The suppressed news story that elected Biden

No quid pro quo and no ethics violations IDENTIFIED re Trump is pretty specific. Unless you can show ANY EVIDENCE whatsoever of such illegality or improper influence or whatever you are just repeating malicious political propaganda. And all your link shows is that Trump has an active golf course in Bedminster NJ that Trump established in 2004. He spends quite a bit of time there these days.

Again House of Representatives testimony that was fully publicized and is fully on the record, supported by now validated information on the laptop and corroborated by Hunter's business partner testifying under oath ON CAMERA, strongly suggests influence peddling and other unethical conduct directing foreign money to the Biden family and most likely Joe Biden himself. That information should not be suppressed by the media.

If Biden is found innocent after such investigation is completed, the media should explicitly say so. If Biden is guilty or compromised by such investigation, the media should explicitly say so.
Even IF money was "directed" at the Biden family that simply means the Biden family did business abroad and made money.

You are asking me to provide direct evidence of improper influence or illegality on Trump. While the same fact set (actually not the same because Trump is doing business DIRECTLY with the Saudi Government through LIV) of doing business with a foreign PRIVATE entity only needs that fact to suggest "influence peddling, and unethical conduct", you don't identify a quid pro quo (I did), but simply assume it exists.

What exactly did the US government for this Chinese company under Obama? Enlighten me please.

Same facts (sort of), completely different standards of proof required in your head.
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There were no emails on the alleged Hunter Biden laptop Hard Drive of Rudy's that incriminated Joe Biden. The story was not suppressed as the NY Post never took it down, and all the Rabid Right Parrot sites were able to linked to it.
At the very least expose them for the vile, dishonest people that they are.
No, they must be prosecuted, and jailed for life.

Otherwise they will merely do it again.
There were no emails on the alleged Hunter Biden laptop Hard Drive of Rudy's that incriminated Joe Biden. The story was not suppressed as the NY Post never took it down, and all the Rabid Right Parrot sites were able to linked to it.
It ain't alleged anymore, dumbass. It has been entered into evidence in a federal trial.

How do you know? The media/social media has so suppressed any information about what is on that laptop, nobody who hasn't seen the information knows exactly what is there. It was so damning that the Democrats/media immediately for months/years put out the really dishonest premise that the laptop was Russian disinformation even though they knew that was a blatant lie. That the media did not and will not report the damning information on that laptop is the whole point of this thread.

Due to its use in the Hunter Biden trail by the DOJ prosecution to establish a basis for gun crime, the laptop has now been officially validated as Hunter's laptop, officially pronounced as untampered with, officially noted as not Russian disinformation in any way. And that makes it fair game to use for whatever evidence there is on it of any other crimes.

And yet the media/leftist social media continues to suppress it and pretend it is no problem whatsoever.
The laptop has received vast quantities of coverage and copies have been widely disseminated amongst a vast number of journalists and pundits. The idea that damaging information is still "suppressed" is unreasonable.

I don't know what you mean by suppressing it when there's not really much to suppress. The most damning email from the laptop is probably the infamous "big guy" reference, but even that comes from a deal that was worked on after he left office, which means it can't be bribery, which is already pretty specious given there was no mention of any kind of bribery in the first place.
No, they must be prosecuted, and jailed for life.

Otherwise they will merely do it again.
I can appreciate that point of view but I rather prefer President Trump's point of view that this politics of personal destruction has to stop with somebody and he intends to stop it with himself. For himself and/or the GOP to take vengeance on their political enemies is license for the next Democrat president/Democrats to do the same. That is pretty much all government has become lately and it would continue for the rest of our lifetimes and beyond.

It has to stop in order for Patriots to Make America Great Again.
Yes, because it showed Hunter Biden using drugs. At the time of the election, we all knew that Hunter Biden had been a drug addict.

The other poster was claiming it had evidence of bribes and all kinds of stuff related to Joe Biden. That's never been the case.

Try to keep up, dope.
There is evidence on the laptop that Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden's business partners. 10% for the big guy. Why do you think Joe lied so forcefully and brazenly about this?
The laptop has received vast quantities of coverage and copies have been widely disseminated amongst a vast number of journalists and pundits. The idea that damaging information is still "suppressed" is unreasonable.

