Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

This will go nowhere.

Those who cheer this kind of desperate legal ploy to try and overturn an election ought to take a long, hard look at themselves.
I think the criminals conducting voter fraud are the ones who should be looking at themselves. Then they should be locked up.

Putting people in jail requires the 'evidence' be presented in court. And Trump's team has avoided doing that like the plague for a reason:

The 'evidence' doesn't hold up.
If this swindle is allowed to stand, then the evidence will disappear down a black hole. The Dims have already been trying to wipe the evidence clean.

The suit, of course, is hilarious....it's bullshit.

But it's good to "get it out of our system" that one state can sue another state because they don't like the way the state voted.

Texas changed its rules as well:

So, again, this suit is crap. If a blue state wanted to lower itself to Texas's level...they could do that and rid ourselves of their pesky electoral votes too.

Its just another sad footnote to the blob's administration...he's going out like the spoiled loser that he's always been.
Then do it or shut up.

Nah, I'll let the Trump supreme court explain it to you that the suit is bullshit. You'll still double down on how THEY are somehow illegitimate, of course....but it will be more satisfying seeing your blob decapitated by his last hope.

Funny you think you know more than the SCOTUS. :)

you make me laf, but I don't like you.
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Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.

Or give up and let possible fraud win the day.

I know they won't win this fight, this is just the beginning.

Court orders for all election materials in the States in question. Court orders for all election hardware and software. Court orders to produce lists of all election workers in the disputed areas.

What fraud?

There's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
There's tons of it, you fucking moron. You never see it because you only watch fake news.


Then why, pray tell, has Trump's legal team refused to present such evidence in court......or even alleged that any fraud occured in any of their legal arguments?

There's a reason why the horseshit you're being fed from press conferences next to adult bookstores......and what Trump's attorneys are actually arguing in court have nothing to do with each other.
They haven't been to court yet, numskull.

On the contrary, Trump's legal team have been to court many, many times.

They've neither presented the 'evidence' nor ever alleged that fraud occurred as part of their legal argument.

You're being played.
They have presented tons of evidence. You need to quit watching fake news. They are keeping you ignorant and looking like a fool.

At a press conference, sure. But not in court. In court, they won't even ALLEGE that fraud ever occurred in their legal arguments.

Ask yourself why what they are telling in front of a garage door next to a porn shop is so very different from what they are presenting to a judge and arguing in court.

You're being played.
You talking point has already been debunked about 100 times.

Except of course, that it hasn't been 'debunked' even once.

Its been over a month. Trump's team have filed numerous legal challenges and been to court (digitally or otherwise) numerous times. The have never argued fraud occurred. They have never present your 'smoking guns' in court.

You've been played
debunked talking point. Try something new for a change.

Never debunked once. It wrecks your conspiracy, so you ignore it.

Trump's legal team has never argued fraud every occurred in any of their legal arguments. When asked by judges if they are moving foward with fraud allegations, they have said that fraud is not part of their argument.

None of the 'smoking guns' have ever been presented in court by Trump's team. And the reason is simple: they collapse under the slightest scrutiny. Let alone the strict scrutiny standard that Trump's team would be held to under Rule 9b of Federal Civil Procedure when adjudicating fraud allegations.

And 'beyond a reasonable doubt' is a far higher standard than strict scrutiny. Your imprisonment fantasies are just that. Fantasies.
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.

Or give up and let possible fraud win the day.

I know they won't win this fight, this is just the beginning.

Court orders for all election materials in the States in question. Court orders for all election hardware and software. Court orders to produce lists of all election workers in the disputed areas.

What fraud?

There's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
There's tons of it, you fucking moron. You never see it because you only watch fake news.


Then why, pray tell, has Trump's legal team refused to present such evidence in court......or even alleged that any fraud occured in any of their legal arguments?

There's a reason why the horseshit you're being fed from press conferences next to adult bookstores......and what Trump's attorneys are actually arguing in court have nothing to do with each other.
They haven't been to court yet, numskull.

On the contrary, Trump's legal team have been to court many, many times.

They've neither presented the 'evidence' nor ever alleged that fraud occurred as part of their legal argument.

You're being played.
They have presented tons of evidence. You need to quit watching fake news. They are keeping you ignorant and looking like a fool.

At a press conference, sure. But not in court. In court, they won't even ALLEGE that fraud ever occurred in their legal arguments.

Ask yourself why what they are telling in front of a garage door next to a porn shop is so very different from what they are presenting to a judge and arguing in court.

