Texas Republicans who criticized Sandy aid are begging for aid for Texas

Someone should tell them to go fuck off. I'd happily say so to their face after their criticism of the hurricane sandy aid. Or maybe is it because Christie actually took a bi-partisan approach to SERVE THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED HIM??

Texas, Go eat a cock.
-Love, Nitroz~

Daily Kos: Texas wants federal disaster aid it refused to give others

FACTS versus hyperbole, hysteria and plain ignorance!

$50.7 BILLION???? For Sandy relief???
Rep. Bill Flores said he voted with other Republicans against a $50.7 billion emergency relief bill for victims of Hurricane Sandy because the bill was “laden with pork” and nonessential spending.
The bill passed the House late Tuesday without support from most Republicans.

Pork that was included:
PORK: “$500 million for weather forecasting and to help create an ocean zoning plan–the later one of Obama’s pet projects.

PORK!:$2 billion for road construction across the country, ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!! Nothing to do with Sandy!

PORK!! $2 million to repair roof damage at Smithsonian buildings in Washington that pre-dates the storm;
PORK!:$150 million for fisheries across the country.”
PORK!:$13 billion request for “mitigation projects” to prepare for future storms. NOT RELIEF but future geez why are people so f..king stupid! This is why we hate congress.. Stupid Spending!

PORK!:$16 billion for the Community Development Block Grant, a slush fund that states and localities can hand out pretty much anywhere they choose. NOTHING to do with SANDY relief!

Sandy Aid Package Includes Millions for Smithsonian, Space Center, Forests - ABC News

All of this EXCESS spending NOT going for direct SANDY relief!

YOU idiots: read more then the Soros/progressives funded DailyKos ! READ CLOSER!!
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Someone should tell them to go fuck off. I'd happily say so to their face after their criticism of the hurricane sandy aid. Or maybe is it because Christie actually took a bi-partisan approach to SERVE THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED HIM??

Texas, Go eat a cock.
-Love, Nitroz~

Daily Kos: Texas wants federal disaster aid it refused to give others

FACTS versus hyperbole, hysteria and plain ignorance!

$50.7 BILLION???? For Sandy relief???
Rep. Bill Flores said he voted with other Republicans against a $50.7 billion emergency relief bill for victims of Hurricane Sandy because the bill was “laden with pork” and nonessential spending.
The bill passed the House late Tuesday without support from most Republicans.

Pork that was included:
PORK: “$500 million for weather forecasting and to help create an ocean zoning plan–the later one of Obama’s pet projects.

PORK!:$2 billion for road construction across the country, ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!! Nothing to do with Sandy!

PORK!! $2 million to repair roof damage at Smithsonian buildings in Washington that pre-dates the storm;
PORK!:$150 million for fisheries across the country.”
PORK!:$13 billion request for “mitigation projects” to prepare for future storms. NOT RELIEF but future geez why are people so f..king stupid! This is why we hate congress.. Stupid Spending!

PORK!:$16 billion for the Community Development Block Grant, a slush fund that states and localities can hand out pretty much anywhere they choose. NOTHING to do with SANDY relief!

Sandy Aid Package Includes Millions for Smithsonian, Space Center, Forests - ABC News

All of this EXCESS spending NOT going for direct SANDY relief!

YOU idiots: read more then the Soros/progressives funded DailyKos ! READ CLOSER!!

Interesting....and I am positive that I will find pork in any aid bill for Texas

Let's just vote this thing down right now
Before y'all intolerant bigoted lefties start criticizing Texas for their response to a disaster you should know that the Texas governor criticized the federal response to Sandy just like intolerant bigoted lefties blamed Bush for Katrina.

I was born and raised in TX. I still have family there. I wish the best for the people affected by the disaster. I do actually feel that they should (and they will) get fed aid. But it is quite funny to watch the same people who say the fed gov't is useless, that the gov't spends too much.....ask for fed money :lol:


Did you read ANY of my comments where I showed what PORK was in Sandy relief?

And tell me you faux-Texan... do you think the majority of Texans are like you so stupid you can't distinguish between direct FEMA assistance in a disaster and the EXCESSIVE spending pork barrel contents that was in the Sandy bill?

Are you that f...king dumb you only believe the headlines of the BIASED anti-Texas MSM?? These idiots like you don't seem to read the fine print..
which is "de rigueur" (I threw that in cause I don't think you know what it means based on your comments!!) for Washington!
SANDY bill had billions for NON-DIRECT Sandy aid!
I will be just as Texas lawmakers against any NON-DIRECT West,TX aid i.e. PORK!

That's the point here! Idiots like you don't read anything more then 30 seconds cause your attention span is so shrift!
No Aid for Texas

The aid bill is filled with PORK and even Texas Congressmen and Senators should vote it down
The right wingers in Texas are pathetic. They ruined the GOP and now they try and ruin America. But we are bigger than they are. America will step up and help Texas. It's what we do.
Someone should tell them to go fuck off. I'd happily say so to their face after their criticism of the hurricane sandy aid. Or maybe is it because Christie actually took a bi-partisan approach to SERVE THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED HIM??

