
It's a huge document. I think it pretty much spells out the goals of the Republican Party in detail. How about that making a "marriage license" a FELONY for gays?


Free Speech for the Clergy – We urge change of the Internal Revenue Code to allow a religious organization to address
issues without fear of losing its tax-exempt status.

Ten Commandments – We oppose any governmental action to restrict, prohibit, or remove public display of the
Decalogue or other religious symbols.

Confederate Widows Plaque – We call for restoration of plaques honoring

We oppose the recognition of and granting of benefits to people who represent themselves as
domestic partners without being legally married.

Marriage Licenses – We support legislation that would make it a felony to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple
and for any civil official to perform a marriage ceremony for such.

Homosexuality – We believe that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown
of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the
fundamental, unchanging truths that have been
ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be
presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle in our public education and policy, nor should “family” be redefined to
include homosexual “couples.” We are opposed to any granting of special legal entitlements, refuse to recognize, or grant
special privileges including, but not limited to: marriage between persons of the same sex (regardless of state of origin),
custody of children by homosexuals, homosexual partner insurance or retirement benefits. We oppose any criminal or civil
penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.

Texas Sodomy Statutes – We oppose the legalization of sodomy. We demand that Congress exercise its authority
granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.

We support the Life at Conception Act.

Morning After Pill – We oppose sale and use of the dangerous “Morning After Pill.”

homosexual or any individual convicted of child abuse or molestation should have the right to custody or adoption of a
minor child, and that visitation with minor children by such persons should be prohibited

We oppose adoption by homosexuals.

Social Security - We support an immediate and orderly transition to a system of private pensions based on the concept of
individual retirement accounts, and gradually phasing out the Social Security tax.

To eliminate
much of the bureaucracy in today’s burdensome Medicaid system, we support reallocating the majority of Medicaid
spending into simple vouchers for lower income individuals to purchase their own insurance.

remind administrators and school boards that corporal punishment is effective and legal in Texas.

Controversial Theories – Realizing that conflict and debate is a proven learning tool in classrooms, we support
objective teaching and equal treatment of all sides of scientific theories, including evolution, Intelligent Design, global
warming, political philosophies, and others. We believe theories of life origins and environmental theories should be
taught as challengeable scientific theory subject to change as new data is produced, not scientific law. Teachers and
students should be able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these theories openly and without fear of
retribution or discrimination of any kind.

We oppose any sex education other than
abstinence until heterosexual marriage.

We support school subjects with emphasis on Judeo-Christian principles (including
the Ten Commandments) upon which America was founded

We affirm that the public acknowledgement of God is undeniable in our history and
is vital to our freedom, prosperity and strength. We pledge our influence toward a return to the original intent of the First
Amendment and toward dispelling the myth of separation of church and state.

We call on the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of these United States to clarify Section 1 of the 14th
amendment to limit citizenship by birth to those born to a citizen of the United States: with no exceptions.
This would be hilarious if it wasn't real. Amazing we still have idiot assholes like this in America.

What's even more amazing is that you think it's so amazing, since the sentiments outlined in the OP are held by the *MAJORITY* of Americans. November is going to be proof of that.
This would be hilarious if it wasn't real. Amazing we still have idiot assholes like this in America.

What's even more amazing is that you think it's so amazing, since the sentiments outlined in the OP are held by the *MAJORITY* of Americans. November is going to be proof of that.

Yeah.. the majority of Americans wanna: outlaw homosexuality, ban the morning after pill, abolish social security, force christianity down peoples throats.. Respect the confederate flag, teach only sex-free education.. Lmao, are you serious? You're a fucking idiot.
Controversial Theories – Realizing that conflict and debate is a proven learning tool in classrooms, we support
objective teaching and equal treatment of all sides of scientific theories, including evolution, Intelligent Design, global
warming, political philosophies, and others. We believe theories of life origins and environmental theories should be
taught as challengeable scientific theory subject to change as new data is produced, not scientific law. Teachers and
students should be able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these theories openly and without fear of
retribution or discrimination of any kind.

You mean the Texas Republican Party supports the right to teach Bush was behind 9/11?
And that is why the GOP is failing... I doubt this side of the GOP is going to last, thank god.

Maybe we can get rid of the Republican Progressive liberals sometime soon...
Texas Sodomy Statutes – We oppose the legalization of sodomy. We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.

