Texas Governor Abbott sends "tanks" to the border to stop flow of illegals

Just out of curiosity, what is sending 10 APCs and 50 troops to the border going to do? Especially when you consider that the last time troops were sent (like when Trump did it), they weren't allowed to do anything to stop them. Sorry, but this is just pandering to the extremists by Abbot, and a whole bunch of nothing since they can't do anything when they get sent there.

Yeah.............to some of the mindless extremists, this sounds like a good idea, but it's not effective, is a waste of taxpayer money and a pain in the ass for the troops that get sent there.

As far as mining the border like some have mentioned? Well, you DO know that antipersonnel landmines have been banned since 1997, right?

Sending troops is a useless, mindless gesture (especially in the anemic amount that Abbot is sending), and mining the border is against international conventions, as well as a stupid idea.
Typical shit for brains response!

Neither the US, Russia or China signed that treaty.
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Where are you seeing "3 APCs"? Wasn't it ten?

The 50 troops were for the operation and maintenence for the vehicles. They're mainly meant to transport the Border Patrol agents to areas they can't reach with the Humvees.

whoops, my bad.

Yep, 10 is correct.
Did anyone responding to this thread even bother to read the linked article?

He's sending 10 APC's, and 50 troops.

Really? That's just a bunch of pandering to the extremists. That's not enough troops, nor enough vehicles to sufficiently cover even 10 miles of border. And, there's 1250 miles of border between Texas and Mexico.
They could do donuts on dirt roads. Just saying.
What would I do anoint the Cartels?? I’d leagalize drugs and put them out of business.

What would you do?
We live in a republic, individuals cannot change the laws, folks in administrative positions, can only enforce the laws that are on the books.

Second, you make the error, that cartels only activity is about drugs. If drugs were legalized, due to how economics work, if the STATE did not make sure that the taxation and access to them was easy and low, cartels would still run them. But, that is neither here nor there.

The problem has as much, or more to do with human slavery, how industry and business use humans slaves, and political corruption which benefits from it.

First, you staunch the bleeding. . . that means, you create as much of a border defense to interdict cartel operations as you possibly can. A wall, more guards and a better system to administer that system with as few points of corruption to lessen the effectiveness of criminal operations as you can.

Then you create a trusted and loyal internal task force which is not influenced by, or corrupted by cartel corruption. Then, you find agents that can try to infiltrate both the cartel, and your own organization, and you make actual efforts to disrupt its activities, and to find corrupt bureaucrats & politicians, in your own organization, and you actually PROSECUTE THEM, no matter what level they are at.

Go watch the movie, "The Untouchables," if you don't understand how this works. You seem to have the delusion that the cartels are the only problem. It is not. The internal corruption of our own bureaucracy, government and courts is as much a problem as the cartels. Mexico has been taken over by this problem, and it is likely, a lot of our own government and media is now corrupt.
We live in a republic, individuals cannot change the laws, folks in administrative positions, can only enforce the laws that are on the books.
You asked me what I would do. Were you asking as an individual what I personally will do?
We live in a republic, individuals cannot change the laws, folks in administrative positions, can only enforce the laws that are on the books.

Second, you make the error, that cartels only activity is about drugs. If drugs were legalized, due to how economics work, if the STATE did not make sure that the taxation and access to them was easy and low, cartels would still run them. But, that is neither here nor there.

The problem has as much, or more to do with human slavery, how industry and business use humans slaves, and political corruption which benefits from it.

First, you staunch the bleeding. . . that means, you create as much of a border defense to interdict cartel operations as you possibly can. A wall, more guards and a better system to administer that system with as few points of corruption to lessen the effectiveness of criminal operations as you can.

Then you create a trusted and loyal internal task force which is not influenced by, or corrupted by cartel corruption. Then, you find agents that can try to infiltrate both the cartel, and your own organization, and you make actual efforts to disrupt its activities, and to find corrupt bureaucrats & politicians, in your own organization, and you actually PROSECUTE THEM, no matter what level they are at.

Go watch the movie, "The Untouchables," if you don't understand how this works. You seem to have the delusion that the cartels are the only problem. It is not. The internal corruption of our own bureaucracy, government and courts is as much a problem as the cartels. Mexico has been taken over by this problem, and it is likely, a lot of our own government and media is now corrupt.

I have no problem with giving border agents and law enforcement the resources they need to fight crime. Especially when it comes to human trafficking.

Legalization of drugs is a step to defund these criminal organizations and create a safer environment for those who choose to use drugs.

I'm calling FAKE LETTER! No one would ever refer to Joe Biden as "honorable." :smoke:
So it can be controlled regulated taxed and most importantly, so it defunds the gangs, mobs, and cartels, that produce and sell it for profit
That never works. Somehow, legalization makes more powerful and more deadly cartels. With each incremental step at legalization, the cartels extend their reach and more Americans die.
I'm watching the finale of the walking dead. I'm surprised at how closely the dead are to the invaders that are assaulting the border. By the millions, unarmed. Secure that no one can or would fight back. Can we start referring to the invaders as "the dead"? They are overrunning homes and ranches, crippling cities. There's really no difference.

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