Texas fugitive accused of killing 5 was illegally in US; deported 5 times

You think a Mexican National who is very likely a member of the drug cartel is going to walk into a gun shop to get his AR? Are you really that dense? :dunno::dunno:
They really are that fucking stupid. When you spend your school years watching cartoons, this is how you end up.
Kamala is already rasing bail money and hiring an ACLU lawyer for the poor victimized man. He was only here to work hard, and become an engineer or an astronaut or something, like all Dreamers. but you left wing faggots don't need to worry, he probably already has fresh ID, new clothes, and car by now, and will have a new house soon, courtesy of Democrats and La Raza activists.
Damn. And got his hands on an AR-15 without the slightest issue.

That happens when deviants throw the borders wide open. Why don't you sponsor a few more of them? They can sleep on the floor with you there in your mom's basement. You can give them back rubs and groom their kids.
Sure..or we could actually try to limit the number of places folks can buy weapons
Just taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding people looking for self protection not bothering a soul. AS it is, I have to drive nearly 30 minutes to visit my nearest firearm dealer. You're not serious at all about stopping REAL crime.

so we can police it better.
You can't even police your own ass. Worry about yourself before you worry about trying to police the world, buttercup.

But that would actually mean we would have to admit we have a gun problem.
We have a total people problem, guns are just the scapegoat by the left to avoid dealing with the fact that guns were 1000X more prevalent 75 years ago and no one had any problem with them--- kids took them to school with them and schools even taught gun classes. Where everything went off the rails is when you assholes came in with your progressive new way of doing everything and made a wreck of the world. You just can't admit that the problem is YOU.

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Texas authorities are saying the police have been called to his residence many times over shooting off his gun. Why do you suppose nothing was ever done here?

Maybe because the calls came from other Hispanics? Maybe because employee's are hard to come by?
Texas authorities are saying the police have been called to his residence many times over shooting off his gun. Why do you suppose nothing was ever done here?

Maybe because the calls came from other Hispanics? Maybe because employee's are hard to come by?

Cleveland's population is less than 50% white: most likely it's just brown and black shitheads being themselves.

This police force look like white racists ignoring complaints from illegal aliens??


Well over half of their crime problems seem to come from the Amish community.

... though some comes from your usual assortment of white left wing dopers and deviants, mostly druggies doing biz for the cartels DEmocrats love, probably the ones the vermin in the OP works for.
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Multiple calls. Nothing was done about it.

It's racist to arrest wetbacks and blacks for anything. Just ask Biden. You would be sniveling if the peice of shit got itself shot or killed if they did arrest the scum, and of course ICE will just be told to set it free again.
It's racist to arrest wetbacks and blacks for anything. Just ask Biden. You would be sniveling if the peice of shit got itself shot or killed if they did arrest the scum, and of course ICE will just be told to set it free again.

There are jobs to be filled.

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