Texas Ranks Last In Total Job Creation


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX), since he launched his presidential campaign on Saturday, has paraded around the stat that “since June of 2009, Texas is responsible for more than 40 percent of all of the new jobs created in America.” “Now think about that. We’re home to less than 10 percent of the population in America, but 40 percent of all the new jobs were created in that state,” Perry says.

This stat leaves out a lot of the story. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has promoted the number, but “it acknowledges that the number comes out different depending on whether one compares Texas to all states or just to states that are adding jobs.” Between 2008 and 2010, jobs actually grew at a faster pace in Massachusetts than in Texas.

In fact, “Texas has done worse than the rest of the country since the peak of national unemployment in October 2009.” The unemployment rate in Texas has been steadily increasing throughout the recession, and went from 7.7 to 8.2 percent while the state was supposedly creating 40 percent of all the new jobs in the U.S.

How is this possible, since Texas has created over 126,000 jobs since the depths of the recession in February 2009? The fact of the matter is that looking purely at job creation misses a key point, namely that Texas has also experienced incredibly rapid population and labor force growth (due to a series of factors, including that Texas weathered the housing bubble reasonably well due to strict mortgage lending regulations). When this is taken into account, Texas’ job creation looks decidedly less impressive:

REPORT: Texas Ranks Dead Last In Total Job Creation, Accounting For Labor Force Growth | ThinkProgress
so let me see if I get this straight.

When obama claims to have saved or created millions while the UE goes up, he's a great man that created jobs.

But when a republican does it, he's a liar.

You can cut the hypocracy with the irony.
When Obama's running around campaigning in his $2.2 million bus, after he gets back from vacation of course, is he going to tout all those "shovel ready" jobs he created ?
Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX), since he launched his presidential campaign on Saturday, has paraded around the stat that “since June of 2009, Texas is responsible for more than 40 percent of all of the new jobs created in America.” “Now think about that. We’re home to less than 10 percent of the population in America, but 40 percent of all the new jobs were created in that state,” Perry says.

This stat leaves out a lot of the story. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has promoted the number, but “it acknowledges that the number comes out different depending on whether one compares Texas to all states or just to states that are adding jobs.” Between 2008 and 2010, jobs actually grew at a faster pace in Massachusetts than in Texas.

In fact, “Texas has done worse than the rest of the country since the peak of national unemployment in October 2009.” The unemployment rate in Texas has been steadily increasing throughout the recession, and went from 7.7 to 8.2 percent while the state was supposedly creating 40 percent of all the new jobs in the U.S.

How is this possible, since Texas has created over 126,000 jobs since the depths of the recession in February 2009? The fact of the matter is that looking purely at job creation misses a key point, namely that Texas has also experienced incredibly rapid population and labor force growth (due to a series of factors, including that Texas weathered the housing bubble reasonably well due to strict mortgage lending regulations). When this is taken into account, Texas’ job creation looks decidedly less impressive:

REPORT: Texas Ranks Dead Last In Total Job Creation, Accounting For Labor Force Growth | ThinkProgress

You really need to read this stuff and actually THINK about it before you post it here, Truth. Seriously...you just make yourself look silly with this pap.

If you examine what the idiot who tried to spin Texas' economic numbers to make them appear bad is saying, it's actually an admission that because Texas "IS" creating jobs that people are moving there in droves, increasing their population. That doesn't disprove Perry's claims about job creation...IT VALIDATES THEM!

Then the author goes on to credit strict mortgage lending regulations in Texas for why the housing bubble didn't affect them as it did other areas. Well, gee whiz, Sparky! You're actually admitting that it was the relaxed mortgage lending regulations that got pushed through in other parts of the country that were to blame for the housing bubble? LOL This guy didn't get his liberal talking points that week or somehow had a "truth spasm". Liberals don't blame the bubble on relaxed lending requirements that got pushed down the throats of banks elsewhere! Doing "that" would mean accepting some responsibility for the resulting housing crash.

Gotta love ya', Truth...you make progressives seem dumber by the day!!!
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What will a President Perry do to create jobs, and what are the consequences above and beyond job growth created by his Administration?
What will a President Perry do to create jobs, and what are the consequences above and beyond job growth created by his Administration?

MacDonald's creates more jobs than the current "Commander In Chief"

Now, supersize my #3 or get to your shovel-ready job.
Wasn't some jack ass on here talking about how Texas created the most jobs in the country?
Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX), since he launched his presidential campaign on Saturday, has paraded around the stat that “since June of 2009, Texas is responsible for more than 40 percent of all of the new jobs created in America.” “Now think about that. We’re home to less than 10 percent of the population in America, but 40 percent of all the new jobs were created in that state,” Perry says.

This stat leaves out a lot of the story. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has promoted the number, but “it acknowledges that the number comes out different depending on whether one compares Texas to all states or just to states that are adding jobs.” Between 2008 and 2010, jobs actually grew at a faster pace in Massachusetts than in Texas.

In fact, “Texas has done worse than the rest of the country since the peak of national unemployment in October 2009.” The unemployment rate in Texas has been steadily increasing throughout the recession, and went from 7.7 to 8.2 percent while the state was supposedly creating 40 percent of all the new jobs in the U.S.

How is this possible, since Texas has created over 126,000 jobs since the depths of the recession in February 2009? The fact of the matter is that looking purely at job creation misses a key point, namely that Texas has also experienced incredibly rapid population and labor force growth (due to a series of factors, including that Texas weathered the housing bubble reasonably well due to strict mortgage lending regulations). When this is taken into account, Texas’ job creation looks decidedly less impressive:

REPORT: Texas Ranks Dead Last In Total Job Creation, Accounting For Labor Force Growth | ThinkProgress

You really need to read this stuff and actually THINK about it before you post it here, Truth. Seriously...you just make yourself look silly with this pap.

If you examine what the idiot who tried to spin Texas' economic numbers to make them appear bad is saying, it's actually an admission that because Texas "IS" creating jobs that people are moving there in droves, increasing their population. That doesn't disprove Perry's claims about job creation...IT VALIDATES THEM!

Then the author goes on to credit strict mortgage lending regulations in Texas for why the housing bubble didn't affect them as it did other areas. Well, gee whiz, Sparky! You're actually admitting that it was the relaxed mortgage lending regulations that got pushed through in other parts of the country that were to blame for the housing bubble? LOL This guy didn't get his liberal talking points that week or somehow had a "truth spasm". Liberals don't blame the bubble on relaxed lending requirements that got pushed down the throats of banks elsewhere! Doing "that" would mean accepting some responsibility for the resulting housing crash.

Gotta love ya', Truth...you make progressives seem dumber by the day!!!

As Paul Krugman put it, “several factors underlie [Texas'] rapid population growth: a high birth rate, immigration from Mexico, and inward migration of Americans from other states, who are attracted to Texas by its warm weather and low cost of living, low housing costs in particular.” But they have little to do with Perry’s policies.
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