You're being played.
You talking point has already been debunked about 100 times.

Except of course, that it hasn't been 'debunked' even once.

Its been over a month. Trump's team have filed numerous legal challenges and been to court (digitally or otherwise) numerous times. The have never argued fraud occurred. They have never present your 'smoking guns' in court.

You've been played
debunked talking point. Try something new for a change.

Never debunked once. It wrecks your conspiracy, so you ignore it.

Trump's legal team has never argued fraud every occurred in any of their legal arguments. When asked by judges if they are moving foward with fraud allegations, they have said that fraud is not part of their argument.

None of the 'smoking guns' have ever been presented in court by Trump's team. And the reason is simple: they collapse under the slightest scrutiny. Let alone the strict scrutiny standard that Trump's team would be held to under Rule 9b of Federal Civil Procedure when adjudicating fraud allegations.

And 'beyond a reasonable doubt' is a far higher staneard than strict scrutiny. Your imprisonment fantasies are just that. Fantasies.
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.
And making up Russia and forging evidence and spying did what for the good of the country? At least the right IS going 5hrough the courts vs the dems route.

The right is making up evidence not going through the courts.

The suit, of course, is hilarious....it's bullshit.

But it's good to "get it out of our system" that one state can sue another state because they don't like the way the state voted.

Texas changed its rules as well:

So, again, this suit is crap. If a blue state wanted to lower itself to Texas's level...they could do that and rid ourselves of their pesky electoral votes too.

Its just another sad footnote to the blob's administration...he's going out like the spoiled loser that he's always been.
Then do it or shut up.

Nah, I'll let the Trump supreme court explain it to you that the suit is bullshit. You'll still double down on how THEY are somehow illegitimate, of course....but it will be more satisfying seeing your blob decapitated by his last hope.

Funny you think you know more than the SCOTUS. :)

you make me lafm but I don't like you.


I don't know more than them. I just know more than you. As does 98% of the population.
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.
And making up Russia and forging evidence and spying did what for the good of the country? At least the right IS going 5hrough the courts vs the dems route.

The right is making up evidence not going through the courts.
What evidence did they "make up," the video of GA poll workers counting votes after they kicked out all the observers?
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.
And making up Russia and forging evidence and spying did what for the good of the country? At least the right IS going 5hrough the courts vs the dems route.

The right is making up evidence not going through the courts.
So the SCOTUS is not one of our courts?

Should they riot in the streets instead til they get their way? Why are you for the chaos method but cry foul at going through our court system?
Texans n
Don’t Mess with Texas!
Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures

Texas goes directly to the Supreme Court, requesting the High Court to order these swing states with voting irregularities to allow their legislatures to appoint presidential electors.

Don't Mess with Texas! Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures | The Stream
8 Dec 2020 ~~ By Al Perrotta

Just before midnight, the State of Texas threw its massive weight into the election fraud fight. Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on the grounds their ad-hoc changes to election procedures were unconstitutional. And as a result, violated the rights of Texans and those in other states that followed the constitution. Don’t mess with Texas, indeed.
What’s more, Texas isn’t fiddling around with lower courts. They marched straight to the Supreme Court. And they are requesting the Supreme Court order the offending states to allow their legislatures to appoint their presidential electors.
Dodging State Legislatures Was Dodgy
Breitbart was the first major outlet with the story, and breaks down the argument the Lone Star State is making.
Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.​
In their lawsuit, Texas claims “certain officials in the Defendant States” presented the COVID pandemic “as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in balloting.” As streiff at RedState noted, “there’s no pandemic escape hatch in the constitution.”
Going to the Supreme Court…a Long Shot, Perhaps
Texas approached the Supreme Court directly, Breitbart reports, “because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.”
Is the Supreme Court going to hear the case? Twitchy has collected the early reaction of legal types, and the consensus seems to be it’s a long shot the Supreme Court will hear the case, let alone rule in Texas’ favor. Several commentators note that the suit was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, not the state’s solicitor general Kyle Hawkins, who would be the go-to person for suits like this.

The Roberts court will either determine that it's none of Texas' business how other states do stuff or that the legistlatures were in session and aware of the changes and did not act, therefore they are implicitly the method determined by the legislature to be appropriate and so once again, buzz of Texas.
This case doesn’t require evidence, it hangs upon the law being changed illegally, before the election.
Every American voter in is being disenfranchised in this National Election by the States who were grossly negligent in their duties to conduct a free and fair election.
All States, who abided by their State Election Rules, should join with Texas and take the scoundrels to court.
Texans need to mind their own fucking business.

