Texas Pro-Gun Crusaders Take Extreme Open Carry Approach

Sorry officer, the big scary man with the gun made me nervous when he came in, I was all alone and thought he wanted to rob and then rape me, so I shot him...

You can't be too careful and you have a right to defend yourself
simply carrying a gun is no more a threat to a person's life than being a different skin color or gender is.

I and millions other Americans carry every day and no one has ever been hurt.

If you can't handle looking at a gun without pissing your panties, you need to grown up.

Carrying a gun is fine. 4 men walking into a busy restaurant with assault rifles, with the intent to draw attention, is a disturbance.

What proof do you have that they are "assault" rifles?

What actions did they take that "created" a disturbance?
Did they wave the guns around (An Illegal Act)?

Did they threaten someone with their gun ( An Illegal Act )?

If you are saying their presence was a disturbance, because it caused some weak-kneed people to piss in their panties, would you say that the presence of Gays in an area could also be considered as creating a disturbance? Or the presence of Blacks in an area could be considered creating a disturbance?

Gays and blacks hanging out doesn't put you in fear for your life :cool:

I would never expect to see men take assault rifles with them to make an order at McDonald's. What I'd expect is that they are going to try to rob me or kill people.

Having a handgun in a holster is convenient. It's like carrying your wallet. You have to put effort into carrying an assault rifle. If I see you with slinging an assault rifle over your shoulder in the parking then I will be expecting you to use it.

What proof that they're assault rifles? It's 50/50 as far as I'm concerned.

This store, picked for no particular reason, sure likes advertising them as assault rifles though:

AR 15 Assault Rifles For Sale

Rights unexercised are rights denied. I applaud their actions to exert their right to bear arms. It normalizes the activity and, eventually, get the antis use to the idea. You saw the same thing in the 50s with blacks sitting at lunch counters: at first, it scared people and they were labeled troublemakers, but now it's wallpaper.

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, no Second Amendment rights are being denied in Texas.
The right to bear arms, as expressed in the second amendment, is under threat. Shop owners have no more right to prohibit these people than they do based on race. The courts may not recognize this yet, but the analogy is appropriate and fairly parallel.
Carrying a gun is fine. 4 men walking into a busy restaurant with assault rifles, with the intent to draw attention, is a disturbance.

What proof do you have that they are "assault" rifles?

What actions did they take that "created" a disturbance?
Did they wave the guns around (An Illegal Act)?

Did they threaten someone with their gun ( An Illegal Act )?

If you are saying their presence was a disturbance, because it caused some weak-kneed people to piss in their panties, would you say that the presence of Gays in an area could also be considered as creating a disturbance? Or the presence of Blacks in an area could be considered creating a disturbance?

Gays and blacks hanging out doesn't put you in fear for your life :cool:

I would never expect to see men take assault rifles with them to make an order at McDonald's. What I'd expect is that they are going to try to rob me or kill people.

Having a handgun in a holster is convenient. It's like carrying your wallet. You have to put effort into carrying an assault rifle. If I see you with slinging an assault rifle over your shoulder in the parking then I will be expecting you to use it.

What proof that they're assault rifles? It's 50/50 as far as I'm concerned.

This store, picked for no particular reason, sure likes advertising them as assault rifles though:

AR 15 Assault Rifles For Sale


Groups of blacks can't put you in fear for your life?? Interesting. I suppose the "Knock Out" game was just something that never really happened...

What you "Expect" is your prejudices and biases showing through.

I see a person with a gun safely slung over their shoulder, I am curious as to what type it is and what accessories it has. Only if they start acting in a threatening manner would I become concerned.. But then I don't piss myself at the sight of a gun either.
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All these assholes are doing is potentially giving a homicidal maniac more firepower. Did openly carrying their firearms save those two cops in Las Vegas, or the citizen that was later gunned down while his gun was drawn? No, the gunmen shot them and took their weapons. The same thing would happen to these "open carry" jagoffs. The gunman would go for them first so that they can't use their guns. So these "open carry" idiots are going to be fumbling with their long rifles in a cramped restaurant booth while they're taking shots from yet another asshole with a gun, and then the asshole with the gun has more guns and ammunition.

Good job, "open carry" morons. You've made the world more dangerous.

