Texas shooter was a lovely little antifa democrat.

Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

These people need to be herded up and removed from society.


Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

Devin Kelley’s Facebook page stated that he was an atheist and his interests included “Civil and social rights” and “Civil rights” as well as endorsements for local Texan Democratic political candidates. His page also featured photos of several high powered weapons.

His Facebook page was taken down without explanation less than an hour after the shooting.

There is no evidence this guy was active in Antifa. Yournewswire consistently posts inaccurate conspiracy theories without ever fact checking them. They are the quintessential fake news source. This claim in that article, which has no truth whatsoever, completely discredits them:

"Devin Kelley, who killed at least 27 people and injured many more, was one of two shooters in the church, according to eyewitnesses, who also report Kelley carried an Antifa flag and told the churchgoers “this is a communist revolution” before unloading on the congregation, reloading several times."
Because you say so?

No, because it's the truth.
Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

These people need to be herded up and removed from society.


Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

Devin Kelley’s Facebook page stated that he was an atheist and his interests included “Civil and social rights” and “Civil rights” as well as endorsements for local Texan Democratic political candidates. His page also featured photos of several high powered weapons.

His Facebook page was taken down without explanation less than an hour after the shooting.

There is no evidence this guy was active in Antifa. Yournewswire consistently posts inaccurate conspiracy theories without ever fact checking them. They are the quintessential fake news source. This claim in that article, which has no truth whatsoever, completely discredits them:

"Devin Kelley, who killed at least 27 people and injured many more, was one of two shooters in the church, according to eyewitnesses, who also report Kelley carried an Antifa flag and told the churchgoers “this is a communist revolution” before unloading on the congregation, reloading several times."
Because you say so?

No, because it's the truth.
Sorry, I disagree. I've seen all kind of reports saying he was, with people claiming it as well. He was a leftist hater just like the Vegas guy. The ONLY reason we know as much as we do know is because private citizens are involved.
Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

These people need to be herded up and removed from society.


Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

Devin Kelley’s Facebook page stated that he was an atheist and his interests included “Civil and social rights” and “Civil rights” as well as endorsements for local Texan Democratic political candidates. His page also featured photos of several high powered weapons.

His Facebook page was taken down without explanation less than an hour after the shooting.

There is no evidence this guy was active in Antifa. Yournewswire consistently posts inaccurate conspiracy theories without ever fact checking them. They are the quintessential fake news source. This claim in that article, which has no truth whatsoever, completely discredits them:

"Devin Kelley, who killed at least 27 people and injured many more, was one of two shooters in the church, according to eyewitnesses, who also report Kelley carried an Antifa flag and told the churchgoers “this is a communist revolution” before unloading on the congregation, reloading several times."
Because you say so?

No, because it's the truth.
Sorry, I disagree. I've seen all kind of reports saying he was, with people claiming it as well.

Not real reports, just conspiracy crap from fake news. This has already been debunked and nobody with an ounce of common sense would have believed it in the first place.
I have deleted several posts that are nothing but off topic flames. Please stick to the subject matter. Thanks
Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

These people need to be herded up and removed from society.


Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

Devin Kelley’s Facebook page stated that he was an atheist and his interests included “Civil and social rights” and “Civil rights” as well as endorsements for local Texan Democratic political candidates. His page also featured photos of several high powered weapons.

His Facebook page was taken down without explanation less than an hour after the shooting.

There is no evidence this guy was active in Antifa. Yournewswire consistently posts inaccurate conspiracy theories without ever fact checking them. They are the quintessential fake news source. This claim in that article, which has no truth whatsoever, completely discredits them:

"Devin Kelley, who killed at least 27 people and injured many more, was one of two shooters in the church, according to eyewitnesses, who also report Kelley carried an Antifa flag and told the churchgoers “this is a communist revolution” before unloading on the congregation, reloading several times."
Because you say so?

No, because it's the truth.
Sorry, I disagree. I've seen all kind of reports saying he was, with people claiming it as well. He was a leftist hater just like the Vegas guy. The ONLY reason we know as much as we do know is because private citizens are involved.

