Texas Mayor: Invites Transgender Military to join local Police Force


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Both the Austin Mayor and HPD Police Chief
have invited Transgender Veterans to join their police force if
they get banned from the Military:

Mayor Invites Trans People Banned From Military To Join Police Department

Maybe Texas will NEED more police to break up fights over
the Transgender bathroom bill, the Sanctuary Cities bill, etc.

This is how we roll in Texas.


Just how Trump plans to enforce this ban, which may not even be legal, remains unclear. Still, the mayor of Austin, Texas is urging trans troops on active duty to apply for new jobs on his city’s police force if they find themselves discharged.

Mayor Steve Adler, who is a Democrat, extended the offer in a series of tweets Wednesday afternoon.

He reiterated the invitation in a Facebook post Wednesday.

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo, who previously served as Austin’s police chief, followed suit with a similar offer on Twitter.

Prospective applicants should note that the Austin Police Department has an openly transgender officer on its current roster. After being a member of the city’s police force for 10 years, Greg Abbink came out to his colleagues as trans in 2014, The Austin American-Statesman reported.

Adler’s Facebook post has received a flurry of responses, the majority of them positive. “I appreciate that you are a man of conviction and you give voice to the voiceless,” one person wrote. Added another, “Thank you for continuing to represent the values of our great community so well.”

Adler’s Communications Director Jason Stanford told HuffPost that the mayor’s pledge was a prime example of “how we do things in Austin.”

“Please note that we have an out trans police officer here, a LGBTQ police support group with more than 100 officers, an LGBTQ liaison in the Mayor’s office and a new LGBTQ Quality of Life Commission,” he said, “and none of this has generated the slightest bit of controversy.”

Meanwhile, Austin’s interim Police Chief Brian Manley was among a number of law enforcement officials to appear at the Texas State Capitol Tuesday to speak out against proposed legislation that would prohibit trans people from using restrooms that correspond with their gender identity. (The bill, SB 3, was passed by the Senate, but still needs state House approval and the governor’s signature to become law.)
Awesome. Mentally ill people with guns and authority. Just what Texas needs.
Austin, Tx is the enclave for all of the state's fruits and nuts to gather. .... :cuckoo:
Awesome. Mentally ill people with guns and authority. Just what Texas needs.

Dear TNHarley: It's just as faith based for you to believe all such transgender are "mentally ill" (as it is to believe all such people are "born that way" as male spirits in female bodies or female spirits in male bodies.

Not all religious people or extreme fanatics are mentally ill, and LGBT beliefs equally run a wide range as well, from moderate to extreme fundamental intolerance of others.

If it is wrong to treat all Christians as oppressive abusers or "mentally ill zealots" just because SOME are; then by that same principle, it is equally wrong to assume all LGBT are mentally ill just because some are.
The world has gone mad

People were already in conflict.
it's just that these conflicts have 'come out' in the media to be addressed publicly.
The issues and attitudes were always there.
But only now do we feel safe enough to talk about it,
and even tweet and shout.

If anything SassyIrishLass at least we are
more honest and open.

And the next step is ACCEPTING the fact we
have diverse beliefs, getting over that, and quitting
the shame and blame over these differences that aren't going to change.

We are each going to believe what we believe.
We all have the right to that.
And govt should never be abused to shame, coerce, or
penalize anyone on either side for their beliefs or force them to change.

That is what we need to come to terms with.
And all these yell wars and bullying are part of that process.
When we reach peace over this, we'll actually be better off
than we were before this came up in public. This is what growing up looks like.
The world has gone mad

People were already in conflict.
it's just that these conflicts have 'come out' in the media to be addressed publicly.
The issues and attitudes were always there.
But only now do we feel safe enough to talk about it,
and even tweet and shout.

If anything SassyIrishLass at least we are
more honest and open.

And the next step is ACCEPTING the fact we
have diverse beliefs, getting over that, and quitting
the shame and blame over these differences that aren't going to change.

We are each going to believe what we believe.
We all have the right to that.
And govt should never be abused to shame, coerce, or
penalize anyone on either side for their beliefs or force them to change.

That is what we need to come to terms with.
And all these yell wars and bullying are part of that process.
When we reach peace over this, we'll actually be better off
than we were before this came up in public. This is what growing up looks like.

Well the problem is this ramming it down people's throats. I'm not going to allow our children to be subjected to it
I will never be a transgender fan club member, but if they are willing to help out where its needed, then to me their work contribution should be appreciated because we have more than enough lazy people in this world already.

God bless you and those who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty always!!!

The world has gone mad

People were already in conflict.
it's just that these conflicts have 'come out' in the media to be addressed publicly.
The issues and attitudes were always there.
But only now do we feel safe enough to talk about it,
and even tweet and shout.