According to you assfucks, if a hurricane struck a state on election day, no one could vote. Just cause a blackout over several states. Too bad for them.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
This will go nowhere.

Those who cheer this kind of desperate legal ploy to try and overturn an election ought to take a long, hard look at themselves.
I think the criminals conducting voter fraud are the ones who should be looking at themselves. Then they should be locked up.

Putting people in jail requires the 'evidence' be presented in court. And Trump's team has avoided doing that like the plague for a reason:

The 'evidence' doesn't hold up.
If this swindle is allowed to stand, then the evidence will disappear down a black hole. The Dims have already been trying to wipe the evidence clean.

On the contrary, your 'evidence' is being exposed to the light of day. And it doesn't hold up.

Take.....the claims that dominion voting machines changed votes. There's nothing to back the claim up. Worse, the state of Georgia has done hand recounts of the physical ballots. If the voting machines were changing votes, there would be an enormous disparity between the physical ballots and the electronic tallies.

Instead, the count of physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with way more than 99% accuracy.

Obliterating your conspiracy.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
we wish you would,,,
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.

Or give up and let possible fraud win the day.

I know they won't win this fight, this is just the beginning.

Court orders for all election materials in the States in question. Court orders for all election hardware and software. Court orders to produce lists of all election workers in the disputed areas.

What fraud?

There's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
There's tons of it, you fucking moron. You never see it because you only watch fake news.


Then why, pray tell, has Trump's legal team refused to present such evidence in court......or even alleged that any fraud occured in any of their legal arguments?

There's a reason why the horseshit you're being fed from press conferences next to adult bookstores......and what Trump's attorneys are actually arguing in court have nothing to do with each other.
They haven't been to court yet, numskull.

On the contrary, Trump's legal team have been to court many, many times.

They've neither presented the 'evidence' nor ever alleged that fraud occurred as part of their legal argument.

You're being played.
They have presented tons of evidence. You need to quit watching fake news. They are keeping you ignorant and looking like a fool.

At a press conference, sure. But not in court. In court, they won't even ALLEGE that fraud ever occurred in their legal arguments.

Ask yourself why what they are telling in front of a garage door next to a porn shop is so very different from what they are presenting to a judge and arguing in court.

You're being played.
You talking point has already been debunked about 100 times.

Except of course, that it hasn't been 'debunked' even once.

Its been over a month. Trump's team have filed numerous legal challenges and been to court (digitally or otherwise) numerous times. The have never argued fraud occurred. They have never present your 'smoking guns' in court.

You've been played
debunked talking point. Try something new for a change.

Never debunked once. It wrecks your conspiracy, so you ignore it.

Trump's legal team has never argued fraud every occurred in any of their legal arguments. When asked by judges if they are moving foward with fraud allegations, they have said that fraud is not part of their argument.

None of the 'smoking guns' have ever been presented in court by Trump's team. And the reason is simple: they collapse under the slightest scrutiny. Let alone the strict scrutiny standard that Trump's team would be held to under Rule 9b of Federal Civil Procedure when adjudicating fraud allegations.

And 'beyond a reasonable doubt' is a far higher staneard than strict scrutiny. Your imprisonment fantasies are just that. Fantasies.

Yawn all you like. The fact remains that Trump's team has never even alleged fraud occured in any of their legal arguments in court.

Nor have they presented the 'evidence' you claim to cite.

You can't get around that. All you can do is ignore it.

The courts didn't.
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.

Or give up and let possible fraud win the day.

I know they won't win this fight, this is just the beginning.

Court orders for all election materials in the States in question. Court orders for all election hardware and software. Court orders to produce lists of all election workers in the disputed areas.

What fraud?

There's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
There's tons of it, you fucking moron. You never see it because you only watch fake news.


Then why, pray tell, has Trump's legal team refused to present such evidence in court......or even alleged that any fraud occured in any of their legal arguments?

There's a reason why the horseshit you're being fed from press conferences next to adult bookstores......and what Trump's attorneys are actually arguing in court have nothing to do with each other.
They haven't been to court yet, numskull.

On the contrary, Trump's legal team have been to court many, many times.

They've neither presented the 'evidence' nor ever alleged that fraud occurred as part of their legal argument.

