The suppressed news story that elected Biden

So let's assume for the sake of argument that Biden won the 2020 election. Why did he win?

In October 2020 the New York Post broke the story of the contents of Biden's laptop.
The media and deep state and Democrats all went into full panic mode.
The Democrats put Facebook, Twitter, et al and all the media on notice to suppress the story. The alternate story put out by such as Politico, James Clapper, John Brennan et al is that the laptop was Russian disinformation and the MSM took that and ran with it.

Those of us on Facebook and Twitter had our posts removed and our accounts suspended for reporting the truth. We were even blocked from private messaging anybody re the laptop. We couldn't even discuss it in the private group rooms that Twitter provided so that we couldn't even chat 'anonymously' which obviously suddenly wasn't so anonymous.

And the November election came and went and those restrictions were never lifted while the Democrats set their sites on taking down Trump. Most Americans never saw the real laptop story.

Now because of Hunter's recent gun crime trial, the laptop is officially declared valid, untampered with, belongs to Hunter, and everything on it is admissible as evidence if pertinent to whatever charges are in play or should be in play.

Biden's DOJ of course won't touch it because they can't use the most damning information on it without screwing up whatever chances Joe Biden has for re-election, it would greatly help Trump, and they would be criticized for not investigating Biden for collusion, taking bribes, influence peddling and other illegal acts suggested or confirmed by the laptop.

And the media is still suppressing it. We of course can discuss it on X via Elon's free speech policy, but you still won't see it on Facebook or any of the other left leaning social media.

And now I will await the USMB troll brigade's 'fake news' icons and snarky denials, but the point is, if we had a free and open press in this country, Biden would not be President now and he would not be running for re-election.

You SO wanted that to be your October Surprise

So sad

Too bad

The suppressed news story that elected Biden​

…..???? Which one? Bribery? Rape? Phony LLC? Classified document heist since forever? Kids coke and gun saga? Coke in all the houses, planes &automobiles? The corrupt brother? Sister in law throwing firearms in 7-11 dumpster…..some dumpster diver got ahold of it.
Those of us on Facebook and Twitter had our posts removed and our accounts suspended for reporting the truth. We were even blocked from private messaging anybody re the laptop. We couldn't even discuss it in the private group rooms that Twitter provided so that we couldn't even chat 'anonymously' which obviously suddenly wasn't so anonymous.
Agreed. And this issue and how it was treated in the public media, then subsequently affected how it was treated here on USMB.

Is was clearly a POLITICAL ISSUE, NOT a media or conspiracy issue.

And YET? Whenever threads were created on the issue? All those threads were either moved to Media or the CT forum.

Eventually iceberg & flacaltenn left. I am sure many others on this site did too. This site is now a shadow of its former glory, just one more sell-out/captured site among many. Nothing like it was when I joined.

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And now I will await the USMB troll brigade's 'fake news' icons and snarky denials, but the point is, if we had a free and open press in this country, Biden would not be President now and he would not be running for re-election.

What the establishment and the Deep State did for Biden, is absolutely no different, than what the National Enquirer and Micheal Cohen did for Trump, burying news stories. If Trump is guilty? Then Biden is just as guilty. That is all there is to it.

The only difference? Trump used his own money to do what he did, and Biden used the resources of the taxpayers to pull off his shenanigans.
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I gather from Mr. Beale's post above that a successful coup against a very rightwing Mod ownership and Mod admin staff occurred sometime in the not so distant past.

Considering the MAGA lulus still posting here, there must have been a continual persecution before that of the moderate and liberal wings on the Board.

The MAGA and libertarians get to have their fair say here, imo, and that is good, no one should be unfairly treated.

In my time here, I would say the Board rocks right center, but overall, the admin and mod staff are generally fair.
Trump's DOJ had the laptop....they didn't touch it.

As for suppression...gee, the blob just got found guilty of suppressing a story about his banging a porn star; something you admire I'm sure, right?
The FBI had the laptop. The FBI was actively colluding with Biden, Hillary and the other democratic leadership to destroy Trump.

New Proof Emerges About the Hunter Biden Laptop: a Definitive Account of the CIA/Media Fraud


"New evidence on Monday proved what has long been clear: that documents about Joe Biden from the Hunter Biden laptop were authentic. Big Tech censorship in the weeks before the 2020 election of these genuine documents is one of the most severe assaults on free speech and a free election in years. That the corporate media was their key ally by endorsing and spreading a CIA lie -- that these documents were "Russian disinformation" -- makes this episode even more grave."
That's for a different discussion though. The point is, if the media had done its job, we wouldn't even be discussing how many votes Biden got because he would never have won the election. The cheaters would never have been able to change or fake enough ballots to have made a difference.
Just curious leftwinger what you disagreed with here? You gave it a 'disagree'. Since you arent a troll, I figure you had a valid reason.
Just curious leftwinger what you disagreed with here? You gave it a 'disagree'. Since you arent a troll, I figure you had a valid reason.

About the cheaters could not overcome. I calculate Obidens ceiling at ~60 million. The crooks rigged 20-30 million votes to get Sleepy to 81 million if 150 million voted.

That leaves 90 million for Trump. He was cheated big time. Millions of late votes in those last five crooked states dumped in after the Election ended eith Trump well ahead.
About the cheaters could not overcome. I calculate Obidens ceiling at ~60 million. The crooks rigged 20-30 million votes to get Sleepy to 81 million if 150 million voted.

That leaves 90 million for Trump. He was cheated big time. Millions of late votes in those last five crooked states dumped in after the Election ended eith Trump well ahead.

Nobody else on the right can explain (including the OP who calls herself an expert on the topic) how the GOP picked up seats in the House (not to mention state legislatures) if the Democrats were rigging the election in 9 states to the tune of "20-30 million votes" as you say.

Any thoughts?

Here comes some profanity and illogical "reasoning" folks....
About the cheaters could not overcome. I calculate Obidens ceiling at ~60 million. The crooks rigged 20-30 million votes to get Sleepy to 81 million if 150 million voted.

That leaves 90 million for Trump. He was cheated big time. Millions of late votes in those last five crooked states dumped in after the Election ended eith Trump well ahead.
Biden would never have gotten the 60 million though if the media had done its job. That is my point. I don't think he would have gotten 30 million votes.
There aren't sides.

There are just facts and bullshit.

Sometimes I agree with you when you are on the side of the facts, and when folks like AZrailwhale are writing documented facts, then yes, I will agree with them.

I watched that hearing, and I saw them admit that they had had that laptop at the time the story broke. This is not up for debate. Stahp being a disingenuous turkey.
Where did they get the laptop?
Poor Donald...did he run any Department in his administration?
More than likely? No.

He probably expected government to run like a business. When he found out it did not, he was terrible at keeping track at what any of them did.

He enabled the swamp to grow more than any other president. . .

Ironic, eh?

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