Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

Then you'd be cool with text from the Koran being put in every School....but only the Koran?

OF course not. This is about White Christian Nationalism. Pissing on the walls of the school house to mark it, and trying to force your faith on unwilling children.

If your faith is so fragile that it needs to be FORCE on children, let it die.
Christian nationalism is un-American.
Then you'd be cool with text from the Koran being put in every School....but only the Koran?

OF course not. This is about White Christian Nationalism. Pissing on the walls of the school house to mark it, and trying to force your faith on unwilling children.

If your faith is so fragile that it needs to be FORCE on children, let it die.
See the “then you would be cool” is a lib loon trick to try and rephrase what was said. It wasn’t said and that ruse does not work
See the “then you would be cool” is a lib loon trick to try and rephrase what was said. It wasn’t said and that ruse does not work

If the Koran was forced into every public school, you'd shit your pants. Why? Because this is about 'religious liberty'. This is about forcing children to consume YOUR religion.

Spoiler alert.....liberty isn't about forcing anyone to do anything.
If the Koran was forced into every public school, you'd shit your pants. Why? Because this is about 'religious liberty'. This is about forcing children to consume YOUR religion.

Spoiler alert.....liberty isn't about forcing anyone to do anything.
Stay very afraid of faith and peoples right to engage in it. That clearly brings you your unique own “comfort”
Nothing is forced. That’s a faked sentiment
Any 6+ year old can easily sit at their desk and not pray for 15 seconds. No lifelong psychological issues will arise despite your Pearl clutching
Cool. Can we put "There is no God but God and Muhammad is his Prophet" over there whiteboard in every room then?
Stay very afraid of faith and peoples right to engage in it. That clearly brings you your unique own “comfort”

Its not your faith that concerns me. Its your eagerness to try and FORCE children to consume it.

If your faith is so fragile that you must FORCE children to consume it, maybe you need a better faith.
Stay very afraid of faith and peoples right to engage in it. That clearly brings you your unique own “comfort”
Modern people know that knowledge is replacing faith as a natural evolution of Homo sapiens. That is why xianity is the #1 world champion for secreting atheism. We atheists are thus always sad to hear of Nashville xians being killed by rabid trannies.
Modern people know that knowledge is replacing faith as a natural evolution of Homo sapiens. That is why xianity is the #1 world champion for secreting atheism. We atheists are thus always sad to hear of Nashville xians being killed by rabid trannies.
Truly modern people comprehend the value of faith in their life and the great results from it
Angry perpetual victim status lib loons resent the comfort it brings and benefits it produces.
Truly modern people comprehend the value of faith in their life and the great results from it
Angry perpetual victim status lib loons resent the comfort it brings and benefits it produces.
There is no resentment once the atheist realizes that xianity secretes atheism and that knowledge eventually replaces faith most every time during the subject's evolution.

The xian is afraid to acknowledge that great mental health is also found in non-religious individuals (Julia Kristeva, New Maladies of the Soul).

So we shall tend to this delirious Texan attempt to copulate with the State and do a pedophiliac imitation.

'Before reading any further, go get a bible and open it to the Ten Commandments. Go on, I'll wait. This is not such a simple task. The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue - supposedly the most moral law known to humanity and supposedly authored by the biblical god himself - are not easy to find.

They're not at the beginning of the bible. God didn't give then rules to Eve or Adam, even after their fall. Nor did he give them to Noah after exterminating all human and animal life save Noah's crew. And Noah needed a bit of moral guidance. Noah's son, Ham, accidentally walks in on him, drunk, naked, and passed out....This was the only man the Jewish god thought moral enough to save from a worldwide flood. Yahweh did not see fit to give out the laws, his moral laws if Christian nationalists are to be believed, until much further along the biblical storyline.

The first set - there are four - doesn't appear until halfway through the second book of the bible, Exodus.....There are not Ten Commandments, but four different sets of Ten Commandments.'
(Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, The Ten Commandments v. The Constitution, pp. 160-1)
The people of Texas should now be open to all religions practicing their faith. As it is ordained.
I have no problem with religion in school. We are a Juedo-Christian nation and religion has played an important part in forming our Nation. But to avoid the government establishing a national religion ever child in that school district who is not Christian should get equal time. So if you have a Muslim kid, or a Satanist kid...well you get it.

What we don't want is a government providing privilege or favor of one religion over another, i.e. giving people of one faith advantages over people of other faiths or no faith or disadvantaging a particularly unpopular faith or whatever. We don't want government dictating how people of faith must worship, what they must teach/preach/promote or what they are not allowed to teach/preach/promote. And we don't want any church/religion/faith group having power to dictate to government how it must legislate and/or conduct itself.

People of faith should be able to petition their government and let their voices be heard as much as any other citizens however.

If the government makes some religious practice illegal, i.e. human or animal sacrifices or other universally or unacceptable acts banned in secular society, the ban must be applied equally to everybody everywhere, religious or not.

That is what Jefferson meant by a 'wall of separation' between church and state.

But any public school should certainly be able to post the Ten Commandments as the historical document that it is, should be able to have student led prayer in classrooms or at assemblies or sporting events, Christmas observances, Christmas carols, Hannukah celebrations, etc. if the community wants that.

I do have a problem with the Texas legislature MANDATING that the Ten Commandments be posted as I think that crosses the line of the intent of the First Amendment which is to allow the people to freely exercise their religion as they choose.
What we don't want is a government providing privilege or favor of one religion over another, i.e. giving people of one faith advantages over people of other faiths or no faith or disadvantaging a particularly unpopular faith or whatever. We don't want government dictating how people of faith must worship, what they must teach/preach/promote or what they are not allowed to teach/preach/promote. And we don't want any church/religion/faith group having power to dictate to government how it must legislate and/or conduct itself.

People of faith should be able to petition their government and let their voices be heard as much as any other citizens however.

If the government makes some religious practice illegal, i.e. human or animal sacrifices or other universally or unacceptable acts banned in secular society, the ban must be applied equally to everybody everywhere, religious or not.

That is what Jefferson meant by a 'wall of separation' between church and state.

But any public school should certainly be able to post the Ten Commandments as the historical document that it is, should be able to have student led prayer in classrooms or at assemblies or sporting events, Christmas observances, Christmas carols, Hannukah celebrations, etc. if the community wants that.

I do have a problem with the Texas legislature MANDATING that the Ten Commandments be posted as I think that crosses the line of the intent of the First Amendment which is to allow the people to freely exercise their religion as they choose.
The Ten Commandments is NOT a historical document. Prayer of any kind directed towards other students and patrons/guests is simply not allowed, as that would be establishment. The community has no choice, as it would simply be the tyranny of the majority.
The Ten Commandments is NOT a historical document. Prayer of any kind directed towards other students and patrons/guests is simply not allowed, as that would be establishment. The community has no choice, as it would simply be the tyranny of the majority.
Prayer is not establishment. It is the free exercise of religion by religious people. Nobody is required to participate in it or agree with it or even acknowledge it other than common decency of showing respect for others. The state disallowing prayer or requiring a specific religion's prayer is a violation of the First Amendment.

The Ten Commandments are about as historical a document as you can name. They are present in the structure of the Supreme Court building as is Moses and other historical law givers.
The Ten Commandments is NOT a historical document. Prayer of any kind directed towards other students and patrons/guests is simply not allowed, as that would be establishment. The community has no choice, as it would simply be the tyranny of the majority.

Apparently looks ARE everything! You're a freaking jackass!

Moses going to Mt. Sinai was a real man and event that every scholar knows happened at a place and time and was not just dreamed up.

Geese, you were never any kind of "educator" I hope I ever paid for!

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