If anything SassyIrishLass at least we are
more honest and open.

And the next step is ACCEPTING the fact we
have diverse beliefs, getting over that, and quitting
the shame and blame over these differences that aren't going to change.

We are each going to believe what we believe.
We all have the right to that.
And govt should never be abused to shame, coerce, or
penalize anyone on either side for their beliefs or force them to change.

That is what we need to come to terms with.
And all these yell wars and bullying are part of that process.
When we reach peace over this, we'll actually be better off
than we were before this came up in public. This is what growing up looks like.

Well the problem is this ramming it down people's throats. I'm not going to allow our children to be subjected to it
You might want to point out the cases where someone comes in and subjects someone else's children to being transgendered.
Awesome. Mentally ill people with guns and authority. Just what Texas needs.

I own two shotguns here in Texas, so let me say it is part of the daily life of a Texan... Now just add the Hooch and it will be like I am from the Hills of Kentucky!
Austin wants to the San Francisco of Texas. It is up to Texans to deal with them. If trans could be persuaded to all move to their own cities and leave everyone else alone, that would be the best outcome.
Austin 911: What is your emergency?

Caller: My store is being robbed at gun point.

Austin 911: would you prefer a male officer, female officer, male who thinks he's a female officer, or female who thinks she's a male officer, or one of the undecideds?

Caller: I don't care, just send an officer before someone gets shot.

Austin 911: It is important for the well being of the officer sent that he/she/it won't feel offended by any sexism, transgenderism, or bad karma when they arrive on site so we must have a decision.

Caller: Never mind. He just shot the clerk and left.
Both the Austin Mayor and HPD Police Chief
have invited Transgender Veterans to join their police force if
they get banned from the Military:

Mayor Invites Trans People Banned From Military To Join Police Department

Maybe Texas will NEED more police to break up fights over
the Transgender bathroom bill, the Sanctuary Cities bill, etc.

This is how we roll in Texas.


Just how Trump plans to enforce this ban, which may not even be legal, remains unclear. Still, the mayor of Austin, Texas is urging trans troops on active duty to apply for new jobs on his city’s police force if they find themselves discharged.

Mayor Steve Adler, who is a Democrat, extended the offer in a series of tweets Wednesday afternoon.

He reiterated the invitation in a Facebook post Wednesday.

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo, who previously served as Austin’s police chief, followed suit with a similar offer on Twitter.

Prospective applicants should note that the Austin Police Department has an openly transgender officer on its current roster. After being a member of the city’s police force for 10 years, Greg Abbink came out to his colleagues as trans in 2014, The Austin American-Statesman reported.

Adler’s Facebook post has received a flurry of responses, the majority of them positive. “I appreciate that you are a man of conviction and you give voice to the voiceless,” one person wrote. Added another, “Thank you for continuing to represent the values of our great community so well.”

Adler’s Communications Director Jason Stanford told HuffPost that the mayor’s pledge was a prime example of “how we do things in Austin.”

“Please note that we have an out trans police officer here, a LGBTQ police support group with more than 100 officers, an LGBTQ liaison in the Mayor’s office and a new LGBTQ Quality of Life Commission,” he said, “and none of this has generated the slightest bit of controversy.”

Meanwhile, Austin’s interim Police Chief Brian Manley was among a number of law enforcement officials to appear at the Texas State Capitol Tuesday to speak out against proposed legislation that would prohibit trans people from using restrooms that correspond with their gender identity. (The bill, SB 3, was passed by the Senate, but still needs state House approval and the governor’s signature to become law.)

And the living conditions of a police force in the United STates is more freindly to people who think they are the opposite sex...the military conditions are not......as a police officer, they can go home and use their own facilities....17-18 year old girls won't have to shower or use the bathroom with a guy who thinks he is a woman, filled out the paperwork and now gets to shower with those women......

Civilian life is not military life......that is something virtue signaling civilians do not understand...
Awesome. Mentally ill people with guns and authority. Just what Texas needs.

Dear TNHarley: It's just as faith based for you to believe all such transgender are "mentally ill" (as it is to believe all such people are "born that way" as male spirits in female bodies or female spirits in male bodies.

Not all religious people or extreme fanatics are mentally ill, and LGBT beliefs equally run a wide range as well, from moderate to extreme fundamental intolerance of others.

If it is wrong to treat all Christians as oppressive abusers or "mentally ill zealots" just because SOME are; then by that same principle, it is equally wrong to assume all LGBT are mentally ill just because some are.

A lot more of them have underlying mental health issues....like thinking they are women when they are men and vice versa, and all the other issues that come along with that thought process......so putting them on the police force needs to be looked at....

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