Texas Republicans who criticized Sandy aid are begging for aid for Texas

Texas sucks, is why, as long as the reactionaries control the state through the manipulation of Social Traditionalist votes.
Texas sucks, is why, as long as the reactionaries control the state through the manipulation of Social Traditionalist votes.

Do you think that the lack of meaningful regulation has to do with a governor who believes in fate rather than physics?
If that is how the tax code makes things happen, its the law but it pisses off the right wing freaks. They feel they know it all but haven't a clue.
They are so being taken to the woodshed by those whose asses they kiss all day long.

Please tax me like all the others.
I pay all of mine up front.

Gotta love it when doing taxes myself is a breeze and uncle sam has to pay me. :badgrin:

Oh another welfare cheat....got it

Lol, I pay my taxes up front. It's not cheating at all.
Actually, ever bill in Congress is packed with pork.

The total inaccuracies here is no surprise given the source used Daily Kos the reason the Sandy bill was voted against was because of all the pork in it that had nothing to do with sandy. This fact was brought to you by reality please consult your physician before trying reality you may now continue with the partisan bullshit.
If that is how the tax code makes things happen, its the law but it pisses off the right wing freaks. They feel they know it all but haven't a clue.
They are so being taken to the woodshed by those whose asses they kiss all day long.

Oh another welfare cheat....got it

Lol, I pay my taxes up front. It's not cheating at all.

Well you guys apparently cant read....I said he was a welfare cheat because Uncle Sam pays him........

So either he doesnt make enough to pay taxes......ie on welfare.....OR

he uses deductions, which liberals call corporate welfare and they bitch about it all the time...yet never want to get rid of them....

so lets do a flat tax and no deductions......ready GO!
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Actually, ever bill in Congress is packed with pork.

The total inaccuracies here is no surprise given the source used Daily Kos the reason the Sandy bill was voted against was because of all the pork in it that had nothing to do with sandy. This fact was brought to you by reality please consult your physician before trying reality you may now continue with the partisan bullshit.

and apparently you dont have an issue with that
If you are not smart enough to realize that a flat tax does not benefit those who control the Congress you are a lost cause. They have most every politician in their pocket and if a flat tax benefited them don't you really think it would have happened decades ago.
The tax code makes it so they get away with everything they can. It is so complicated to benefit them they know what they are doing.
You however don't think they are being treated fairly and have great sympathy for the rich.
Again you are a lost cause. Hating working class people shows the colors you fly.

If that is how the tax code makes things happen, its the law but it pisses off the right wing freaks. They feel they know it all but haven't a clue.
They are so being taken to the woodshed by those whose asses they kiss all day long.

Lol, I pay my taxes up front. It's not cheating at all.

Well you guys apparently cant read....I said he was a welfare cheat because Uncle Sam pays him........

So either he doesnt make enough to pay taxes......ie on welfare.....OR

he uses deductions, which liberals call corporate welfare and they bitch about it all the time...yet never want to get rid of them....

so lets do a flat tax and no deductions......ready GO!
Please highlight where I said anything of the sorts. I was simply making a statement that happens in Congress every time they try to pass a bill. Have you ever read anything about how bills are passed. When you do , get back to me.

Actually, ever bill in Congress is packed with pork.

The total inaccuracies here is no surprise given the source used Daily Kos the reason the Sandy bill was voted against was because of all the pork in it that had nothing to do with sandy. This fact was brought to you by reality please consult your physician before trying reality you may now continue with the partisan bullshit.

and apparently you dont have an issue with that
Before y'all intolerant bigoted lefties start criticizing Texas for their response to a disaster you should know that the Texas governor criticized the federal response to Sandy just like intolerant bigoted lefties blamed Bush for Katrina.
Whitehall correctly points out Texas reactionaries are responsible for bad behavior.

Oh, by the by, Whitehall, reactionaries are not liberals.
Hey! go check your senators and representatives vote.That is what counts.

Before y'all intolerant bigoted lefties start criticizing Texas for their response to a disaster you should know that the Texas governor criticized the federal response to Sandy just like intolerant bigoted lefties blamed Bush for Katrina.
They should give the Texans the aid. And then they need to make sure that Donald Adair “will feel the full weight of justice"

"The fertilizer storage facility that exploded this week in the town of West, Texas, had informed a state agency in February that it was storing up to 270 tons of ammonium nitrate – the highly explosive chemical compound used in the domestic terror attack on the Oklahoma City federal building. The company's risk management plan, filed with the federal Environmental Protection Agency in 2011, made no mention of ammonium nitrate."

Texas fertilizer plant also stored explosive chemical used in Oklahoma City bomb - Open Channel

Nah. The whole nation should tell them to go fuck themselves. That would be full justice.
Before y'all intolerant bigoted lefties start criticizing Texas for their response to a disaster you should know that the Texas governor criticized the federal response to Sandy

Katrina happened in 2003.

Sandy happened in 2012.
This happened now.

Texas is begging for what they tried to prevent from reaching others. It is the EXACT same texas officials who are being hypocritical.

Thats why I'm criticizing them.

Because "Bigotry" is being fair.
If you voted against it, you aint getting it.
Katrina happened in 2005, for correction

I know, I was there

Rita, which was far more destructive in East Texas, happened a month later
Before y'all intolerant bigoted lefties start criticizing Texas for their response to a disaster you should know that the Texas governor criticized the federal response to Sandy just like intolerant bigoted lefties blamed Bush for Katrina.

I was born and raised in TX. I still have family there. I wish the best for the people affected by the disaster. I do actually feel that they should (and they will) get fed aid. But it is quite funny to watch the same people who say the fed gov't is useless, that the gov't spends too much.....ask for fed money :lol:

Texas does not deserve taxpayers money

A private company caused the damage. Let them and their insurance company pay the damage. If Texas did not require them to carry enough insurance, that is their problem

Good thing Texas did all that deregulating on business
The citizens of the great state of Texas pay federal income taxes.

So of course they deserve federal aid like any other state. .:cool:
Texas does not deserve taxpayers money

A private company caused the damage. Let them and their insurance company pay the damage. If Texas did not require them to carry enough insurance, that is their problem

Good thing Texas did all that deregulating on business

I really haven't looked into it. But if that truly is the case, then you do have a valid point.
Texas does not deserve taxpayers money

A private company caused the damage. Let them and their insurance company pay the damage. If Texas did not require them to carry enough insurance, that is their problem

Good thing Texas did all that deregulating on business

I really haven't looked into it. But if that truly is the case, then you do have a valid point.

Texas brags about how business friendly they are. Lax regulations, no government oversight, look the other way. They use it to lure business from other states that do regulate

Now we have a dangerous business that kills citizens and causes millions in damage. If Texas did not require them to carry enough insurance, let the good people of Texas make up the difference

Just leave the US taxpayers out of it

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