Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room

CaféAuLait;8781175 said:
Dad was sleeping, tons of people do not hear intruders break in, in the middle of the night. He was also on many medications according to police. God only knows how groggy or what those meds may have been doing to a half sleeping man.

If he wasn't thinking clearly while on medication, I would argue that his right to own a gun should be denied until he was in good health again.

Of course you would.

It was the middle of the night. The young man was in another man's house without the home owner's permission. The home owner is not expected to be thinking particularly clearly at 3 a.m., on medication or not. If you're going to make the decision to be in someone else's house without their permission, these are things one risks.

But your answer is to take away the man's right to protect his family.

CaféAuLait;8781215 said:
CaféAuLait;8781175 said:
Dad was sleeping, tons of people do not hear intruders break in, in the middle of the night. He was also on many medications according to police. God only knows how groggy or what those meds may have been doing to a half sleeping man.

If he wasn't thinking clearly while on medication, I would argue that his right to own a gun should be denied until he was in good health again.

How long does it take you to wake up? What if one was sleeping pills? IDK, but before I judge him as doing something wrong I would like to hear the whole thing, not just bits and pieces.

If Dad was pissed his little girl was having sex, he would not have called 911 to report an intruder? That does not make any sense to me. Sounds like he believed there was an intruder and when intruder started to yell at him and then intruder reached for what Dad believed was a gun he was shot.

I hate to say it, but this kid knew he was in the wrong. He saw dad with a gun, HE KNEW dad did not believe he belong in that house, since girl denied she knew him, kid should have shut up and waited for the cops to sort it out. Sounds like kid made several of the decision which lead to this fatal encounter.


There's really nothing more to say.

I hope no one in this thread ever wakes up to a stranger in their house in the middle of the night. And if you do, I hope you aren't harmed. And I won't judge what you feel necessary to do if that alarming occasion ever comes.
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Lol an intruder. It was a dude his daughter invited over to fuck. Lemme know the crime. Dumbass.


Section 9.32, Texas Penal Code:

is justified in using deadly force against another:

(1) if he would be justified in using force against the
other under Section 9.31;
(2) if a reasonable person in the actor's situation
would not have retreated; and
(3) when and to the degree he reasonably believes the
deadly force is immediately necessary:
(A) to protect himself against the other's use or
attempted use of unlawful deadly force; or
(B) to prevent the other's imminent commission of
aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual
, robbery, or aggravated robbery.

(b) The requirement imposed by Subsection (a)(2) does not
apply to an actor who uses force against a person who is at the time
of the use of force committing an offense of unlawful entry in the
habitation of the actor.

Problem is, TK, is that I think that law is overused so that anyone can shoot dead a person and then claim they 'felt' threatened.

Even still, Noomi, he was legally justified in his actions. In discussions like these, determining the legality of his actions is the argument to end all arguments. His motives are irrelevant in my opinion. His daughter got the boy killed by a) sneaking him in there without her father's prior knowledge b) lying about it when she and the boy were both discovered.

So, the boy was trespassing, which gave the Father legal standing to use force, deadly or otherwise, to extricate the intruder; whether his daughter brought him in or not.
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^^^ If there is already a gun in his face, he will do whatever he is ordered to if he has any sense in that head of his. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Once your daughter has said she doesn't know him, you don't ask your daughter if she wasn't the intruder to leave. And you don't let the intruder run off. You send that b@st@rd to prison ... unless he's stupid enough to threaten you some more in which case you defend your home and family, and if he doesn't make it as far as the prison then so be it.
I was only saying that a person should only be shot when nothing else works.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Its the same thing with disciplining your kid. To me, a spanking should only happen when nothing else works.
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Let's see if I got this right.

Little boy tells dad he saw feet sticking out from underneath his 16-year old sister's bed when he went to say goodnight. Dad's first instinct is to run to his daughter's room with a gun? Seriously?

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but my first thought would have been, “How in the hell did she sneak a boyfriend into the house?” Then after a second or two I would have realized, “She let him I through her bedroom window; that's why I didn't see him.”

