Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

This can't be serious. Texas has no standing to sue another state on that state's conduct under state law. Texas has no interest in another state's decision to send out ballot applications, nor any interest in whether those who received ballots in response to submitting the application returned those ballots, or how these ballots were handled once received. The pols who run the Texas government become more and more bizarre each day.

They have standing if they believe fraudulent practices in other States made their EV's worthless.

No do not haqve standing and they cannot demonstrate any harm. The arguments are the same ones that Trump has beem making ad nauseum and been thrown out ad nauseum.

Their EC votes have been countered by illegal changes to voting laws in the States in question.

They have not. There have been no illegal changes.

Judges unilaterally allowed changes not approved by the legislature, and the legislatures at the State level have the power to set election guidelines.

State judges have the right to interpret the state's constitutions. State legislatures do not have the power to ignore the state's constitution. If the Supreme Court wants to interpret state constitutions then they should resign and get judgeships in the state courts.

Another one who was in too much of a rush to tell us the "facts" based on what she really, really wants to actually find out anything about the topic.

On the bright side, you don't sound any more laughably stupid than you normally do.
Your high horse puzzles me. We're only disenfranchising 73M, not "every other voter in the nation." The moral majority of 81M voters agrees with me.
If you accept crooked accounting and cheats. And it doesn't matter anyway. Votes obtained by fraud
should be discounted and expunged.
Nope. The rules that Texas is challenging are internal to each State. Texas doesn't get a say in how those rules are implemented outside of Texas. And the issues of raised by Texas are just rehashes of cases that have already been adjudicated in the State courts.

And rejected. There are no violations per the States themselves. And the rules for the election are internal to the State.

Its a closed loop. And Texas is outside the loop.
You are hopelessly corrupt and stupid. Imagine a river running between Pennsylvania and Texas
and in Pennsylvania it is perfectly legal dump highly toxic materials in the river but people in downstream Texas are getting sick and dying because of what happens in Pennsylvania.

In a national election what happens in Penn. effects other states and people.
It is not a "closed loop". Other people throughout the nation are disenfranchised by what happens
in other states and everyone should be playing all under the same rules.

Have some third grader explain to you why cheating isn't fair. This concept seems way beyond you.

Or....I'm just familiar with the relevant legal principles.

Disagreeing with your pseudo-legal gibberish isn't corruption....as you have no idea what you're talking about.

Speaking of your pseudo-legal gibberish, no election law in Pennsylvania 'disenfranchises' any voter in Texas. The Texas suit doesn't even allege as much.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!

Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors. The lawsuit says:
Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.
This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.
Texas approached the Supreme Court directly because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.

So much for "state's rights."
Oye vay...being that you are a NCP you really should refrain from
engaging in these discussions until you learn how to code...
this has nothing to do with states rights, it has to do with Constitutional violations
Your high horse puzzles me. We're only disenfranchising 73M, not "every other voter in the nation." The moral majority of 81M voters agrees with me.
If you accept crooked accounting and cheats. And it doesn't matter anyway. Votes obtained by fraud
should be discounted and expunged.

What cheats? Remember, this has been investigated. And there's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
Your high horse puzzles me. We're only disenfranchising 73M, not "every other voter in the nation." The moral majority of 81M voters agrees with me.
If you accept crooked accounting and cheats. And it doesn't matter anyway. Votes obtained by fraud
should be discounted and expunged.
Find some and let's get rid of them pronto.
While Michigan voters expanded mail ballot options to all voters by referendum in 2018, the state legislature did not make corresponding upstream and downstream policy changes to the election ecosystem that would facilitate a quicker, more efficient count. The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Task Force on Elections made several recommendations in January 2020 that align, in part, with those adopted in Michigan on September 24.

The bill package offers enhanced security for mail ballots, more processing time, correction of common voter errors, and better access for overseas military personnel and their spouses.

Michigan Judge Extends Mailed Ballot Receipt Deadline In ...

Even if they were counted and they all went to Grumpybear it wouldn't have made a difference.

"Michigan experienced a jump in the number of absentee ballots rejected because of a voter's death from the 1,782 absentee ballots turned away due to deaths in the November 2016 election, but a record 3.3 million residents voted by absentee ballot this year.

