Texas Pro-Gun Crusaders Take Extreme Open Carry Approach

When mark David Chapman became obsessed with impressing Jodie Foster, he, at first, decided to kill George C. Scott on stage during a play in which he was performing in New York. He bought a revolver, and flew to New York, only to find that it was against the law for anyone to sell him ammo. He returned home. Later, he decided to kill John Lennon. This time, he flew to Atlanta, where ammo sales were legal, then on to New York, where he gunned down John Lennon.

After he plead guilty, his father asked him if there was anything anyone could have done to stop him from doing that. his reply was that if buying a gun and ammo had been a little more complicated, if he had had to go through a waiting period first, if he had to apply for a permit, or if they refused to sell to a person undergoing, or a history of psychiatric care, he probably would not have done it.
Man, you need to read up on the idea of "accidental shootings". You ever heard of those?
Or are you going to say that no one has ever been shot accidentally? You wouldn't say that would you? That would be a lie.
Gun accidents?
You fear people legally carrying guns because of the chance of an accident?
Thank you for so very clearly illustrating your irrational fear.
So you are going to be a liar and say that accidental discharges of weapons and death or injury from accidental discharges do not take place. Why am I not surprised.
I'm -happy- that you admit to your irrational fear.
When mark David Chapman became obsessed with impressing Jodie Foster, he, at first, decided to kill George C. Scott on stage during a play in which he was performing in New York. He bought a revolver, and flew to New York, only to find that it was against the law for anyone to sell him ammo. He returned home. Later, he decided to kill John Lennon. This time, he flew to Atlanta, where ammo sales were legal, then on to New York, where he gunned down John Lennon.

After he plead guilty, his father asked him if there was anything anyone could have done to stop him from doing that. his reply was that if buying a gun and ammo had been a little more complicated, if he had had to go through a waiting period first, if he had to apply for a permit, or if they refused to sell to a person undergoing, or a history of psychiatric care, he probably would not have done it.
It's cute that you think waitng periods, licensing, registration and background checks for issues that do not result in an NICS "stop" will prevent people from committing crimes with guns.

I really don't understand why you people refuse to understand that it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking the law.
Man, you need to read up on the idea of "accidental shootings". You ever heard of those?
Or are you going to say that no one has ever been shot accidentally? You wouldn't say that would you? That would be a lie.
Gun accidents?
You fear people legally carrying guns because of the chance of an accident?
Thank you for so very clearly illustrating your irrational fear.

So you are going to be a liar and say that accidental discharges of weapons and death or injury from accidental discharges do not take place. Why am I not surprised.

Lets say I am sitting next to you in a restaurant and I am "playing" with my pistol. Passing it around, taking the clip out and then putting it back in, you know, just showing my gun off to my other gun nutter friends. Nothing illegal is happening. I have a permit. I am just "showing off" my gun.

But YOU are not going to be concerned that I might accidentally shoot you? Then you are stupid dude. You are sitting next to a stranger playing with a gun but YOU are not concerned about accidentally being shot. Weird.

And of course if they see what they think is (or possibly is) someone stealing a car in the parking lot...guess what happens, you have gunfire from the restaurant into the parking lot. Once one of the idiots hears gunfire...what happens? More gunfire.

Again, if I'm sitting there and these invaders come into the restaurant, I'm paying my tab, leaving a tip, and leaving as soon as possible.
You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?

I actually would get up and leave an establishment if someone came in with an assault rifle not wearing a uniform.

I don't understand that. If they come in screaming or causing a ruckus, ok.... but otherwise, why?

I've been at places where people came in with guns, even rifles, and it never occured to me to leave.

In fact, at the time I thought hope no poor bastard tries to rob the place.... they'll be in for a shock.

I felt safer eating there with armed law abiding citizens willing to defend their fellow citizens, than I did when they were not there.

What exactly are you worried about? It's not like they started setting up tin cans at the end of the buffet. Ya, if they did that, I'm with you. Time to move on.

But gun owners don't do that. At least none of the ones I've met.

What it really boils down to, is you don't trust your fellow citizens as much as you trust criminals and government.


You trust these people.....


And you trust these people.....


But now THAT RIGHT THERE!!! That's terrifying.


Absolutely terrifying!


I am absolutely FROZEN WITH FEAR!!