You're being played.
They have presented tons of evidence. You need to quit watching fake news. They are keeping you ignorant and looking like a fool.

At a press conference, sure. But not in court. In court, they won't even ALLEGE that fraud ever occurred in their legal arguments.

Ask yourself why what they are telling in front of a garage door next to a porn shop is so very different from what they are presenting to a judge and arguing in court.

You're being played.
You talking point has already been debunked about 100 times.

Except of course, that it hasn't been 'debunked' even once.

Its been over a month. Trump's team have filed numerous legal challenges and been to court (digitally or otherwise) numerous times. The have never argued fraud occurred. They have never present your 'smoking guns' in court.

You've been played
debunked talking point. Try something new for a change.

Never debunked once. It wrecks your conspiracy, so you ignore it.

Trump's legal team has never argued fraud every occurred in any of their legal arguments. When asked by judges if they are moving foward with fraud allegations, they have said that fraud is not part of their argument.

None of the 'smoking guns' have ever been presented in court by Trump's team. And the reason is simple: they collapse under the slightest scrutiny. Let alone the strict scrutiny standard that Trump's team would be held to under Rule 9b of Federal Civil Procedure when adjudicating fraud allegations.

And 'beyond a reasonable doubt' is a far higher staneard than strict scrutiny. Your imprisonment fantasies are just that. Fantasies.

Yawn all you like. The fact remains that Trump's team has never even alleged fraud occured in any of their legal arguments in court.

Nor have they presented the 'evidence' you claim to cite.

You can't get around that. All you can do is ignore it.

The courts didn't.
Another Dim talking point.

Freedom loving Americans have been watching the Globalists and Marxists take over this country for the last 40 years and felt dispair that no one would do anything about it.

That is until TRUMP came along and reversed it.

Now stupid ass Dimbocraps a Globalist Neocons think that they can simply cheat and steal it back?

No fucking way, morons.

We the People will do EVERYTHING we can up to and including secession, revolt and civil war to prevent this disgrace of a piece of shyte from ever becoming President.


Joe Beijing Biden was NOT elected in an honest election; TRUMP was re-elected, and he will have a second term or we will have civil war.

Oh fuck off with your conspiracy theories. What Marxists? What globalists? What is their end game?
Haven't you got a life to live. Seriously...

Please, grab your nearest firearm, go to your nearest military base and start shooting. Stop talking, start doing. The end result will be one less fascist retard polluting this Earth. Christ, fuckwits like you ARE the problem. YOU make the world a shittier place. Dropkick...
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!

Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors. The lawsuit says:
Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.
This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.
Texas approached the Supreme Court directly because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.

Texas is the crookedest state in the union. Texas has no standing as they cannot prove any harm.

Asking for more consistency and uniformity in the Electors Clause is “crooked”? How? The lawsuit brought on by Texas will most likely not change the outcome of the ‘20 Election but it will give US some necessary structure around voting integrity moving forward and not having future elections be conducted like some third world, banana republic.

The state of Texas has no standing and cannot demonstrate any harm. Any structure is up to the individual states Texas has no say in this. You are the ones who are trying to turn this into a third world banana republic. These arguments have been rejected by federal and state judges. Republican and Democrat and even judges appointed bt Trump.

All Texas has to do is get their AG or their SC to pass it along to the SC.

They don't just pass things. There has to be constitutional issues.

There are. Find the thread and read it. Its on this board.

There are no constitutional issues.
Beyond equal protection and the fact state election laws were violated?

The States in question have not found that their state election laws were violated.

Nor has any of the relevant State Legislatures. Nor has the Supreme Court.

So what violation are you referring to?
State election laws are public record. I suggest you go read them. Then go look at changes made by election officials and the judiciary. This isn't rocket science. Setting to rules for elections belongs solely to the legislature. States have in fact challenged this. In PA one judge did rule it unconstitutional and it was punted over 'timeliness' not constitutionality. There is an open case in WI challenging the same thing. It was also a part of Powell's lawsuits. You don't know about because the liberal media ignored it.

I have. I'm asking you which court has determined that there was a violation of state election laws. And you were unable to provide any.

Not the State courts. Not the State Legislatures. Not the election officials. Not the Supreme Court.

No one has found a violation. So what violation are you referring to?
None of them, yet, obviously, you fucking douchebag. Once a court finds the state broke the law, then it's electoral votes get awarded to Trump and all you lying weasels start crying,.

