Texas Governor Gregg Abbott orders Family Protective Services to investigate parents and medical persons who provide gender-affirming treatment.

Consistent with our correspondence in August 2021, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has now confirmed in the enclosed opinion that a number of so-called “sex change” procedures constitute child abuse under existing Texas law. Because the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting children from abuse, I hereby direct your agency to conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of any reported instances of these abusive procedures in the State of Texas.

. . .

Texas law also imposes a duty on DFPS to investigate the parents of a child who is subjected to these abusive gender-transitioning procedures, and on other state agencies to investigate licensed facilities where such procedures may occur. See TEX. FAM. CODE § 261.301(a)–(b). To protect Texas children from abuse, DFPS and all other state agencies must follow the law as explained in OAG Opinion No. KP-0401.

Abbott is facing a tough GOP primary. I just voted today for one of his challengers, Allan West. Most of his challengers are claiming to be more conservative, with some accusing him of supporting transgenderism, and not doing enough about the border.

This looks like a Hail Mary pass to capture the conservative spotlight.
Or a tyrant that hates liberty and freedom.
I prefer medical expertise to dogmatic ideology. No one's gender identity can be imposed, certainly not by politicians.

Gender identity refers to how one personally understands and experiences one’s own gender. It involves a person’s psychological sense of being male, female, or neither. Individuals who identify as transgender feel that their gender identity doesn’t match their biological sex or the gender they were assigned at birth; in some cases they don’t fit into into either the male or female gender categories. Politicians dictating gender identity to everyone is repulsive statism in the extreme.
This is a form of mental illness. Very much the same as body integrity disorder where individuals want limbs removed. Arms and legs are generally imposed the same way gender is imposed, i.e. born that way. Very close to anexoria
where individuals see themselves as obese. You would withold food from such a person and feed the delusion by encouraging a diet.. Treatment is called for not indulgence. Especially with children who imagine themselves all manner of beings.
Or a tyrant that hates liberty and freedom.
You give too much credit to a politician. Politicians don't hate liberty and freedom. Nor do they love liberty and freedom. Politicians espouse liberty and freedom to those who love it and espouse the opposite to those who hate it.

The founders' idea - if it was their idea - of freedom loving citizens taking time out of their profitable pursuits to run for office and ensure good government died almost immediately. The professional politician is the bane of democracy, and I know of no way to avoid them, short of ending democracy. The worst possible form of government except for all the others.

Personally, I believe that idea died with the adoption of the Constitution of the United States of America. The freedom-loving states agreed to give power to a central government, a few years after having fought a nearly suicidal war against a powerful central government. Why? Why would the states do that?

I ask respectfully, sir or ma'am. I'd like to know your answer to that, Moonglow. I know the answer, but I wonder if you do.
This is a form of mental illness.
An intolerance that refuses to respect another's identity may well be a psychological derangement.

We can't allow extremist politicians to intrude into such personal matters and substitute their prejudices for medical science. Fortunately, the bigots who need to dictate are not representative of decent Americans:

50-State Survey: More Americans Than Ever (Eight in Ten)
Support LGBTQ Discrimination Protection Laws,
as Legislative Efforts Opposing Them Proliferate

Washington, DC (March 17, 2022) — More Americans than ever now support rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals (LGBTQ), according to a large new survey of more than 22,000 adults conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI). The survey, which contains findings for all 50 states, is the latest in PRRI’s American Values Atlas project, a seven-year tracking survey measuring Americans’ support for LGBTQ rights policies at the state level since 2015.

“This massive 50-state study brings into sharp focus the contradiction between increasing support for LGBTQ rights, including rights for transgender Americans, and the proliferation of laws seeking to restrict or abolish those rights over the last year,” said Robert P. Jones, Ph.D., founder and CEO of PRRI. “Support for nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ Americans has never been higher and garners the support of all political parties and major religious groups.”

Eight in Ten Support Nondiscrimination Laws to Protect LGBTQ People

Approximately eight in ten Americans (79%) favor laws that would protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. Support for these protections has increased eight percentage points since 2015 (71%).

More than eight in ten Democrats (89%) and independents (82%) and nearly two-thirds of Republicans (65%) favor nondiscrimination provisions for LGBTQ people. Since 2015, that number has increased among Democrats (78% to 89%), independents (73% to 82%), and Republicans (61% to 65%). Notably, solid majorities of all religious groups support laws protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination, including eight in ten white Catholics (80%) and Latino Catholics (83%) and six in ten white evangelical Protestants (61%).

