Texas Governor Gregg Abbott orders Family Protective Services to investigate parents and medical persons who provide gender-affirming treatment.

"Common sense?" That's ridiculous. "Kids change their minds all the time?" Really? Who? Can you site an example of a kid changing his or her mind about their gender?

If you don't understand the science, then you really understand nothing.

Did you know, that everything we do, and don't do, is influenced by science? Think about it. Science has nothing to do with common sense. If anything, common sense would be influenced by science.
it is a known fact that the younger someone is the more liberal [modern liberal ] they are ... meaning they are apt to have their balls removed and vote democrat ! fortunately many become more conservative if they gain common sense taught by life experiences as they grow older . so yes many young people change their minds and opinions as they grow older and many may regret loosing their balls when they were naive democrats .
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it is a known fact that the younger someone is the more liberal [modern liberal ] they are ... meaning they are apt to have their balls removed and vote democrat ! fortunately many become more conservative if they gain common sense taught by life experiences as they grow older . so yes many young people change their minds and opinions as they grow older and many may regret loosing their balls when they were naive democrats .
once a man looses his balls regrets or not he is a democrat for life !
Thats correct. Would you like to elaborate on how I am a hypocrite in respect to guys etc??
See how good you are now.
Apart from that, you make it sound as if everyone is a hypocrite. Its pure religious people who hold the greatest hatreds against people who disobey their filthy bible whilst simultaneously doing the same themselves.
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it is a known fact that the younger someone is the more liberal [modern liberal ] they are ... meaning they are apt to have their balls removed and vote democrat ! fortunately many become more conservative if they gain common sense taught by life experiences as they grow older . so yes many young people change their minds and opinions as they grow older and many may regret loosing their balls when they were naive democrats .
That known fact of yours, take a wild guess where that came from? :spinner: 😂 :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :aargh:🤪:abgg2q.jpg:

These child mutilators want to remove the developing breasts of 12 year old girls. There is no other word to describe it but child abuse.
And you are an expert in the field right?
Consistent with our correspondence in August 2021, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has now confirmed in the enclosed opinion that a number of so-called “sex change” procedures constitute child abuse under existing Texas law. Because the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting children from abuse, I hereby direct your agency to conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of any reported instances of these abusive procedures in the State of Texas.

. . .

Texas law also imposes a duty on DFPS to investigate the parents of a child who is subjected to these abusive gender-transitioning procedures, and on other state agencies to investigate licensed facilities where such procedures may occur. See TEX. FAM. CODE § 261.301(a)–(b). To protect Texas children from abuse, DFPS and all other state agencies must follow the law as explained in OAG Opinion No. KP-0401.

Abbott is facing a tough GOP primary. I just voted today for one of his challengers, Allan West. Most of his challengers are claiming to be more conservative, with some accusing him of supporting transgenderism, and not doing enough about the border.

This looks like a Hail Mary pass to capture the conservative spotlight.
Statism is becoming rampant, bureaucratic intrusion into private lives and personal decisions increasingly being usurped and consigned to soulless bureaucrats and other submissive apparatchiks.

It's a mystery why some goobers are, in effect, tattooing a big "Tread on my neighbors!" on their flabby butts and mincing around, but they sure seem smitten with a big ol' gub'mint.

What ever happened to those rugged individualists who were constantly mewling, "Tell the gun'mint tuh keep its hands off mah Meddycare!"
Statism is becoming rampant, bureaucratic intrusion into private lives and personal decisions increasingly being usurped and consigned to soulless bureaucrats and other submissive apparatchiks.

It's a mystery why some goobers are, in effect, tattooing a big "Tread on my neighbors!" on their flabby butts and mincing around, but they sure seem smitten with a big ol' gub'mint.

What ever happened to those rugged individualists who were constantly mewling, "Tell the gun'mint tuh keep its hands off mah Meddycare!"
Statism is the number one problem in the United States, no doubt.

But if there is one thing that we have always rightly expected government to do, it is protect helpless and innocent children from mutilation by bad actors, mentally ill actors, or even misguided actors.
many republicans have their balls cut off, you just don't advertise it, but most democrats are accepting of it.
When I had cancer, I had most of my stomach and 90% of my esophagus removed. So now all you can eat buffets are a waste for me.

Right after the surgery (got it all), my wife dragged me to a couple of meeting of a survivors support group. They just sat around talking about their missing stomachs and how tough that made life for them. At the second meeting of exactly the same thing, I wanted to say, "Helloooo! This is the survivor group. What do you think the other group talks about? Nothing, they didn't survive! Ok, we can't pig out anymore. We're alive, ain't we, FFS?"

