Texas Pro-Gun Crusaders Take Extreme Open Carry Approach

You do not have a freedom from irrational fear, or a freedom from being offended.
They have the same right to be there as you do; that you take offense to it is your issue, not theirs.
Yes. Really.

What if the gun carriers sit down and start trashing everyone that they come in contact with. Yelling, cussing, swearing at the waitress, just generally disturbing people.
While they are carrying guns. Are you gonna throw them out of the restaurant? Or is the cops gonna be called? Then what?
They have the same right to do trhid as someont w/o a gun -- that is, they do not.
The ffact that they have a gun changes nothing.

And freedom from irrational fear means what?
Just what it says. you are afraid of people just because they have a gun, an irrational fear.

Actually if you watch the video the one young woman who was videoing them didn't seem to be too concerned and I think she called them assholes, she was right.
Yes. Really.

They have the same right to do trhid as someont w/o a gun -- that is, they do not.
The ffact that they have a gun changes nothing.

And freedom from irrational fear means what?
Just what it says. you are afraid of people just because they have a gun, an irrational fear.
Other then a display of their right to open carry was there any other reason for them to be openingly carrying an assault rifle?
You kinda answered your own question. They have a right to do so, and that's all the "justification" they need.
Note: None of them carried an assault rifle.

What if a big black man came into the same store carrying a machete, yes it would be irrational to be in fear unless he was threatening. But I am guessing that those with the assult rifles would be watching him very closely. Why? Because a big black guy carrying a machete is not something you see everyday so caution would seem to be in order.
Not seeing your point, other than to state the obvious.
If I was at Jack in the Box with my kids and a group of heavily armed psychopaths walked in I would feel obligated to act. Those dumbasses are not helping their cause they are causing a fucking disturbance.

None of them are psychopaths.
Labeling them that way makes it impossible to see the other sides point of view.
You all are doing the same thing as when blacks did not have their rights.
Labeling and stereotyping and using fear.
Calling these guns assault weapons when they are no different than any other type of rifle.
The left has got most of this country so afraid of guns that it has become irrational.

Wanting more gun laws that actually target the mentally ill is the right way to go.
Not ban guns for law abiding citizens that is our 2nd amendment right.

People need to be exposed to them just like black people had the right to eat, drink and use public facilities.
There was a time in this nation that whites were scared to death of black people because none of them had ever been around black people. They were just as irrational about thinking that a black man would murder you just because you were white.
it is the same exact thing with guns. just because you have a gun does not mean that they will use them to murder you.
People who have guns in their cities and towns who see them all the time are not irrational at all, over seeing them in our stores and restaurants.

The minute anyone uses derogatory language over any persons civil liberties makes it immediately anti against them and biased and then they can control you over any issues.

Although you could hunt with those rifles, if they are not assault rifles what the hell would you call them?
The uninformed would call them 'assault weapons'.
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Texas must be some kind of lawless shithole where people don't feel safe leaving home unless they're armed to the teeth.

Thanks, but I'll take my chances in the civilized part of the country.
Yes. Really.

They have the same right to do trhid as someont w/o a gun -- that is, they do not.
The ffact that they have a gun changes nothing.

Just what it says. you are afraid of people just because they have a gun, an irrational fear.
Other then a display of their right to open carry was there any other reason for them to be openingly carrying an assault rifle?
You kinda answered your own question. They have a right to do so, and that's all the "justification" they need.
Note: None of them carried an assault rifle.

What if a big black man came into the same store carrying a machete, yes it would be irrational to be in fear unless he was threatening. But I am guessing that those with the assult rifles would be watching him very closely. Why? Because a big black guy carrying a machete is not something you see everyday so caution would seem to be in order.
Not seeing your point, other than to state the obvious.

Justification as to why they decided to carry assault type weapons into a hamburger shop. I realize it is their right to open carry, no problem with that. But why did they all of a sudden decide they needed to carry that day? Were they really worried about their safety? Do they carry their assault weapons with them wherever they go? Or was this just an in your face I got a gun BS demonstration?

Do you realize how counter productive such shit is to those of us which want to own and carry a gun without interference from the government? People have good logical sense to fear guns that is the PURPOSE of guns. People don't know who the guys that are carrying the guns they could be saints or sinners all people know is they are opening carrying assault rifles someplace that really seems out of place.
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None of them are psychopaths.
Labeling them that way makes it impossible to see the other sides point of view.
You all are doing the same thing as when blacks did not have their rights.
Labeling and stereotyping and using fear.
Calling these guns assault weapons when they are no different than any other type of rifle.
The left has got most of this country so afraid of guns that it has become irrational.

