The suppressed news story that elected Biden

Where did they get the laptop?

That is an irrelevant question once it is authenticated.

. . . just as arguing about who hacked/leaked the Wikileaks. . whether it was "Russians," or "DNC staffers, etc.," that TOO, is a completely irrelevant distraction -- once you confirm their authenticity.

Once the public knows the damaging information is true, then the motives of those who put it out there, become complete irrelevant for the voters. WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN AT THAT POINT. Only partisans do. Real Americans shouldn't.

It only becomes a concern of corrupt interests that don't want voters to know the information.

And simply by you asking such a dumb question? Reveals you agenda.


More than likely? No. he was incompetent.
He probably expected government to run like a business.
We learned that governments are not ran like businesses like in first grade.
When he found out it did not, he was terrible at keeping track at what any of them did.
Again, total incometence.
He enabled the swamp to grow more than any other president. . .

Ironic, eh?
If you believe in a swamp, I guess it is. Perhaps you should grow up a little.

What really happened was this; he realized that just threatening people and name calling wasn't doing anything other than making him look like a petulant manchild. He finally realized that the likes of Steve Bannon and other anarchists were not congruent to actually governing. So...he actually empowered politicians to run a political operation. The nerve! But by that time, due to his antics in 2017 and 18, he lost the House in the 2018 election and it was compromises from there on in. he was incompetent.
Pretty much.
We learned that governments are not ran like businesses like in first grade.
Most of us. Except Henry Ford, Forbes and Donald Trump? Yeah.
Again, total incometence.
If you believe in a swamp, I guess it is. Perhaps you should grow up a little.
What are you? A bureaucrat, hopeless stuck in middle management and in denial? Holy shit. :rolleyes:
Perhaps you should go back to school and get out of yoar dead end job. :lol:
Of course regulatory capture and iron triangles are real.

Corruption is Legal in America​

Testing Inferences about American Politics: A Review of the “Oligarchy” Result​

What really happened was this; he realized that just threatening people and name calling wasn't doing anything other than making him look like a petulant manchild. He finally realized that the likes of Steve Bannon and other anarchists were not congruent to actually governing. So...he actually empowered politicians to run a political operation. The nerve! But by that time, due to his antics in 2017 and 18, he lost the House in the 2018 election and it was compromises from there on in.
Humor me...where did they get the laptop?
I'd rather not, because I don't believe the narrative at all. Not one bit.

You can tell the establishment story if you like, but it smells like bullshit.

You know I don't think much of either Biden or Trump, and anything connected to either camp, comes off as something out of pro-wrestling hyped or psy-op intel operation. It's all surreal.

You tell it. I like it better when you tell the story.
So let's assume for the sake of argument that Biden won the 2020 election. Why did he win?

In October 2020 the New York Post broke the story of the contents of Biden's laptop.
The media and deep state and Democrats all went into full panic mode.
The Democrats put Facebook, Twitter, et al and all the media on notice to suppress the story. The alternate story put out by such as Politico, James Clapper, John Brennan et al is that the laptop was Russian disinformation and the MSM took that and ran with it.

Those of us on Facebook and Twitter had our posts removed and our accounts suspended for reporting the truth. We were even blocked from private messaging anybody re the laptop. We couldn't even discuss it in the private group rooms that Twitter provided so that we couldn't even chat 'anonymously' which obviously suddenly wasn't so anonymous.

And the November election came and went and those restrictions were never lifted while the Democrats set their sites on taking down Trump. Most Americans never saw the real laptop story.

Now because of Hunter's recent gun crime trial, the laptop is officially declared valid, untampered with, belongs to Hunter, and everything on it is admissible as evidence if pertinent to whatever charges are in play or should be in play.

Biden's DOJ of course won't touch it because they can't use the most damning information on it without screwing up whatever chances Joe Biden has for re-election, it would greatly help Trump, and they would be criticized for not investigating Biden for collusion, taking bribes, influence peddling and other illegal acts suggested or confirmed by the laptop.

And the media is still suppressing it. We of course can discuss it on X via Elon's free speech policy, but you still won't see it on Facebook or any of the other left leaning social media.

And now I will await the USMB troll brigade's 'fake news' icons and snarky denials, but the point is, if we had a free and open press in this country, Biden would not be President now and he would not be running for re-election.

