The suppressed news story that elected Biden

Election interference by Federal agencies to suppress bad stories against the Swamp creature Biden.

Violations of the Freedom of Speech by their lapdogs like FacePlant
Federal agencies under a REPUBLICAN president. Giving their INITIAL assessment on a quite incredible story. Causing PRIVATE companies to TEMPORARILY block a hyperlink to an EXISTING and quite accessible media company is NOT a violation of free speech.

Private companies can manage their sites as they please. The government can even ask those companies to remove content. What they can't do is DEMAND they do so, unless that content is actually illegal. Just like YOU can ask to remove content on here you think goes against the rules here.

That's also protected under free speech.

Before you use terms know what they actually mean.
So let's assume for the sake of argument that Biden won the 2020 election. Why did he win?

In October 2020 the New York Post broke the story of the contents of Biden's laptop.
The media and deep state and Democrats all went into full panic mode.
The Democrats put Facebook, Twitter, et al and all the media on notice to suppress the story. The alternate story put out by such as Politico, James Clapper, John Brennan et al is that the laptop was Russian disinformation and the MSM took that and ran with it.

You work on the assumption anyone really gave a shit about Hunter's laptop, or that would have changed any votes.

People were more concerned about Covid, riots in the streets, and double digit unemployment to give two shits about a laptop.

Trump lost because he utterly failed as a president and a human being.
And you were wrong every time too. You should probably ask the media how much they like covering the Biden WH as opposed to the Blob's chaotic 3 ring circus.
Then why was I called names when calling out the Media. It is where voters gets news. And it hated Trump with a passion. Even now you see a difference in their treatment of Trump vs Biden. Biden has had impeachment actions and yet the Media treats it as a nothing burger.
Then why was I called names when calling out the Media. It is where voters gets news. And it hated Trump with a passion. Even now you see a difference in their treatment of Trump vs Biden. Biden has had impeachment actions and yet the Media treats it as a nothing burger.
Because it is a nothing burger.

Hunter isn't running for anything.
So let's assume for the sake of argument that Biden won the 2020 election. Why did he win?

In October 2020 the New York Post broke the story of the contents of Biden's laptop.
The media and deep state and Democrats all went into full panic mode.
The Democrats put Facebook, Twitter, et al and all the media on notice to suppress the story. The alternate story put out by such as Politico, James Clapper, John Brennan et al is that the laptop was Russian disinformation and the MSM took that and ran with it.

Those of us on Facebook and Twitter had our posts removed and our accounts suspended for reporting the truth. We were even blocked from private messaging anybody re the laptop. We couldn't even discuss it in the private group rooms that Twitter provided so that we couldn't even chat 'anonymously' which obviously suddenly wasn't so anonymous.

And the November election came and went and those restrictions were never lifted while the Democrats set their sites on taking down Trump. Most Americans never saw the real laptop story.

Now because of Hunter's recent gun crime trial, the laptop is officially declared valid, untampered with, belongs to Hunter, and everything on it is admissible as evidence if pertinent to whatever charges are in play or should be in play.

Biden's DOJ of course won't touch it because they can't use the most damning information on it without screwing up whatever chances Joe Biden has for re-election, it would greatly help Trump, and they would be criticized for not investigating Biden for collusion, taking bribes, influence peddling and other illegal acts suggested or confirmed by the laptop.

And the media is still suppressing it. We of course can discuss it on X via Elon's free speech policy, but you still won't see it on Facebook or any of the other left leaning social media.

And now I will await the USMB troll brigade's 'fake news' icons and snarky denials, but the point is, if we had a free and open press in this country, Biden would not be President now and he would not be running for re-election.

How many threads started in here were sent to the "Conspiracy Theory' Board or simply locked?

It's a cabal, people. A cartel. Most of it by nitwits who think they're part of the "Inner Circle'. That they're special, superior, one of the Kool-Kids and just all-around better than regular, hard-working Americans.

I'd start a thread on the below, but it would just get moved. And we all know it.

(More at the link)

On Wednesday, three teens were arrested for riding e-scooters over an LGBTQ ‘Pride’ mural painted on a crosswalk in Spokane, Washington. One of the teens was charged with a first degree felony and bail was set at $15,000.

