Texas Pro-Gun Crusaders Take Extreme Open Carry Approach

I'm not sure why you don't understand that people need no justification to exercise their rights.
Whatever reason they had, so long as they remain inside the law. is sufficeint.

One of the nice things about this country is that people are allowed to do things that offend the sensibilities of oithers, regardles of how that something might positively or negatively affect the big picture.
If you had the power to chnage this, would you?

Funny. I have a bunch and I don't fear them. I wonder why that is.

Big black man breaks into you home in the middle of the night, are you going to fear his gun? Of course your comeback will be that you will pull your gun, but that doesn't change the fact you would fear him shooting you.

AAnd thus, the irrational fear, immediately assuming that someone wiith a gun is a threat.
It is not irrational just because you think so.
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime

But in the most deadly they are the instrument of destruction.

The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime

The HUGE majority of PEOPLE do not commit crimes. There are many more vitims to crime then there are criminals, in my opinion.

The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.

James Holmes


Because guns kill and that is their only real designed purpose.
The majority of gun owners are responsible and respectable

These gun nuts trying to intimidate customers in a restaurant do not help their cause

Look at the gun nuts...what should we do about them?

They are not intimidating.
It is the left who have used fear and intimidation against guns.
There is no reason to be afraid of someone caring a rifle strapped to their back.
The one to fear is the one who walks into the restaurant with it in his hands and pointing it at the customers.
The ones who have them strapped to their backs are the ones who will use them and point them at the criminal. The criminal will put that gun down really quick, unless he or she is insane. In that case the insane person will be dead.
Like I said earlier, those of us who see them all the time knows the difference between the good guys with guns and the bad guys with guns.
Those of you who don't and are not around them are scared of all guns.

What are they then?

If four men enter your liquor store carrying AR15s, are you supposed to assume they are harmless?

Of course, at least until you are dead.

There will be a terrible, violent event initiated by a display of "open carry" activism. An accident, a misunderstanding, an over-reaction? Human beings keep finding ways to prove over and over again "What can go wrong will go wrong". Stat might say there is no statistical approach to prove this but I believe the probability of bad consequences = 1.

When it happens that jurisdiction will have to weigh the costs of incurred collateral damage vs. the right to bear arms in public. Whatever your stand is on the issue face reality and be ready to re-think or re-affirm your position because it is going to happen.
Look, dumb gun owners, you have your right to bear arms but do you know why?

It's to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act, it's to close Guantanamo Bay, it's to prosecute Bush and Obama for war crimes. The 2nd Amendment is so that the People can put their government in check when the government officials think that they are above the law.

The 2nd Amendment is not for eating at Chili's. That's called "just being a douche", and a coward because you're eating in a restaurant instead of repealing the USAPATRIOT Act, closing Guantanamo, abolishing the NSA domestic spying operation, ending endless war over lies, and prosecuting bankers and war profiteers.

What does the right wing use their guns for? In Nevada it was to stop Federal agents from enforcing American laws, not to stop the criminal Cliven Bundy.

The fact is that even the most "responsible" gun owners don't deserve the right to bear arms because they don't even know who they're supposed to be fighting.
It is not irrational just because you think so.
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime

But in the most deadly they are the instrument of destruction.

The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime

The HUGE majority of PEOPLE do not commit crimes. There are many more vitims to crime then there are criminals, in my opinion.

The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.

James Holmes


Because guns kill and that is their only real designed purpose.

Guns are also for protection, hunting, target shooting, sports events where young people can win scholarships for college and most importantly to use against a Government who have become tyrannical.
You just saw it in the news in Nevada and no one was shot or harmed in that over reach of government.
I'm not sure why you don't understand that people need no justification to exercise their rights.
Whatever reason they had, so long as they remain inside the law. is sufficeint.

One of the nice things about this country is that people are allowed to do things that offend the sensibilities of oithers, regardles of how that something might positively or negatively affect the big picture.
If you had the power to chnage this, would you?

Funny. I have a bunch and I don't fear them. I wonder why that is.

Big black man breaks into you home in the middle of the night, are you going to fear his gun? Of course your comeback will be that you will pull your gun, but that doesn't change the fact you would fear him shooting you.

AAnd thus, the irrational fear, immediately assuming that someone wiith a gun is a threat.

It is not irrational just because you think so. Those guns, regardless of what you want to call them, look like guns designed for ONE purpose, to kill people. And that is exactly what they were designed to do (the military type). They were not designed to target practice or shoot deer.

