Texas Pro-Gun Crusaders Take Extreme Open Carry Approach

simply carrying a gun is no more a threat to a person's life than being a different skin color or gender is.

I and millions other Americans carry every day and no one has ever been hurt.

If you can't handle looking at a gun without pissing your panties, you need to grown up.

Carrying a gun is fine. 4 men walking into a busy restaurant with assault rifles, with the intent to draw attention, is a disturbance.
That's just it. If Texas were to get with it and allow open carry of handguns, these fellows would likely be carrying holstered guns instead. Not everyone has a CCW permit. These fellows have no choice but to carry long guns instead.
Alternatively, you could stand that and wait for them to answer your question:

"Are you a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun?"

Do you have to wait until these fiends start shooting before you determine they are a threat?

Stand your ground says you can shoot if you feel threatened. What is more threatening than a bunch of rednecks armed with assault rifles?

That would be suicide.

The moment you see a gun in a 7-11, your kid's school, the church, the pizza joint, that tavern - open fire or be robbed and killed by criminals.

Bottom line is...you have to protect the children

No jury would convict you
Do you have to wait until these fiends start shooting before you determine they are a threat?

Stand your ground says you can shoot if you feel threatened. What is more threatening than a bunch of rednecks armed with assault rifles?

That would be suicide.

The moment you see a gun in a 7-11, your kid's school, the church, the pizza joint, that tavern - open fire or be robbed and killed by criminals.

Bottom line is...you have to protect the children

No jury would convict you

I don't want to carry a gun and I don't want to shoot people but, the way this is going, I'm not going to have a choice. None of use will. These assholes are pushing law abiding citizens into a corner.

I'm thinking of the times I've gone to my g'kid's school to pick them up. Or taken them for pizza or to a park or - where ever. I would not have any problem with shooting some asshole who had a rifle slung over his shoulder. None at all.

My life and the lives of my family come first.
That would be suicide.

The moment you see a gun in a 7-11, your kid's school, the church, the pizza joint, that tavern - open fire or be robbed and killed by criminals.

Bottom line is...you have to protect the children

No jury would convict you

I don't want to carry a gun and I don't want to shoot people but, the way this is going, I'm not going to have a choice. None of use will. These assholes are pushing law abiding citizens into a corner.

I'm thinking of the times I've gone to my g'kid's school to pick them up. Or taken them for pizza or to a park or - where ever. I would not have any problem with shooting some asshole who had a rifle slung over his shoulder. None at all.

My life and the lives of my family come first.

Hmmmm, a rifle slung over a shoulder is no threat. You'd be going to prison for a very long time for being nothing more than a stupid reactionary.
simply carrying a gun is no more a threat to a person's life than being a different skin color or gender is.

I and millions other Americans carry every day and no one has ever been hurt.

If you can't handle looking at a gun without pissing your panties, you need to grown up.

Carrying a gun is fine. 4 men walking into a busy restaurant with assault rifles, with the intent to draw attention, is a disturbance.
That's just it. If Texas were to get with it and allow open carry of handguns, these fellows would likely be carrying holstered guns instead. Not everyone has a CCW permit. These fellows have no choice but to carry long guns instead.

They could just leave their guns in their car when they eat a burger

That is the way most Americans do it
If I owned a restaurant and a bunch of marauders came in armed with assault rifles......I'd shoot them

You have to protect your customers

Alternatively, you could stand that and wait for them to answer your question:

"Are you a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun?"

Do you have to wait until these fiends start shooting before you determine they are a threat?

Stand your ground says you can shoot if you feel threatened. What is more threatening than a bunch of rednecks armed with assault rifles?

No wonder you're a anti-gun nut.. You can't even get the laws right.
Bottom line is...you have to protect the children

No jury would convict you

I don't want to carry a gun and I don't want to shoot people but, the way this is going, I'm not going to have a choice. None of use will. These assholes are pushing law abiding citizens into a corner.

I'm thinking of the times I've gone to my g'kid's school to pick them up. Or taken them for pizza or to a park or - where ever. I would not have any problem with shooting some asshole who had a rifle slung over his shoulder. None at all.

My life and the lives of my family come first.

Hmmmm, a rifle slung over a shoulder is no threat. You'd be going to prison for a very long time for being nothing more than a stupid reactionary.

Not really. Not when children are present

The guy may have looked at you funny, made a strange gesture, made a sudden movement

You have to shoot first and ask questions later.....especially when it comes to protecting children
Do you have to wait until these fiends start shooting before you determine they are a threat?

Stand your ground says you can shoot if you feel threatened. What is more threatening than a bunch of rednecks armed with assault rifles?

That would be suicide.

The moment you see a gun in a 7-11, your kid's school, the church, the pizza joint, that tavern - open fire or be robbed and killed by criminals.

Bottom line is...you have to protect the children

No jury would convict you

Wrong.. You'd have an appointment with either Old Sparky or the needle.
I don't want to carry a gun and I don't want to shoot people but, the way this is going, I'm not going to have a choice. None of use will. These assholes are pushing law abiding citizens into a corner.