On Saturday, in another Washington thousands of miles away, Hamas supporters rioted near the White House. They threw bottles at a park ranger and vandalized national monuments with graffiti reading “Death to America”. Islamic terrorist supporters waved banners and held up signs in support of Hamas. One man in a Hamas headband brandished a bloody Biden mask.

Two Park Police officers were injured in the pro-Hamas violence, but not one arrest was made.

Not a single arrest for the assault on a federal employee (1-20 years in prison), the vandalism of national monuments (10 years in prison) or the support for a terrorist organization (20 years in prison). If only they had done some donuts on a ’Pride’ mural, they might be in jail now.

But as we already learned during the BLM riots and the subsequent eco-riots and Hamas riots, vandalism and even assaulting law enforcement officers is not a crime when done by the right people for the right reasons. Even assaulting Capitol police officers, which up until now has been the only assault on a law enforcement officer that Democrats would condemn, became a victimless crime when Hamas supporters fought police outside Democrat headquarters forcing the evacuation of members of Congress. One of the men slammed a female police officer against a garage door and punched her in the face only to get 48 hours of community service.

Similarly after weeks of antisemitic violence at UCLA, the only serious arrest made was of Edan On, a Jewish high school student, who had been fighting to protect Jewish students after the university allowed Hamas supporters to occupy part of its grounds. Multiple Jewish students and community members had been attacked while campus cops and the LAPD refused to intervene.

CNN however ran a profile “unmasking” the Jewish protesters with a view to getting them arrested rather than any of the Hamas supporters attacking Jews on campus. The 18-year-old’s name now appears as a headline at USA Today, not a single Hamas supporter does.....................

The topic is. . .

The suppressed news story that elected Biden​

And yes, there is a "swamp," and a deep state. This is the whole reason that congress passed the Hatch Act in the first place. Only morons deny the existence of the revolving door and political interests of those who it serves.

stahp playing dumb.

This is precisely why the Deep State suppressed the story and has been lying to America for the past decade.
The Education system far and away favors Democrats. They manage our information.
How many threads started in here were sent to the "Conspiracy Theory' Board or simply locked?

It's a cabal, people. A cartel. Most of it by nitwits who think they're part of the "Inner Circle'. That they're special, superior, one of the Kool-Kids and just all-around better than regular, hard-working Americans.

I'd start a thread on the below, but it would just get moved. And we all know it.

(More at the link)

On Wednesday, three teens were arrested for riding e-scooters over an LGBTQ ‘Pride’ mural painted on a crosswalk in Spokane, Washington. One of the teens was charged with a first degree felony and bail was set at $15,000.

On Saturday, in another Washington thousands of miles away, Hamas supporters rioted near the White House. They threw bottles at a park ranger and vandalized national monuments with graffiti reading “Death to America”. Islamic terrorist supporters waved banners and held up signs in support of Hamas. One man in a Hamas headband brandished a bloody Biden mask.

Two Park Police officers were injured in the pro-Hamas violence, but not one arrest was made.

Not a single arrest for the assault on a federal employee (1-20 years in prison), the vandalism of national monuments (10 years in prison) or the support for a terrorist organization (20 years in prison). If only they had done some donuts on a ’Pride’ mural, they might be in jail now.

But as we already learned during the BLM riots and the subsequent eco-riots and Hamas riots, vandalism and even assaulting law enforcement officers is not a crime when done by the right people for the right reasons. Even assaulting Capitol police officers, which up until now has been the only assault on a law enforcement officer that Democrats would condemn, became a victimless crime when Hamas supporters fought police outside Democrat headquarters forcing the evacuation of members of Congress. One of the men slammed a female police officer against a garage door and punched her in the face only to get 48 hours of community service.

Similarly after weeks of antisemitic violence at UCLA, the only serious arrest made was of Edan On, a Jewish high school student, who had been fighting to protect Jewish students after the university allowed Hamas supporters to occupy part of its grounds. Multiple Jewish students and community members had been attacked while campus cops and the LAPD refused to intervene.

CNN however ran a profile “unmasking” the Jewish protesters with a view to getting them arrested rather than any of the Hamas supporters attacking Jews on campus. The 18-year-old’s name now appears as a headline at USA Today, not a single Hamas supporter does.....................
Every Democrat president after JFK has had the same thing happen. Check the rapid increase in the US of illegals. Also those crowd out the legal aliens who endured the process.
No, and neither was Joe.