I would have been smart enough not to accept my daughter's word that she did not know the young man. After all, she has a reason to lie, especially if I'm a strict parent. Look folks, if her little brother knew someone was under her bed, she sure as hell did, too, and she didn't scream or run to daddy. At this point I think it's proper to interject: WTF?? Everything tells me what is really going on and it ain't a home break-in. I would have told the young man to leave and I would have stepped aside so that he could.

This bullshit about “he made a sudden move with his hands” won't fly. If the local district attorney is aggressive, I fully expect the dad will be tried and convicted.

For the record, I am a gun owner and also a strong believer in the “Castle Doctrine” but this is ridiculous. When you take a man's life, you'd better be damn sure it's necessary.
Actually, just very simple logic.

Think about it.

Without trying to get a fight going, just think about it.

Nothing to think about. The guy was identified as an intruder by the turd daughter. That makes him an intruder. Intruder in my house equals room temperature.

Just curious, would you take into account the way your daughter reacted? If she said "no Daddy, I don't know that boy", would you believe her? See, if she jumped out of bed all panicked screaming that this man came in her room and was trying to rape her, and there was actually some evidence of that, I could understand a father shooting the guy. However, that is not the way this is coming out. This father obviously is not all that bright and should never have owned a gun, because he didn't have the brains to figure out his daughter just got caught with her boyfriend in her room.

Secondly, the entire story given by the father will be thrown out in court most likely. The facts of this are that the boy was a guest in the house, invited in by the daughter. The boy was unarmed. The father shot and killed an unarmed guest in his house. That is murder, and if it comes out that the father actually knew the kid was his daughter's girlfriend, the charge will definitely be 2nd degree murder rather than involuntary manslaughter, which btw is the least charge this man will be facing.

How the story is coming out? Wow you have some insider information the rest of us are not privy to. Do tell.
Let's see if I got this right.

Little boy tells dad he saw feet sticking out from underneath his 16-year old sister's bed when he went to say goodnight. Dad's first instinct is to run to his daughter's room with a gun? Seriously?

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but my first thought would have been, “How in the hell did she sneak a boyfriend into the house?” Then after a second or two I would have realized, “She let him I through her bedroom window; that's why I didn't see him.”

I would have been smart enough not to accept my daughter's word that she did not know the young man. After all, she has a reason to lie, especially if I'm a strict parent. Look folks, if her little brother knew someone was under her bed, she sure as hell did, too, and she didn't scream or run to daddy. At this point I think it's proper to interject: WTF?? Everything tells me what is really going on and it ain't a home break-in. I would have told the young man to leave and I would have stepped aside so that he could.

This bullshit about “he made a sudden move with his hands” won't fly. If the local district attorney is aggressive, I fully expect the dad will be tried and convicted.

For the record, I am a gun owner and also a strong believer in the “Castle Doctrine” but this is ridiculous. When you take a man's life, you'd better be damn sure it's necessary.


There was no reason at all to believe the daughters life was at risk. She wasn't screaming like she was raped. She was acting like a guilty whore who snuck her boyfriend into the house without daddies permission.
The kid was in her room. She invited him in. She lied. Kid died.
Now, she has to live with this the rest of HER life, her dad gets to live with it knowing she lied and he killed the guy, the brother has to live with it knowing he told dad about the feet poking out and the results of that cuz for all he knew, some guy was hiding under the bed, the parents of the dead guy have to live with it knowing their son is dead because some teenybopper chick lied to her dad who then shot their son.

As I said before...what a mess.

With that said..I would have done the same thing the lying girls father did. His house. Someone inside he did not invite and under his lying daughters bed. Shoot first, ask questions later. But I probably would have shot him in the leg. Or both legs.

I was taught from a very young age, never point a gun at someone unless you are willing to kill them, and never, ever shoot, unless you are aiming to kill.

Why would you shoot to kill when wounding would do the job? This guy was not trained well enough to be handling a gun.
Let's see if I got this right.