Were these so called reports just parroting the fake news source in your OP because not one creditable source with links to genuine eye witnesses, like the guy who called 911 from across the road, have mentioned it despite multiple news reports of what he was wearing and what he was carrying.

What you are promoting is some right winger’s wet dream of what the shooter would look like.

The Vegas shooter was apolitical. No one, including close family members or his girlfriend ever heard him espouse a political thought. But again YOU try to pin a label on him to promote your own agenda.

Lying about these criminals and projecting your personal biases into their acts makes you look like a lying POS every time you try it.

So some guy posts a video saying that the shooter’s FaceBook page, which there’s no evidence he has actual screenshots from just stuff he found on 4chan, “supports my theory” that the shooter is antifa.

Remember those words “my theory”. These aren’t facts. They’re posts on 4chan. Hardly creditable. Hardly honest, and most certainly not factual.

The picture on the right isn’t even the same guy. The shape of the eyes, and eyebrows are completely different, especially the lower brow line.

So some guy posts a video saying that the shooter’s FaceBook page, which there’s no evidence he has actual screenshots from just stuff he found on 4chan, “supports my theory” that the shooter is antifa.

Remember those words “my theory”. These aren’t facts. They’re posts on 4chan. Hardly creditable. Hardly honest, and most certainly not factual.

The picture on the right isn’t even the same guy. The shape of the eyes, and eyebrows are completely different, especially the lower brow line.

He's not the only one who think he was a Antifa and let's hope that we will have the motivation of this shooter because for Paddock who also shot at Republicans we were well kept from telling us the truth about the motivation.
Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

These people need to be herded up and removed from society.


Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

Devin Kelley’s Facebook page stated that he was an atheist and his interests included “Civil and social rights” and “Civil rights” as well as endorsements for local Texan Democratic political candidates. His page also featured photos of several high powered weapons.

His Facebook page was taken down without explanation less than an hour after the shooting.

There is no evidence this guy was active in Antifa. Yournewswire consistently posts inaccurate conspiracy theories without ever fact checking them. They are the quintessential fake news source. This claim in that article, which has no truth whatsoever, completely discredits them:

"Devin Kelley, who killed at least 27 people and injured many more, was one of two shooters in the church, according to eyewitnesses, who also report Kelley carried an Antifa flag and told the churchgoers “this is a communist revolution” before unloading on the congregation, reloading several times."
Because you say so?

No, because it's the truth.
Sorry, I disagree. I've seen all kind of reports saying he was, with people claiming it as well.

Not real reports, just conspiracy crap from fake news. This has already been debunked and nobody with an ounce of common sense would have believed it in the first place.
Your news sources?
Can you please produce those facts? The ones saying this was not a political act.
How could it have been a political act? It's impossible to connect the dots using politics as a starting point. It was merely a mentally unstable individual committing a horrible act of violence, nothing more. In addition, who can read minds well enough to know the motivations behind the inhumane senseless slaughter, especially considering that it was inside a church?

I challenge anyone to produce enough evidence to pin this on politics, or even remotely connected to politics. Who do you know that's a certified mind reader? What expert in human behavior, is able to read minds and determine without any doubt, that a person's acts are the results of "X", "Y", or "Z"?

Good luck with your answer.

( HINT: the shooter is dead, unable to explain his reason(s). Speculation is all anyone has, period. And, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. We can guess, but guesses are all anyone has at this point. Again, the shooter is dead, which means no one can be absolutely positive as to motive(s). )
It was on his FB page before the commies at FB took it down.
I can't help but wonder how some Texas trumpanzees might be worried about his illegal gun purchases trace back to them..

Who am I kidding...it would be a badge of honor.

Meh, Obama and Erick Holder didn’t have an issue with guns being used in murder being traced back to them, sooooo.
Suddenly you blame the guns?.....lololol

Oh, deflect much?
Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

These people need to be herded up and removed from society.


Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

Devin Kelley’s Facebook page stated that he was an atheist and his interests included “Civil and social rights” and “Civil rights” as well as endorsements for local Texan Democratic political candidates. His page also featured photos of several high powered weapons.

His Facebook page was taken down without explanation less than an hour after the shooting.

There is no evidence this guy was active in Antifa. Yournewswire consistently posts inaccurate conspiracy theories without ever fact checking them. They are the quintessential fake news source. This claim in that article, which has no truth whatsoever, completely discredits them:

"Devin Kelley, who killed at least 27 people and injured many more, was one of two shooters in the church, according to eyewitnesses, who also report Kelley carried an Antifa flag and told the churchgoers “this is a communist revolution” before unloading on the congregation, reloading several times."
I hope message boards can get a better handle on all these Russian fake news sources spread by trumpanzee fellow travelers.
It seems every time I see fake news here someone picks up on it fast. We don't need the mods to do it. It smells funny.

Gunman in church attack was convicted of fracturing stepson’s skull

The gunman who killed at least 26 people in a church south of San Antonio was kicked out of the Air Force after cutting a plea deal in which he admitted to fracturing his stepson’s skull, the former head of Air Force prosecutors said Monday.

Devin Patrick Kelley faced at least five years in a military prison for attacking the baby and also his wife, the former top Air Force prosecutor, retired Col. Don Christensen, said.

An Air Force jury handed him a 12-month sentence in 2012, he said.
Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

These people need to be herded up and removed from society.


Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

Devin Kelley’s Facebook page stated that he was an atheist and his interests included “Civil and social rights” and “Civil rights” as well as endorsements for local Texan Democratic political candidates. His page also featured photos of several high powered weapons.

His Facebook page was taken down without explanation less than an hour after the shooting.
No so sure about your source on the OP, Mike. Two shooters entered the front of the church and draped an ANTIFA flag over the pulpit? Not so sure about that, so not so sure about the rest. I did hear he hated "religious types," though. I wonder why he drove to a different county to kill some, though. I'm still not sure there wasn't some sort of grudge involved.

It was his mother-in-law's church!
Can't be, you guys say that all democrats/liberals/leftist never serve in the military, don't like guns and don't have jobs...
I never said any such think ya lying sack. Can't stand to hear the truth can you? The pos was dishonorably discharged and shot by a private citizen!
The truth is he lived by the sword and he perished by the sword..

I think guns were involved in the perishing part.
Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

These people need to be herded up and removed from society.


Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

Devin Kelley’s Facebook page stated that he was an atheist and his interests included “Civil and social rights” and “Civil rights” as well as endorsements for local Texan Democratic political candidates. His page also featured photos of several high powered weapons.

His Facebook page was taken down without explanation less than an hour after the shooting.

There is no evidence this guy was active in Antifa. Yournewswire consistently posts inaccurate conspiracy theories without ever fact checking them. They are the quintessential fake news source. This claim in that article, which has no truth whatsoever, completely discredits them:

"Devin Kelley, who killed at least 27 people and injured many more, was one of two shooters in the church, according to eyewitnesses, who also report Kelley carried an Antifa flag and told the churchgoers “this is a communist revolution” before unloading on the congregation, reloading several times."
I hope message boards can get a better handle on all these Russian fake news sources spread by trumpanzee fellow travelers.
It seems every time I see fake news here someone picks up on it fast. We don't need the mods to do it. It smells funny.
When you say "picks up on it" you they just post "fake news" and you believe it.
Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

These people need to be herded up and removed from society.


Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

Devin Kelley’s Facebook page stated that he was an atheist and his interests included “Civil and social rights” and “Civil rights” as well as endorsements for local Texan Democratic political candidates. His page also featured photos of several high powered weapons.

His Facebook page was taken down without explanation less than an hour after the shooting.
Under existing Texas state laws, he should never have been able to buy a gun.

Already seeing comments that churches across the nation are considering armed guards.
Under existing Texas state laws, he should never have been able to buy a gun.

Already seeing comments that churches across the nation are considering armed guards.
I'd bet a lot of people will be going to church armed from now on.

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