Even in the states with lowest support, approximately two-thirds or more support nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people: Arkansas (64%, up from 56% in 2015), Mississippi (66%, up from 54% in 2015), South Carolina (67%, no change since 2015), Alabama (69%, up from 56% in 2015), and West Virginia (70%, up from 60% in 2015).

More Than Two-Thirds Support Marriage Equality

Nearly seven in ten Americans (68%) favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally. Support has increased by 14 percentage points since 2014 (54%). Republicans are now nearly evenly divided over same-sex marriage (48% support, 50% oppose), while 81% of Democrats and 73% of independents favor marriage equality. Today, majorities of most religious groups favor marriage equality. White evangelical Protestants (35%) and Latter-day Saints (46%) remain the only major religious groups with less than majority support for same-sex marriage.

Only four states have less than majority support for marriage equality: Mississippi (44%), Arkansas (47%), Alabama (49%), and South Carolina (50%).

Two-Thirds Oppose Religiously Based Refusals to Serve Gay and Lesbian People

Approximately two-thirds of Americans (66%) oppose allowing a small business owner in their state to refuse to provide products or services to gay or lesbian people if doing so would violate their religious beliefs. While attitudes have fluctuated since 2015, opposition to these religious exemptions is up seven points over this period (59%).

Nearly nine in ten Democrats (85%) and two-thirds of independents (66%), compared to only 44% of Republicans, oppose religiously based refusals to serve gay and lesbian people. Opposition to religiously based service refusals has increased among all partisan groups since 2015.

Majorities of most major religious groups oppose religiously based refusals to serve gay and lesbian people. White evangelical Protestants (38%) and Latter-Day Saints (44%) are the only two major religious groups among whom less than a majority oppose these religious exemptions.

West Virginia is the only state in which less than a majority of residents (48%) oppose religiously based refusals to serve gay and lesbian people.

The full report, “Americans’ Support for Key LGBTQ Rights Continues to Tick Upward,” is available on PRRI’s website.

You give too much credit to a politician. Politicians don't hate liberty and freedom. Nor do they love liberty and freedom. Politicians espouse liberty and freedom to those who love it and espouse the opposite to those who hate it.

The founders' idea - if it was their idea - of freedom loving citizens taking time out of their profitable pursuits to run for office and ensure good government died almost immediately. The professional politician is the bane of democracy, and I know of no way to avoid them, short of ending democracy. The worst possible form of government except for all the others.

Personally, I believe that idea died with the adoption of the Constitution of the United States of America. The freedom-loving states agreed to give power to a central government, a few years after having fought a nearly suicidal war against a powerful central government. Why? Why would the states do that?

I ask respectfully, sir or ma'am. I'd like to know your answer to that, Moonglow. I know the answer, but I wonder if you do.
Yes, politicians and govt. have coopted the false idea that liberty and freedom will be allowed if you just cover your heart and pledge allegiance while voting.
Maybe! But what if counseling doesn't do it? Remember Michelle Bachmann's pray the gay away campaign? It was a complete and utter disaster.

Then you make them wait until they are 18 and then if they still want to cut the twig and berries, or take hormones, or cut off their tits they can go ahead and do it.
Gays and trans have a point...
Medical science has a point.

Politicians pretending to have a superior understanding of gender identity, climatology, and epidemiology do not.

Big Gubmint imposition in lieu of expertise in various disciplines is a rabid statism we can well do without.
Medical science has a point.

Politicians pretending to have a superior understanding of gender identity, climatology, and epidemiology do not.

Big Gubmint imposition in lieu of expertise in various disciplines is a rabid statism we can well do without.
It is already against the law to cut off a child's penis or breasts. That's a long-standing part of common law and is codified in all fifty states.

So if you want an exception, for children whose school counselors say they are trans, you would have to write that into law. How you gonna get that law passed without getting politicians involved?
It is already against the law to cut off a child's penis or breasts. That's a long-standing part of common law and is codified in all fifty states.

So if you want an exception, for children whose school counselors say they are trans, you would have to write that into law. How you gonna get that law passed without getting politicians involved?
I respect expertise in scientific disciplines, not ideological dogma imposed by statists with no expertise whatever.

In addition to climatology and epidemiology, gender identity is best assessed on an individual basis by the most competent folks who take an oath to adhere to specified ethical guidelines, and regard the well-being of the individual patient as paramount. That applies to healthcare in general.

A blanket edict by unqualified politicians is repugnant in such personal, individual matters.

Why do you fantasize that school counselors determine sexual identity?

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