Come on people..... There is no safer place to be than with a bunch of armed lawful citizens. I would be more than willing to come to the aid, of even the most absolutely retarded leftist on this forum. I would defend you, and protect you from anyone that threatened you.


If arms made society safer, we'd have the safest nation on earth by far. Instead we have the most guns of any society...ever...and we have thousands upon thousands of gun deaths every year.

What you say isn't bore out by the facts. Sorry.
Then why enact any laws?
You already asked that question in another topic.
I already answered. I don't recall your response.


All criminal, and most civil, law exists so that the state can punish people who step outside the boundaries set by society and violate the rights of others.
That is, laws against murder do not and can not prevent murder, only punish people who commit it.

Its cute how you think your question is still meaningful and relevant.
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Gun accidents?
You fear people legally carrying guns because of the chance of an accident?
Thank you for so very clearly illustrating your irrational fear.

So you are going to be a liar and say that accidental discharges of weapons and death or injury from accidental discharges do not take place. Why am I not surprised.

Lets say I am sitting next to you in a restaurant and I am "playing" with my pistol. Passing it around, taking the clip out and then putting it back in, you know, just showing my gun off to my other gun nutter friends. Nothing illegal is happening. I have a permit. I am just "showing off" my gun.

But YOU are not going to be concerned that I might accidentally shoot you? Then you are stupid dude. You are sitting next to a stranger playing with a gun but YOU are not concerned about accidentally being shot. Weird.
And of course if they see what they think is (or possibly is) someone stealing a car in the parking lot...guess what happens, you have gunfire from the restaurant into the parking lot.
Wow... talk about an irrational fear.
If arms made society safer, we'd have the safest nation on earth by far. Instead we have the most guns of any society...ever...and we have thousands upon thousands of gun deaths every year.
Yes... that involve ~0.01% of the guns in the US - meaning that 99.99% of guns are NOT involed in a death of some sort.

Boy, the number of guns in the US -- that's a HUGE problem.

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I actually would get up and leave an establishment if someone came in with an assault rifle not wearing a uniform.

I don't understand that. If they come in screaming or causing a ruckus, ok.... but otherwise, why?

I've been at places where people came in with guns, even rifles, and it never occured to me to leave.

In fact, at the time I thought hope no poor bastard tries to rob the place.... they'll be in for a shock.

I felt safer eating there with armed law abiding citizens willing to defend their fellow citizens, than I did when they were not there.

What exactly are you worried about? It's not like they started setting up tin cans at the end of the buffet. Ya, if they did that, I'm with you. Time to move on.

But gun owners don't do that. At least none of the ones I've met.

What it really boils down to, is you don't trust your fellow citizens as much as you trust criminals and government.


You trust these people.....


And you trust these people.....


But now THAT RIGHT THERE!!! That's terrifying.


Absolutely terrifying!


I am absolutely FROZEN WITH FEAR!!

Come on people..... There is no safer place to be than with a bunch of armed lawful citizens. I would be more than willing to come to the aid, of even the most absolutely retarded leftist on this forum. I would defend you, and protect you from anyone that threatened you.


If arms made society safer, we'd have the safest nation on earth by far. Instead we have the most guns of any society...ever...and we have thousands upon thousands of gun deaths every year.

What you say isn't bore out by the facts. Sorry.

Because that claim isn't actually true.

Yes we have the most total number of weapons. That's true. And the common method of calculating that statistically, is guns per capita.

Which the US has 97 guns for every 100 people. (this is of course, an estimate, but for the sake of argument, let's roll with it).

So there are 97 guns for everyone 100 people.

Look around your neighborhood. Are 97 people out of every 100, armed?

Of course not. Not even close.

The problem with the statistic, is that it doesn't account for the fact that a small portion of society has a bunch of weapons, but on average, very few homes have guns.


The number of households that own guns, is at a four decade long decline, with the lowest levels in US history today, of only about 30%.

Fewer people are armed than ever before in US history.

The only reason that crime has decline in the last decade or so, is because we have incarcerated more people than any other country on the planet, and because we have allowed those who are armed, more ability to defend themselves and others.

But the fact is, while the number of guns per capita is the highest in the world, fewer people than ever are actually armed.
I don't understand that. If they come in screaming or causing a ruckus, ok.... but otherwise, why?

I've been at places where people came in with guns, even rifles, and it never occured to me to leave.

