Texas Pro-Gun Crusaders Take Extreme Open Carry Approach

I have asked 100 gun nutters this questions and none of them have been able to answer:

FROM OUTWARD APPEARANCES, what is the difference between a mass murderer and an open carry activist?

Say a man is walking across the mall parking lot with an AR-15 over his shoulder.... what is the difference... from outward appearances?

Open carry activists should be arrested for disturbing the peace, at the very least.

And then given a psych eval and see if they are stable.
And not guns. Right?

Learn that or fuck yourself deep and hard.

Its been almost 12 hours since you asked why, when laws do not prevent people from breaking the law, we enact any laws at all, and had your question answered for the 2nd time.

Were you going tio respond to the answer, or were you going to ask agan in a day or two, still thinking you're clever and relevant?
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I have asked 100 gun nutters this questions and none of them have been able to answer:

FROM OUTWARD APPEARANCES, what is the difference between a mass murderer and an open carry activist?
A mass murderer killed people.
That may or may not be obvious, depending on where and when he did it.
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You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?

I actually would get up and leave an establishment if someone came in with an assault rifle not wearing a uniform.

I don't understand that. If they come in screaming or causing a ruckus, ok.... but otherwise, why?

I've been at places where people came in with guns, even rifles, and it never occured to me to leave.

In fact, at the time I thought hope no poor bastard tries to rob the place.... they'll be in for a shock.

I felt safer eating there with armed law abiding citizens willing to defend their fellow citizens, than I did when they were not there.

What exactly are you worried about? It's not like they started setting up tin cans at the end of the buffet. Ya, if they did that, I'm with you. Time to move on.

But gun owners don't do that. At least none of the ones I've met.

What it really boils down to, is you don't trust your fellow citizens as much as you trust criminals and government.


You trust these people.....


And you trust these people.....


But now THAT RIGHT THERE!!! That's terrifying.


Absolutely terrifying!


I am absolutely FROZEN WITH FEAR!!

Come on people..... There is no safer place to be than with a bunch of armed lawful citizens. I would be more than willing to come to the aid, of even the most absolutely retarded leftist on this forum. I would defend you, and protect you from anyone that threatened you.


I want to believe that you aren't a pathetic race loser, thereby only seeing Blacks as criminals.
Let's even the load, shall we.




White supremacists accused of planning for 'race war' in Florida

Members of a white supremacist skinhead group called American Front trained with AK-47s, shotguns and explosives at a fortified compound in central Florida to prepare for what its reputed leader believed to be an “inevitable race war,”

White supremacists accused of planning for 'race war' in Florida - U.S. News


America's White Supremacist Problem » The Constantine Report



charged Monday with plotting to kill a police officer and slaughter scores more by bombing the funeral — all in hopes of touching off an uprising against the U.S. government. [/B]
Feds: Militia members sought to spark uprising - US news - Security | NBC News
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I have asked 100 gun nutters this questions and none of them have been able to answer:

FROM OUTWARD APPEARANCES, what is the difference between a mass murderer and an open carry activist?
A mass murderer killed people.
That may or may not be obvious, depending on where and when he did it.

There is no difference at first; none can be ascertained by innoncent observers before the first person dies.

Then, isn't it plausble if more untrained and citizens are armed, isn't it likely some will identify a good guy as the 'bad' guy. Friendly fire kills too.
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Gee, think of the money we could save if we eliminated all police agencies. We could all defend our homes and businesses and there would be no need for courts or attorney's. Might makes right - it works in Somalia, doesn't it Reconmark ?
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Guns are the easiest means of committing a crime. A crime that would be justified would be to riddle the CEOs of weapons companies with bullets from their own firearms until the military-industrial complex understands that people are not supposed to profit from death and misery. Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, BAE, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, etc. Glock, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, etc.

Learn that or fuck yourself deep and hard.

Its been almost 12 hours since you asked why, when laws do not prevent people from breaking the law, we enact any laws at all, and had your question answered for the 2nd time.

Were you going tio respond to the answer, or were you going to ask agan in a day or two, still thinking you're clever and relevant?
So answer it again. What is the point of passing any law if criminals don't follow any laws?