Wanting more gun laws that actually target the mentally ill is the right way to go.
Not ban guns for law abiding citizens that is our 2nd amendment right.

People need to be exposed to them just like black people had the right to eat, drink and use public facilities.
There was a time in this nation that whites were scared to death of black people because none of them had ever been around black people. They were just as irrational about thinking that a black man would murder you just because you were white.
it is the same exact thing with guns. just because you have a gun does not mean that they will use them to murder you.
People who have guns in their cities and towns who see them all the time are not irrational at all, over seeing them in our stores and restaurants.

The minute anyone uses derogatory language over any persons civil liberties makes it immediately anti against them and biased and then they can control you over any issues.

Although you could hunt with those rifles, if they are not assault rifles what the hell would you call them?
The uniformed would call them 'assault weapons'.

Always the same stupid answer. WTF would you call them? They are not hunting rifles no matter what you say. Maybe your none answer is correct though, they are not assault rifles they are phallus symbols.
None of them are psychopaths.
Labeling them that way makes it impossible to see the other sides point of view.
You all are doing the same thing as when blacks did not have their rights.
Labeling and stereotyping and using fear.
Calling these guns assault weapons when they are no different than any other type of rifle.
The left has got most of this country so afraid of guns that it has become irrational.

Wanting more gun laws that actually target the mentally ill is the right way to go.
Not ban guns for law abiding citizens that is our 2nd amendment right.

People need to be exposed to them just like black people had the right to eat, drink and use public facilities.
There was a time in this nation that whites were scared to death of black people because none of them had ever been around black people. They were just as irrational about thinking that a black man would murder you just because you were white.
it is the same exact thing with guns. just because you have a gun does not mean that they will use them to murder you.
People who have guns in their cities and towns who see them all the time are not irrational at all, over seeing them in our stores and restaurants.

The minute anyone uses derogatory language over any persons civil liberties makes it immediately anti against them and biased and then they can control you over any issues.

What will the reaction be when black people enter a Jack in the Box carrying assault rifles?

We will never know because blacks know better. They know that if they made a public display with weapons like that, they would end up shot........with the proprietor saying.......I thought they were going to rob me

That is why I think that the left wing immediate appeal to violence is so counter productive. Just like the display those four put on is so counter productive.

The majority of gun owners are responsible and respectable

These gun nuts trying to intimidate customers in a restaurant do not help their cause

Look at the gun nuts...what should we do about them?
By and large this is stupid and ment to be provocative. All this does is make "No guns allowed" or "rob me" signed pop up in windows of the businesses they enter. A bunch popped up after the last one they did because the business owners did not want the press. To openly carry a long arm in public is just stupid. They could make the same point by dressing in neatly tucked in shirts with a hosted side arm. these guys are nust media whoring.
Other then a display of their right to open carry was there any other reason for them to be openingly carrying an assault rifle?
You kinda answered your own question. They have a right to do so, and that's all the "justification" they need.
Note: None of them carried an assault rifle.

What if a big black man came into the same store carrying a machete, yes it would be irrational to be in fear unless he was threatening. But I am guessing that those with the assult rifles would be watching him very closely. Why? Because a big black guy carrying a machete is not something you see everyday so caution would seem to be in order.
Not seeing your point, other than to state the obvious.
Justification as to why they decided to carry assault type weapons into a hamburger shop.
I'm not sure why you don't understand that people need no justification to exercise their rights.
Whatever reason they had, so long as they remain inside the law. is sufficeint.

Do you realize how counter productive such shit is to those of us which want to own and carry a gun without interference from the government?
One of the nice things about this country is that people are allowed to do things that offend the sensibilities of oithers, regardles of how that something might positively or negatively affect the big picture.
If you had the power to chnage this, would you?

People have good logical sense to fear guns that is the PURPOSE of guns.
Funny. I have a bunch and I don't fear them. I wonder why that is.

People don't know who the guys that are carrying the guns they could be saints or sinners all people know is they are opening carrying assault rifles someplace that really seems out of place.
AAnd thus, the irrational fear, immediately assuming that someone wiith a gun is a threat.
What will the reaction be when black people enter a Jack in the Box carrying assault rifles?

We will never know because blacks know better. They know that if they made a public display with weapons like that, they would end up shot........with the proprietor saying.......I thought they were going to rob me

That is why I think that the left wing immediate appeal to violence is so counter productive. Just like the display those four put on is so counter productive.