In fact, at the time I thought hope no poor bastard tries to rob the place.... they'll be in for a shock.

I felt safer eating there with armed law abiding citizens willing to defend their fellow citizens, than I did when they were not there.

What exactly are you worried about? It's not like they started setting up tin cans at the end of the buffet. Ya, if they did that, I'm with you. Time to move on.

But gun owners don't do that. At least none of the ones I've met.

What it really boils down to, is you don't trust your fellow citizens as much as you trust criminals and government.


You trust these people.....


And you trust these people.....


But now THAT RIGHT THERE!!! That's terrifying.


Absolutely terrifying!


I am absolutely FROZEN WITH FEAR!!

Come on people..... There is no safer place to be than with a bunch of armed lawful citizens. I would be more than willing to come to the aid, of even the most absolutely retarded leftist on this forum. I would defend you, and protect you from anyone that threatened you.


If arms made society safer, we'd have the safest nation on earth by far. Instead we have the most guns of any society...ever...and we have thousands upon thousands of gun deaths every year.

What you say isn't bore out by the facts. Sorry.

Because that claim isn't actually true.

Yes we have the most total number of weapons. That's true. And the common method of calculating that statistically, is guns per capita.

Which the US has 97 guns for every 100 people. (this is of course, an estimate, but for the sake of argument, let's roll with it).

So there are 97 guns for everyone 100 people.

Look around your neighborhood. Are 97 people out of every 100, armed?

Of course not. Not even close.

The problem with the statistic, is that it doesn't account for the fact that a small portion of society has a bunch of weapons, but on average, very few homes have guns.


The number of households that own guns, is at a four decade long decline, with the lowest levels in US history today, of only about 30%.

Fewer people are armed than ever before in US history.

The only reason that crime has decline in the last decade or so, is because we have incarcerated more people than any other country on the planet, and because we have allowed those who are armed, more ability to defend themselves and others.

But the fact is, while the number of guns per capita is the highest in the world, fewer people than ever are actually armed.

Just out of curiosity...3 out of 10 have guns in their house according to you. How does that compare with, lets say, Germany?
"The only reason that crime has decline in the last decade or so, is because we have incarcerated more people than any other country on the planet, and because we have allowed those who are armed, more ability to defend themselves and others."

Nope. Violent crime has been declining for decades due to the aging of the baby boomers.
"The only reason that crime has decline in the last decade or so, is because we have incarcerated more people than any other country on the planet, and because we have allowed those who are armed, more ability to defend themselves and others."

Nope. Violent crime has been declining for decades due to the aging of the baby boomers.
If violent crime has been declining for decades whilwe the number of guns increases by a few million every year, doesn't that pretty much destroy the claim that more guns = more crime?
If arms made society safer, we'd have the safest nation on earth by far. Instead we have the most guns of any society...ever...and we have thousands upon thousands of gun deaths every year.

What you say isn't bore out by the facts. Sorry.

Because that claim isn't actually true.

Yes we have the most total number of weapons. That's true. And the common method of calculating that statistically, is guns per capita.

Which the US has 97 guns for every 100 people. (this is of course, an estimate, but for the sake of argument, let's roll with it).

So there are 97 guns for everyone 100 people.

Look around your neighborhood. Are 97 people out of every 100, armed?

Of course not. Not even close.

The problem with the statistic, is that it doesn't account for the fact that a small portion of society has a bunch of weapons, but on average, very few homes have guns.


The number of households that own guns, is at a four decade long decline, with the lowest levels in US history today, of only about 30%.

Fewer people are armed than ever before in US history.

The only reason that crime has decline in the last decade or so, is because we have incarcerated more people than any other country on the planet, and because we have allowed those who are armed, more ability to defend themselves and others.

But the fact is, while the number of guns per capita is the highest in the world, fewer people than ever are actually armed.

Just out of curiosity...3 out of 10 have guns in their house according to you. How does that compare with, lets say, Germany?

I looked it up; the percentage is much lower; 12% at the highest, 3% at the lowest among German provinces (states).

Gun ownership is lower in the states located in former East Germany and in the city states of Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen. In these, the percentage ranges from 3.2 to 5.7 of all households. In the formerly West German states, the percentage ranges from 6.2% to 12.3%.[23]

So they have fewer homicides and fewer guns as a percentage of gun ownership. Hmmm. We have more homicides and more guns as a percentage of gun ownership.

