Texas Pro-Gun Crusaders Take Extreme Open Carry Approach

What reason does anyone need to exert their rights?

Lets pretend I am sitting in a restaurant having a birthday celebration meal with kids and family. It is peaceful and non threatening place of business.

Then four guys with AR15's slung over their shoulders come walking in.

What right do the gun lovers have to come into a public place of business and disturb or even scare members of my group?

What gives a gun nutter that right to cause fear or angst to a peaceful group intent on enjoying a meal and a celebration in a public setting?

They enjoy causing fear

They want everyone to know they are badasses

If that is correct (and I believe it is) then fuck those gun nutters and their "rights". Maybe people will shoot them first then worry about what their "true intent" was.

Stand your ground was brought to us by the NRA. I guess it's available to all.
What reason does anyone need to exert their rights?

Lets pretend I am sitting in a restaurant having a birthday celebration meal with kids and family. It is peaceful and non threatening place of business.

Then four guys with AR15's slung over their shoulders come walking in.

What right do the gun lovers have to come into a public place of business and disturb or even scare members of my group?
You do not have a freedom from irrational fear, or a freedom from being offended.
They have the same right to be there as you do; that you take offense to it is your issue, not theirs.

Really? What if the gun carriers sit down and start trashing everyone that they come in contact with. Yelling, cussing, swearing at the waitress, just generally disturbing people.
While they are carrying guns. Are you gonna throw them out of the restaurant? Or is the cops gonna be called? Then what?

Do the gun carriers have that "right" to disrupt and disturb?

Does the management have the right to throw them out?

And freedom from irrational fear means what? I do have a right to be in a public place and not have to worry that some gun nut might shoot me.

And it is certainly not irrational to fear some gun nut you don't know who feels the need to show off their guns. Because who knows what else the gun carriers are capable of.

I hope you all realize how counter productive is this type of stupid shit. This type of in your face BS is exactly like the homosexual agenda that many of the same gun toting idiots would rail against.

What if four black men approached anywhere carrying assault rifles what in the hell do you think would be the reaction?

If gun control comes down it will be because of these types of idiots. THEY ARE ALLOWED TO CARRY THESE GUNS NOW, WHAT EXACTLY IS THEIR POINT?

Just my opinion, shoot on.
Lets pretend I am sitting in a restaurant having a birthday celebration meal with kids and family. It is peaceful and non threatening place of business.

Then four guys with AR15's slung over their shoulders come walking in.

What right do the gun lovers have to come into a public place of business and disturb or even scare members of my group?

What gives a gun nutter that right to cause fear or angst to a peaceful group intent on enjoying a meal and a celebration in a public setting?

They enjoy causing fear

They want everyone to know they are badasses

If that is correct (and I believe it is) then fuck those gun nutters and their "rights". Maybe people will shoot them first then worry about what their "true intent" was.

Stand your ground was brought to us by the NRA. I guess it's available to all.

You have a right to protect you business. Can't be too safe
They enjoy causing fear

They want everyone to know they are badasses

If that is correct (and I believe it is) then fuck those gun nutters and their "rights". Maybe people will shoot them first then worry about what their "true intent" was.

Stand your ground was brought to us by the NRA. I guess it's available to all.

You have a right to protect you business. Can't be too safe

Amazing that no matter how out of place those carrying assault rifle are, in my opinion, it amazes me how quickly the left wing turns to violent rhetoric. Wow.
But what is really good to know is that IF I were sitting in a restaurant with the family again, along with a bunch of gun toting people and an entire bus load of gay people just coming from a gay parade walks into the restaurant and sits down by the gun nutters and starts disrupting the place by being loud and gay, the gun nutters are their to defend the rights of gay people in a restaurant to be disruptive.

Gotta love it.
Rednecks carry their weapons safely and don't shoot people.

Criminals either shoot people, or rob people, or try to find schemes to take law-abiding people's guns away.

People aren't criminals until after they have robbed or shot someone. And there are plenty of "rednecks" in prison or on parol.

God, you are an idiot. Being a "redneck" doesn't make you "not a criminal".

And what makes you think you qualify as " normal people"?

Does a clerk need for one of theses rednecks to start shooting before they protect themselves and their customers?

As much as I think what they are doing is stupid, what exactly would the clerk be protecting themselves from? You have raised the argument to answering stupidity with violence, do you realize how hypocritical that sounds?