Trump was impeached... Twice. And found liable for sexual assault. And found liable for bank fraud. And convicted of 34 felonies.
Joe and Trump went the same distance. Democrats of course defended Biden though Biden is actually very corrupt. Never fear this country's justice system will clear Trump.
The Education system far and away favors Democrats. They manage our information.
If you're looking for fleas, you might want to check a stray dog. If you're looking for sociopaths, you might want to check a maximum security prison.

If you're looking for the stupid, the lazy, the dishonest and the incompetent..... You might want to check the American Educational System.

Are we still last in the International PISA scoring? Last I looked, we were barely ahead of countries like Cambodia and Nigeria and behind Viet Nam and Cuba.

Tells you all you need to know.
Actually, the biggest offender was Ronnie Ray-gun, who gave 3 million illegals amnesty.

No one has proposed anything even close to that.
Reagan did not.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act did not address the status of children of undocumented migrants who were eligible for the amnesty program. In 1987, Reagan used his executive authority to legalize the status of minor children of parents granted amnesty under the immigration overhaul,[6] announcing a blanket deferral of deportation for children under 18 who were living in a two-parent household with both parents legalizing or with a single parent who was legalizing.[7] That action affected an estimated 100,000 families.

The passing of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act allowed for an update in the registry date. Registry in the United States is a stipulation within immigration law that allows undocumented immigrants to apply for permanent resident status if they entered the country before the established registry date and have remained in the country since, along with other specific requirements.[8] This provision was enacted through the Registry Act of 1929, and it has been updated four times since. IRCA changed the registry date from June 30, 1948 to January 1, 1972, allowing for the legalization of nearly 60,000 undocumented immigrants from 1986 to 1989 alone.[9] The registry date has not been updated since 1986, which has resulted in an exponential decrease of immigrants eligible for a path to citizenship through the registry date provision. For instance, from 2015 to 2019, only 305 individuals were granted legal status through the 1972 registry date.[10][11] Several political figures and immigration activists advocate for an advance in the current entry deadline, which would allow for the legalization of millions of long-term undocumented immigrants.[12]

In addition to the update in the registry date, the Immigration Reform and Control Act provided amnesty to two groups of applicants. Aliens who had been unlawfully residing in the United States since before January 1, 1982 (LAWs) were legalized under Section 245A of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), while aliens employed in seasonal agricultural work for a minimum of 90 days in the year prior to May, 1986 (SAWs) were legalized under Section 210A of the INA. Nearly three million people applied for legalization under the IRCA.[13] Through the update in the registry date along with the LAW and SAW programs enacted by IRCA, approximately 2.7 million people were ultimately approved for permanent residence.
No, and neither was Joe.

Trump was impeached... Twice. And found liable for sexual assault. And found liable for bank fraud. And convicted of 34 felonies.
Biden has indeed been impeached.
How many threads started in here were sent to the "Conspiracy Theory' Board or simply locked?

It's a cabal, people. A cartel. Most of it by nitwits who think they're part of the "Inner Circle'. That they're special, superior, one of the Kool-Kids and just all-around better than regular, hard-working Americans.

I'd start a thread on the below, but it would just get moved. And we all know it.

(More at the link)

On Wednesday, three teens were arrested for riding e-scooters over an LGBTQ ‘Pride’ mural painted on a crosswalk in Spokane, Washington. One of the teens was charged with a first degree felony and bail was set at $15,000.

On Saturday, in another Washington thousands of miles away, Hamas supporters rioted near the White House. They threw bottles at a park ranger and vandalized national monuments with graffiti reading “Death to America”. Islamic terrorist supporters waved banners and held up signs in support of Hamas. One man in a Hamas headband brandished a bloody Biden mask.

Two Park Police officers were injured in the pro-Hamas violence, but not one arrest was made.

Not a single arrest for the assault on a federal employee (1-20 years in prison), the vandalism of national monuments (10 years in prison) or the support for a terrorist organization (20 years in prison). If only they had done some donuts on a ’Pride’ mural, they might be in jail now.

But as we already learned during the BLM riots and the subsequent eco-riots and Hamas riots, vandalism and even assaulting law enforcement officers is not a crime when done by the right people for the right reasons. Even assaulting Capitol police officers, which up until now has been the only assault on a law enforcement officer that Democrats would condemn, became a victimless crime when Hamas supporters fought police outside Democrat headquarters forcing the evacuation of members of Congress. One of the men slammed a female police officer against a garage door and punched her in the face only to get 48 hours of community service.