Again, the stats are not echoing what you're alleging.
If arms made society safer, we'd have the safest nation on earth by far. Instead we have the most guns of any society...ever...and we have thousands upon thousands of gun deaths every year.
Yes... that involve ~0.01% of the guns in the US - meaning that 99.99% of guns are NOT involed in a death of some sort.

Boy, the number of guns in the US -- that's a HUGE problem.


Our murder rate says they are
You enter a movie theater with your grandchildren

James Holmes is sitting there with an AR15 and a backpack.

Do you and your Grandkids sit down?

I actually would get up and leave an establishment if someone came in with an assault rifle not wearing a uniform.

I don't understand that. If they come in screaming or causing a ruckus, ok.... but otherwise, why?

I've been at places where people came in with guns, even rifles, and it never occured to me to leave.

In fact, at the time I thought hope no poor bastard tries to rob the place.... they'll be in for a shock.

I felt safer eating there with armed law abiding citizens willing to defend their fellow citizens, than I did when they were not there.

What exactly are you worried about? It's not like they started setting up tin cans at the end of the buffet. Ya, if they did that, I'm with you. Time to move on.

But gun owners don't do that. At least none of the ones I've met.

What it really boils down to, is you don't trust your fellow citizens as much as you trust criminals and government.


You trust these people.....


And you trust these people.....


But now THAT RIGHT THERE!!! That's terrifying.


Absolutely terrifying!


I am absolutely FROZEN WITH FEAR!!

Come on people..... There is no safer place to be than with a bunch of armed lawful citizens. I would be more than willing to come to the aid, of even the most absolutely retarded leftist on this forum. I would defend you, and protect you from anyone that threatened you.


We get it........it is negroes we have to be scared of

But prisons are full of friendly looking white folk like in your pictures. It only takes a second to turn that slung weapon around
hey M14, when you start editing others posts to try and make your position better, that means you have been getting your ass KICKED on this thread. I mean kicked in the ass.

How come you didn't want to address the idea of a guy playing with his gun while sitting next to you in a restaurant? Would that make you feel "protected"? Was that because accidental shootings never happen eh? Is there a law that says a permitted gun carrier has to leave his gun in a holster when he/she is in a restaurant?

Tell that (no accidental shootings) to the parents of the 11 yo killed here in Ohio yesterday while at a friends house. The 11yo friend shot the kid "accidentally". How could that have happened?
hey M14, when you start editing others posts to try and make your position better, that means you have been getting your ass KICKED on this thread. I mean kicked in the ass.
If that were true, you'd actually repond to what I post rather than make such a silly claim; indeed, that you posted what you just did means you know you have no effective respose to what I said and are trying to avoid the issue.

If the US, there are around 8800 gun-related murders each year.
In the US, there are arounf 850 gun-related accidental deaths each year.
Thus, you are ~10x more likely to be murderd with a gun than to die in a gun-related accident.

The HUGE majority of guns -- >99.997% - are NOT used to murder someone, thereby illustrating your irrational fear of being murdered simply by seeing someone with a gun; as such, your fear of dying in a gun-related accident when you see someone with a gun is 10x more irrational.

You argue from a position of irrational fear. No way around it. As such your argument can hold no water with thinking people. No way around that, either.
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hey M14, when you start editing others posts to try and make your position better, that means you have been getting your ass KICKED on this thread. I mean kicked in the ass.
If that were true, you'd actually repond to what I post rather than make such a silly claim; indeed, that you posted what you just did means you have no effective respose to what I said and are trying to avoid the issue.

If the US, there are around 8800 gun-related murders each year.
In the US, there are arounf 850 gun-related accidental deaths each year.
Thus, you are ~10x more likely to be murderd with a gun than to die in a gun-related accident.

The HUGE majority of guns -- >99.997% - are NOT used to murder someone, thereby illustrating your irrational fear of being murdered simply by seeing someone with a gun; as such, your fear of dying in a gun-related accident when you see someone with a gun is 10x more irrational.

You argue from a position of irrational fear. No way around it. As such your argument can hold no water with thinking people. No way around that, either.

While you are playing with statistics

Think of a gun that IS used to kill someone. Why harp on the one day it was used to murder someone? Look at all the days it didn't kill someone

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