Texas now has more brown than white

I'd like to think so, however, those coming over the border and getting lots of handouts, will initially vote Democrat, then gradually switch over........however, I suspect the left will no doubt try to illegally ensure they win.
They get the same handouts when a GOP is in the White House.
I'd like to think so, however, those coming over the border and getting lots of handouts, will initially vote Democrat, then gradually switch over........however, I suspect the left will no doubt try to illegally ensure they win.
You just have no evidence to prove that opinion.
I'd like to think so, however, those coming over the border and getting lots of handouts, will initially vote Democrat, then gradually switch over........however, I suspect the left will no doubt try to illegally ensure they win.
You know illegal immigrants do not vote. Right?

Texas will soon be the next California

Already destroyed San Antonio , Austin and Houston

Dallas too many N !!!
California is passing France as the worlds 5th largest economy. Texas will start really moving forward once the Hicks are out of office and liberal leaders Make Texas Great Finally. It is currently the armpit of America.

Most of the Latino's I have met are very Conservative. The problems in San Antonio, Austin, and Huston are almost exclusively caused by White Liberals and their absolute belief that minorities can not survive without their intervention.
Most Latino's I have met are very liberal and vote Democrat, they all seem to hate Trump. I worked in a warehouse once with mostly guys from Latino countries who were legal US citizens who all hated Trump and voted Democrat, not one of them voted for him. I have had many co-workers & friends from Latino countries who are Democrats.
Most Latino's I have met are very liberal and vote Democrat, they all seem to hate Trump. I worked in a warehouse once with mostly guys from Latino countries who were legal US citizens who all hated Trump and voted Democrat, not one of them voted for him. I have had many co-workers & friends from Latino countries who are Democrats.
Trump is not a Conservative.
It was noted that approximately 85% of those coming over the border illegally, are hardcore Catholics. Thus, what the anti-rightwing left doesn't grasp is the following:
1. Hardcore Hispanic Catholic males are very patriarch and machismo in their thinking, which goes against the alphabet group.
2. For the lefties that aren't fans of Christians and Christmas, they'll be hearing more and more "Feliz Navidad," (Merry Christmas) and Christmas displays.
3. Catholic church attendance will increase, not decrease.
4. Those same hardcore Catholics are big on having kids, which will be disappointing to the environmental lefties, as those incoming millions will be spewing out large numbers of kids and aren't in favor of abortion. They will also cause more deforestation and animal habitat displacement for the much needed more business structures, medical facilities, apartments/condos and homes.
5. Legal Hispanics tend to vote republican and those that come in, will at some point do so also.

They also frown on kiddie rapers and faggots, which is going to be fun when the other Democrats try and force them to 'tolerate' the vermin, and then there are the black Democrats whoa re increasingly marginalized in the urban metroplexes by latino barrios encroaching on their Hoods.
Texas has ALWAYS had more brown than white.

We did steal it from Mexico
They wanted to get rid of it anyway. It gets too cold in winter for Mexico City residents in winter. One of my best friends and fellow cheerleaders was Mexican in my high school graduation class. She was as friendly and kind as she was beautiful.
A Texan and a Mexican were arguing . The Texan said, "Why are y'all so angry with us?". The Mexican replied,
"Senor, not only did you steal HALF our country, you stole the half with all the paved roads".
They wanted to get rid of it anyway. It gets too cold in winter for Mexico City residents in winter. One of my best friends and fellow cheerleaders was Mexican in my high school graduation class. She was as friendly and kind as she was beautiful.

Mexicans wouldn't be caught dead north of Tampico, just a few Spanish missions and their Indian slaves and a few garrison troops at places like San Antonio, which is why Mexico promoted colonization by white Europeans. Outside of a few hundred settled in the Rio Grande Valley, Mexicans were practically non-existent. See the history of Apaches and Comanches for why that was. They raided all the way down to Guadalajara and even outside of Mexico City.

And besides, nobody died and left them in charge of every absurd territorial claim made by Spain, which stretched all the way to Canada, where again there were no Mexicans and very few Spaniards. After Whitey settled the state, and the U.S. got rid of the filthy red bandit vermin, then all of sudden Mexicans got very interested in coming here. Counting California and the other states, there wasn't over 10,000 Spaniards in the entire West, and most of them Priests and soldiers stationed here. Los Angeles had a population of 300 or so.
Mexico ceded to the United States approximately 525,000 square miles (55% of its prewar territory) in exchange for a $15 million lump sum payment

And we shouldn't have paid them a dime. They never wanted it until we cleared out the bandits and murderers.

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