Little boy tells dad he saw feet sticking out from underneath his 16-year old sister's bed when he went to say goodnight. Dad's first instinct is to run to his daughter's room with a gun? Seriously?

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but my first thought would have been, “How in the hell did she sneak a boyfriend into the house?” Then after a second or two I would have realized, “She let him I through her bedroom window; that's why I didn't see him.”

I would have been smart enough not to accept my daughter's word that she did not know the young man. After all, she has a reason to lie, especially if I'm a strict parent. Look folks, if her little brother knew someone was under her bed, she sure as hell did, too, and she didn't scream or run to daddy. At this point I think it's proper to interject: WTF?? Everything tells me what is really going on and it ain't a home break-in. I would have told the young man to leave and I would have stepped aside so that he could.

This bullshit about “he made a sudden move with his hands” won't fly. If the local district attorney is aggressive, I fully expect the dad will be tried and convicted.

For the record, I am a gun owner and also a strong believer in the “Castle Doctrine” but this is ridiculous. When you take a man's life, you'd better be damn sure it's necessary.

You definitely did not get it right.
Let's see if I got this right.

Little boy tells dad he saw feet sticking out from underneath his 16-year old sister's bed when he went to say goodnight. Dad's first instinct is to run to his daughter's room with a gun? Seriously?

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but my first thought would have been, “How in the hell did she sneak a boyfriend into the house?” Then after a second or two I would have realized, “She let him I through her bedroom window; that's why I didn't see him.”

I would have been smart enough not to accept my daughter's word that she did not know the young man. After all, she has a reason to lie, especially if I'm a strict parent. Look folks, if her little brother knew someone was under her bed, she sure as hell did, too, and she didn't scream or run to daddy. At this point I think it's proper to interject: WTF?? Everything tells me what is really going on and it ain't a home break-in. I would have told the young man to leave and I would have stepped aside so that he could.

This bullshit about “he made a sudden move with his hands” won't fly. If the local district attorney is aggressive, I fully expect the dad will be tried and convicted.

For the record, I am a gun owner and also a strong believer in the “Castle Doctrine” but this is ridiculous. When you take a man's life, you'd better be damn sure it's necessary.

[MENTION=28505]The Professor[/MENTION]

Back when my children were very small, I had an errant 16 year old niece. She kept running away and the state asked me if she could live with us. I was not for it, but my mother who was completely enmeshed with the girl had gotten my husband alone and did a number on him, so he overruled me on it. One morning I awoke and found one of her thug boyfriends in my house. I gathered the children, took them to my bedroom, locked the door and got my gun. If the thug had opened that door, I would have shot him. I called the state and told them to come get her, which they did.

Bottom line, it all depends on the circumstances. I happened to know who the boy was, and his whole family were and are nothing but a bunch of violent thugs in an out of prison year after year. To this day the niece can't tell us why she got involved with them. But she still has notoriously poor judgment even though she is 50 or so.

Neither of my children acted out, so that was the last time I ever had a situation like that.

I did have a break in when I lived in TN after the children were grown, and the cops had me to get my gun then and keep it in hand until they got there.
Actually, just very simple logic.

Think about it.

Without trying to get a fight going, just think about it.

Nothing to think about. The guy was identified as an intruder by the turd daughter. That makes him an intruder. Intruder in my house equals room temperature.

Just curious, would you take into account the way your daughter reacted? If she said "no Daddy, I don't know that boy", would you believe her? See, if she jumped out of bed all panicked screaming that this man came in her room and was trying to rape her, and there was actually some evidence of that, I could understand a father shooting the guy. However, that is not the way this is coming out. This father obviously is not all that bright and should never have owned a gun, because he didn't have the brains to figure out his daughter just got caught with her boyfriend in her room.

Secondly, the entire story given by the father will be thrown out in court most likely. The facts of this are that the boy was a guest in the house, invited in by the daughter. The boy was unarmed. The father shot and killed an unarmed guest in his house. That is murder, and if it comes out that the father actually knew the kid was his daughter's girlfriend, the charge will definitely be 2nd degree murder rather than involuntary manslaughter, which btw is the least charge this man will be facing.

