Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

The 4 states have been given a deadline by the US Supreme Court > 3:00 PM Eastern time, to respond to the the lawsuit. Did somebody say the US Supreme would not take the case ? They already have.

This is a huge win for the Trump challenge, and very possibly a game changer, but things still are yet to be determined. Should be a very interesting day on Friday.
Jesus. Elections are a state matter. They are governed by THAT STATES laws and adjudicated by that states court system.

One state can not sue another state over how that state runs its elections.

This is beyond silly. I mean worthy of Rudy Toot Toot silly
This is a case of you simply not keeping up with the issue. It's not a matter so much of how a state run's it's elections. It's more a case of states unilaterally changing voting rules without going through a legislative
body, as the Constitution requires.

As a matter of fact, that's the basis of the Texas intervention. Voting laws in Georgia, Wisconsin, etc,
have been enacted illegally disenfranchising voters.
SEVEN states have now joined Texas lawsuit, arguing that the Equal Protection Clause has been violated in this election from state-to-state.

, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota.

All those floundering states trying to climb into that last little lifeboat. They don't even care that it has a huge hole in it.

SCOTUS has voted 6-3 to hear the Texas lawsuit.
Washington Pundit © on Twitter: "The 6-3 SCOTUS RULING came to us as personal communication from a trusted source. Since we could not find an official declaration, we removed the post. Praying it will come to fruition." / Twitter

Washington Pundit ©


The suit, of course, is hilarious....it's bullshit.

But it's good to "get it out of our system" that one state can sue another state because they don't like the way the state voted.

Texas changed its rules as well:

So, again, this suit is crap. If a blue state wanted to lower itself to Texas's level...they could do that and rid ourselves of their pesky electoral votes too.

Its just another sad footnote to the blob's administration...he's going out like the spoiled loser that he's always been.
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.

Or give up and let possible fraud win the day.

I know they won't win this fight, this is just the beginning.

Court orders for all election materials in the States in question. Court orders for all election hardware and software. Court orders to produce lists of all election workers in the disputed areas.

What fraud?

There's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
There's tons of it, you fucking moron. You never see it because you only watch fake news.


Then why, pray tell, has Trump's legal team refused to present such evidence in court......or even alleged that any fraud occured in any of their legal arguments?

There's a reason why the horseshit you're being fed from press conferences next to adult bookstores......and what Trump's attorneys are actually arguing in court have nothing to do with each other.
They haven't been to court yet, numskull.

On the contrary, Trump's legal team have been to court many, many times.

They've neither presented the 'evidence' nor ever alleged that fraud occurred as part of their legal argument.

You're being played.
They have presented tons of evidence. You need to quit watching fake news. They are keeping you ignorant and looking like a fool.

At a press conference, sure. But not in court. In court, they won't even ALLEGE that fraud ever occurred in their legal arguments.

Ask yourself why what they are telling in front of a garage door next to a porn shop is so very different from what they are presenting to a judge and arguing in court.

You're being played.
Your talking point has already been debunked about 100 times.
Thank you Texas for giving the USA a good chance to overcome the evil of the democrats in their attempt steal the election!


The suit, of course, is hilarious....it's bullshit.

But it's good to "get it out of our system" that one state can sue another state because they don't like the way the state voted.

Texas changed its rules as well:

So, again, this suit is crap. If a blue state wanted to lower itself to Texas's level...they could do that and rid ourselves of their pesky electoral votes too.

Its just another sad footnote to the blob's administration...he's going out like the spoiled loser that he's always been.
Then do it or shut up.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
10 States have joined The Texas Law Suit now and there will be more. The Texas Lawsuit has Constitutional Merit on several fronts.

The four states being sued held illegal and invalid elections and new elections will have to be held.
They also committed voter fraud on a massive scale.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.

Or give up and let possible fraud win the day.

I know they won't win this fight, this is just the beginning.

Court orders for all election materials in the States in question. Court orders for all election hardware and software. Court orders to produce lists of all election workers in the disputed areas.

What fraud?

There's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
There's tons of it, you fucking moron. You never see it because you only watch fake news.


Then why, pray tell, has Trump's legal team refused to present such evidence in court......or even alleged that any fraud occured in any of their legal arguments?

There's a reason why the horseshit you're being fed from press conferences next to adult bookstores......and what Trump's attorneys are actually arguing in court have nothing to do with each other.
They haven't been to court yet, numskull.