I don't know what you mean by suppressing it when there's not really much to suppress. The most damning email from the laptop is probably the infamous "big guy" reference, but even that comes from a deal that was worked on after he left office, which means it can't be bribery, which is already pretty specious given there was no mention of any kind of bribery in the first place.
It is suppressed when they do not report or allow to be reported what the American people should know in advance of an important national election.
There is evidence on the laptop that Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden's business partners. 10% for the big guy. Why do you think Joe lied so forcefully and brazenly about this?
"10%" for the big guy has nothing to do with corruption of office, it took place after his term ended. Meeting with "business partners" is no more than a photo op. Nothing damning.
"10%" for the big guy has nothing to do with corruption of office, it took place after his term ended. Meeting with "business partners" is no more than a photo op. Nothing damning.
You didn't answer the question about why did Joe lie? It was during the debate that Joe said he knew nothing about hunter's business dealings. It was when Joe was vice president that he pulled the quid pro quo with Ukraine on the money for Ukraine's defense. There are emails on the laptop that verify this. Did you learn how to gas light from Joe?
Then why was I called names when calling out the Media. It is where voters gets news. And it hated Trump with a passion. Even now you see a difference in their treatment of Trump vs Biden. Biden has had impeachment actions and yet the Media treats it as a nothing burger.
It WAS a nothingburger. Ask Comer
You didn't answer the question about why did Joe lie? It was during the debate that Joe said he knew nothing about hunter's business dealings. It was when Joe was vice president that he pulled the quid pro quo with Ukraine on the money for Ukraine's defense. There are emails on the laptop that verify this. Did you learn how to gas light from Joe?
THOSE emails have not been verified as genuine
It ain't alleged anymore, dumbass. It has been entered into evidence in a federal trial.

The FBI didn't give the NY Post the laptop. Rudy gave them an alleged copy of it. That some emails are being used against Hunter does nothing to prove the NY Posts allegations that the information on Hunters device proved Joe Biden's Corruption in their attempted October Surprise.
You didn't answer the question about why did Joe lie? It was during the debate that Joe said he knew nothing about hunter's business dealings. It was when Joe was vice president that he pulled the quid pro quo with Ukraine on the money for Ukraine's defense. There are emails on the laptop that verify this. Did you learn how to gas light from Joe?
Shaking hands with someone isn't really knowing anything about a business dealing.

What emails confirm a "quid pro quo" and what exactly what the deal for the "quid pro quo"?
It is suppressed when they do not report or allow to be reported what the American people should know in advance of an important national election.
They don't report on the scandal because there isn't really a scandal. The laptop was supposed to contain all this damning information, but in reality it just doesn't.
Then why was I called names when calling out the Media. It is where voters gets news. And it hated Trump with a passion. Even now you see a difference in their treatment of Trump vs Biden. Biden has had impeachment actions and yet the Media treats it as a nothing burger.

Wow, that must be frustrating.
So let's assume for the sake of argument that Biden won the 2020 election. Why did he win?

In October 2020 the New York Post broke the story of the contents of Biden's laptop.
The media and deep state and Democrats all went into full panic mode.
The Democrats put Facebook, Twitter, et al and all the media on notice to suppress the story. The alternate story put out by such as Politico, James Clapper, John Brennan et al is that the laptop was Russian disinformation and the MSM took that and ran with it.

Those of us on Facebook and Twitter had our posts removed and our accounts suspended for reporting the truth. We were even blocked from private messaging anybody re the laptop. We couldn't even discuss it in the private group rooms that Twitter provided so that we couldn't even chat 'anonymously' which obviously suddenly wasn't so anonymous.

And the November election came and went and those restrictions were never lifted while the Democrats set their sites on taking down Trump. Most Americans never saw the real laptop story.

Now because of Hunter's recent gun crime trial, the laptop is officially declared valid, untampered with, belongs to Hunter, and everything on it is admissible as evidence if pertinent to whatever charges are in play or should be in play.

Biden's DOJ of course won't touch it because they can't use the most damning information on it without screwing up whatever chances Joe Biden has for re-election, it would greatly help Trump, and they would be criticized for not investigating Biden for collusion, taking bribes, influence peddling and other illegal acts suggested or confirmed by the laptop.

And the media is still suppressing it. We of course can discuss it on X via Elon's free speech policy, but you still won't see it on Facebook or any of the other left leaning social media.

And now I will await the USMB troll brigade's 'fake news' icons and snarky denials, but the point is, if we had a free and open press in this country, Biden would not be President now and he would not be running for re-election.

....... and now, they have convicted Trump on the basis of trying to influence an election through the suppression of information.

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