Well isn't that special. The Supreme Court has already struck down that anti-sodomy law in Lawrence v Texas. It was a big win for privacy. This, like the rest of that screed, is nothing but a vapid appeal to emotion that will herd the party's base out to the ballots.
Look at other Republican State Platforms. It's pretty much the same.

One that struck me was "Freedom OF religion doesn't mean freedom FROM religion".
I wonder if Republicans know where gay people come from?
Hopefully you noticed my Sarcasm.

I support Gays rights. Oh wait, and I'm a righty? This.. can't be true, too much for rdean to handle..
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Hopefully you noticed my Sarcasm.

I support Gays rights. Oh wait, and I'm a righty? This.. can't be true, too much for rdean to handle..

If you support the right wing, then you support making gay marriage a "felony", you support blocking gay adoptions, you support making being gay a criminal offense.

Not only that, you also support government intervention into the rights of women to control their own bodies. You support the rights of rapists to become a parent.

You support the passing on Social Security to Wall Street. You support phasing out Medicare and Medicaid.

You can't say, "I support this party but not what they stand for". If you support that party, then you support what they stand for. You can't have it both ways.
Hopefully you noticed my Sarcasm.

I support Gays rights. Oh wait, and I'm a righty? This.. can't be true, too much for rdean to handle..

If you support the right wing, then you support making gay marriage a "felony", you support blocking gay adoptions, you support making being gay a criminal offense.

Not only that, you also support government intervention into the rights of women to control their own bodies. You support the rights of rapists to become a parent.

You support the passing on Social Security to Wall Street. You support phasing out Medicare and Medicaid.

You can't say, "I support this party but not what they stand for". If you support that party, then you support what they stand for. You can't have it both ways.

is your stupidity as painful for you as it is humorous for us?
I read to the second sentence of the OP.... "I think". Since there is no evidence that the OP is capable of thinking, I stopped reading.
Hopefully you noticed my Sarcasm.

I support Gays rights. Oh wait, and I'm a righty? This.. can't be true, too much for rdean to handle..

If you support the right wing, then you support making gay marriage a "felony", you support blocking gay adoptions, you support making being gay a criminal offense.

Not only that, you also support government intervention into the rights of women to control their own bodies. You support the rights of rapists to become a parent.

You support the passing on Social Security to Wall Street. You support phasing out Medicare and Medicaid.

You can't say, "I support this party but not what they stand for". If you support that party, then you support what they stand for. You can't have it both ways.

is your stupidity as painful for you as it is humorous for us?

The truth is obviously painful for morons. Talk to your doctor. Oh wait, you don't have health care? Oh? You do? Medicare? Figures.

Hey, a word of advice, stay away from that "government health care", stick with "Medicare".:lol:
Amazing stuff

But having read this board for some time, I can see where these idiots in Texas get their positions
Hopefully you noticed my Sarcasm.

I support Gays rights. Oh wait, and I'm a righty? This.. can't be true, too much for rdean to handle..

If you support the right wing, then you support making gay marriage a "felony", you support blocking gay adoptions, you support making being gay a criminal offense.

Not only that, you also support government intervention into the rights of women to control their own bodies. You support the rights of rapists to become a parent.

You support the passing on Social Security to Wall Street. You support phasing out Medicare and Medicaid.

You can't say, "I support this party but not what they stand for". If you support that party, then you support what they stand for. You can't have it both ways.

You realize that if you are a lefty you support all that same crap right?

I mean, has Obama and team done ANYTHING for gays? Didn't Bidin say "An Obama Admin in the WH with be the Gays best friend." Yeah, they are working really hard haha.

See Rtard, like the wars and Homeland Security the Dems only run off doing things different than the "Evil Republicans," in the end they support and grow everything bad the Reps do. You Rtard, are a racist gay hating bigot, maybe you will grow up someday.

I'm a conservative and I know many conservatives that have no issue with Gays... It's almost like we want small Government so these things can be sorted out rather than the massive Government we have today that can't seem to get ANYTHING done...

I mean honestly Rtard, a super majority in the hyouse and Senate and Obama of all people as president and have you even heard a blib about Gays? And yet you rush out to find something the failing branch of the GOP has to say about gays… You realize the GOP has been getting owned in their own fucking primary’s right?

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