Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room

And the only one who would have any interest in being a guest is dead and can't testify that he was, indeed, invited in.

You're telling me that he hid under the bed because he was invited?????

The kid hid under the bed because he was banging the daughter.

Only a fucking moron doesn't realize that.

The dad should be seeing some jail time.

But this is looney land.

It is Texas. What do you expect?
If he was black, then he wasn't a teen boy. He was a thug.

If I learned nothing else during the Zimmerman trial, I learned that. :thup:

What is your definition of a thug?

Common street criminal. Somebody who makes a habit of crime. No remorse.

So a common street criminal is a thug? So, would a kid caught with stolen merchandise and tools to committ burglarly be considered thug? How about an underage kid trying to buy (illegally) a handgun? Now, what if this same kid, also was expelled from school multiple times? And to top it off, this kid bragged about hitting a bus driver and about wanting to fight another kid because that kid did not bleed enough? Thug? Yay or Nay?
Honor Shmonor...she was a willing participant..and wanting to get close to ur GF should not earn u a death sentance.

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Honor Shmonor...she was a willing participant..and wanting to get close to ur GF should not earn u a death sentance.

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Apparently you've never had a daughter? Just because she didn't value herself doesn't mean her dad wouldn't, or shouldn't.

And the boy paid a high price.
Yup...really honorable to kill a kid who was probably doing what the killer dad had done himself many a time...
I see nothing honorable in armed adults killing unarmed kids..

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1) How do any parents not know when one of their children invites anyone in, especially to their room?

2) How is it the parents don't have a close enough relationship with their own kid that the kid can't even be honest with their parents and "sneak" in any of their friends?
1) How do any parents not know when one of their children invites anyone in, especially to their room?

2) How is it the parents don't have a close enough relationship with their own kid that the kid can't even be honest with their parents and "sneak" in any of their friends?

3) Why couldn't the kid simply have followed the rules of the house?

4) Why couldn't the kid refrain from lying and getting someone killed?
Lot of people intellectually "loose" with "when it's ok to kill someone."

That's sick / scary.

You don't imagine you should consider your daughter is, oh I dunno, lying - - - - BEFORE you kill a kid, in this oh so obvious situation ? No? It's perfectly ok to take that next step like that? Disgusting
I agree GT...and it's also scary how many justify such reckless killing...
For those, It appears it's OK to shoot to kill unarmed folk when
Ur annoyed (like when someone texts in a movie theater or plays loud music in their car).
Someone objects to being followed in the dark when walking home.
Someone is drunk on ur front porch.
A kid wakes u up from a sound sleep by knocking on ur door for help after an accident...
A stupid kid hides under his girlfriends bed ( truly terrifying, that one)...

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Honor Shmonor...she was a willing participant..and wanting to get close to ur GF should not earn u a death sentance.

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Apparently you've never had a daughter? Just because she didn't value herself doesn't mean her dad wouldn't, or shouldn't.

And the boy paid a high price.

Hopefully in civil court ol' pop the gun popper pays a high price.
I agree GT...and it's also scary how many justify such reckless killing...
For those, It appears it's OK to shoot to kill unarmed folk when
Ur annoyed (like when someone texts in a movie theater or plays loud music in their car).
Someone objects to being followed in the dark when walking home.
Someone is drunk on ur front porch.
A kid wakes u up from a sound sleep by knocking on ur door for help after an accident...
A stupid kid hides under his girlfriends bed ( truly terrifying, that one)...

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In my wild youth, I spent a few nights hiding in closets and behind a couch. I also learned to be ultra sensitive to door clicks and learned how to get dressed in 5 seconds flat.

I never, however thought at any time bangin daddy's little girl would get me killed.
The father has still not been charged with anything. The death is not his fault. It is the fault of the girl who said that a stranger was in her room.
The father has still not been charged with anything. The death is not his fault. It is the fault of the girl who said that a stranger was in her room.

I can't decide which is the worst daughter, his, or Rachel Canning who tried to sue her parents.

There is some bad attitude going around now. That kid should never have been in their home, he knew it or he wouldn't have hid under the bed. She knew it or she wouldn't have said she didn't know him. Something is seriously wrong with this society that tries to justify a 16 year old girl sharing her bed with her boyfriend thinking her parents aren't going to find out. And then people saying they should just let their 16 year old daughter screw around. What kind of idiots live in this world today?
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I guess that in some southern states , the death penalty can be administered by anyone with a gun for almost anything...knocking on a door for help after an accident, being drunk, playing loud music, hiding in a girlfriends's bedroom, walking home in the rain in a hoodie...We were thinking of retiring down there...but no more.

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I guess you are even dumber than I thought.
At least Here I can take a walk in the evening without some gun toting paranoiac coward deciding I'm standing on his ground...and takes a shot at me...u can keep ur gun loving states...filled with cowardly folk who can't stand up to any challange without a deadly weapon to substitute for balls...and a tiny penis.

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I bet your state has laws that allow people to defend themselves.
I guess that in some southern states , the death penalty can be administered by anyone with a gun for almost anything...knocking on a door for help after an accident, being drunk, playing loud music, hiding in a girlfriends's bedroom, walking home in the rain in a hoodie...We were thinking of retiring down there...but no more.

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I guess you are even dumber than I thought.

Except he's right.
I guess that in some southern states , the death penalty can be administered by anyone with a gun for almost anything...knocking on a door for help after an accident, being drunk, playing loud music, hiding in a girlfriends's bedroom, walking home in the rain in a hoodie...We were thinking of retiring down there...but no more.

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I guess you are even dumber than I thought.

Except he's right.

What state does he live in? Even New York actually lets you legally kill someone if they threaten you.

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