People with guns are ALWAYS a threat. The only people who are of absolutely not threat to shoot are those without guns. So yes, no matter how great, there is always a fear when people have a gun.

phallus symbol remark, I don't see any other reason to display these type of guns in public. I personally don't want the bad guys to know I have a gun. If there were a real threat to these guys they would be dead before they got close to the trigger.

It's very obvious that you have never been around guns or people who do use those (military type) which they are not. They do use them for target practice and shooting game.
You are using anti gun talking points and have no real knowledge of these guns.
No people with guns are not always a threat.

I have fired AK-47 , ARs, and various other weapons, my favorite happens to be a muzzle loader which I doubt people would much fear if I carried into a store. I do own 7 different types of guns, never saw a need of a military type weapon like those folks are carrying. For self defense I think they would not be the best for up close and personal.

People do not wreck their cars every time they drive, but they wear their seat belt every time. The vast majority of people will not shoot you and that is not the discussion topic. I don't want guns taken away. I see no reason to put them into the faces of the general public to make some sort of point. This type of BS display serve no purpose other then to strengthen the resolve against gun ownership. Why you can't see that is beyond me. If there were a legitimate reason to carry this "rifle" styled after a military type weapon then I would say no problem. But these guys are just being in your face, in my opinion.
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime

But in the most deadly they are the instrument of destruction.

The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime

The HUGE majority of PEOPLE do not commit crimes. There are many more vitims to crime then there are criminals, in my opinion.

The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.

James Holmes


Because guns kill and that is their only real designed purpose.

Guns are also for protection, hunting,

Both involve killing.

target shooting, sports events where young people can win scholarships for college and most importantly to use against a Government who have become tyrannical.
You just saw it in the news in Nevada and no one was shot or harmed in that over reach of government.

Yes, trap was designed to enjoy the sport of shooting by simulating killing birds, only these bird are made out of clay.
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime

But in the most deadly they are the instrument of destruction.

The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime

The HUGE majority of PEOPLE do not commit crimes. There are many more vitims to crime then there are criminals, in my opinion.

The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.

James Holmes


Because guns kill and that is their only real designed purpose.

Guns are also for protection, hunting, target shooting, sports events where young people can win scholarships for college and most importantly to use against a Government who have become tyrannical.
You just saw it in the news in Nevada and no one was shot or harmed in that over reach of government.

You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?
Look, dumb gun owners, you have your right to bear arms but do you know why?

It's to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act, it's to close Guantanamo Bay, it's to prosecute Bush and Obama for war crimes. The 2nd Amendment is so that the People can put their government in check when the government officials think that they are above the law.

The 2nd Amendment is not for eating at Chili's. That's called "just being a douche", and a coward because you're eating in a restaurant instead of repealing the USAPATRIOT Act, closing Guantanamo, abolishing the NSA domestic spying operation, ending endless war over lies, and prosecuting bankers and war profiteers.

What does the right wing use their guns for? In Nevada it was to stop Federal agents from enforcing American laws, not to stop the criminal Cliven Bundy.

The fact is that even the most "responsible" gun owners don't deserve the right to bear arms because they don't even know who they're supposed to be fighting.

You are the one not seeing that was an over reach of Government.
Our Government is suppose to protect our land rights not take them away and force out 52 other ranchers because the government wants to use that land to make more money in taxes to spend.
Look, dumb gun owners, you have your right to bear arms but do you know why?

It's to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act, it's to close Guantanamo Bay, it's to prosecute Bush and Obama for war crimes. The 2nd Amendment is so that the People can put their government in check when the government officials think that they are above the law.

The 2nd Amendment is not for eating at Chili's. That's called "just being a douche", and a coward because you're eating in a restaurant instead of repealing the USAPATRIOT Act, closing Guantanamo, abolishing the NSA domestic spying operation, ending endless war over lies, and prosecuting bankers and war profiteers.

What does the right wing use their guns for? In Nevada it was to stop Federal agents from enforcing American laws, not to stop the criminal Cliven Bundy.

The fact is that even the most "responsible" gun owners don't deserve the right to bear arms because they don't even know who they're supposed to be fighting.

You are the one not seeing that was an over reach of Government.
Our Government is suppose to protect our land rights not take them away and force out 52 other ranchers because the government wants to use that land to make more money in taxes to spend.
You don't know anything about government overreach. I've had cops jam their elbows into my throat over some weed. Your conditioned reaction is to say, "Good, you deserve it, you pot-smoking hippie." It doesn't even change your opinion of the situation when I tell you that I am a veteran of the US Army who has been homeless because of a debilitating seizure disorder, and marijuana is the ONLY medicine that has worked to stop it. I am a dirty criminal, but racist douche Cliven Bundy is a white trash hero because he doesn't want to pay taxes?

