Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

Apparently it’s ok to kill innocent children by dumping them off a bus at night in the middle of a major winter storm as long as they are migrant kids.

The hypocrisy of todays Conservatives

They are outraged at the abortion of a six week pregnancy.

But force a five year old Hispanic child off a bus in sub zero windchills and they celebrate
Again, I'm going to post this all over the internet, so that in case people missed it, Biden invited these record #'s flooding in!

By the way, if it takes a few frozen migrants to get the attention of the American people, then it's well worth the sacrifice!!

We cannot sustain what is happening here!!

The people on that bus were Christians….only brown Christians

To the Republicans in this country, that justifies any treatment.
Even on Christmas
A broad brush you keep using. Do you understand English? Being a child of God, Christian, [insert religious term here], doesn't change your legal status - you're still an illegal.
The huge Democrat-run heavily financed city of DC is far more able to cope with an influx of homeless immigrants than the border towns that the Biden administration allows them into.

If Biden wanted this influx - and clearly he did - he should have prepared a place for them to be taken care of until they could find jobs and homes.

If they are…then by all means coordinate with them

Tell them in advance how many busses are being sent and coordinate the best location to drop them off.

To drop underdressed passengers off in sub zero wind chills is inhumane.

What is the matter with Conservatives?
The hypocrisy of todays Conservatives

They are outraged at the abortion of a six week pregnancy.

But force a five year old Hispanic child off a bus in sub zero windchills and they celebrate

So your poor suffering hostages went from 10° to 18° to sub-zero wind chills. Are they even still alive? Have you checked to see if they're breathing?

Just keep digging, pixie.

No one invited them. Stop, making shit up. You are as much a part of the problem as the Dems when it comes to this issue. You had two full years of complete control of Congress and you could have addressed immigration reform but you diddled around with trying to overturn the ACA with one crap plan or another. Just keep kicking that can down the road Because doing anything means bipartisanship and that is now considered to be a bad thing.
Bi partisanship? LMAO. There hasn't been anything bipartisan in over 20 years. A few votes by wolves in sheeps clothing is not bipartisan and neither is democrats voting lock step.
If they are…then by all means coordinate with them

Tell them in advance how many busses are being sent and coordinate the best location to drop them off.

To drop underdressed passengers off in sub zero wind chills is inhumane.

What is the matter with Conservatives?

Oh, the humanity!!!!!!!!!!

If they are…then by all means coordinate with them

Tell them in advance how many busses are being sent and coordinate the best location to drop them off.
If the Democrats would let Abbot know that they will welcome immigrants from cities that cannot handle them into cities that can, that would be an option. Their reaction at Martha' Vineyard, perhaps the most able place in the country to accept a large group of immigrants, was to quickly bus them away.
To drop underdressed passengers off in sub zero wind chills is inhumane.

What is the matter with Conservatives?
I have to see some evidence of these underdressed passengers, and sub-zero conditions, and not just your dramatic statements.
Fischer said this latest drop-off was a political stunt by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, using people as pawns.

“It really does show the cruelty behind Gov. Abbott and his insistence on continuing to bus people here without care about people arriving late at night on Christmas Eve when the weather is so cold. People are getting off the buses, they don’t have coats, they don’t have clothes for this kind of weather, and they’re freezing," Fischer said.

How can any Republican condone this activity?

And I hope he keeps the "stunt" going, because the American people need to DIRECTLY see what is happening and what is going to eventually happen to their own home towns!
WTF is the matter with you?!
You goddamn idiots think we can save the entire fucking world! Goddamn bleeding hearts!

That heart is not bleeding. That heart is virtue signalling so its cult will think it's a good and moral heart and give it brownie points.


Let's send a couple busloads to your front lawn Clayton!
You know what they say, a conservative is a liberal that has been mugged! Bet you would be singing a different tune if you had to deal with this flood!
Yeah, Clayton is like all the other democrats--all compassion as long as they're doling out other people's money. But dollars to donuts, Clayton is at the back of the line when it comes to taking in ANY of these illegals. IOW, Hypocrite.

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