Texas Governor Gregg Abbott orders Family Protective Services to investigate parents and medical persons who provide gender-affirming treatment.


So, as a public school teacher, if a kid comes to me and says that their parents are not feeding them, I can do nothing because I'm not even a science teacher, much less a scientist?

I'm guessing you didn't think that one through.
I'm guessing you "REALLY" didn't think what you said through. That argument has absolutely nothing to do with Transgenders and surgery. Damn, I didn't realize you were that far off the grid. LOl! Dude, you need a class in critical thinking, ASAP.
"Common sense?" That's ridiculous. "Kids change their minds all the time?" Really? Who? Can you site an example of a kid changing his or her mind about their gender?

If you don't understand the science, then you really understand nothing.

Did you know, that everything we do, and don't do, is influenced by science? Think about it. Science has nothing to do with common sense. If anything, common sense would be influenced by science.
You must not have read much about this topic:


Desistance/persistence are the terms used for youth who do and do not outgrow gender dysphoria. These two cohorts usually separate out in puberty. Despite a lack of reporting on this issue in the media, and factually incorrect information often presented by trans activists (as well as some pro-affirmation model professionals and journalists), some seriously dysphoric minors do desist. All studies on gender dysphoric youth confirm desistance (reviewed below).

Maybe! But what if counseling doesn't do it? Remember Michelle Bachmann's pray the gay away campaign? It was a complete and utter disaster.

Bachmann's husband is a trained doctor who has had a tremendous degree of success in helping men caught up in homosexuality break the gay habit.
Children should not be receiving Sex Change operations, no doubts about it.

When I was a kid, I watched the David Susskind program on TV, and the guest was pioneer Tranny Christine Jorgensen.

Mr. Jorgenson served in the Army first, lived life, BEFORE deciding to come out as tranny and have his genitalia lopped off.

I disagree with his actions, but I respect his right to do it as an adult.

But chopping off a kid's penis just because he says "Mommy, I'm a girl" is child abuse.
What about circumcision?

Texas Governor Gregg Abbott orders Family Protective Services to investigate parents and medical persons who provide gender-affirming treatment.​

Abbott is protecting kids from child abuse
When it's scientific sound research, absolutely. We do it every day with illnesses and injuries right? We either perform surgery, or we apply medicines based on science. Based on the scientific research I presented, puts front and center the question, how can you label the surgery abuse, when the human being is calling out for help to change the gender? Can you tell us? I don't think so. I'll wait and see if you can produce a better argument, and I won't be holding my breath.

This only impacts people under 18, and only concerns actual medical procedures, surgery, drug treatments, etc for gender re-assignment.

People are still free to let their kids cross dress, have their kids go to therapy about changing genders, and everything else. And once they hit 18 all the restrictions drop off and the people in question can cut off the twig and berries, get boobs and take all the estrogen they want.

If a kid wanted to chop off his hand or foot, we wouldn't let them, the same applies here.
This only impacts people under 18, and only concerns actual medical procedures, surgery, drug treatments, etc for gender re-assignment.

People are still free to let their kids cross dress, have their kids go to therapy about changing genders, and everything else. And once they hit 18 all the restrictions drop off and the people in question can cut off the twig and berries, get boobs and take all the estrogen they want.

If a kid wanted to chop off his hand or foot, we wouldn't let them, the same applies here.
That's your opinion, not based in scientific fact. The best indication is the child, who is struggling and is asking for help. Regardless of age. Mutilation of a hand or foot is not a sexual body part, so scientifically, it is not the same thing.

Texas Governor Gregg Abbott orders Family Protective Services to investigate parents and medical persons who provide gender-affirming treatment.​

Abbott is protecting kids from child abuse
That's an opinion with no scientific backing.
Bachmann's husband is a trained doctor who has had a tremendous degree of success in helping men caught up in homosexuality break the gay habit.
There is no scientific research concluding it is a habit.
That's your opinion, not based in scientific fact. The best indication is the child, who is struggling and is asking for help. Regardless of age. Mutilation of a hand or foot is not a sexual body part, so scientifically, it is not the same thing.

There you go, calling for the god of "science" to make your argument. All lefties say children's minds aren't fully developed, and thus why they shouldn't be charged as adults when committing crimes, so by that token why should they be allowed to choose taking hormones to block puberty or have surgery to remove their breasts or genitals, or reproductive organs?

Why are sex body parts any different? Why say someone who thinks their hand doesn't belong on them any different than someone who think's their penis or vagina/breasts aren't really supposed to be there?

They can still get counseling, they can still cross dress or act the way they want, the only limitation is they can't fuck with their bodies in possibly irreversible ways until they are 18 and legally adults.

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