Texas Pro-Gun Crusaders Take Extreme Open Carry Approach

Look, dumb gun owners, you have your right to bear arms but do you know why?
Yes: To use those arms for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

The 2nd Amendment is so that the People can put their government in check when the government officials think that they are above the law.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Its funnny when you call other people dumb.

Look, dumb gun owners, you have your right to bear arms but do you know why?

It's to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act, it's to close Guantanamo Bay, it's to prosecute Bush and Obama for war crimes. The 2nd Amendment is so that the People can put their government in check when the government officials think that they are above the law.

The 2nd Amendment is not for eating at Chili's. That's called "just being a douche", and a coward because you're eating in a restaurant instead of repealing the USAPATRIOT Act, closing Guantanamo, abolishing the NSA domestic spying operation, ending endless war over lies, and prosecuting bankers and war profiteers.

What does the right wing use their guns for? In Nevada it was to stop Federal agents from enforcing American laws, not to stop the criminal Cliven Bundy.

The fact is that even the most "responsible" gun owners don't deserve the right to bear arms because they don't even know who they're supposed to be fighting.

You are the one not seeing that was an over reach of Government.
Our Government is suppose to protect our land rights not take them away and force out 52 other ranchers because the government wants to use that land to make more money in taxes to spend.
You don't know anything about government overreach. I've had cops jam their elbows into my throat over some weed.
Did you break the law?
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime

But in the most deadly they are the instrument of destruction.

The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime

The HUGE majority of PEOPLE do not commit crimes. There are many more vitims to crime then there are criminals, in my opinion.

The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.

James Holmes


Because guns kill and that is their only real designed purpose.
This is either a lie, or abject ignorance.
Either way, it only supports the notion that you react out of irrational fear.

What are guns originally designed to do? Not what they are USED for but designed for?

Now granted some have been modified to be best for shooting trap and such but the original intent of guns were to kill things. An assault type weapon is designed to kill people whether adapted for civilian use or not.

Why do you fight this? Why can't you just be honest? There is nothing wrong with realizing the truth it help to realize where you opposition is coming from.
There are over 10k gun deaths per year in the United States. More than three 9/11's every year, and no one calls for the CEO of Glock to be put in Guantanamo for supplying firearms to insurgents.
Mostly because he doesn't.

no one has put Smith & Wesson on the terrorist watch list,
Because of the fact thay S&W isnt a terrorist organization.

Thank you fpr helping to prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
You are the one not seeing that was an over reach of Government.
Our Government is suppose to protect our land rights not take them away and force out 52 other ranchers because the government wants to use that land to make more money in taxes to spend.
You don't know anything about government overreach. I've had cops jam their elbows into my throat over some weed.
Did you break the law?

I am guessing he would say that whatever it was he was doing it should not be a crime, so in his mind he thinks he was in the right, regardless of the law.

On the other hand you have those wearing assault looking rifles, for no other reason then it is their right, perfectly legally causing consternations and they think what they did was right.
James Holmes is invoking his rights and carrying a "rifle" outside a movie theater. He isn't threatening anyone he merely is dressed as a cop carrying several guns. When exactly do we start fearing this guy? When he actually starts to unload on the movie theater or before?
In a free society, we do not act against peiople for no reason other than they might break the law.
Sad to see you'd have things otherwise.

So you are against crime prevention, interesting.
Because guns kill and that is their only real designed purpose.
This is either a lie, or abject ignorance.
Either way, it only supports the notion that you react out of irrational fear.

What are guns originally designed to do? Not what they are USED for but designed for?

Now granted some have been modified to be best for shooting trap and such but the original intent of guns were to kill things. An assault type weapon is designed to kill people whether adapted for civilian use or not.

Why do you fight this? Why can't you just be honest? There is nothing wrong with realizing the truth it help to realize where you opposition is coming from.

The problem is.... so what? What difference does that make to the reality of life? Nothing.

Makes no difference at all.
James Holmes is invoking his rights and carrying a "rifle" outside a movie theater. He isn't threatening anyone he merely is dressed as a cop carrying several guns. When exactly do we start fearing this guy? When he actually starts to unload on the movie theater or before?
In a free society, we do not act against peiople for no reason other than they might break the law.
Sad to see you'd have things otherwise.