If that is correct (and I believe it is) then fuck those gun nutters and their "rights". Maybe people will shoot them first then worry about what their "true intent" was.

Stand your ground was brought to us by the NRA. I guess it's available to all.

You have a right to protect you business. Can't be too safe

Amazing that no matter how out of place those carrying assault rifle are, in my opinion, it amazes me how quickly the left wing turns to violent rhetoric. Wow.

Dude, I don't know about you, but I have a long history of violence. I used to really like it a lot. But I can tell you are a pussy. I could be a right wingers nightmare. A "lefty" with guns and attitude.
But what is really good to know is that IF I were sitting in a restaurant with the family again, along with a bunch of gun toting people and an entire bus load of gay people just coming from a gay parade walks into the restaurant and sits down by the gun nutters and starts disrupting the place by being loud and gay, the gun nutters are their to defend the rights of gay people in a restaurant to be disruptive.

Gotta love it.

How were the people carrying the guns disruptive? Because of the people's reaction to them? Yes of course. So if there is a gay parade and someone would become disruptive because they don't think parading someone's sexuality on the public street is acceptable behavior you have not problem with that?
You have a right to protect you business. Can't be too safe

Amazing that no matter how out of place those carrying assault rifle are, in my opinion, it amazes me how quickly the left wing turns to violent rhetoric. Wow.

Dude, I don't know about you, but I have a long history of violence. I used to really like it a lot. But I can tell you are a pussy. I could be a right wingers nightmare. A "lefty" with guns and attitude.

You forgot, you are also an internet coward and a bully. And I am glad you admit that you identify with the gun totters.
People aren't criminals until after they have robbed or shot someone. And there are plenty of "rednecks" in prison or on parol.

God, you are an idiot. Being a "redneck" doesn't make you "not a criminal".

And what makes you think you qualify as " normal people"?

Does a clerk need for one of theses rednecks to start shooting before they protect themselves and their customers?

As much as I think what they are doing is stupid, what exactly would the clerk be protecting themselves from? You have raised the argument to answering stupidity with violence, do you realize how hypocritical that sounds?

You know what, maybe the clerk wasn't to concerned about themselves. Maybe the clerk started shooting thinking they were protecting their customers from a bunch of gun toting, threatening assholes.

Maybe the clerk had been threatened and robbed and didn't want to do that again.

Problem you gun nutters have is you don't know what re actions YOUR actions will take. But with guns involved, it won't be good.

But really. Loss of income for a restaurant will fix this problem. No GUN signs will be everywhere.

You gun nutters will have to open your own chain of restaurants. Think of some catchy name.. Have gun specials on the menu.
.45 caliber burger. .380 cheese steak. .22 for the child size menu. .50 caliber for the big man size.

Great possibilities abound. And you could all be armed. Just don't piss off the cook. He'll shoot your ass for complaining about his cooking.
Lets pretend I am sitting in a restaurant having a birthday celebration meal with kids and family. It is peaceful and non threatening place of business.

Then four guys with AR15's slung over their shoulders come walking in.

What right do the gun lovers have to come into a public place of business and disturb or even scare members of my group?
You do not have a freedom from irrational fear, or a freedom from being offended.
They have the same right to be there as you do; that you take offense to it is your issue, not theirs.
Yes. Really.

What if the gun carriers sit down and start trashing everyone that they come in contact with. Yelling, cussing, swearing at the waitress, just generally disturbing people.
While they are carrying guns. Are you gonna throw them out of the restaurant? Or is the cops gonna be called? Then what?
They have the same right to do trhid as someont w/o a gun -- that is, they do not.
The ffact that they have a gun changes nothing.

And freedom from irrational fear means what?
Just what it says. you are afraid of people just because they have a gun, an irrational fear.
Does a clerk need for one of theses rednecks to start shooting before they protect themselves and their customers?

As much as I think what they are doing is stupid, what exactly would the clerk be protecting themselves from? You have raised the argument to answering stupidity with violence, do you realize how hypocritical that sounds?

You know what, maybe the clerk wasn't to concerned about themselves. Maybe the clerk started shooting thinking they were protecting their customers from a bunch of gun toting, threatening assholes.

Maybe the clerk had been threatened and robbed and didn't want to do that again.

Problem you gun nutters have is you don't know what re actions YOUR actions will take. But with guns involved, it won't be good.

But really. Loss of income for a restaurant will fix this problem. No GUN signs will be everywhere.