I picture meetings of Democratics as the same, only they talk about their missing balls. Or at least they would if the Hillary and Kamala wannabe's would let them have the floor. I'm sure any meetings of Dem men are chaired and managed by women of The Party, who are quick to cancel anyone that veers from the current Party Line.
...protect helpless and innocent children from mutilation by bad actors...
The pretense that a microscopic, mindless clump of cells is a person, and that it licenses politicians and bureaucrats to seize control of wombs, is one of rampant, intrusive Statism at its most pernicious.

Women, in consultation with their loved ones, and trusted spiritual and medical advisors, will still make their private, personal decisions, not be dictated to by anonymous regulatory functionaries dedicated to eradicating their personal freedom.

Screen Shot 2022-03-17 at 4.51.51 PM.png

Mocking the statist tyranny that some are driven to impose upon others is Canada, where the citizenry is free, not controlled by an elite cabal of oppressive autocrats, and yet its abortion rate approximates that of the U.S.

Abortion in Canada is legal at all stages of pregnancy, regardless of the reason, and is publicly funded as a medical procedure under the combined effects of the federal Canada Health Act and provincial health-care systems. However, access to services and resources varies by region. While some non-legal barriers to access continue to exist, Canada is the only nation with absolutely no legal restrictions at the federal level to access abortion services. Nevertheless few providers in Canada offer abortion care beyond 23 weeks and 6 days without a medical reason as outlined by provincial regulatory authorities for physicians.

The strident opposition to allowing law enforcement to identify and apprehend criminals via registered firearms is a vehement rejection of reasonable regulation that exposes the hypocrisy of the statists who are hellbent upon unlimited government intrusion into the womb.

Amoral regulation is a pathetic substitute for personal morality.
The pretense that a microscopic, mindless clump of cells is a person, and that it licenses politicians and bureaucrats to seize control of wombs, is one of rampant, intrusive Statism at its most pernicious.
You missed the boat, there Schmidlap. As a libertarian who understands science, I am very reluctantly pro-choice on abortion, though I know that its individual DNA makes the unborn child a person.
Women, in consultation with their loved ones, and trusted spiritual and medical advisors, will still make their private, personal decisions, not be dictated to by anonymous regulatory functionaries dedicated to eradicating their personal freedom.
Mocking the statist tyranny that some are driven to impose upon others is Canada, where the citizenry is free, not controlled by an elite cabal of oppressive autocrats, and yet its abortion rate approximates that of the U.S.

Abortion in Canada is legal at all stages of pregnancy, regardless of the reason, and is publicly funded as a medical procedure under the combined effects of the federal Canada Health Act and provincial health-care systems. However, access to services and resources varies by region. While some non-legal barriers to access continue to exist, Canada is the only nation with absolutely no legal restrictions at the federal level to access abortion services. Nevertheless few providers in Canada offer abortion care beyond 23 weeks and 6 days without a medical reason as outlined by provincial regulatory authorities for physicians.

The strident opposition to allowing law enforcement to identify and apprehend criminals via registered firearms is a vehement rejection of reasonable regulation that exposes the hypocrisy of the statists who are hellbent upon unlimited government intrusion into the womb.

Amoral regulation is a pathetic substitute for personal morality.
Again, my comment was not about abortion, but about mutilation of children whose parents, schools and the transgender industry claim are "trapped" in bodies of the opposite sex.
Again, my comment was not about abortion, but about mutilation of children whose parents, schools and the transgender industry claim are "trapped" in bodies of the opposite sex.
State oppression takes various forms. Politicians dictating that parents of transgender children must not address their needs by medically-approved methods is a particularly vile one. The State cannot impose gender identity upon anyone.
State oppression takes various forms. Politicians dictating that parents of transgender children must not address their needs by medically-approved methods is a particularly vile one. The State cannot impose gender identity upon anyone.
The state doesn't impose gender identity on anyone. Not any more than the state imposes your liver, It is something you are born with.
The state doesn't impose gender identity on anyone. Not any more than the state imposes your liver, It is something you are born with.
I prefer medical expertise to dogmatic ideology. No one's gender identity can be imposed, certainly not by politicians.

Gender identity refers to how one personally understands and experiences one’s own gender. It involves a person’s psychological sense of being male, female, or neither. Individuals who identify as transgender feel that their gender identity doesn’t match their biological sex or the gender they were assigned at birth; in some cases they don’t fit into into either the male or female gender categories. Politicians dictating gender identity to everyone is repulsive statism in the extreme.

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