Texas, Go eat a cock.
-Love, Nitroz~

Daily Kos: Texas wants federal disaster aid it refused to give others

FACTS versus hyperbole, hysteria and plain ignorance!

$50.7 BILLION???? For Sandy relief???
Rep. Bill Flores said he voted with other Republicans against a $50.7 billion emergency relief bill for victims of Hurricane Sandy because the bill was “laden with pork” and nonessential spending.
The bill passed the House late Tuesday without support from most Republicans.

Pork that was included:
PORK: “$500 million for weather forecasting and to help create an ocean zoning plan–the later one of Obama’s pet projects.

PORK!:$2 billion for road construction across the country, ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!! Nothing to do with Sandy!

PORK!! $2 million to repair roof damage at Smithsonian buildings in Washington that pre-dates the storm;
PORK!:$150 million for fisheries across the country.”
PORK!:$13 billion request for “mitigation projects” to prepare for future storms. NOT RELIEF but future geez why are people so f..king stupid! This is why we hate congress.. Stupid Spending!

PORK!:$16 billion for the Community Development Block Grant, a slush fund that states and localities can hand out pretty much anywhere they choose. NOTHING to do with SANDY relief!

Sandy Aid Package Includes Millions for Smithsonian, Space Center, Forests - ABC News

All of this EXCESS spending NOT going for direct SANDY relief!

YOU idiots: read more then the Soros/progressives funded DailyKos ! READ CLOSER!!

Interesting....and I am positive that I will find pork in any aid bill for Texas

Let's just vote this thing down right now

If there is PORK like there was in Sandy BILL YES Vote it down you fu...king idiot!
That was the reason nothing else.
And if there is ANY pork it will be voted down!
Texas sucks, is why, as long as the reactionaries control the state through the manipulation of Social Traditionalist votes.

Do you think that the lack of meaningful regulation has to do with a governor who believes in fate rather than physics?

The governor believes only in the power and influence of the governor.

....Especially a corrupt one, that's.....

FACTS versus hyperbole, hysteria and plain ignorance!

$50.7 BILLION???? For Sandy relief???
Rep. Bill Flores said he voted with other Republicans against a $50.7 billion emergency relief bill for victims of Hurricane Sandy because the bill was “laden with pork” and nonessential spending.
The bill passed the House late Tuesday without support from most Republicans.

Pork that was included:
PORK: “$500 million for weather forecasting and to help create an ocean zoning plan–the later one of Obama’s pet projects.

PORK!:$2 billion for road construction across the country, ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!! Nothing to do with Sandy!

PORK!! $2 million to repair roof damage at Smithsonian buildings in Washington that pre-dates the storm;
PORK!:$150 million for fisheries across the country.”
PORK!:$13 billion request for “mitigation projects” to prepare for future storms. NOT RELIEF but future geez why are people so f..king stupid! This is why we hate congress.. Stupid Spending!

PORK!:$16 billion for the Community Development Block Grant, a slush fund that states and localities can hand out pretty much anywhere they choose. NOTHING to do with SANDY relief!

Sandy Aid Package Includes Millions for Smithsonian, Space Center, Forests - ABC News

All of this EXCESS spending NOT going for direct SANDY relief!

YOU idiots: read more then the Soros/progressives funded DailyKos ! READ CLOSER!!

Interesting....and I am positive that I will find pork in any aid bill for Texas

Let's just vote this thing down right now

If there is PORK like there was in Sandy BILL YES Vote it down you fu...king idiot!
That was the reason nothing else.
And if there is ANY pork it will be voted down!

The Texas relief bill is ALL PORK

Kill the sucker....let Texas pay for their own shoddy regulations
Interesting....and I am positive that I will find pork in any aid bill for Texas

Let's just vote this thing down right now

If there is PORK like there was in Sandy BILL YES Vote it down you fu...king idiot!
That was the reason nothing else.
And if there is ANY pork it will be voted down!

The Texas relief bill is ALL PORK

Kill the sucker....let Texas pay for their own shoddy regulations

Careful rightwinger, redneck will come on here and tell you to suck a cock with AIDS. As for Kotexas, fuck 'em!
I think the town should get federal aid but certainly not West Fertilizer, they should be prosecuted and the victims' survivors and the town should sue West Fertilizers ass. If the state fucked up, it too should be liable.

(Reuters) - The fertilizer plant that exploded on Wednesday, obliterating part of a small Texas town and killing at least 14 people, had last year been storing 1,350 times the amount of ammonium nitrate that would normally trigger safety oversight by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Texas fertilizer company didn't heed disclosure rules before blast | Reuters


And the corporatist think self-regulation is a good idea? Well this little happening and the BP explosion/spill are two good examples of why self-regulation is a bad idea.
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