Texas mass killer is an ILLEGAL ALIEN

You're the one that doesn't get it. Please explain how he had a legal gun.
Please explain why you're so dumb you think the mass of legal guns in which America is awash does not make it easy for anyone to access a firearm by any means.

edit...Perhaps you could explain why so few mass shootings have automatic firearms as the weapon of choice.
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Please explain why you're so dumb you think the mass of legal guns in which America is awash does not make it easy for anyone to access a firearm by any means.

edit...Perhaps you could explain why so few mass shootings have automatic firearms as the weapon of choice.

I'll be glad to explain: You can't legally buy a firearm in this country unless you are a citizen and pass a background check. It doesn't matter if there are 100 million legal guns or a half dozen. Legal guns are not and never were the problem because legal guns are only in the hands of law abiding citizens unless they are stolen.

This fallacy that if you disarm law abiding citizens, the criminals won't be able to get them either is nothing but Commie propaganda. Look at our recreational narcotics problem today. These drugs have been illegal all of my life and we are having more problems with them today than we did back when I was a teen in the 70s.

Now if you have a plan to stop criminals from getting guns, tell us what it is. Let's try it on illegal drugs first. If successful, I'll support your idea of extrapolating it to firearms.
As I understand it he could have made a private trade at a gun show, for instance.

FBI statistics show that guns illegally purchased at a gun show are rare. That's because most if not all of the sellers are licensed dealers that are required by law to do a background check on anybody they sell a gun to.
Why didn't trump know about him, OBAMA did?

What is the legal process when an illegal alien is caught? Are they just immediately deported, or do we keep them here and allow them to stay a year before their court date for due process (due to immigration court shortages)? And this time spent here waiting for their court date may give them time to just disappear....?

I know that once the court determines that the illegal immigrant is actually an illegal in this court of law, and this court determines that, then and only then does it become a felony for the illegal alien when entering... And when he tries to enter again, he can be arrested and imprisoned for reentry by being charged with a felony and convicted.

Basically, just deport him when caught, or take the time and allow him to stay around for a year waiting for the legal court process to take place, that could legally determine him as an illegal so that a reentry would actually be a felony, with prison time?

Congress truly needs to address immigration reform and FUND THE DARN IMMIGRATION COURTS to handle these cases in a timely manner!


Where, and how did this guy get all his other guns and the AR15? That seems pretty important to know, don't cha think?

Has anything been reported yet on that?

President Trump set his focus on criminal illegals in this country. It was Democrats that fought him from deporting any illegal claiming that it would make them uncooperative if they were a victim of a crime or witnessed one.

It's Democrat states that issue illegals drivers licenses. It's Democrat states that warn illegals of workplace raids by ICE. It's Democrat cities that prohibit their police officers from contacting ICE when they have an illegal criminal in their jail. It's Democrat cities that allow them to vote in local elections. It's your Democrat President that stopped all workplace raids.

No, you are not a felon if deported and come back anyway.
Dumb answer. Yes, you can prevent American citizens from acquiring AR15’s. You choose not to restrict these weapons. You choose your guns over the lives of children.

And then you ban abortion, because “save the children”. Unborn children are so easy to love. It’s the living children you don’t give a rats ass about.
If AR-15s are restricted murderers will use AR-10s, or Browning Automatic Rifles, or Ruger Mini-14s, or Smith & Wesson M&P pistols, or Glocks…. shall I go on? If you restrict all firearms, they will use axes, swords or maces. Murders were happening long before gunpowder was invented.
darkies? you are the only person on this thread that used a racial slur to refer to the shooter
He's just cashing in all his virtue points He's collected so it's 👍
Kinda like how the elite do the most polluting but buy "carbon tax" as if that somehow makes their pollution ok 😆
Trump banned him, Simp.

Under Barry Hussein he came and went as he pleased, under Trump...nothing, under No Border Joe he shows up and murders 5.
Sure. Deporting him was doing nothing..... :rolleyes-41:

Doing nothing, is doing nothing.
Out of curiosity were the victims illegal aliens as well?
What have you found out? Did you research it? Doesn't your favorite Tim Cast know? Let us know when you find out... not that it matters....murdering another human being is no less of a murder if they are here legally, illegally, or waiting for their court date to determine status, no?

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