Similarly after weeks of antisemitic violence at UCLA, the only serious arrest made was of Edan On, a Jewish high school student, who had been fighting to protect Jewish students after the university allowed Hamas supporters to occupy part of its grounds. Multiple Jewish students and community members had been attacked while campus cops and the LAPD refused to intervene.

CNN however ran a profile “unmasking” the Jewish protesters with a view to getting them arrested rather than any of the Hamas supporters attacking Jews on campus. The 18-year-old’s name now appears as a headline at USA Today, not a single Hamas supporter does.....................
It can be frustrating when a thread is started with a deliberate particular perspective in the OP and because one aspect of it could fit in another forum, it gets moved to that other forum that people rarely visit. Or worse, it gets combined with another thread of the same subject but that has an entirely different perspective. That not only screws up the other thread but your thread is essentially lost.

That has not been happening as much lately though which is much appreciated. There for awhile, the trolls watched the breaking news on whatever site(s) and immediate started a thread on it that was toxic from the get go and no actual discussion was intended. But that prevented anybody else from introducing a more objective and debatable thread on that subject. That doesn't happen as much anymore and is much appreciated.

Certainly those who run the various platforms and websites on the Web will have their personal ideology, partisan preferences, opinions and perspectives. But when that becomes an excuse for silencing everybody else with different ideology, partisan preferences, opinions and perspectives, then it becomes destructively authoritarian.

Certainly there should be standards against people attacking others in a malicious way. There is a huge difference between calling somebody an idiot and creating a post that looks like somebody posted it so you can attack them for idiocy. The latter should never be allowed with impunity. Deliberately stating somebody did something unacceptable in a way that implies they actually did that should not be allowed with impunity.

But not allowing actual news or controversy to be discussed and/or the media suppressing pertinent information the public should know in order to harm somebody or to help somebody is what happens in totalitarian countries. It should never happen in the USA.

Back in the 60's, the extra marital romping by Jack Kennedy and his friends were no secret to the secret service or the press. We know that from numerous memoirs or historical accounts written by both White House insiders and members of the press. But just as the press protected FDR and intentionally avoided photos of or mention of his wheelchair, that was a kindness to FDR and did not factor in to anything that actually mattered to the people, the press also did not consider JFK's extra marital hanky panky anybody's business or that it should be anybody else's business. It did not affect how he did his job or affected anybody other than himself and his family.

But a laptop containing strong evidence of probable bribes, influence peddling and other compromising information regarding the President's son and the Vice President of the United States could very much affect all citizens of the USA and should never have been suppressed to help that Vice President become President or prevent the incumbent from being elected. Most especially when a business partner of the son corroborated information that was on that laptop. Such suppression also is the hallmark of a totalitarian state.
It did? I would be among the first to know.

Strange how he didn't get rid of the leadership previously.... Was he stupid or just incompetent for not doing so?
I think naive is a better expression to describe why he didn't get rid of a lot of the previous leadership and trusted the Democrats. You however can use your nasty descriptions that you are used to. I believe it's all you know. All of you stupid Democrats heads exploded when he got rid of Comey, don't try to lie.
The ONLY thing on it is a reference to "the big guy", something you ASSUME refers to Joe.

Guess what, that's WAY to vague a reference for ANY reputable news agency to draw the same conclusion.

Feel free to post any other information on that laptop that I'm not aware of that can be even REMOTELY attributed to Joe Biden. Go ahead.
The BIG GUY was confirmed as Joe Biden by Hunter Biden's business partner testifying under oath. That alone justified a serious investigation which the House has been doing and you never see in the media. If it was reversed and it involved the Trump family it would lead the evening news and be on the front pages everywhere every day. You obviously didn't have any of that actual information nor have millions of Americans because the media won't put it out there.
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But a laptop containing strong evidence of probable bribes, influence peddling and other compromising information regarding the President's son and the Vice President of the United States could very much affect all citizens of the USA and should never have been suppressed to help that Vice President become President or prevent the incumbent from being elected. Most especially when a business partner of the son corroborated information that was on that laptop. Such suppression also is the hallmark of a totalitarian state.
It's been almost four years and the "strong evidence" of such things has yet to materialize from the laptop.

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