And who will testify that he was a guest? The only one who has any interest in that testimony is dead.
Nothing to think about. The guy was identified as an intruder by the turd daughter. That makes him an intruder. Intruder in my house equals room temperature.

Just curious, would you take into account the way your daughter reacted? If she said "no Daddy, I don't know that boy", would you believe her? See, if she jumped out of bed all panicked screaming that this man came in her room and was trying to rape her, and there was actually some evidence of that, I could understand a father shooting the guy. However, that is not the way this is coming out. This father obviously is not all that bright and should never have owned a gun, because he didn't have the brains to figure out his daughter just got caught with her boyfriend in her room.

Secondly, the entire story given by the father will be thrown out in court most likely. The facts of this are that the boy was a guest in the house, invited in by the daughter. The boy was unarmed. The father shot and killed an unarmed guest in his house. That is murder, and if it comes out that the father actually knew the kid was his daughter's girlfriend, the charge will definitely be 2nd degree murder rather than involuntary manslaughter, which btw is the least charge this man will be facing.

And who will testify that he was a guest? The only one who has any interest in that testimony is dead.

How can he be a guest when the owner of the home didn't know he was there and didn't give him permission to come in?
Just curious, would you take into account the way your daughter reacted? If she said "no Daddy, I don't know that boy", would you believe her? See, if she jumped out of bed all panicked screaming that this man came in her room and was trying to rape her, and there was actually some evidence of that, I could understand a father shooting the guy. However, that is not the way this is coming out. This father obviously is not all that bright and should never have owned a gun, because he didn't have the brains to figure out his daughter just got caught with her boyfriend in her room.

Secondly, the entire story given by the father will be thrown out in court most likely. The facts of this are that the boy was a guest in the house, invited in by the daughter. The boy was unarmed. The father shot and killed an unarmed guest in his house. That is murder, and if it comes out that the father actually knew the kid was his daughter's girlfriend, the charge will definitely be 2nd degree murder rather than involuntary manslaughter, which btw is the least charge this man will be facing.

And who will testify that he was a guest? The only one who has any interest in that testimony is dead.

How can he be a guest when the owner of the home didn't know he was there and didn't give him permission to come in?

Because another member of the household let him enter? He didn't break in. Some of you people are fucking nuts.
The kid was in her room. She invited him in. She lied. Kid died.
Now, she has to live with this the rest of HER life, her dad gets to live with it knowing she lied and he killed the guy, the brother has to live with it knowing he told dad about the feet poking out and the results of that cuz for all he knew, some guy was hiding under the bed, the parents of the dead guy have to live with it knowing their son is dead because some teenybopper chick lied to her dad who then shot their son.

As I said before...what a mess.

With that said..I would have done the same thing the lying girls father did. His house. Someone inside he did not invite and under his lying daughters bed. Shoot first, ask questions later. But I probably would have shot him in the leg. Or both legs.

I was taught from a very young age, never point a gun at someone unless you are willing to kill them, and never, ever shoot, unless you are aiming to kill.

Why would you shoot to kill when wounding would do the job? This guy was not trained well enough to be handling a gun.

Sadly because you have less chance of being sued.
Google: homeowner shoots intruder intruder than sues homeowner
And who will testify that he was a guest? The only one who has any interest in that testimony is dead.

How can he be a guest when the owner of the home didn't know he was there and didn't give him permission to come in?

Because another member of the household let him enter? He didn't break in. Some of you people are fucking nuts.

And the only one who would have any interest in being a guest is dead and can't testify that he was, indeed, invited in.
How can he be a guest when the owner of the home didn't know he was there and didn't give him permission to come in?

Because another member of the household let him enter? He didn't break in. Some of you people are fucking nuts.

And the only one who would have any interest in being a guest is dead and can't testify that he was, indeed, invited in.

You're telling me that he hid under the bed because he was invited?????

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