I'm thinking of the times I've gone to my g'kid's school to pick them up. Or taken them for pizza or to a park or - where ever. I would not have any problem with shooting some asshole who had a rifle slung over his shoulder. None at all.

My life and the lives of my family come first.

Hmmmm, a rifle slung over a shoulder is no threat. You'd be going to prison for a very long time for being nothing more than a stupid reactionary.

Not really. Not when children are present

The guy may have looked at you funny, made a strange gesture, made a sudden movement

You have to shoot first and ask questions later.....especially when it comes to protecting children

I hope life in prison, at the best, agrees with you because that is what you would get.
Sorry officer, the big scary man with the gun made me nervous when he came in, I was all alone and thought he wanted to rob and then rape me, so I shot him...

That's right. A bunch of amateur shooters whose biggest threat has been a paper target 100 feet away at a shooting range...And they're going to know how to handle an automatic weapon in a public place if violence occurs, too. That is far more scarier than the scariest Obamaphobe story yet.
Carrying a gun is fine. 4 men walking into a busy restaurant with assault rifles, with the intent to draw attention, is a disturbance.
That's just it. If Texas were to get with it and allow open carry of handguns, these fellows would likely be carrying holstered guns instead. Not everyone has a CCW permit. These fellows have no choice but to carry long guns instead.

They could just leave their guns in their car when they eat a burger

That is the way most Americans do it
The whole point of having a gun is being able to use it in the event (God forbid) the person's life is threatened. If I have to leave it in the car, may as well leave it at home. At least at home, no one's going to break my car window to steal it.
These assholes are pushing law abiding citizens into a corner.


The ones who assault, injure, and kill people, are pushing law-abiding citizens into a corner.

Which none of the people you constantly complain about in this thread, are doing.

But I've given up expecting you to see the difference.

All I can say is, owning and carrying a gun takes some judgement and responsibility.... and unlike the people this thread is about, you have displayed none.
If you only nominally have a right, and are severely restricted where you can exercise taht right, then you don't effectively have it. Or rather, your free exercise isn't recognized or even allowed.

Again, no Second Amendment rights are being 'restricted' in Texas, 'severely' or otherwise.

No Texas firearm regulatory measure has been struck down by any court as un-Constitutional – state or Federal.

If these individuals wish to be allowed to lawfully OC handguns in public, they're at liberty to seek to change the law via the democratic political process; or they're at liberty to file suit in court challenging the constitutionality of the law.

But until such time as a court rules otherwise, Texas' gun control measures are Constitutional, where no rights are being 'restricted' or 'denied.'
Sorry officer, the big scary man with the gun made me nervous when he came in, I was all alone and thought he wanted to rob and then rape me, so I shot him...

That's right. A bunch of amateur shooters whose biggest threat has been a paper target 100 feet away at a shooting range...And they're going to know how to handle an automatic weapon in a public place if violence occurs, too. That is far more scarier than the scariest Obamaphobe story yet.

When are you idiots going to get it through your thick skulls that very, very few people own fully automatic weapons?

You're a liar every time you post such bullshit.
Hmmmm, a rifle slung over a shoulder is no threat. You'd be going to prison for a very long time for being nothing more than a stupid reactionary.

Not really. Not when children are present

The guy may have looked at you funny, made a strange gesture, made a sudden movement

You have to shoot first and ask questions later.....especially when it comes to protecting children

I hope life in prison, at the best, agrees with you because that is what you would get.


For a bunch of armed marauders who storm your restaurant? Even the NRA would stand up for you........if the armed marauders were black
That's just it. If Texas were to get with it and allow open carry of handguns, these fellows would likely be carrying holstered guns instead. Not everyone has a CCW permit. These fellows have no choice but to carry long guns instead.

They could just leave their guns in their car when they eat a burger

That is the way most Americans do it
The whole point of having a gun is being able to use it in the event (God forbid) the person's life is threatened. If I have to leave it in the car, may as well leave it at home. At least at home, no one's going to break my car window to steal it.

I didn't tell you to bring your gun

Go in as a group packing assault rifles and you are a threat........I don't care what happens to you
Carrying a gun is fine. 4 men walking into a busy restaurant with assault rifles, with the intent to draw attention, is a disturbance.
That's just it. If Texas were to get with it and allow open carry of handguns, these fellows would likely be carrying holstered guns instead. Not everyone has a CCW permit. These fellows have no choice but to carry long guns instead.

They could just leave their guns in their car when they eat a burger

That is the way most Americans do it[

And there in lies the problem. These people (long gun nutters) are NOT most Americans.

They are "Second Amendment Freedom Fighters and Obama Haters". And they have their own secret handshake and decoder rings.

Bet you don't (have a secret handshake and decoder ring). And I don't. WE are like most Americans.

But I do have a "long gun". Wink wink.

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