The majority of gun owners are responsible and respectable

These gun nuts trying to intimidate customers in a restaurant do not help their cause

Look at the gun nuts...what should we do about them?

I agree that this type of BS does more harm then good, which is what I have been saying all along.

What to do:

1. Anyone not wishing guns in their stores should be able to post such on their door.

2. If not already there should be "DUI" for carrying guns. If a person is in a bar pounding down Buds and carrying a gun they should be arrested the same as driving a car.

3. Gun control means that your gun is controlled. If stolen and used in a crime then the person allowed the gun to be stolen is criminally negligent.

As usual laws are made for people like these idiots that have to push everything to the limit to prove how big they are.
Although you could hunt with those rifles, if they are not assault rifles what the hell would you call them?
The uniformed would call them 'assault weapons'.
Always the same stupid answer.
Its not my fault that people who are ignorant about guns use the wrong terminology.
Its also not very polite to criticize people who to help others with their ignorance.

WTF would you call them?

They are not hunting rifles no matter what you say. Maybe your none answer is correct though, they are not assault rifles they are phallus symbols.
I see you've run out of intelligent things to say. That's too bad.
You kinda answered your own question. They have a right to do so, and that's all the "justification" they need.
Note: None of them carried an assault rifle.

Not seeing your point, other than to state the obvious.
Justification as to why they decided to carry assault type weapons into a hamburger shop.
I'm not sure why you don't understand that people need no justification to exercise their rights.
Whatever reason they had, so long as they remain inside the law. is sufficeint.

One of the nice things about this country is that people are allowed to do things that offend the sensibilities of oithers, regardles of how that something might positively or negatively affect the big picture.
If you had the power to chnage this, would you?

People have good logical sense to fear guns that is the PURPOSE of guns.
Funny. I have a bunch and I don't fear them. I wonder why that is.

Big black man breaks into you home in the middle of the night, are you going to fear his gun? Of course your comeback will be that you will pull your gun, but that doesn't change the fact you would fear him shooting you.

People don't know who the guys that are carrying the guns they could be saints or sinners all people know is they are opening carrying assault rifles someplace that really seems out of place.
AAnd thus, the irrational fear, immediately assuming that someone wiith a gun is a threat.

It is not irrational just because you think so. Those guns, regardless of what you want to call them, look like guns designed for ONE purpose, to kill people. And that is exactly what they were designed to do (the military type). They were not designed to target practice or shoot deer.

People with guns are ALWAYS a threat. The only people who are of absolutely not threat to shoot are those without guns. So yes, no matter how great, there is always a fear when people have a gun.

phallus symbol remark, I don't see any other reason to display these type of guns in public. I personally don't want the bad guys to know I have a gun. If there were a real threat to these guys they would be dead before they got close to the trigger.
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That is why I think that the left wing immediate appeal to violence is so counter productive. Just like the display those four put on is so counter productive.

The majority of gun owners are responsible and respectable

These gun nuts trying to intimidate customers in a restaurant do not help their cause

Look at the gun nuts...what should we do about them?

I agree that this type of BS does more harm then good, which is what I have been saying all along.

What to do:

1. Anyone not wishing guns in their stores should be able to post such on their door.
I cannot think of a state where they cannot.

2. If not already there should be "DUI" for carrying guns. If a person is in a bar pounding down Buds and carrying a gun they should be arrested the same as driving a car.
I cannot think of a state where it is legal to carry a gun while drinking at a bar.

3. Gun control means that your gun is controlled. If stolen and used in a crime then the person allowed the gun to be stolen is criminally negligent.
In -every- case?
Justification as to why they decided to carry assault type weapons into a hamburger shop.
I'm not sure why you don't understand that people need no justification to exercise their rights.
Whatever reason they had, so long as they remain inside the law. is sufficeint.

One of the nice things about this country is that people are allowed to do things that offend the sensibilities of oithers, regardles of how that something might positively or negatively affect the big picture.
If you had the power to chnage this, would you?

Funny. I have a bunch and I don't fear them. I wonder why that is.

Big black man breaks into you home in the middle of the night, are you going to fear his gun? Of course your comeback will be that you will pull your gun, but that doesn't change the fact you would fear him shooting you.

People don't know who the guys that are carrying the guns they could be saints or sinners all people know is they are opening carrying assault rifles someplace that really seems out of place.
AAnd thus, the irrational fear, immediately assuming that someone wiith a gun is a threat.
It is not irrational just because you think so.
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime
The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime
The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.
I'm not sure why you don't understand that people need no justification to exercise their rights.
Whatever reason they had, so long as they remain inside the law. is sufficeint.

