilly.:mad:

You are right, and when all the guns are gone, your "p$$uy" will be raped by every tom, dick, and harry because the only thing that restrains the perversions of man is superior force.

if rape, murder, and crime was simply legalized, we would need no guns.

LMAO You ain't crazy, oh no..... :cuckoo:
FYI: I am a "she"...and live in the great north east...and yes, here we have a right to defend ourselves IF ATTACKED, but not to kill unarmed folk for throwing popcorn, texting at a movie, playing loud music in their car, knocking on our door or objecting to being followed while walking home in the dark.. U do any of that...u stand trial.

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I must be confused, I am pretty sure everyone you are alluding to was charged.

Not really...the dude that shot that teenage girl who was knocking on his door for help after an accident was not charged...neither was Zimmerman prior to the national hue and cry...nor has boyfriend killer Dad been charged...in all instances; the victim was an unarmed minor killed by an armed adult. And u don't think think there's something wrong w this trend?

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Anything, taken out of context can look wrong. Was Zimmerman not suppose to protect himself after getting his head banged into the concrete several times while he screamed like a girl? Was the Dad who killed his daughter's boyfriend suppose to just let the guy rape her and walk away? Remember she denied knowing the guy and at 17, you are almost an adult. The boy also knew he was wrong, or he wouldn't have hidden under the bed. I don't know enough about the other case to make a judgement but in the two cases I mentioned, they were justifiable shoots, in once case, the man was defending himself from possible death and in the other case, the man was protecting his daughter and his family from someone he thought was an intruder. I'd advice you, if you have a child, to make sure he abides by the rules of any house he visits, otherwise, he might find himself shot, and justifiably so.
All gun nuts should be rounded up and sent to Siberia, with their weapons. Then, they can spend the rest of their miserable lives blowing each other away. Yep.

Depends on how you define a gun nut.

I have lot's of guns.

The human diet use to be plant based. Almost everything we ate was plants. At a certain point (debateable) humans started eating meat.

I can admit this, but I have lot's of guns because I want to provide food for my family when my garden is not producing.

Of course America has to deal with the difference of me vs these idiots
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmrggqzwhFc"]100 Round Glock Mag Fully Automatic - Fire Power Solutions, Inc. - YouTube[/ame]

Humans have eyes in the front of their heads in order to judge the distance to their prey. This is a common trait of meat eating predators and is the result of evolution. We also have incisors that are designed by evolution to cut meat, and soft enamel, another common trait of predators. Animals that evolved to eat plants have grinding teeth with hard enamel in order to protect their teeth from the damage the comes from eating plants.

Please, feel free to prove how stupid you are by spouting more nonsense that is totally contradicted by science.
FYI: I am a "she"...and live in the great north east...and yes, here we have a right to defend ourselves IF ATTACKED, but not to kill unarmed folk for throwing popcorn, texting at a movie, playing loud music in their car, knocking on our door or objecting to being followed while walking home in the dark.. U do any of that...u stand trial.

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I must be confused, I am pretty sure everyone you are alluding to was charged.

Not really...the dude that shot that teenage girl who was knocking on his door for help after an accident was not charged...neither was Zimmerman prior to the national hue and cry...nor has boyfriend killer Dad been charged...in all instances; the victim was an unarmed minor killed by an armed adult. And u don't think think there's something wrong w this trend?

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Detroit-area man charged in killing woman on his porch

Stop lying, it just makes you look stupid.
The father should go to prison for life. He murdered someone for no reason. You gun nuts should all burn in hell for your agressive position about every nut case in the USA being able to own a gun and blow people away willy nilly.:mad:

[MENTION=42498]Esmeralda[/MENTION], I agree you're an idiot, so you don't have to sign your private messages that way. I also apologize for treating you like a mature individual who SHOULD understand the rules of civil conversation. In the future, I'll be sure and treat you as the unthinking trash talking buffoon you so obviously are...and by that , I'm telling you that you're not writing anything worth reading, so you're on ignore.

She neg repped me with a sign off of idiot too. Ouch. To have such an esteemed woman come down from her high perch and grace us with her eloquence is truly a remarkable thing! Notice how she uses competent words and carefully crafted responses to what others say. We're dealing with a real pro here, I mean Esmeralda you're just hitting it out of the park! Bravo, bravo!
I must be confused, I am pretty sure everyone you are alluding to was charged.

Not really...the dude that shot that teenage girl who was knocking on his door for help after an accident was not charged...neither was Zimmerman prior to the national hue and cry...nor has boyfriend killer Dad been charged...in all instances; the victim was an unarmed minor killed by an armed adult. And u don't think think there's something wrong w this trend?

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Detroit-area man charged in killing woman on his porch

Stop lying, it just makes you look stupid.

Sad that u need to insult me...but I do appreciate the correction. At the same time..I maintain that there is something seriously wrong when so many armed adults somehow feel justified in shooting to kill unarmed kids...r they all really so afraid ?

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Not really...the dude that shot that teenage girl who was knocking on his door for help after an accident was not charged...neither was Zimmerman prior to the national hue and cry...nor has boyfriend killer Dad been charged...in all instances; the victim was an unarmed minor killed by an armed adult. And u don't think think there's something wrong w this trend?

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Detroit-area man charged in killing woman on his porch

Stop lying, it just makes you look stupid.

Sad that u need to insult me...but I do appreciate the correction. At the same time..I maintain that there is something seriously wrong when so many armed adults somehow feel justified in shooting to kill unarmed kids...r they all really so afraid ?

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Your position is flawed. Fear is exactly why they have firearms to protect themselves. It isn't for self satisfaction either. The daughter lied, the father took her word, a foolish 17 year old boy lost his life. Why can't we teach our teenagers to tell the truth? Why must we feel justified in spoiling them rotten?
Not really...the dude that shot that teenage girl who was knocking on his door for help after an accident was not charged...neither was Zimmerman prior to the national hue and cry...nor has boyfriend killer Dad been charged...in all instances; the victim was an unarmed minor killed by an armed adult. And u don't think think there's something wrong w this trend?

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Detroit-area man charged in killing woman on his porch

Stop lying, it just makes you look stupid.

Sad that u need to insult me...but I do appreciate the correction. At the same time..I maintain that there is something seriously wrong when so many armed adults somehow feel justified in shooting to kill unarmed kids...r they all really so afraid ?

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I don't need to insult you, it is entirely gratuitous.

Perhaps the problem lies inside your head.

Sad that u need to insult me...but I do appreciate the correction. At the same time..I maintain that there is something seriously wrong when so many armed adults somehow feel justified in shooting to kill unarmed kids...r they all really so afraid ?

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Your position is flawed. Fear is exactly why they have firearms to protect themselves. It isn't for self satisfaction either. The daughter lied, the father took her word, a foolish 17 year old boy lost his life. Why can't we teach our teenagers to tell the truth? Why must we feel justified in spoiling them rotten?

For you the onus of not being foolish lies on the teenagers and not the dumb-assed adult who was gullible enough to believe such.

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