Texas Rangers MLB team now under attack, must change it's name


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Another example of why so many believe liberalism is a mental defect.

July 14, 2020 - 08:27 AM EDT
Texas Rangers name should go, writes WaPo global opinions editor

Washington Post Global Opinions editor Karen Attiah in an op-ed published Monday called on the Texas Rangers baseball team to change its name, writing that the history of the Texas Rangers means calling them that name is "not so far off from being called the Texas Klansmen."

In her op-ed, Attiah writes about the racial history of the Texas Rangers, including efforts it undertook to remove Native Americans from their land and capture runaway slaves.

"The Rangers oppressed black people, helping capture runaway slaves trying to escape to Mexico; in the aftermath of the Civil War, they killed free blacks with impunity," wrote Attiah, who grew up in Texas and went to Rangers games as a child.

I love this Tweet in response to this woman's piece:

Jessica Fendel


Jul 13

Replying to
Karen - my dog's doghouse got hit by lightning 25 years ago and my homeowner's insurance never covered it. He died homeless. His pupes never inherited a dime. Can you write an Op-ed about how the Tampa Bay Lightning need to change their name? Its offensive.
The Texas Rangers will NEVER change their name.

The Texas Rangers are Legendary in Texas, and any slite to them willNOT be tolerated by the general public.

Miss DamYankee has no clue.

We'll see, these people will strongarm the companies that do business with the Rangers, if the money dries up, the owners will cry uncle eventually.
Another example of why so many believe liberalism is a mental defect.

July 14, 2020 - 08:27 AM EDT
Texas Rangers name should go, writes WaPo global opinions editor

Washington Post Global Opinions editor Karen Attiah in an op-ed published Monday called on the Texas Rangers baseball team to change its name, writing that the history of the Texas Rangers means calling them that name is "not so far off from being called the Texas Klansmen."

In her op-ed, Attiah writes about the racial history of the Texas Rangers, including efforts it undertook to remove Native Americans from their land and capture runaway slaves.

"The Rangers oppressed black people, helping capture runaway slaves trying to escape to Mexico; in the aftermath of the Civil War, they killed free blacks with impunity," wrote Attiah, who grew up in Texas and went to Rangers games as a child.


It wil NOT stop with Redskins.

They will never be satisfied.

Because the name is not the objective. Racial harmony is not the objective. Stripping America of its entire identity so the communists can rule through cultural Marxism as taught by the Frankfurt School is the objective.

This is all commie bullshit.

Somebody needs to take one for the team, be bold, and straight-up name a team the N*****s or the Injuns or the Savages or some other "highly offensive" name. Do that, and be the subject of attack but never give in and never change. That way, everybody else can live in peace.

Somebody get David Duke on this. Stat.

This is so fucking ridiculous.
What are we to call park rangers now if the word "ranger" can not be used?
Park Attendants.
Attendant is racist. bathroom-attendent-A.-Currell.jpg
I hear that many liberals, fed up with the blue states, are fleeing to states like Texas.

Then once they get there, they show their gratitude by voting for the policies that chased them out of blue states in the first place!

So eventually, even Texas will do what one CEO suggested: Shine the shoes of anyone who belongs to a certain ethnicity that is always in the news demanding this and demanding that.

Until then, however, I hope that the Texas Rangers keep their name.

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