You gun nutters will have to open your own chain of restaurants. Think of some catchy name.. Have gun specials on the menu.
.45 caliber burger. .380 cheese steak. .22 for the child size menu. .50 caliber for the big man size.

Great possibilities abound. And you could all be armed. Just don't piss off the cook. He'll shoot your ass for complaining about his cooking.

Again, perception is reality, those carrying the guns were committing no crimes and were threatening no one, except in the minds of the persons. So why would anyone start shooting anyone? Because people became threatened because of their perception of reality? Any one with common sense would realize that four people who come in the door with assault rifles it is pretty much too late to stop them. Maybe stop them after they start shooting but not before.

I think the best approach is to do what many stores have done and declare themselves gun free zones. Then if a person does do what these guys did they should be arrested for trespassing or some other violation of the stores RIGHT to refuse service. You know like not making a cake for someone.

I also think that gun control should be directed at those who drink and carry. Much like DUI there should be CUI, with the same if not more so stiff penalty.

BTW, you keep calling me a gun nutter, WTF I said what they were doing is stupid. You need to kick your game up a notch.
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Sorry officer, the big scary man with the gun made me nervous when he came in, I was all alone and thought he wanted to rob and then rape me, so I shot him...

So let me see if I understand this..

When the left uses public demonstrations that more Conservative people find offensive, such as the many of the Gay Day parades, those who are offended need to grow thicker skin and accept them.

But when those who believe in the 2nd Amendment use public demonstrations, then they need to be shot?

If I was at Jack in the Box with my kids and a group of heavily armed psychopaths walked in I would feel obligated to act. Those dumbasses are not helping their cause they are causing a fucking disturbance.

None of them are psychopaths.
Labeling them that way makes it impossible to see the other sides point of view.
You all are doing the same thing as when blacks did not have their rights.
Labeling and stereotyping and using fear.
Calling these guns assault weapons when they are no different than any other type of rifle.
The left has got most of this country so afraid of guns that it has become irrational.

Wanting more gun laws that actually target the mentally ill is the right way to go.
Not ban guns for law abiding citizens that is our 2nd amendment right.

People need to be exposed to them just like black people had the right to eat, drink and use public facilities.
There was a time in this nation that whites were scared to death of black people because none of them had ever been around black people. They were just as irrational about thinking that a black man would murder you just because you were white.
it is the same exact thing with guns. just because you have a gun does not mean that they will use them to murder you.
People who have guns in their cities and towns who see them all the time are not irrational at all, over seeing them in our stores and restaurants.

The minute anyone uses derogatory language over any persons civil liberties makes it immediately anti against them and biased and then they can control you over any issues.
You do not have a freedom from irrational fear, or a freedom from being offended.
They have the same right to be there as you do; that you take offense to it is your issue, not theirs.
Yes. Really.

What if the gun carriers sit down and start trashing everyone that they come in contact with. Yelling, cussing, swearing at the waitress, just generally disturbing people.
While they are carrying guns. Are you gonna throw them out of the restaurant? Or is the cops gonna be called? Then what?
They have the same right to do trhid as someont w/o a gun -- that is, they do not.
The ffact that they have a gun changes nothing.

And freedom from irrational fear means what?
Just what it says. you are afraid of people just because they have a gun, an irrational fear.

Other then a display of their right to open carry was there any other reason for them to be openingly carrying an assault rifle? What if a big black man came into the same store carrying a machete, yes it would be irrational to be in fear unless he was threatening. But I am guessing that those with the assult rifles would be watching him very closely. Why? Because a big black guy carrying a machete is not something you see everyday so caution would seem to be in order.

These guys could protect themselves with a concealed hand gun. They are, in my opinion, just being "in your face." Which in my opinion is counter productive and actually dangerous.

So let me see if I understand this..

When the left uses public demonstrations that more Conservative people find offensive, such as the many of the Gay Day parades, those who are offended need to grow thicker skin and accept them.

But when those who believe in the 2nd Amendment use public demonstrations, then they need to be shot?

If I was at Jack in the Box with my kids and a group of heavily armed psychopaths walked in I would feel obligated to act. Those dumbasses are not helping their cause they are causing a fucking disturbance.

None of them are psychopaths.
Labeling them that way makes it impossible to see the other sides point of view.
You all are doing the same thing as when blacks did not have their rights.
Labeling and stereotyping and using fear.
Calling these guns assault weapons when they are no different than any other type of rifle.
The left has got most of this country so afraid of guns that it has become irrational.