So you are against crime prevention, interesting.

No, you are against crime prevention. If those people at the theater had the right to carry a gun, they might have stopped him.

In fact, if he had known and/or believed the people at the theater were armed (instead of a gun free zone), he might not have attacked at all.

Instead thanks to you, and idiots like you, they were mowed down like sheep.
Because guns kill and that is their only real designed purpose.
This is either a lie, or abject ignorance.
Either way, it only supports the notion that you react out of irrational fear.
What are guns originally designed to do? Not what they are USED for but designed for?
Guns are designed to fire a projectile at a target. Noting more, nothing less.

Millions of rounds are fired every year, the huge majority of which do not kill anyone, thereby disproving your claim their only real designed purpose of a gun is to kill.

Unless, of course, you want to argue that ever time I firea gun and do not kill anyone, I'm using it wrong.

All of this only supports the fact that you react out of irrational fear.
As soon as you admit this to yourself, you'll make progress.
You don't know anything about government overreach. I've had cops jam their elbows into my throat over some weed.
Did you break the law?

I am guessing he would say that whatever it was he was doing it should not be a crime, so in his mind he thinks he was in the right, regardless of the law.
Likely, but his opinion does not change fact.

On the other hand you have those wearing assault looking rifles, for no other reason then it is their right, perfectly legally causing consternations and they think what they did was right.
Because of course, it was; unlike KNB they did not break the law.
James Holmes is invoking his rights and carrying a "rifle" outside a movie theater. He isn't threatening anyone he merely is dressed as a cop carrying several guns. When exactly do we start fearing this guy? When he actually starts to unload on the movie theater or before?
In a free society, we do not act against peiople for no reason other than they might break the law.
Sad to see you'd have things otherwise.
So you are against crime prevention, interesting.
What's that? You DO want to act against people for no reason other than they might break the law?
So you are agianst freedom and liberty. Interesting.
Because guns kill and that is their only real designed purpose.

Guns are also for protection, hunting, target shooting, sports events where young people can win scholarships for college and most importantly to use against a Government who have become tyrannical.
You just saw it in the news in Nevada and no one was shot or harmed in that over reach of government.

You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?

I actually would get up and leave an establishment if someone came in with an assault rifle not wearing a uniform.
You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?

Yes, but it depends on the situation. If he looks nervous and is jittery then no. You know he is up to no good.
Chances are pretty good that a criminal will not enter a movie theater and sit in a seat. They don't pay for a ticket, they break into the theater.
We have gun owners who have them in our movie Theater in Sierra Vista all the time.
Most are military some are not.
When you have them around all the time you know the difference between someone who is a criminal and those who are not.

So you will trust your grandchildrens lives on your ability to determine intent based on looks?

Based on body language not looks.
Big difference.
I would also alert other law abiding gun owners about him acting very suspicious.
If you only nominally have a right, and are severely restricted where you can exercise taht right, then you don't effectively have it. Or rather, your free exercise isn't recognized or even allowed.

Again, no Second Amendment rights are being 'restricted' in Texas, 'severely' or otherwise.

No Texas firearm regulatory measure has been struck down by any court as un-Constitutional – state or Federal.

If these individuals wish to be allowed to lawfully OC handguns in public, they're at liberty to seek to change the law via the democratic political process; or they're at liberty to file suit in court challenging the constitutionality of the law.

But until such time as a court rules otherwise, Texas' gun control measures are Constitutional, where no rights are being 'restricted' or 'denied.'
No slave rights were being violated according to the courts until it was found that they were. Separate but equal was also legal until it wasn't. That does not mean people weren't having their fundamental human rights violated prior to a court deciding they were. Likewise for those exercising their inate right to bear arms, it's just our society hasn't matured enough to recognize this right and all it's implications in practice, just like blacks in the 50s or gays in the 90s. This is a civil right as well as a fundamental right (hence its own amendment), yet you see the same sort of rationalization to justify prejudice (i.e. "psychopaths" etc) as was used for different groups in the past. In summary, it's still acceptable to many to be biased or bigoted against practioners of the 2nd, and hence deny them their rights to engage in commerce.
Guns are also for protection, hunting, target shooting, sports events where young people can win scholarships for college and most importantly to use against a Government who have become tyrannical.
You just saw it in the news in Nevada and no one was shot or harmed in that over reach of government.