Nevada was not government overreach. Operation Green Sweep in Humboldt County in 1990 was government overreach. The war on drugs is government overreach. Waco was government overreach. The USAPATRIOT Act is government overreach. Guantanamo Bay is government overreach. IRAQ was government overreach.

The toothless hilljacks who came out of the sticks to defend a racist criminal were in the wrong place for the wrong reasons. Take your stupid little armed "militia" here:


or just shut the hell up about "defending freedom".
Because guns kill and that is their only real designed purpose.

Guns are also for protection, hunting, target shooting, sports events where young people can win scholarships for college and most importantly to use against a Government who have become tyrannical.
You just saw it in the news in Nevada and no one was shot or harmed in that over reach of government.

You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?

Yes, but it depends on the situation. If he looks nervous and is jittery then no. You know he is up to no good.
Chances are pretty good that a criminal will not enter a movie theater and sit in a seat. They don't pay for a ticket, they break into the theater.
We have gun owners who have them in our movie Theater in Sierra Vista all the time.
Most are military some are not.
When you have them around all the time you know the difference between someone who is a criminal and those who are not.
Guns are also for protection, hunting, target shooting, sports events where young people can win scholarships for college and most importantly to use against a Government who have become tyrannical.
You just saw it in the news in Nevada and no one was shot or harmed in that over reach of government.

You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?

Yes, but it depends on the situation. If he looks nervous and is jittery then no. You know he is up to no good.
Chances are pretty good that a criminal will not enter a movie theater and sit in a seat. They don't pay for a ticket, they break into the theater.
We have gun owners who have them in our movie Theater in Sierra Vista all the time.
Most are military some are not.
When you have them around all the time you know the difference between someone who is a criminal and those who are not.

Chances are pretty good that a criminal will not enter a hamburger shop and sit in a seat. They don't pay for anything, they break into the store.

The point is that you evaluated the situation on your terms by your perception of reality. The same as those in the hamburger shop. They saw guns they don't see everyday and they evaluated the situation. What these guys did was put everyone in the shop in a situation where they had to evaluated the risk. Most didn't see any and just kept on eating. But considering the severity of being wrong I don't blame people for thinking the worse when they see people with guns out of place. Why you can't see that is any one's guess.
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Guns are also for protection, hunting, target shooting, sports events where young people can win scholarships for college and most importantly to use against a Government who have become tyrannical.
You just saw it in the news in Nevada and no one was shot or harmed in that over reach of government.

You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?

Yes, but it depends on the situation. If he looks nervous and is jittery then no. You know he is up to no good.
Chances are pretty good that a criminal will not enter a movie theater and sit in a seat. They don't pay for a ticket, they break into the theater.
We have gun owners who have them in our movie Theater in Sierra Vista all the time.
Most are military some are not.
When you have them around all the time you know the difference between someone who is a criminal and those who are not.

So you will trust your grandchildrens lives on your ability to determine intent based on looks?
Look, dumb gun owners, you have your right to bear arms but do you know why?

It's to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act, it's to close Guantanamo Bay, it's to prosecute Bush and Obama for war crimes. The 2nd Amendment is so that the People can put their government in check when the government officials think that they are above the law.

The 2nd Amendment is not for eating at Chili's. That's called "just being a douche", and a coward because you're eating in a restaurant instead of repealing the USAPATRIOT Act, closing Guantanamo, abolishing the NSA domestic spying operation, ending endless war over lies, and prosecuting bankers and war profiteers.

What does the right wing use their guns for? In Nevada it was to stop Federal agents from enforcing American laws, not to stop the criminal Cliven Bundy.

The fact is that even the most "responsible" gun owners don't deserve the right to bear arms because they don't even know who they're supposed to be fighting.

You are the one not seeing that was an over reach of Government.
Our Government is suppose to protect our land rights not take them away and force out 52 other ranchers because the government wants to use that land to make more money in taxes to spend.
You don't know anything about government overreach. I've had cops jam their elbows into my throat over some weed. Your conditioned reaction is to say, "Good, you deserve it, you pot-smoking hippie." It doesn't even change your opinion of the situation when I tell you that I am a veteran of the US Army who has been homeless because of a debilitating seizure disorder, and marijuana is the ONLY medicine that has worked to stop it. I am a dirty criminal, but racist douche Cliven Bundy is a white trash hero because he doesn't want to pay taxes?