On the contrary, Trump's legal team have been to court many, many times.

They've neither presented the 'evidence' nor ever alleged that fraud occurred as part of their legal argument.

You're being played.
They have presented tons of evidence. You need to quit watching fake news. They are keeping you ignorant and looking like a fool.

At a press conference, sure. But not in court. In court, they won't even ALLEGE that fraud ever occurred in their legal arguments.

Ask yourself why what they are telling in front of a garage door next to a porn shop is so very different from what they are presenting to a judge and arguing in court.

You're being played.
You talking point has already been debunked about 100 times.

Except of course, that it hasn't been 'debunked' even once.

Its been over a month. Trump's team have filed numerous legal challenges and been to court (digitally or otherwise) numerous times. The have never argued fraud occurred. They have never present your 'smoking guns' in court.

You've been played
This will go nowhere.

Those who cheer this kind of desperate legal ploy to try and overturn an election ought to take a long, hard look at themselves.
I think the criminals conducting voter fraud are the ones who should be looking at themselves. Then they should be locked up.
10 States have joined The Texas Law Suit now and there will be more. The Texas Lawsuit has Constitutional Merit on several fronts.

The four states being sued held illegal and invalid elections and new elections will have to be held.
They also committed voter fraud on a massive scale.

Nope. There's no evidence of voter fraud on any scale large enough to change the outcome of the election.

The Attorney General has already confirmed as much.
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.

Or give up and let possible fraud win the day.

I know they won't win this fight, this is just the beginning.

Court orders for all election materials in the States in question. Court orders for all election hardware and software. Court orders to produce lists of all election workers in the disputed areas.

What fraud?

There's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
There's tons of it, you fucking moron. You never see it because you only watch fake news.


Then why, pray tell, has Trump's legal team refused to present such evidence in court......or even alleged that any fraud occured in any of their legal arguments?

There's a reason why the horseshit you're being fed from press conferences next to adult bookstores......and what Trump's attorneys are actually arguing in court have nothing to do with each other.
They haven't been to court yet, numskull.

On the contrary, Trump's legal team have been to court many, many times.

They've neither presented the 'evidence' nor ever alleged that fraud occurred as part of their legal argument.

You're being played.
They have presented tons of evidence. You need to quit watching fake news. They are keeping you ignorant and looking like a fool.

At a press conference, sure. But not in court. In court, they won't even ALLEGE that fraud ever occurred in their legal arguments.

Ask yourself why what they are telling in front of a garage door next to a porn shop is so very different from what they are presenting to a judge and arguing in court.

You're being played.
You talking point has already been debunked about 100 times.

Except of course, that it hasn't been 'debunked' even once.

Its been over a month. Trump's team have filed numerous legal challenges and been to court (digitally or otherwise) numerous times. The have never argued fraud occurred. They have never present your 'smoking guns' in court.

You've been played
debunked talking point. Try something new for a change.
This will go nowhere.

Those who cheer this kind of desperate legal ploy to try and overturn an election ought to take a long, hard look at themselves.
I think the criminals conducting voter fraud are the ones who should be looking at themselves. Then they should be locked up.

Putting people in jail requires the 'evidence' be presented in court. And Trump's team has avoided doing that like the plague for a reason:

The 'evidence' doesn't hold up.
10 States have joined The Texas Law Suit now and there will be more. The Texas Lawsuit has Constitutional Merit on several fronts.

The four states being sued held illegal and invalid elections and new elections will have to be held.
They also committed voter fraud on a massive scale.

Nope. There's no evidence of voter fraud on any scale large enough to change the outcome of the election.

The Attorney General has already confirmed as much.
The votes counted in GA after they kicked out all the poll workers can easily overturn that election.

The suit, of course, is hilarious....it's bullshit.

But it's good to "get it out of our system" that one state can sue another state because they don't like the way the state voted.

Texas changed its rules as well:

So, again, this suit is crap. If a blue state wanted to lower itself to Texas's level...they could do that and rid ourselves of their pesky electoral votes too.

Its just another sad footnote to the blob's administration...he's going out like the spoiled loser that he's always been.
Then do it or shut up.

Nah, I'll let the Trump supreme court explain it to you that the suit is bullshit. You'll still double down on how THEY are somehow illegitimate, of course....but it will be more satisfying seeing your blob decapitated by his last hope.


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