Wanting more gun laws that actually target the mentally ill is the right way to go.
Not ban guns for law abiding citizens that is our 2nd amendment right.

People need to be exposed to them just like black people had the right to eat, drink and use public facilities.
There was a time in this nation that whites were scared to death of black people because none of them had ever been around black people. They were just as irrational about thinking that a black man would murder you just because you were white.
it is the same exact thing with guns. just because you have a gun does not mean that they will use them to murder you.
People who have guns in their cities and towns who see them all the time are not irrational at all, over seeing them in our stores and restaurants.

The minute anyone uses derogatory language over any persons civil liberties makes it immediately anti against them and biased and then they can control you over any issues.

What will the reaction be when black people enter a Jack in the Box carrying assault rifles?

We will never know because blacks know better. They know that if they made a public display with weapons like that, they would end up shot........with the proprietor saying.......I thought they were going to rob me

So let me see if I understand this..

When the left uses public demonstrations that more Conservative people find offensive, such as the many of the Gay Day parades, those who are offended need to grow thicker skin and accept them.

But when those who believe in the 2nd Amendment use public demonstrations, then they need to be shot?

If I was at Jack in the Box with my kids and a group of heavily armed psychopaths walked in I would feel obligated to act. Those dumbasses are not helping their cause they are causing a fucking disturbance.

None of them are psychopaths.
Labeling them that way makes it impossible to see the other sides point of view.
You all are doing the same thing as when blacks did not have their rights.
Labeling and stereotyping and using fear.
Calling these guns assault weapons when they are no different than any other type of rifle.
The left has got most of this country so afraid of guns that it has become irrational.

Wanting more gun laws that actually target the mentally ill is the right way to go.
Not ban guns for law abiding citizens that is our 2nd amendment right.

People need to be exposed to them just like black people had the right to eat, drink and use public facilities.
There was a time in this nation that whites were scared to death of black people because none of them had ever been around black people. They were just as irrational about thinking that a black man would murder you just because you were white.
it is the same exact thing with guns. just because you have a gun does not mean that they will use them to murder you.
People who have guns in their cities and towns who see them all the time are not irrational at all, over seeing them in our stores and restaurants.

The minute anyone uses derogatory language over any persons civil liberties makes it immediately anti against them and biased and then they can control you over any issues.

Although you could hunt with those rifles, if they are not assault rifles what the hell would you call them?
Sorry officer, the big scary man with the gun made me nervous when he came in, I was all alone and thought he wanted to rob and then rape me, so I shot him...

In Realville s0n, limpwristed home defense is ghey >>>

People who live in the heart of Whitetopia are clueless.
If I was at Jack in the Box with my kids and a group of heavily armed psychopaths walked in I would feel obligated to act. Those dumbasses are not helping their cause they are causing a fucking disturbance.

None of them are psychopaths.
Labeling them that way makes it impossible to see the other sides point of view.
You all are doing the same thing as when blacks did not have their rights.
Labeling and stereotyping and using fear.
Calling these guns assault weapons when they are no different than any other type of rifle.
The left has got most of this country so afraid of guns that it has become irrational.

Wanting more gun laws that actually target the mentally ill is the right way to go.
Not ban guns for law abiding citizens that is our 2nd amendment right.

People need to be exposed to them just like black people had the right to eat, drink and use public facilities.
There was a time in this nation that whites were scared to death of black people because none of them had ever been around black people. They were just as irrational about thinking that a black man would murder you just because you were white.
it is the same exact thing with guns. just because you have a gun does not mean that they will use them to murder you.
People who have guns in their cities and towns who see them all the time are not irrational at all, over seeing them in our stores and restaurants.

The minute anyone uses derogatory language over any persons civil liberties makes it immediately anti against them and biased and then they can control you over any issues.

What will the reaction be when black people enter a Jack in the Box carrying assault rifles?

We will never know because blacks know better. They know that if they made a public display with weapons like that, they would end up shot........with the proprietor saying.......I thought they were going to rob me

That is why I think that the left wing immediate appeal to violence is so counter productive. Just like the display those four put on is so counter productive.
Sorry officer, the big scary man with the gun made me nervous when he came in, I was all alone and thought he wanted to rob and then rape me, so I shot him...

In Realville s0n, limpwristed home defense is ghey >>>

People who live in the heart of Whitetopia are clueless.

The subject is not home defense or even defense of the person so I think your point is not on topic.

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