You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?

I actually would get up and leave an establishment if someone came in with an assault rifle not wearing a uniform.

I don't understand that. If they come in screaming or causing a ruckus, ok.... but otherwise, why?

I've been at places where people came in with guns, even rifles, and it never occured to me to leave.

In fact, at the time I thought hope no poor bastard tries to rob the place.... they'll be in for a shock.

I felt safer eating there with armed law abiding citizens willing to defend their fellow citizens, than I did when they were not there.

What exactly are you worried about? It's not like they started setting up tin cans at the end of the buffet. Ya, if they did that, I'm with you. Time to move on.

But gun owners don't do that. At least none of the ones I've met.

What it really boils down to, is you don't trust your fellow citizens as much as you trust criminals and government.


You trust these people.....


And you trust these people.....


But now THAT RIGHT THERE!!! That's terrifying.


Absolutely terrifying!


I am absolutely FROZEN WITH FEAR!!

Come on people..... There is no safer place to be than with a bunch of armed lawful citizens. I would be more than willing to come to the aid, of even the most absolutely retarded leftist on this forum. I would defend you, and protect you from anyone that threatened you.

Guns are also for protection, hunting, target shooting, sports events where young people can win scholarships for college and most importantly to use against a Government who have become tyrannical.
You just saw it in the news in Nevada and no one was shot or harmed in that over reach of government.

You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?

I actually would get up and leave an establishment if someone came in with an assault rifle not wearing a uniform.
Because, you know, it is impossible for someone in a uniform to be a nutjob.
I'm not sure why you don't understand that people need no justification to exercise their rights.
Whatever reason they had, so long as they remain inside the law. is sufficeint.

One of the nice things about this country is that people are allowed to do things that offend the sensibilities of oithers, regardles of how that something might positively or negatively affect the big picture.
If you had the power to chnage this, would you?

Funny. I have a bunch and I don't fear them. I wonder why that is.

Big black man breaks into you home in the middle of the night, are you going to fear his gun? Of course your comeback will be that you will pull your gun, but that doesn't change the fact you would fear him shooting you.

AAnd thus, the irrational fear, immediately assuming that someone wiith a gun is a threat.
It is not irrational just because you think so.
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime
The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime
The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.

Man, you need to read up on the idea of "accidental shootings". You ever heard of those?
Or are you going to say that no one has ever been shot accidentally? You wouldn't say that would you? That would be a lie.

So. there is the reason that I am greatly concerned when people I don't know are carrying weapons in a place that I don't feel the need to arm myself. I don't want to be shot accidentally, or in a crossfire or any other way. And if a bunch of gun toting people come into where I am, then the odds of those unwanted events happening..... go up.
It is not irrational just because you think so.
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime
The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime
The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.

Man, you need to read up on the idea of "accidental shootings". You ever heard of those?
Or are you going to say that no one has ever been shot accidentally? You wouldn't say that would you? That would be a lie.
Gun accidents?
You fear people legally carrying guns because of the chance of an accident?
Thank you for so very clearly illustrating your irrational fear.
Did openly carrying their firearms do any good for those two cops in that Vegas pizza parlor?

What good is a long rifle going to do when it's strapped over those morons' shoulders while they're in a cramped restaurant booth taking fire from a lunatic?

And why are they flocking to Chili's with their firearms instead of the NSA headquarters?
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime
The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime
The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.

Man, you need to read up on the idea of "accidental shootings". You ever heard of those?
Or are you going to say that no one has ever been shot accidentally? You wouldn't say that would you? That would be a lie.
Gun accidents?
You fear people legally carrying guns because of the chance of an accident?
Thank you for so very clearly illustrating your irrational fear.

So you are going to be a liar and say that accidental discharges of weapons and death or injury from accidental discharges do not take place. Why am I not surprised.

Lets say I am sitting next to you in a restaurant and I am "playing" with my pistol. Passing it around, taking the clip out and then putting it back in, you know, just showing my gun off to my other gun nutter friends. Nothing illegal is happening. I have a permit. I am just "showing off" my gun.

But YOU are not going to be concerned that I might accidentally shoot you? Then you are stupid dude. You are sitting next to a stranger playing with a gun but YOU are not concerned about accidentally being shot. Weird.

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