So let's parse this thing.

Your claim is that Trump lost the election because Facebook and Twitter blocked the hyperlink to a story in the New York post right?

This of course begs the question. How does that matter? The article was still available directly was it not? It's not like it disappeared.

Another question is. How long was that hyperlink unavailable? I just happen to know the answer. Since this isn't the first time you guys wined about it. About 48 hours.

So now do we come to the second part. Your claim the story is still suppressed by the MSM, and that you get banned for discussing it on places like Facebook.

Facebook however is NOT a media company. Nor is it subject to government control for content. What it does have is terms of service. Terms that include provisions against displaying nude pictures of people without consent. The laptop has those pictures.

I have a hard time believing anyone gets banned for discussing that laptop. In fact my brother in law likes to wine about it on Facebook. But he's smart enough to know where the line not run afoul of the terms of service.... Maybe you should too?

Lastly the idea that embarrassing story about the son of a candidate, not the candidate itself. Is enough to swing an election and that it's unfair that that story is not broadcast far and wide is ludicrous.
Nobody is forced to report on anything. You, me, the government, a campaign has the right to flag content on social media, including this one. And the moderators off that social media site. Have the right to act on it.

You are whining that something you perceived as helpful to your preferred candidate, something that wasn't germane to the opposing candidate, just his so wasn't spread to your personal satisfaction. "We were stopped from posting shit, how dare they" PATHETIC.
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Pretty much.

Most of us. Except Henry Ford, Forbes and Donald Trump? Yeah.


What are you? A bureaucrat, hopeless stuck in middle management and in denial? Holy shit. :rolleyes:
Perhaps you should go back to school and get out of yoar dead end job. :lol:
Of course regulatory capture and iron triangles are real.

Corruption is Legal in America​

And Trump is among the most corrupt in the nation as well. That wasn't the topic. This "swamp" was. It doesn't exist.

There is a reason that the blob had to shift away from hiring CEOs to run the State Department. Politics is a profession; best left to the professionals. The only cabinet member of any substance that had a relatively smooth ride was Munchin in treasury which is pretty much the only arm of the governement that is closely aligned with a business ascetic.
He fired Comey and your head exploded. LOLOLOL. I am sure he will get rid of all leadership in the FBI this time. The country will be a lot better off.
It did? I would be among the first to know.

Strange how he didn't get rid of the leadership previously.... Was he stupid or just incompetent for not doing so?
That wasn't the topic. This "swamp" was.

The topic is. . .

The suppressed news story that elected Biden​

And yes, there is a "swamp," and a deep state. This is the whole reason that congress passed the Hatch Act in the first place. Only morons deny the existence of the revolving door and political interests of those who it serves.

stahp playing dumb.

This is precisely why the Deep State suppressed the story and has been lying to America for the past decade.
So let's parse this thing.

Your claim is that Trump lost the election because Facebook and Twitter blocked the hyperlink to a story in the New York post right?

This of course begs the question. How does that matter? The article was still available directly was it not? It's not like it disappeared.

Another question is. How long was that hyperlink unavailable? I just happen to know the answer. Since this isn't the first time you guys wined about it. About 48 hours.

So now do we come to the second part. Your claim the story is still suppressed by the MSM, and that you get banned for discussing it on places like Facebook.

Facebook however is NOT a media company. Nor is it subject to government control for content. What it does have is terms of service. Terms that include provisions against displaying nude pictures of people without consent. The laptop has those pictures.

I have a hard time believing anyone gets banned for discussing that laptop. In fact my brother in law likes to wine about it on Facebook. But he's smart enough to know where the line not run afoul of the terms of service.... Maybe you should too?
Not just Facebook but Twitter, Instagram, other social media, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC all suppressed the story to make sure it was not a topic of discussion before the election. It was a deliberate coordinated effort to keep the public from having information that would have made a huge difference in that election.
So let's assume for the sake of argument that Biden won the 2020 election. Why did he win?

In October 2020 the New York Post broke the story of the contents of Biden's laptop.
The media and deep state and Democrats all went into full panic mode.
The Democrats put Facebook, Twitter, et al and all the media on notice to suppress the story. The alternate story put out by such as Politico, James Clapper, John Brennan et al is that the laptop was Russian disinformation and the MSM took that and ran with it.