And another thing, while these assholes are eating lunch with their stupid rifles, the NSA is spying on everyone in direct violation of the 4th Amendment via the GOP's big government USAPATRIOT Act, Barack Obama assassinated an American teenager without charging him with any kind of a crime, George W. Bush tortured POWs to death in secret prisons over lies, GM was bailed out by the American People and then GM profited billions of dollars while intentionally killing Americans and all that they had to do when this was discovered was to pay a fine of $35m, HSBC confessed to laundering billions of dollars for murderous drug cartels and they paid a fine of $1.6b. Both amounts equal to a pittance for the companies.

So while the big government/corporate oligarchy military-prison-pharmaceutical-industrial police state complex gets bigger and kills Americans over lies, these "open carry" pussies are having lunch at Chili's. What is the purpose of the 2nd Amendment?
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If you only nominally have a right, and are severely restricted where you can exercise taht right, then you don't effectively have it. Or rather, your free exercise isn't recognized or even allowed.

So let me see if I understand this..

When the left uses public demonstrations that more Conservative people find offensive, such as the many of the Gay Day parades, those who are offended need to grow thicker skin and accept them.

But when those who believe in the 2nd Amendment use public demonstrations, then they need to be shot?
Nope, didn't say that at all, but if you carry a big scary gun into a place where it shouldn't be and somebody gets nervous, somebody is gonna get dead, it's just a matter of time.

Doesn't pass the "reasonable man" test. Guilty of murder.
In this country, some little blond shooting a big scary-looking moron with a gun designed for war, they'll throw her a parade and give her the key to the city.
Sorry officer, the big scary man with the gun made me nervous when he came in, I was all alone and thought he wanted to rob and then rape me, so I shot him...

You can't be too careful and you have a right to defend yourself
Damn right you do. And it's gonna happen, soon it looks like.

If I owned a restaurant and a bunch of marauders came in armed with assault rifles......I'd shoot them

You have to protect your customers

So let me see if I understand this..

When the left uses public demonstrations that more Conservative people find offensive, such as the many of the Gay Day parades, those who are offended need to grow thicker skin and accept them.

But when those who believe in the 2nd Amendment use public demonstrations, then they need to be shot?
Nope, didn't say that at all, but if you carry a big scary gun into a place where it shouldn't be and somebody gets nervous, somebody is gonna get dead, it's just a matter of time.

Doesn't pass the "reasonable man" test. Guilty of murder.

You can call it whatever you want.

Dead is dead.

Plus, the life of the shooter is ruined as well.

This is tantamount to suicide by citizen and very stupid.

You can't be too careful and you have a right to defend yourself
Damn right you do. And it's gonna happen, soon it looks like.

If I owned a restaurant and a bunch of marauders came in armed with assault rifles......I'd shoot them

You have to protect your customers

Alternatively, you could stand that and wait for them to answer your question:

"Are you a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun?"
Damn right you do. And it's gonna happen, soon it looks like.

If I owned a restaurant and a bunch of marauders came in armed with assault rifles......I'd shoot them

You have to protect your customers

Alternatively, you could stand that and wait for them to answer your question:

"Are you a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun?"

Do you have to wait until these fiends start shooting before you determine they are a threat?

Stand your ground says you can shoot if you feel threatened. What is more threatening than a bunch of rednecks armed with assault rifles?
If you only nominally have a right, and are severely restricted where you can exercise taht right, then you don't effectively have it. Or rather, your free exercise isn't recognized or even allowed.

Gee, that's really bullshit.

What about my right to be safe from reactionary teenie weenie who thinks he should be able to walk into a business carrying a gun?

The Teenie Weenie Brigade yammers about the second amendment that has no application in a restaurant or a Target or a church or school.

Damn right you do. And it's gonna happen, soon it looks like.

If I owned a restaurant and a bunch of marauders came in armed with assault rifles......I'd shoot them

You have to protect your customers

IF they weren't doing anything to threaten you or your customers, you'd go to jail for murder.

They look pretty scary to me....what if they were a gang of "negros", can I start shooting then?
If I owned a restaurant and a bunch of marauders came in armed with assault rifles......I'd shoot them

You have to protect your customers

Alternatively, you could stand that and wait for them to answer your question:

"Are you a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun?"

Do you have to wait until these fiends start shooting before you determine they are a threat?

Stand your ground says you can shoot if you feel threatened. What is more threatening than a bunch of rednecks armed with assault rifles?

That would be suicide.

The moment you see a gun in a 7-11, your kid's school, the church, the pizza joint, that tavern - open fire or be robbed and killed by criminals.

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