In addition, 3,328 ballots, or 22%, of the rejected ballots in the Nov. 3 election were turned away because they arrived after polls closed at 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. It was a huge improvement from the Aug. 4 primary election, when about 60% or more than 6,400 of the 10,600 rejected absentee ballots were turned in too late."

The supreme court failing to grant their petition for writ says otherwise.
That has not happened yet but it is a possibility

The high court is hidebound and even the most conservative black robes may shrink from the most historic issue in living memory

Talk to me if it ever happens. Almost all petitions for writ are denied.

And this particular petition has legal holes you could drive a truck through. Making its denial especially likely.
hat cheats? Remember, this has been investigated. And there's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
As said before just the Dominion Vote Changing machine alone smashes that lie to pieces.
And investigations conducted by the vote thieves themselves are worthless.

Georgia and Michigan, for instance, can investigate themselves dozens of times and still pronounce
themselves clean. That doesn't make it so.
I think you may be projecting a tad.

As I've said, this entire petition for writ is just theater for dipshits.
I've already exposed what your opinion is worth. And it isn't much. Or anything, actually.

And by 'exposed', you mean you merely declared? You made similar 'declarations' about election laws being violated.

How'd that work out for you?
hat cheats? Remember, this has been investigated. And there's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
As said before just the Dominion Vote Changing machine alone smashes that lie to pieces.

Except of course, it doesn't.

First, there's nothing corroborating the claim that Dominion voting machines changed votes. Its a tweet backed by nothing that you've clung to....for no particular reason.

Second, the hand counts of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy. If the Dominion Voting machines were changing votes to Biden by '26%' as you tweet claimed, the counts would be wildly different.

They weren't. The physical tallies and the electronic tallies were virtually identical.

Just obliterating your silly tweet based conspiracy.

So I ask again, what cheats?
This can't be serious. Texas has no standing to sue another state on that state's conduct under state law. Texas has no interest in another state's decision to send out ballot applications, nor any interest in whether those who received ballots in response to submitting the application returned those ballots, or how these ballots were handled once received. The pols who run the Texas government become more and more bizarre each day.

They have standing if they believe fraudulent practices in other States made their EV's worthless.

No do not haqve standing and they cannot demonstrate any harm. The arguments are the same ones that Trump has beem making ad nauseum and been thrown out ad nauseum.

Their EC votes have been countered by illegal changes to voting laws in the States in question.

Illegal according to who? Not the States in question. The issues of the legality of the election have been adjudicated and found to be within the authority of State officials. With the elections being legal, authoritative and certified.

Texas is demanding the Supreme Court to overrule the Pennsylvania on its OWN rulings on its OWN laws.

Good luck with that.

So State officials said they did things legally because they said they did things legally.

A circular argument from a circle jerk.

Save of course, that the states in question have their own courts to adjudicate such issues in. And none of those courts have found any such 'violations'.

So I ask again, illegal according to who? Not the States in question. And Texas has no authority to rule on the elections of other States.

So where is the violation?

The SC gets to answer this. The SC has constitutional authority to determine if the legislatures set the election rules, or some other branch.

Why are you so scared of all this?

So no violation. That was easy.

And the Supreme Court overruling say, Pennsylvania on the application of Pennsylvania election laws, delaying the electoral vote, and disenfranchising tens of millions of voters on behalf of the people of Texas seems.....wildly unlikely.

"So I interpreted what you said as what I wanted to hear, because I refuse to hear anything else."

And the Supreme Court overruling Pennsylvania on compliance with the US Constitution to prevent millions of people in other states from being disenfranchised by the Democrats' ignoring of Constitutional law . . . pretty likely. They've done it before.
And by 'exposed', you mean you merely declared? You made similar 'declarations' about election laws being violated.

How'd that work out for you?
Show me what I said and I'll let you know. You are a pathetic morals free loser trying to hang onto a
corrupt dream . Fuck you.
You are such a fucking loser. You really are.
Trump is toast.
Now, to more important things. How long is Trump going to prison for? And he is going to prison as sure as he won in 2016 and Biden kicked his Orange wobbly arse in 2020.

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