Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

What process of the legislature was used to change election laws in Pa.

A bill that passed in Sept of 2019 allowed universal mail-in balloting ... the lower courts ruled the lawsuits were not timely, over a year after the law came into effect ... the citation is in my link upthread and discussed in the PA response to the Texas lawsuit ...
An AG that is under investigation in Texass for abuse of office and taking kickbacks is suing several states claiming they are violating law...Irony at its best.
It is Crooked Ken's way of begging Tramp for a pardon!!!
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The complaint about Republican poll watchers being denied access to votes being counted is in the Texas lawsuit,

On page 16

49. Pennsylvania’s election law also requires that poll-watchers be granted access to the opening, counting, and recording of absentee ballots: “Watchers shall be permitted to be present when the envelopes containing official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots are opened and when such ballots are counted and recorded.” 25 PA. STAT. § 3146.8(b). Local election officials in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties decided not to follow 25 PA. STAT. § 3146.8(b) for the opening, counting, and recording of absentee and mail-in ballots.

This is beyond dispute as there was video evidence of obstruction of Republican poll watchers. It is crooked, illegal, immoral and unlawful.
In the UNANIMOUS words of the Supreme Court

That is yer jist from a media outlet have you researched to find that Pennsylvania did use the process of legislature to okay the changes to the election?

What process of the legislature was used to change election laws in Pa.
For the mail in ballots because of the pandemic which is the same the majority of other states did.

I thought it was the state Supreme Court, not the legislatures, that rule on the mail-in ballot stuff?
They did rule on it and said it was too late to argue the execution of the legislation.

Why was it needed to change the laws on mail-in ballots 2 weeks before the election?
No state would change any voting laws or rules two weeks before an election..
Dont mess with Texas, ya freaking commies!

Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors. The lawsuit says:
Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.
This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.
Texas approached the Supreme Court directly because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.

Yuh huh.

And just HOW exactly is Texas "injured" by what the fuck some other state is doing? Hm?

The reference Article II Section 1 Clause 2 reads, and we know it well by now:

>> Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. <<

Read it again --- "in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct". Not "in such Manner as the AG of Frickin' Texas may direct".

This clown should be disbarred.

So tell the class, where does it say the State SOS can enter into a consent decree and alter what the legislature directed? Dumb fucking commie.

Maybe this post comes in English.

Maybe not. :dunno:

Poor commie, did I use too many big words? LMAO

It will likely be DENIED, for Trumpet's sake, hopefully without comment.
....because if with comment, it would likely be excoriating!

Not one of those links contained any evidence for what you are suggesting, you shameless liar. As anyone can see for themselves. And we all know you never read any of them anyway.
They ALL contained LOTS of evidence for what I said, and you obviously did not read them, or else you're lying.
You mean with a lawsuit based on a Trump tweet that he deleted because he got it wrong? That's you're idea of Constitutional, gramps?


No, it's NOT based on that, Mr information-deprived liberal. It's based on the US Constitution, Article 2, Section 1.

Some people have to be told twice (or is it 5 times now ?)
No, gramps, you're senile -- that graph shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.
I'm not senile, and you must be BLIND. The graph clearly shows Q2-2018 as 4.2% with the bar reaching right above the 4.0. You're looking at the wrong graph (the BEA cooked one) I'm talking about the graph before the cooking >>>

Which is why you’re 1-57 in court with your allegations.

I can’t recall ever seeing so many people completely detached from reality as the Trump cult.

Seriously, where else would a group of people who’ve lost virtually every single time think they are winning?
Where they haven't had Democrat judges.
LOLOLOL Can you not think for yourself?

Dumbfuck, they already mailed out 7.7 million applications. Everyone receiving one can check the box to automatically receive absentee ballots for future elections. Meaning....

a) there's no news reporting 7.7 million ballots were mailed unsolicited for the general election; and

b) ballots mailed out would have been based on 7.7 million ballot applications mailed out in the Spring; and

c) mailing out 7.7 million applications in the Spring to all registered voters in Michigan was done by computer. So if they were going to mail ballots in the fall, also by computer, there would have been more than 7.7 million registered voters as many people in Michigan registered to vote over the summer; and

d) this farce is based on a Trump tweet back in May which he himself deleted when it was brought to his attention that he got it wrong...


... and

e) rightards are the biggest fucking idiots on the planet. Your only hope of salvaging this fiasco lies in the hopes that AmericanThinker, who published this, got it wrong and that Texas isn't really suing over this.

But the ones you call "biggest fucking idiots" know that this is a CONSTITUTIONAL lawsuit/issue (Article 2, Section 1), while you are still babbling about ballot applications. You still don't know what the hell this whole thing (1st 3 words of the OP title >
Texas Files Lawsuit

is about, and you're displaying that with flying colors.
Dumbfuck, I quoted what is being reported about the Texas lawsuit. :eusa_doh:

And while a bunch of states have lined up behind Texas, a bunch of other states have lined up behind the Constitution...

WASHINGTON — More than two dozen states filed motions with the Supreme Court on Thursday opposing Texas' bid to invalidate President-elect Joe Biden's wins in four battleground states, a long-shot legal move that Pennsylvania blasted as a "seditious abuse of the judicial process."
When you regurgitate fake news all you prove is that you're a brainwashed minion.
Your brain is fake news.

‘Cacophony Of Bogus Claims’: Over 25 States And Territories Slam Texas’ Supreme Court Lawsuit To Overturn Election (forbes.com)
Colorado joins 23-state coalition opposing Texas election lawsuit (thedenverchannel.com)
You mean with a lawsuit based on a Trump tweet that he deleted because he got it wrong? That's you're idea of Constitutional, gramps?


No, it's NOT based on that, Mr information-deprived liberal. It's based on the US Constitution, Article 2, Section 1.

Some people have to be told twice (or is it 5 times now ?)
You're fucked in the head, gramps. We're talking about the claim that Michigan mailed out 7.7 million unsolicited ballots. If you think that's based on the Constitution, show where the Constitution mentions 7.7 million unsolicited ballots.....
No, gramps, you're senile -- that graph shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.
I'm not senile, and you must be BLIND. The graph clearly shows Q2-2018 as 4.2% with the bar reaching right above the 4.0. You're looking at the wrong graph (the BEA cooked one) I'm talking about the graph before the cooking >>>

View attachment 427621

Poor, senile gramps ... YOU posted this chart before which shows GDP for Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%. Exactly how crazy are you?

It will likely be DENIED,
Upon what do you base that ?
They have no standing.

Their accusations have been litigated already...and the rulings shot their accusations down already.

They waited way too long,

And precedent was set a long long time ago, with the executive and judicial involvement in elections without going through the legislatures.... in all states, including Texas itself.

Also, no state can tell another state how to run their elections and demand all their citizen's votes should be discarded. We are a democratic Republic...we the people, choose our leaders.... our leaders, do not get to choose the voters.

Plus, every election...some state, could choose to sue another State for simply partisan purpose, as this one is...and THAT is NOT how we choose our leaders in a democracy, we the voter, does the choosing, NOT the courts. Part of a great democracy, is the peaceful transfer of power, between oppositions.
It will likely be DENIED, for Trumpet's sake, hopefully without comment.
....because if with comment, it would likely be excoriating!



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