Texas governor doesn't care how many die

Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?

just because they open doesnt mean people flood them with business -

open up, pay overhead, bills keep adding up, not enough people show to make a profit -


then you get to witness a real depression

We have to reopen businesses. That's not even debatable. People need to work. People need to feed their families. The people out there that don't have savings are screwed in States like Michigan! They have a Governor that will keep them out of work for as long as she can...a Governor that could care less if they're homeless in six months because their job has disappeared.

You're worried about a real Depression? People like Whitmer are doing everything they can to make that happen. Trump is doing everything he can to not let that happen.

Sometimes, there is more than one problem at a time to deal with. Most adults already know this.
Most adults deal with multiple problems on a daily basis! Right now they're dealing with how to pay bills with no money in the bank...rent due...groceries to buy...and no job to provide the money to pay for these things! They need to go back to work. They grasp that concept even if progressives like you don't, Bulldog and they'll remember who was REALLY looking out for them as this pandemic winds down!
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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Great picture depicting what Trump did when a competent president would have been preparing for the virus.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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Perhaps the democrats jumped the gun in pointing out to the Klan that the death rates disproportionately affect blacks. These deaths are donkey hands.

Little doubt that there is significant overlap between the KKK and right wing posters here
You must be learning disabled, mentally challenged or what we used to call retarded. How many times must you be told that the KKK was an organization of the democratic party? MORON!
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
Liberals love the poor...It's the very definition of being a Liberal.
Then the Liberals try to get professionals to pay more taxes to support the poor.

It's the very definition of a mature society and Christianity.

Christianity has nothing to do with pushing the government to raise taxes. St.Matthew was a tax collector, but he repented of his ways.
Your point?
Hilarious in that the troll like title of this thread, was created by a trolling liberal to make it political.
This is a political message board.

Everything that happens here is political.
Well duh. Glad you agree.
Tell that to your buddy who accused only conservatives of making it political in the posting train that you conveniently edited out.
Tell him yourself, lazy fuck.
What for?
It's one of yours. A fellow retard.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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What does hospital bed occupancy in California have to do with Texas?
Because there’s not one model that’s even close and California should be opened as Texas is.
The curve was flattened. Time to move on.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
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A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!
apparently rw's have the right to eat at a diner with rats running across counters and serving spoiled chicken -

their constitution doesnt give health officials the authority to protect the rest of the people and close the place -

Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.
apparently rw's have the right to eat at a diner with rats running across counters and serving spoiled chicken -

their constitution doesnt give health officials the authority to protect the rest of the people and close the place -

Laughably bad analogy, Siete! But that's what you on the left do every time someone questions governmental overreach! You immediately claim that means they want to do away with ALL government regulations that keep us safe!
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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What does hospital bed occupancy in California have to do with Texas?
Every thing stupid!
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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Cower down in fear. We don't care.
These are the same folks pushing to legalize hard drugs too. Forget about killing babies as they’re born. That’s OK.

You can't justify your view, so I guess it's time to try changing the subject, right? Isn't this where you start with the "but Hillary" or "but Obama" posts?
So we're supposed to keep states shut down even though most of those dying with Coronavirus already had one foot in the grave?
Old and Sick Lives Don't Matter

I thought "all lives matter".
What happened?
You thought? First time for everything. Congratulations.
Couldn't touch it I see. Loser.
Touch it? Are you hitting on me? Weird and gross.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.

Nobody has turned their back on science. We simply don't feel the need to go along with your pandemic fear tactics that shut down our entire economy. Science is showing us that the original estimates were grossly inflated.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?

That is absurd, but still a perfect example of Trump logic.

What's absurd about it? Let me guess...you think blue collar people who are forced into bankruptcy because liberal politicians prevent them from working are going to be "OK" with that? That election is in November. Those people are broke NOW! How do you think they're going to feel four months from now when they can't find work because so many companies went belly up? You think they're going to vote for Democrats...the Party that kept them out of work? You think they're going to look at people in States like Texas that have jobs, homes and food on the table and NOT blame the Democrats from THEIR State that kept that from happening?

Again, you dumb fools can't think of anything unless it is in terms of politics. This has a political aspect only because right wingers made it political. Politics should not even be part of the discussion.
apparently rw's have the right to eat at a diner with rats running across counters and serving spoiled chicken -

their constitution doesnt give health officials the authority to protect the rest of the people and close the place -

Laughably bad analogy, Siete! But that's what you on the left do every time someone questions governmental overreach! You immediately claim that means they want to do away with ALL government regulations that keep us safe!

says right here in the thread - rw's aint skeert of nuttin' ... surviving all the wars n' such -

so press your luck heroboi, and get ya sum corona19
By the way, did anyone read this OP's thread about how Cuomo FORCIBLY sent Covid patients, (who didn't want them), to nursing homes, where as we all know reside the most vulnerable Americans ?

Did you also read this OP's thread about how Cuomo and de Blasio failed to close down the NYC subway system, where according to an MIT study, concluded the subways were what seeded New York's Covid explosion ?

Does anyone remember those threads ?

Yeah , me neither.
I missed those.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
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So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.
No it hasn't. Real science involves reason and logic applied to real data, not lunic raving, mass drooling and hysteria. We follow real scientists not witch doctors.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?

That is absurd, but still a perfect example of Trump logic.

What's absurd about it? Let me guess...you think blue collar people who are forced into bankruptcy because liberal politicians prevent them from working are going to be "OK" with that? That election is in November. Those people are broke NOW! How do you think they're going to feel four months from now when they can't find work because so many companies went belly up? You think they're going to vote for Democrats...the Party that kept them out of work? You think they're going to look at people in States like Texas that have jobs, homes and food on the table and NOT blame the Democrats from THEIR State that kept that from happening?

Again, you dumb fools can't think of anything unless it is in terms of politics. This has a political aspect only because right wingers made it political. Politics should not even be part of the discussion.
Your OP is full of politics you raving lunatic.

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