Nevada was not government overreach. Operation Green Sweep in Humboldt County in 1990 was government overreach. The war on drugs is government overreach. Waco was government overreach. The USAPATRIOT Act is government overreach. Guantanamo Bay is government overreach. IRAQ was government overreach.

The toothless hilljacks who came out of the sticks to defend a racist criminal were in the wrong place for the wrong reasons. Take your stupid little armed "militia" here:


or just shut the hell up about "defending freedom".

Many of those people that were there were the ones who had their ranches taken away from them.
I also am for medical marijuana and hemp.
I also am against all the things you just mentioned and agree that they also are government over reach.
There are over 10k gun deaths per year in the United States. More than three 9/11's every year, and no one calls for the CEO of Glock to be put in Guantanamo for supplying firearms to insurgents, no one has put Smith & Wesson on the terrorist watch list, no one wants the flow of arms to stop because they think that the big government is going to come take their rights.

The government already took your rights and it was reported all over the national news. The NSA is spying on you in direct violation of the 4th Amendment. No one cares. Gun owners certainly don't care. They're pissed off at the IRS but not at the rest of the big government police state. They support the NSA spying and DHS "counter-terrorism" lies. Gun owners certainly won't oppose the DEA when it comes to "states' rights" over medical Cannabis.

Americans are pathetic. Preach all of your shit about "protecting the Constitution" while you cheer for torture and war crimes.
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There are over 10k gun deaths per year in the United States. More than three 9/11's every year, and no one calls for the CEO of Glock to be put in Guantanamo for supplying firearms to insurgents, no one has put Smith & Wesson on the terrorist watch list, no one wants the flow of arms to stop because they think that the big government is going to come take their rights.

The government already took your rights and it was reported all over the national news. The NSA is spying on you in direct violation of the 4th Amendment. No one cares. Gun owners certainly don't care. They're pissed off at the IRS but not at the rest of the big government police state. They support the NSA spying and DHS "counter-terrorism" lies. Gun owners certainly won't oppose the DEA when it comes to "states' rights" over medical Cannabis.

Americans are pathetic. Preach all of your shit about "protecting the Constitution" while you cheer for torture and war crimes.

WTF are you talking about? Those scandals you mention are brought up often by the right and the left poo poos them as made up BS.

No one cheered enhance interrogation techniques. No one committed war crimes just because you said so.

But if you are really concerned about those subjects let us see you post something counter to what Obama is/has done. How about you going off on his killing of an innocent 16 year old boy or his lying about Benghazi.
How do you tell the difference between the rednecks and the criminals?

Rednecks carry their weapons safely and don't shoot people.

Criminals either shoot people, or rob people, or try to find schemes to take law-abiding people's guns away.

Criminals can carry their weapons safely up till the time they decide to become criminals. If you are behind a cash register, how do you tell which is which?

Yeah they can do that regardless of the law. If you completely ban all weapons period, a criminal would still be able to safely carry a concealed weapon until they decide to become criminals.

The only difference is, as the cashier:

Without the legal right to carry, no one will help you, and you'll just be shot or killed.

With the legal right, some customer might come to your aid.

Given those two options, I'd rather have they legal right.

You people seem to keep acting like, without the right to carry weapons, that criminals won't.

Hello.... have we not proven they already do?
James Holmes is invoking his rights and carrying a "rifle" outside a movie theater. He isn't threatening anyone he merely is dressed as a cop carrying several guns. When exactly do we start fearing this guy? When he actually starts to unload on the movie theater or before?
In a free society, we do not act against peiople for no reason other than they might break the law.
Sad to see you'd have things otherwise.
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It is not irrational just because you think so.
You're right -- it is irrational because there is no sound basis for the fear.
The HUGE majority of guns are never used in a crime

But in the most deadly they are the instrument of destruction.

The HUGE majority of gun owners never commit a gun- related crime

The HUGE majority of PEOPLE do not commit crimes. There are many more vitims to crime then there are criminals, in my opinion.

The HUGE majority of gun owners who legally carry guns in public never commit a crime.
But as soon as you see a guy carrying a gun in a situation where, on its face, it is perfectly legal to do so, you're afraid.

James Holmes


Because guns kill and that is their only real designed purpose.
This is either a lie, or abject ignorance.
Either way, it only supports the notion that you react out of irrational fear.

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