Those of us on Facebook and Twitter had our posts removed and our accounts suspended for reporting the truth. We were even blocked from private messaging anybody re the laptop. We couldn't even discuss it in the private group rooms that Twitter provided so that we couldn't even chat 'anonymously' which obviously suddenly wasn't so anonymous.

And the November election came and went and those restrictions were never lifted while the Democrats set their sites on taking down Trump. Most Americans never saw the real laptop story.

Now because of Hunter's recent gun crime trial, the laptop is officially declared valid, untampered with, belongs to Hunter, and everything on it is admissible as evidence if pertinent to whatever charges are in play or should be in play.

Biden's DOJ of course won't touch it because they can't use the most damning information on it without screwing up whatever chances Joe Biden has for re-election, it would greatly help Trump, and they would be criticized for not investigating Biden for collusion, taking bribes, influence peddling and other illegal acts suggested or confirmed by the laptop.

And the media is still suppressing it. We of course can discuss it on X via Elon's free speech policy, but you still won't see it on Facebook or any of the other left leaning social media.

And now I will await the USMB troll brigade's 'fake news' icons and snarky denials, but the point is, if we had a free and open press in this country, Biden would not be President now and he would not be running for re-election.

He was the candidate 81 million voters elected to COC over the one term orange bag O' shit in 2020. Boo hoo, but Brandon won't have those numbers for 2024. But, yet he'll still probably win reelection.
Not just Facebook but Twitter, Instagram, other social media, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC all suppressed the story to make sure it was not a topic of discussion before the election. It was a deliberate coordinated effort to keep the public from having information that would have made a huge difference in that election.
Why does it matter? It wasn't JOE BIDENS laptop. It was Hunter's. You are literally complaining that OPPO research designed to embarrass a candidate, by attacking his son wasn't distributed to your satisfaction. It's like me complaining that the Steele dossier was only carried on one site and not MSNBC and not during the campaign. In other words weak sauce.
Why does it matter? It wasn't JOE BIDENS laptop. It was Hunter's. You are literally complaining that OPPO research designed to embarrass a candidate, by attacking his son wasn't distributed to your satisfaction. It's like me complaining that the Steele dossier was only carried on one site and not MSNBC and not during the campaign. In other words weak sauce.
The laptop has a LOT of information in it implicating Joe Biden in probable illegal activities including meetings, phone calls, texts, etc.
Chain of custody of evidence doesn't matter?
Nope. Not once, it has already been authenticated as real, by the DoJ. It does not matter any more. That is the point of the thread.

We have already gone over this in the Hunter trial. That evidence has been submitted in the current story, in current events.


Now you are trying to re-litigate something that is already over. IT doesn't even matter anymore.

Did the defense in Hunter's trial even question the authenticity of them? I don't think so, so why are you?

This site is pitiful. Both sides are in complete denial of reality when it does not accord to their own politician's preferences.

I don't know why I even come here anymore.

You tell Dems that their guys are corrupt, they don't care. You tell MAGAs their guy is corrupt, they don't care either.

I see why most non-hyper partisan folks in the middle have no patience for this anymore.

All of you are nuts.
The laptop has a LOT of information in it implicating Joe Biden in probable illegal activities including meetings, phone calls, texts, etc.
The ONLY thing on it is a reference to "the big guy", something you ASSUME refers to Joe.

Guess what, that's WAY to vague a reference for ANY reputable news agency to draw the same conclusion.

Feel free to post any other information on that laptop that I'm not aware of that can be even REMOTELY attributed to Joe Biden. Go ahead.
Election interference by Federal agencies to suppress bad stories against the Swamp creature Biden.

Violations of the Freedom of Speech by their lapdogs like FacePlant
You still think Biden didn't win. Where do you stand on the shape of the Earth? Flat or round? It's obvious that you are nuts. I'm just trying to figure out how nuts.
It comes out in court about information being hidden to help Trump get elected in 2016.

So then we see this story, about information being hidden to help Biden get elected in 2020.

One difference, of course: One story has been proven in court, the other hasn't. But that's how the cult rolls: Just muddy the water to protect their god.
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