Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

Hate to break it you moonbat snowflakes, but the US government has always favored Christianity.

Thomas Jefferson, the atheists favorite Founder, you would think he was the only Founder if one went by them, used Federal money to send Catholic missionaries out West, and attended church services held in the Treasury building and Congressional building on Sundays when he was President.

That's because there was no such restrictions put into the Constitution, and those claiming so are just pulling stuff out of their asses.
No, it does not. It says the government cannot force a religion upon you.

It says the Federal govt. can't make any law either way, it's left up to the states and local govts. the Feds can't ban or not ban a damn thing from a school since there are no Federal school districts, just local independent school districts.

.... or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ....

If you were really a teacher this clause wouldn't confuse you. And no, they weren't referring to satanists, assorted frog gods, space lizards, Hindu demonology, or Pacific island cargo cults, they were referring to Christianity.
Thomas Jefferson, the atheists favorite Founder, you would think he was the only Founder if one went by them, used Federal money to send Catholic missionaries out West, and attended church services held in the Treasury building and Congressional building on Sundays when he was President.

That's because there was no such restrictions put into the Constitution, and those claiming so are just pulling stuff out of their asses.

The Founders instituted the idea of prayer to start the day in Congress. BUT, they made sure that the prayer was NOT regulated to any one religion. Any may open the day with prayer.

That is not what Texas wants. Heads will explode when a Muslim insists on the same rights, which the Constitution grants them.
this is such bad news if you are an America hating filthy piece of worthless dogshit.


A W supporter who thinks W was "conservative"

Indeed, without W supporters, America would not be worthless and heading towards dogshit...
Thomas Jefferson, the atheists favorite Founder, you would think he was the only Founder if one went by them, used Federal money to send Catholic missionaries out West, and attended church services held in the Treasury building and Congressional building on Sundays when he was President.

That's because there was no such restrictions put into the Constitution, and those claiming so are just pulling stuff out of their asses.
Separating the national faith from the Constitution is a phenomenon of the post-Progressive era.

In 1789 the Congress appropriated federal funds to pay chaplains to pray at the opening of all sessions. In 1870 the Congress designated Christmas a legal holiday. In 1912, the government began suspending mail delivery on Sundays.

But now that the country has gone farther left and Godless, these types of measures will some day be scrapped along with the Constitution.
A good start!!!

The Texas Senate approved a bill Thursday that would require public schools in the state to prominently display the Ten Commandments in every classroom, starting next school year, The Texas Tribune reports. The bill's sponsor, state Sen. Phil King (R), argued earlier this month that the Ten Commandments are part of American heritage, and his legislation "will remind students all across Texas of the importance of the fundamental foundation of America."
Breath of fresh air! Very good news for the students and society. When kids are taught the difference between right and wrong and learn that there are rewards for doing good and punishments for doing evil ... then everyone benefits in the long run.
Breath of fresh air! Very good news for the students and society. When kids are taught the difference between right and wrong and learn that there are rewards for doing good and punishments for doing evil ... then everyone benefits in the long run.

If you want kids to learn right from wrong, maybe you start at the top?
If you want kids to learn right from wrong, maybe you start at the top?
True ... Biden has some learning to do. But I think it's better to train children while they have the ability to learn. It's probably too late for Biden. But you make a good point.
The Founders instituted the idea of prayer to start the day in Congress. BUT, they made sure that the prayer was NOT regulated to any one religion. Any may open the day with prayer.

That is not what Texas wants. Heads will explode when a Muslim insists on the same rights, which the Constitution grants them.
Again an uninformed leftist pipes up. The Congress chose to elect chaplains. In the 1780s, chaplains were strictly Christian clergy.
True ... Biden has some learning to do. But I think it's better to train children while they have the ability to learn. It's probably too late for Biden. But you make a good point.

Sorry, can't take your blind partisanship seriously.

You want to push politics, not morals.
No they weren't. I can verify this later when home and off my phone.
Chaplains were Christian. Even though the definition of the word might have changed in recent decades to include others, they were Christian. That's just a matter of fact.

Also as a matter of fact, no chaplain in the Congress has ever been anything other than Christian (however far out that Universalist might have been).
Again an uninformed leftist pipes up. The Congress chose to elect chaplains. In the 1780s, chaplains were strictly Christian clergy.
Christianity is a false religion anyway.
Intelligent people usually get their first clue that Christianity is fake bullshit when they relize that the entire religion is based upon two absolute biological and physical impossibilities.

Virgin birth and a zombie-god risen from death.
Once you admit that these two things could not have happened then the foundation is gone and the rest of the story falls apart.

So....why does Texas want to fill kid's heads with this CRAP?
Christianity is a false religion anyway.
Intelligent people usually get their first clue that Christianity is fake bullshit when they relize that the entire religion is based upon two absolute biological and physical impossibilities.

Virgin birth and a zombie-god risen from death.
Once you admit that these two things could not have happened then the foundation is gone and the rest of the story falls apart.

So....why does Texas want to fill kid's heads with this CRAP?
Actually, those are not what Christianity is based on. Those are not the gospel.
Heck, it is hard to explain why adultery is wrong without some religious upbringing.

No it is not.

When you get married you make a promise, adultery breaks that promise.

No religion needed to know it is wrong.

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