Criminals don't follow laws. Look at the Bush administration. The Geneva accords and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have been around for as long as Bush has been alive, and he shit all over those laws. So what is the point of any law?

And why are mindless hicks with firearms packing into restaurants while the NSA is still spying on us in violation of the 4th Amendment?
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(Comment on the original post/video): I support the gesture! Demonstration of freedom of speech and right to bear arms - America!
(Comment on the original post/video): I support the gesture! Demonstration of freedom of speech and right to bear arms - America!

Only an idiot carries an unloaded weapon in public display; only a criminal carries a loaded weapon in public where the law prohibits such behavior.

So I wonder, are those in the vidoe all idiots, all criminals or both?


Q. Who funds the guy in the video? Who pays for the T-Shirts and Flags he passes out?

Q. If background checks and licensing were the law, should this guy or anyone diagnosed with PTSD be allowed to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a gun?

Q. If more and more 'good' guys openly carry firearms, isn't it likely more and more 'bad' guys will do the same?
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They could just leave their guns in their car when they eat a burger

That is the way most Americans do it
The whole point of having a gun is being able to use it in the event (God forbid) the person's life is threatened. If I have to leave it in the car, may as well leave it at home. At least at home, no one's going to break my car window to steal it.

I didn't tell you to bring your gun

Go in as a group packing assault rifles and you are a threat........I don't care what happens to you
Only to pussies like you. BTW...there is no such thing as an 'assault' rifle.
Poverty causes the majority of violent crime, not dangerous minorities.
And not guns. Right?
Guns are the easiest means of committing a crime. A crime that would be justified would be to riddle the CEOs of weapons companies with bullets from their own firearms until the military-industrial complex understands that people are not supposed to profit from death and misery. Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, BAE, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, etc. Glock, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, etc.

Learn that or fuck yourself deep and hard.

Its been almost 12 hours since you asked why, when laws do not prevent people from breaking the law, we enact any laws at all, and had your question answered for the 2nd time.

Were you going tio respond to the answer, or were you going to ask agan in a day or two, still thinking you're clever and relevant?
So answer it again. What is the point of passing any law if criminals don't follow any laws?
For the THIRD time in fewer days


All criminal, and most civil, law exists so that the state can punish people who step outside the boundaries set by society and violate the rights of others.
That is, laws against murder do not and can not prevent murder, only punish people who commit it.

Now then -- do you have an effective response, or are you going to pretend you haven't been answered yet again?
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I have asked 100 gun nutters this questions and none of them have been able to answer:

FROM OUTWARD APPEARANCES, what is the difference between a mass murderer and an open carry activist?
A mass murderer killed people.
That may or may not be obvious, depending on where and when he did it.
There is no difference at first; none can be ascertained by innoncent observers before the first person dies.
And so?
In a free socoety, do we arrest people who are not breaking the law for no other reason than they might brealk the law?
And not guns. Right?
Guns are the easiest means of committing a crime. A crime that would be justified would be to riddle the CEOs of weapons companies with bullets from their own firearms until the military-industrial complex understands that people are not supposed to profit from death and misery. Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, BAE, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, etc. Glock, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, etc.


Its been almost 12 hours since you asked why, when laws do not prevent people from breaking the law, we enact any laws at all, and had your question answered for the 2nd time.

Were you going tio respond to the answer, or were you going to ask agan in a day or two, still thinking you're clever and relevant?
So answer it again. What is the point of passing any law if criminals don't follow any laws?
For the THIRD time in fewer days


All criminal, and most civil, law exists so that the state can punish people who step outside the boundaries set by society and violate the rights of others.
That is, laws against murder do not and can not prevent murder, only punish people who commit it.

Now then -- do you have an effective response, or are you going to pretend you haven't been answered yet again?
I read your answers before but your answers meant less than shit in reality, just like this one.

Since criminals don't follow laws, why have any laws? "It's to punish people when they break those laws." What is my response to that? George W. Bush, Barack Obama, HSBC, GM, BP, Monsanto, Pfizer, etc. etc. etc. Every corporation or individual that breaks serious laws is supposed to face the same Justice. Pfizer tests drugs on sick African children and pays a fine. BP poisoned miles of coastline and paid a fine. GM made billions of dollars off of the deaths of Americans and they paid a fine. HSBC confessed to funding narco-terrorist groups that the US is at war with, and they paid a fine. They all went right back to work. There are more prisoners in the United States than in any other country on this planet, the majority of whom are incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses. This is a two-tiered justice system: "justice" for the rich and prison for the rest of us.