That's not true
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!...
Looks like those pansies have lost their freakin' minds... they have no standing... this is Safe Harbor Day... Rump will get laughed out of court... again.
My guess is this is political theatre and they know it...it makes them look good to the base but they are safe, if won't go anywhere.

sorry, that was the exact same thing but felt so justified.

give people the latitude you take for yourself and many problems will poof.

Well, and, no surprise I'm sure, I disagree. There was unanimous consent among our intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to influence not only OUR election but that of other western countries. Take that and add in Trump & Co.'s numerous contacts with Russian entities (and lying about it) - an investigation was merited. Now was there political theatre from the Dems surrounding it? Of course. Nature of the beast (the bipartisan political beast).

In this case...few truly want to violate the sanctity of the electoral process and have a president APPOINTED. Imagine the results, and the precedent it would set, and the Constitutional questionability. But none of them want to anger Trump. Texas knows this isn't going to go anywhere...so it's red meat for the base who adores Trump.
How come its only the OTHER side doing the violations? Everything the left does you seem to be fine with and defend til death. Everything the right wants is treasonous bullshit.

Russia red meat for left. Wheeee

It's a very "binary" viewpoint offering no room for middle ground or compromise.
...oh not this again.
stop raging at others for what your side loves to do or yes, here we are.

your failure to do amything but attack the right and demonize them speaks volumes.
You just never stop.
Maybe not. But I'm not wrong either.
You non stop attack and demonize the left.

Look to your own.
I've hit on both sides. I try to find common ground to build on. I don't call people trumpians, NAZIS, racists or the like.

I said the left had 3 years to dig and you demanded the time. I have no idea how this will turn out but the right is, entitled to their day in court.

I encourage following our laws and processes. You attack them for trying yet excuse the rioters.

We are worlds apart. But feel as you will, that's fine. I'll do the same.
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.

Or give up and let possible fraud win the day.

I know they won't win this fight, this is just the beginning.

Court orders for all election materials in the States in question. Court orders for all election hardware and software. Court orders to produce lists of all election workers in the disputed areas.

What fraud?

There's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.
There's tons of it, you fucking moron. You never see it because you only watch fake news.


Then why, pray tell, has Trump's legal team refused to present such evidence in court......or even alleged that any fraud occured in any of their legal arguments?

There's a reason why the horseshit you're being fed from press conferences next to adult bookstores......and what Trump's attorneys are actually arguing in court have nothing to do with each other.
They haven't been to court yet, numskull.

On the contrary, Trump's legal team have been to court many, many times.

They've neither presented the 'evidence' nor ever alleged that fraud occurred as part of their legal argument.

You're being played.
They have presented tons of evidence. You need to quit watching fake news. They are keeping you ignorant and looking like a fool.

At a press conference, sure. But not in court. In court, they won't even ALLEGE that fraud ever occurred in their legal arguments.

Ask yourself why what they are telling in front of a garage door next to a porn shop is so very different from what they are presenting to a judge and arguing in court.

You're being played.
You talking point has already been debunked about 100 times.

Except of course, that it hasn't been 'debunked' even once.

Its been over a month. Trump's team have filed numerous legal challenges and been to court (digitally or otherwise) numerous times. The have never argued fraud occurred. They have never present your 'smoking guns' in court.

You've been played
debunked talking point. Try something new for a change.

Never debunked once. It wrecks your conspiracy, so you ignore it.

Trump's legal team has never argued fraud every occurred in any of their legal arguments. When asked by judges if they are moving foward with fraud allegations, they have said that fraud is not part of their argument.

None of the 'smoking guns' have ever been presented in court by Trump's team. And the reason is simple: they collapse under the slightest scrutiny. Let alone the strict scrutiny standard that Trump's team would be held to under Rule 9b of Federal Civil Procedure when adjudicating fraud allegations.

And 'beyond a reasonable doubt' is a far higher staneard than strict scrutiny. Your imprisonment fantasies are just that. Fantasies.

Yawn all you like. The fact remains that Trump's team has never even alleged fraud occured in any of their legal arguments in court.

Nor have they presented the 'evidence' you claim to cite.

You can't get around that. All you can do is ignore it.

The courts didn't.
Another Dim talking point.


Another enormous hole in your silly conspiracy that you ignore and try and pretend doesn't exist.

A rational person would ask why Trump's legal team neither presented the 'evidence' in court, nor have ever argued fraud ever occurred in any of their legal arguments.

You ignore it all. So much for your 'evidence'.

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