One of the nice things about this country is that people are allowed to do things that offend the sensibilities of oithers, regardles of how that something might positively or negatively affect the big picture.
If you had the power to chnage this, would you?

Funny. I have a bunch and I don't fear them. I wonder why that is.

Big black man breaks into you home in the middle of the night, are you going to fear his gun? Of course your comeback will be that you will pull your gun, but that doesn't change the fact you would fear him shooting you.

AAnd thus, the irrational fear, immediately assuming that someone wiith a gun is a threat.
It is not irrational just because you think so.
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime
The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime
The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.

How do you tell the difference?

You enter my restaurant with a rifle, I have to assume you might use it
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What will the reaction be when black people enter a Jack in the Box carrying assault rifles?

We will never know because blacks know better. They know that if they made a public display with weapons like that, they would end up shot........with the proprietor saying.......I thought they were going to rob me

That is why I think that the left wing immediate appeal to violence is so counter productive. Just like the display those four put on is so counter productive.

The majority of gun owners are responsible and respectable

These gun nuts trying to intimidate customers in a restaurant do not help their cause

Look at the gun nuts...what should we do about them?

They are not intimidating.
It is the left who have used fear and intimidation against guns.
There is no reason to be afraid of someone caring a rifle strapped to their back.
The one to fear is the one who walks into the restaurant with it in his hands and pointing it at the customers.
The ones who have them strapped to their backs are the ones who will use them and point them at the criminal. The criminal will put that gun down really quick, unless he or she is insane. In that case the insane person will be dead.
Like I said earlier, those of us who see them all the time knows the difference between the good guys with guns and the bad guys with guns.
Those of you who don't and are not around them are scared of all guns.
James Holmes is invoking his rights and carrying a "rifle" outside a movie theater. He isn't threatening anyone he merely is dressed as a cop carrying several guns. When exactly do we start fearing this guy? When he actually starts to unload on the movie theater or before?
Justification as to why they decided to carry assault type weapons into a hamburger shop.
I'm not sure why you don't understand that people need no justification to exercise their rights.
Whatever reason they had, so long as they remain inside the law. is sufficeint.

One of the nice things about this country is that people are allowed to do things that offend the sensibilities of oithers, regardles of how that something might positively or negatively affect the big picture.
If you had the power to chnage this, would you?

Funny. I have a bunch and I don't fear them. I wonder why that is.

Big black man breaks into you home in the middle of the night, are you going to fear his gun? Of course your comeback will be that you will pull your gun, but that doesn't change the fact you would fear him shooting you.

People don't know who the guys that are carrying the guns they could be saints or sinners all people know is they are opening carrying assault rifles someplace that really seems out of place.
AAnd thus, the irrational fear, immediately assuming that someone wiith a gun is a threat.

It is not irrational just because you think so. Those guns, regardless of what you want to call them, look like guns designed for ONE purpose, to kill people. And that is exactly what they were designed to do (the military type). They were not designed to target practice or shoot deer.

People with guns are ALWAYS a threat. The only people who are of absolutely not threat to shoot are those without guns. So yes, no matter how great, there is always a fear when people have a gun.

phallus symbol remark, I don't see any other reason to display these type of guns in public. I personally don't want the bad guys to know I have a gun. If there were a real threat to these guys they would be dead before they got close to the trigger.

It's very obvious that you have never been around guns or people who do use those (military type) which they are not. They do use them for target practice and shooting game.
You are using anti gun talking points and have no real knowledge of these guns.
No people with guns are not always a threat.
That is why I think that the left wing immediate appeal to violence is so counter productive. Just like the display those four put on is so counter productive.

The majority of gun owners are responsible and respectable

These gun nuts trying to intimidate customers in a restaurant do not help their cause

Look at the gun nuts...what should we do about them?

They are not intimidating.
It is the left who have used fear and intimidation against guns.
There is no reason to be afraid of someone caring a rifle strapped to their back.
The one to fear is the one who walks into the restaurant with it in his hands and pointing it at the customers.
The ones who have them strapped to their backs are the ones who will use them and point them at the criminal. The criminal will put that gun down really quick, unless he or she is insane. In that case the insane person will be dead.
Like I said earlier, those of us who see them all the time knows the difference between the good guys with guns and the bad guys with guns.
Those of you who don't and are not around them are scared of all guns.

What are they then?

If four men enter your liquor store carrying AR15s, are you supposed to assume they are harmless?

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