"Too big to fail".

George W. Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq and then tortured POWs to death in secret prison. He retired to his mansion with millions of dollars and Secret Service protection so he can be free to fingerpaint dogs in the shower. Barack Obama assassinated an American teenager who was not charged with any ties to terrorism. Obama is still the US President. There is a system ("too big to prosecute") for the rich and powerful, and another system (food stamps, unemployment, prison) for the rest of us.

The rich and powerful make all of the money from flooding our streets with guns. The gun owners only use their guns on each other and random bystanders instead of fighting against the rich and powerful oligarchy that floods our streets with guns and makes all of the money off the deaths of our fellow citizens.

There are over 10k gun deaths in the US each year, every year. Only 3k people died on 9/11. If you had three 9/11's happen each year, wouldn't you want to find those who were responsible and lock them in Guantanamo with bags over their heads?

Those are the CEOs of weapons and firearm manufacturers. They make millions of dollars every year by flooding our streets with guns that are not used to defend liberty but are instead used to commit crimes or kill whoever for no real reason at all.

Turn your guns on the 1%. You're not accomplishing anything at Chili's.
For the THIRD time in fewer days


All criminal, and most civil, law exists so that the state can punish people who step outside the boundaries set by society and violate the rights of others.
That is, laws against murder do not and can not prevent murder, only punish people who commit it.

Now then -- do you have an effective response, or are you going to pretend you haven't been answered yet again?
I read your answers before but your answers meant less than shit in reality, just like this one.
You REALLY don't like the answer but cannot show how it is wrong.

Since criminals don't follow laws, why have any laws? "It's to punish people when they break those laws."

What is my response to that? George W. Bush, Barack Obama, HSBC, GM, BP, Monsanto, Pfizer, etc. etc. etc. Every corporation or individual that breaks serious laws is supposed to face the same Justice [and do not]...
Aww... iit's cute that you thnk the fact that some people (supposedly) break the law and are not punished changes the fact that we enact laws not to prevent people form doing things but punish them when they do.

Nothing in your rants will ever change the soundness of that statement.
(Comment on the original post/video): I support the gesture! Demonstration of freedom of speech and right to bear arms - America!

Only an idiot carries an unloaded weapon in public display; only a criminal carries a loaded weapon in public where the law prohibits such behavior.

So I wonder, are those in the vidoe all idiots, all criminals or both?

That's true, carrying an unloaded firearm is pointless. But in the video it showed mags in the rifles (Pmags are awesome!), so it can be assumed that at least some (hopefully all) were loaded. In certain states, like Texas and Arizona it is not illegal and people that do it can not be called criminals.

I'm against gun control, as you probably already noticed, and I did not think that anyone is interested in hearing the specifics of my views on it. I was trying to point out the gesture itself.

I'm sure this form of open carry pisses off a lot of people (lol), but it's great that we are still allowed to exercise freedoms. We are allowed to protest at funerals of soldiers, abortion clinics, churches and a whole bunch of other expressions of freedom, so why are people-that-open-carry-rifles-to-help-make-a-statement such a problem? Do they have to be labeled as idiots or criminals? Really?


Q. Who funds the guy in the video? Who pays for the T-Shirts and Flags he passes out?
Does it matter?
Q. If background checks and licensing were the law, should this guy or anyone diagnosed with PTSD be allowed to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a gun?
I was diagnosed with PTSD after my second tour - its bull. They give out that diagnosis to everyone who deployed these days, even if its wrong.
On the other hand, people with legitimate PTSD issues are still much better with firearms then an average individual - it's other mental health issues that usually cause problems (example: schizophrenia). So, until there is a better system for dealing with mental health issues and diagnosis in the US in general this point is not really relevant.
Q. If more and more 'good' guys openly carry firearms, isn't it likely more and more 'bad' guys will do the same?
'Bad' guys have always had guns and always will have guns - those facts do not change. It is more of an equalizer when everyone has access to firearms and not just the people that will buy them illegally anyway.

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