Texas Grid Asks Residents To Conserve Power As Heatwave Hits

The Loner State refused to integrate into the nation's energy grid, and the consequences are tragic.
Contriving excuses to suppress the vote does not prevent the public from enduring the incompetence.

'Unplanned' outages hit Texas power plants in soaring temperatures

View attachment 501650Officials with Texas' power grid operator pleaded with residents Monday to limit their electrical usage amid soaring temperatures and a series of mechanical problems at power plants.​
The appeal, from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT, comes four months after deadly blackouts during a winter storm left millions of people without power​
Officials with the nonprofit group, which oversees 90 percent of Texas' energy production, asked residents to set their thermostats higher, turn off lights and avoid using larger appliances until Friday.​
A senior official with ERCOT, Warren Lasher, said it wasn't clear why there were so many unplanned outages. But he said that the group is "deeply concerned" about the plants that are offline and that a thorough investigation is being conducted to better understand the problems.​
More than 40 people died during the February storm, many of them from exposure to cold or carbon monoxide poisoning while they were trying to keep warm.​
We''ll see just how long the governor and legislature can distract an angry public
1) They are connected to the National grid
2) aren't rolling blackouts the norm in places like Cali and hasn't that been the case for years?
3) Do a lot of 3rd world countries have HVAC systems?
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

OVERPOPULATION IS A BAD BAD BAD THING...between the illegals and the ever worse Californias and New Yorkers invading.....Texas needs to stop encouraging all groups from coming.
Texas insists on not being part of the national grid.

Fuck 'em, let 'em bake.
There is no “national power grid” you fucking moron.
Yes and no. There are several nominally seperate power grids in the US, texas being the smallest, weakest, and most deteriorated. The other grids can share power to each other in emergencies. Texas can not.
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

OVERPOPULATION IS A BAD BAD BAD THING...between the illegals and the ever worse Californias and New Yorkers invading.....Texas needs to stop encouraging all groups from coming.
We can't help it. Texas is so fucking awesome, ALL fortune 500 companies are moving here. We just can't stop the flood.

It sucks being so great. It's a burden.
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

The article is full of shit. The Texas power grid isn’t exempt from “Federal Regulations”.
But it is. They set it up that way on purpose.

The better to fuck you over.
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

The article is full of shit. The Texas power grid isn’t exempt from “Federal Regulations”.
Electric Reliability Council of Texas regulates Texas' power grid.
I heard they were changing the name to the Unreliability Council.
Did Trump restore coal mining and bring back coal mining jobs?
No, he failed to get that done

But the electric shortage in texas would have given him a great stick to use against the global warming fanatics inside and outside the federal government
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

They will build a Monorail!
if they build it in texas it will be a moronrail.
For those interested: here is what Electric Reliability Council of Texas has to say about the outages and conservation efforts:

Obama made Texas shut down the coal powered electric generation plants.
Texas has the most Wind generation electricity, but it is not going to be enough.
Europe has also found out that Wind Power is not enough.
They need to build more natural gas power plants, but the Left is against fossil fuel.
So, what more proof do you need that Texas is the greatest state in the "union"?

Everybody is moving here, so the power grid is stretched too thin.

We should demand payment from the exodus states. We should demand tribute.

some say the world will end in ice,
some say in fire.
texans, inclined to boast these days,
insist on having it both ways.
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"Ah kin stay warm in an arctic spell,
and just drops mah flap when it's hot as hell"!

ERCOT faced a bevy of criticism for a massive blackout that hit much of the state in February, which led to an estimated 700 deaths ... and the "biggest epidemic of CO poisoning in recent history" as families tried to stay warm amid freezing temperatures, according to a ProPublica report.

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After signing two bills in June, Gov. Greg Abbott said that
"everything that needed to be done was done to fix the power grid in Texas."
[Power demand is expected to surpass the peak energy demand from Texas' February freeze]

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It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

The article is full of shit. The Texas power grid isn’t exempt from “Federal Regulations”.

Wow you don't know that Texas is the only state that isn't connected to the national power grid.

You don't know that Texas did that specifically to not be regulated by the federal government.

How stupid are you?

And you're also too lazy to look the information up before you posted that so it not only showed that you're a special kind of lazy but you're also a very special kind of down right too stupid for words.

It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

Conserving energy is standard when confronting heatwaves. California has done this for decades and will actually have rolling brownouts to help conserve. This isn’t anything new. California is asking for this from their residences this summer as well, several links provide information on how.

I am really getting tired of being in the best state in the world. EVERYBODY and their fucking donkey is moving here from commie shit holes like California and it is killing our power grid.

We demand tribute from Cali and NY.

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